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Assignment #1

What is fiction?

Is a genre where it is based on the imagination of an author, cannot be called a fact and
usually the dream scenario or story created from the mind of the writer.

Elements of fiction

Character- can be a person, animal or other creature

Which includes two types

•Protagonist- the main character

•Antagonist - the character that is against the action or the protagonist itself.

•Static Characters- characters that stay the same troughout the story.

•Dynamic Characters- characters that change and learn something during the story.

Setting - the time and place the action occurs

Point of View- refers to who and how the story is told

•1st POV - the story is told by one of the character in the story. Uses pronouns I and We

•3rd POV - the story is told by a narrator who stand outside the story and observe the
events. Uses pronouns she,he and they.

Plot - the action element in fiction and it has 5 basic plot

•Exposition- the first part of the story the introduction of character and settings

•Rising action- where the character face series conflicts and struggle.

•Climax - the highest point and turning point of the story

•Falling action- the conflicts of the story begin to settled.

•Resolution- the ending. Bring the story closed.

•Theme- the central idea or meaning of the story

•Symbolization- is a person, thing, image, work or event that evokes a range of additional
meaning beyond and unusually more abstract that its loteral significant.

•Tone- is the author's implicit attitude toward the reader, subject, people, places and

How is fiction evaluated and interpreted?

Fiction can be interpreted and evaluated by analyzing the different elements inside the
story. Creating questions using the What, Who, When, Where, Why and how. Piece by Piece
analyze first the character then setting, point of view, plot, theme and the tone. What does
each elements want to tell and how each of them are connected with each other. We also
should focus on content, language and structure use in a fictional literature. Mostly fiction
literature use a lot of figurative speech.

Charize Anne D. Mendoza

BSED III- English

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