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#print("Zahra Jani")

#print(' ||||')
#print('*' * 10) #this is called an expression
#price = 10
#price = 20
#rating = 4.9
#published = True

#PatientName = "John Smith"

#Age = 20
#New = True
#ExistedPatient = False
#print("Patient Name: " ,PatientName)
#print("Age: ", Age)
#print("New Patient: ", New)
#print("Existed Patient: " ,ExistedPatient)

#name = input('What is your name? ')

#color = input('What is your favorite color? ')
#print(name + " likes " + color + " color.")

#birth_year = input('Please Enter Your Birth Year: ')

#print(type(birth_year), " This shows the data type of Birth year")
#Age = 2023 - int(birth_year)
#print("You are", Age, "years old")
#print(type(Age), "This one shows data type of Age")

#Weight_Pound =input("Please tell us your weight: ")

#Conversion = float(Weight_Pound) * 0.45
#print("Your weight in pounds is ", Weight_Pound, "which equals to ",
Conversion, "Kilograms")

#Course = "The double quotes can be used to use single quotes as a text. E.g,
it's an example and vice versa"
#Course2 = 'We can use double quotes as a text in between the single ones
"like this" it is counted as a text'
#Course3 = '''Also use three single quotes for multiple line strings

#Hello Zahra,
#This is an example for three single quotes used for multiple line strings.
#Hope you understand it.


#program = " This is a program for beginners "

#print("If you use brackets; you can show any letter from a whole string. Like
the text above. From left to right 0123...",
# program[-2])
#print("Use : inside [] to show from which character up to which character
should be printed ", program[2:6])
#print("Also if you give a number on the left side of : it will print all the
characters except that one specific",
# program[2:])
#print("The [:] means the copy of your characters", program[:])
#name = 'Jennifer'

#format string f and {} use it dynamically

#Name= input("Name: ")
#L_Name= input("Last Name: ")
#message= Name + ' ['+L_Name+'] is a coder'
#MSG=f'{Name} [{L_Name}] is a coder'

#course =' Python for Beginners'

#print(course.find("for"))#finds the index of the characters For
#print("for" in course)

#Arithmetic Operations
#print(10*3) #zarb
#print(10/3) #taqsim
#print(10**3)#ba tawana
#x+=3#augmented assign operator the same like x=x+3 you can use - or * instead
of + the same way
#print(10+3*2)#operator precedent

#import math
#can be used to import all math libraries and use it in python
#also we can search on google 'python 3 math module'

#if statements
#weather= True

#if weather:
# print("It is a hot day")
# print("Don't forget sunscreen")

# print("Lucky you it is a cold day")
# print("Wear warm clothes")
#print("Have a nice day")

#is_hot= False
#is_cold= True
#if is_hot:
# print("It is a hot day")
# print("Don't forget sunscreen")
#elif is_cold:
# print("Wear warm clothes")
# print("Such a nice weather")
#print("Enjoy your day")

#house_price= 1000000
#bad_credit= False
#if good_credit:
# calculation= (int(house_price) * 10)/100
# print('you have put down 10% which equals to', int(calculation))
#elif bad_credit:
# calculate=(int(house_price) * 20)/10
# print("You have to put down 20% which equals to: ", int(calculate))
# print("Seems like It doesn't work")
# print("Sorry, better luck next time")
#print("see you")

#logical AND OR NOT

#has_goodcredit= True
#has_highincome= True
#criminal_record= False
#if has_highincome and has_goodcredit and not criminal_record:
# print("You are Eligible!")
#elif has_highincome or has_goodcredit:
# print("We don't have Financial support, but the program is available for
# print("I am sorry you are not eligible")

#temperature= 50
#if temperature>27:
# print("It is a hot day today!")
#elif temperature<=20:
# print("Isn't it a bit cold?")
#elif temperature==50:
# print("It is burning everyone down!")
#elif temperature!=50: #not equal\
# print("It is good it is not that high!")
# print("It is such a nice weather!")
#print("Enjoy your day")

#name= input("Please enter your name?")

#if len(name)<=3:
# print("You have to Enter at least four characters:")
#elif len(name)>=50:
# print("Your name length must not exceed 50 characters.")
# print("It is all good!")

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