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Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer which 0its best according to what you hear.
Question 1: What made Marvin get into beekeeping?
A. He was persuaded to try it by a friend. B. A friend offered to teach him about it.
C. He wanted to prove a friend wrong. D. He attended a beekeeping workshop.
Question 2: Marvin thinks the best part about keeping bees is _________.
A. helping to increase the bee population B. giving honeybee to his beloved friends
C. having access to so much honey D. the excitement of checking his beehives
Question 3: One of the difAiculties for Marvin of city beekeeping is _________.
A. taking it personally when things go wrong
B. ensuring the bees get to a variety of Alowers
C. getting hold of the most suitable equipment
D. preventing the use of pesticides on farm crops
Question 4: Marvin says that one of his neighbours _________.
A. complained about being stung by a bee B. insisted that Marvin moved his beehives
C. had concerns due to an allergy to bees D. stopped to feel threatened after the move
Question 5: When Marvin set up his Airst beehive, _________.
A. he became confused about what to do
B. he forgot to feed the bees sugar syrup
C. his bees became nervous and stressed
D. he made some potentially dangerous mistakes
Question 6: What does Marvin say about selling bee-related products?
A. He has started to make a proAit. B. Local people are starting to buy them.
C. It cost him a lot to get started. D. Volunteers are the Airst to buy them.
Question 7: How does Marvin feel about the next few months?
A. He has a mixture of contrasting feelings. B. He hopes to enjoy a more relaxed period.
C. He is conAident that he can manage. D. He plans to expand his beehives.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in the pronunciation in each of the following question.
Question 1: A. leatherette B. endeavour C. feather D. treason
Question 2: A. exotica B. anxiety C. luxurious D. exuberant

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. malady B. decimal C. deliquesce D. nectarine
Question 4: A. convoluted B. pedagogy C. television D. superAluous

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 5: The concept of quantum mechanics rings a bell from my physics class in college.
A. is hard to recall B. is difAicult to fathom C. sounds familiar D. plunges into turmoil
Question 6: The detective dismissed the suspect’s story as implausible, as it contained several
A. unconvincing B. impertinent C. insatiable D. unbearable

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 7: It gets my goat when someone keeps interrupting and never lets others Ainish their
A. annoys me B. amuses me C. pleases me D. surprises me
Question 8: Despite their best efforts, the fundraising campaign fell through, and they couldn’t reach
their target amount.
A. failed B. diminished C. succeeded D. expired

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 9: I would rather you acknowledged the contributions of the entire team, not just a few
members, during the award ceremony last night.
Question 10: Arrested after a thorough investigation, it was found that the man had been involved in a
series of bank robberies.
Question 11: The ancient manuscript was so deteriorated that many parts of it became unintelligent.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each
of the following exchanges.
Question 12: Two friends are talking.
- Michael: “Dan said he might help.”
- Sonia: “__________ In Aive years, he hasn’t lifted a Ainger to help!”
A. That’ll be the day! B. It’s really not your day, is it?
C. Don’t give up the day job! D. It made my day!
Question 13: Cindy is talking something to her friend, Lydia.
- Cindy: “Your child needs to toughen up!”
- Lydia: “__________. She always feels shy.”
A. I had a fairly unconventional upbringing B. You are too lenient with her
C. She’s afraid of her own shadow D. It is second nature to her

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 14: __________ when a person doesn’t eat enough fruit and vegetables.
A. Depleting gradually, potassium can occur B. Gradual potassium depletion can occur
C. Since potassium can gradually be depleted D. Since gradually depleting potassium can occur
Question 15: After years of bitter rivalry, the two business competitors decided to bury the __________
and work together on a new project.
A. axe B. hatchet C. subject D. sand
Question 16: In those days, doctors ladled __________ antibiotics to patients.
A. with B. on C. in D. out
Question 17: Although not everyone is a fan of Justin Bieber, most people agree he is worthy of his
__________ success.
A. inAluential B. aspiring C. phenomenal D. resourceful
Question 18: I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’ll try to __________ ahead with it anyway.
A. drive B. bang C. touch D. press
Question 19: __________, the party began.
A. The music turning on B. The music having been turned on
C. Turning on the music D. Having turned the music on
Question 20: Richard is __________ conAident, and this has helped him climb the corporate ladder.
A. acutely B. blissfully C. supremely D. immensely
Question 21: __________ a lonely and rugged life, far from home and family.
A. Wherever the early prospector lived B. The early prospector lived
C. Not only did the early prospector live D. The early prospector living
Question 22: In most __________ developing countries, __________ money is __________ critical factor in
determining access to education and healthcare.
A. the / Ø / Ø B. Ø / Ø / a C. Ø / the / the D. the / Ø / a
Question 23: The train was __________ speed as it left the station, accelerating towards its destination.
A. consuming B. gathering C. collecting D. Airing
Question 24: The players were devastated after losing the championship, but their coach encouraged
them to _________ and focus on doing better next year.
A. make their chin up B. keep their stiff upper lip
C. wear their heart on their sleeve D. stab themselves on the back
Question 25: The power outage resulted in the computer data __________.
A. to have been lost B. being lost C. be losing D. having lost
Question 26: My smartphone is on its last __________; the battery life has signiAicantly decreased, and it
freezes often.
A. grasp B. resort C. legs D. breath
Question 27: Our hosts had prepared a __________ meal with seven courses to celebrate our arrival.
A. generous B. profuse C. lavish D. spendthrift
Question 28: The slang word has __________ among teenagers, becoming a popular expression in their
A. caught on B. brought on C. gone ahead D. whiled away

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Question 29: Some products are spread by word of __________ and not through the television or radio.
A. experience B. mouth C. tradition D. time
Question 30: If a diamond is heated without oxygen, it will turn to graphite, a form of _________ that is
used as a lubricant.
A. carbon is so soft B. is carbon so soft C. carbon so soft D. so soft the carbon

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best 0its each of the numbered blanks.
Once you realise that the word permaculture is (1) __________ from the words permanent and
agriculture, you are a lot closer to understanding what it means. The term was (2) __________ in 1978 by
Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren and it refers to a type of growing based on the way living
organisms interact in nature. The idea of permanence in agriculture means we can (3) __________ land in
such a way that it does not (4) __________ the soil of nutrients, something which happens when we
practise intensive farming.
The idea is far from new, since one of the basic principles of permaculture is to observe how nature
has always done it, before we decide what to grow where. Similar to organic gardening, permaculture
avoids adding anything harmful to the soil. All the nutrients are provided by plants or other organisms,
and as little as possible is wasted, including water.
One attractive beneAit of permaculture is the reduction in human labour, an idea that has been
gratefully (5) __________ by many gardeners in the form of the ‘no-dig’ garden, where organic matter and
living organisms work together to condition the soil.
Question 1: A. substituted B. derived C. developed D. received
Question 2: A. coined B. phrased C. forged D. originated
Question 3: A. breed B. cultivate C. crop D. harvest
Question 4: A. prevent B. bereave C. deprive D. leak
Question 5: A. adopted B. opted C. assented D. acquiesced

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Scientists know very little about the eating habits of our ancestors who lived over two and a half
million years ago. To solve this problem, scientists have started examining chimpanzees’ hunting
behavior and diet to Aind clues about our own prehistoric past.
It is not difAicult to determine why studying chimpanzees might be beneAicial. Modern humans and
chimpanzees are actually very closely related. Experts believe that chimpanzees share about 98.5
percent of our DNA sequence. If this is true, humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than to
any other animal species.
In the early 1960s, Dr. Jane Goodall began studying chimpanzees in Tanzania. Before the 1960s,
scientists believed that chimpanzees were strict vegetarians. It was Goodall who Airst reported that meat
was a natural part of the chimpanzee diet. In fact, Goodall discovered that chimpanzees are actually very
proSicient hunters. Individual chimpanzees have been known to hunt and eat more than 150 small
animals each year. Among the chimpanzees’ favorite prey are the red colobus monkey, feral pig, and
various small antelope species. The red colobus monkey is one of the most important animals in the

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chimpanzees’ diet. In one notable study, the red colobus monkey accounted for more than 80 percent of
the animals eaten by one group of chimpanzees.
Despite these Aindings, scientists still maintain that chimpanzees are mostly fruit-eating creatures. In
fact, meat composes only about 3 percent of the chimpanzee diet. This is substantially less than the
quantity of meat consumed by the average human. Studies show that chimpanzees do most of their
hunting in the dry season. August and September appear to be the most popular months for hunting.
During the dry season, food shortages in the forest cause the chimpanzees’ body weight to drop.
Consequently, chimpanzees supplement their diets with meat. During the height of the dry season, the
estimated meat intake is about 65 grams of meat per day for adult chimpanzees. This is comparable to
the quantity of meat eaten by modern human societies whose members forage when other food sources
are scarce. The chimpanzees’ eating habits also closely resemble those of the early human hunter-
Humans and chimpanzees are the only members of the Great Ape family that hunt and eat meat on a
regular basis. However, like chimpanzees, humans are not truly carnivorous creatures. In fact, most
ancient humans ate a diet composed mostly of plants, and even modern humans are considered
omnivores because they eat fruits, vegetables, and meat.
Most people assume that food choices are based solely on nutritional costs and beneAits. Although it
is clear that the hunting habits of chimpanzees are guided mostly by nutritional needs, some aspects of
the chimpanzees’ behavior are not well explained by nutrition alone. Researchers suggest that
chimpanzees might hunt for social gain. For instance, a male chimpanzee might try to demonstrate his
competence to other male chimpanzees by killing prey. Chimpanzees may also use meat as a political
tool to punish rivals and reward friends. However, a study also shows that female chimpanzees that
receive large portions of meat after a hunt have healthier and stronger offspring. This indicates that
there might be reproductive beneAits to eating meat as well.
The information that scientists have been able to gather regarding chimpanzee hunting behavior is
shedding some light on the eating habits of our ancestors. Further investigation is needed, however, to
provide stronger evidence regarding this aspect of man’s prehistoric past.
Question 6: The main purpose of the passage is to __________.
A. explore biological and physiological similarities between humans and chimpanzees.
B. examine the hunting behavior and diet of chimpanzees and compare them to similar human
C. discuss the health beneAits of hunting and eating meat while simultaneously predicting the effect
of these behaviors on chimpanzee offspring.
D. bring attention to the pioneering research of Dr. Jane Goodall in Tanzania.
Question 7: The word “proSicient” in paragraph 3 mostly means __________.
A. skilled B. individual C. incompetent D. important
Question 8: According to the passage, which of the following statements regarding the eating habits of
chimpanzees is true?
A. Chimpanzee eating habits cannot be studied in the wild.
B. Chimpanzee eating habits are directly inAluenced by social factors.
C. It is not possible to determine the exact diet of chimpanzees.
D. Chimpanzee eating habits are not related to those of humans.
Question 10: The word “forage” in paragraph 4 mostly means __________.
A. consume meats B. alter their diets C. search for food D. lose weight

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Question 9: Based on the context of the passage, the author most likely makes the comparison between
chimpanzees and humans in order to suggest that __________.
A. chimpanzees are more similar to early humans than to modern humans.
B. studies of chimpanzees will contribute to an understanding of early humans.
C. early hunter-gatherers typically ate more meat than did chimpanzees.
D. data collected on chimpanzees cannot be applied to the study of humans.
Question 11: According to the passage, Dr. Jane Goodall’s research was important because __________.
A. Dr. Goodall was the Airst scientists to study chimpanzees in their natural habitat
B. Dr. Goodall discovered previously undocumented chimpanzee behaviour
C. Dr. Goodall had always argued that chimpanzees were actually carnivorous creatures
D. Dr. Goodall discovered that red colobus monkeys make up 80% of chimpanzees’ diets
Question 12: According to the passage, chimpanzees hunt primarily because of __________.
A. increased numbers of red colobus monkeys B. food shortages during the dry season
C. their DNA sequence D. their preference for meat over plants
Question 13: In the context of the passage, the tone in paragraph 6 can best be described as __________.
A. affectionate B. humorous C. somber D. informational

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