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Introduction to Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T)

In manufacturing, quality is paramount, costs must be controlled and the processes must
minimize waste and use resources wisely. To reduce cost many component parts are
currently being sourced from suppliers all over the world. The need for accuracy in part
design and manufacture is greater now than ever before. It is imperative that the design
intent and functionality of the part be clearly communicated between the design engineer
and the manufacturing plant. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) is a precise
language of engineering symbols that clearly communicate the design intent of the part.
The result is an improvement in communication and part quality. The GD&T methodology is
currently used in Automotive, Heavy Equipment, Aviation and several other industries. The
standard used in the United States for defining GD&T methodology is ASME Y14.5-2009.
GD&T History
The origin of GD&T has been credited to a man named Stanley Parker, who in 1938
developed the concept of position or “true position” as it is referred to today. Mr. Parker, by
all accounts, worked in a munitions facility in Great Britain. During his time there he
encountered parts for torpedoes that were rejected when inspected using traditional
tolerances. However, he found that many were functional parts and were being sent to
production even though they were technically out of specification tolerance. Upon further
investigation, he determined that the standard X-Y coordinate tolerances resulted in a
square tolerance zone. Some of the dimensions of the working parts fell slightly outside of
this zone but were within a circle that encompassed the square’s corners. He surmised that
if the corners were in spec, in most cases the parts that fell within that circular zone
resulting from the application of the same tolerance were just as functional. Mr. Parker
would later publish a book in 1956 entitled “Drawings and Dimensions”. Mr. Parker’s
determination of position (or true position) has since grown to include other concepts
including flatness, profile, runout, roundness and much more. The concept of GD&T was
adopted by the military in the 1950s and is now in use in multiple industries around the
What is Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T)
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) is a language of symbols used to
describe a part’s nominal geometry and the allowable tolerance for variation. When applied
properly the design engineer can concisely define a features location, size, shape and
orientation on the part. GD&T is intended as an addition to the coordinate dimensioning
system, not as a complete replacement. The GD&T methodology takes into consideration
the function of a part and how that part functions with related parts. Therefore, for proper
application of GD&T you must have a thorough understanding of the function of the part
within an assembly. GD&T has established standards used throughout the world. The
proper application of GD&T is defined within an American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) standard used primarily in the United States and within an International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard used by many European countries.
Why Implement Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T)
When you first examine the GD&T system and the many symbols used for defining part
dimensions and tolerances it may seem overwhelming. Through application of GD&T in
your designs the symbolic language soon becomes familiar. When the GD&T system is
used properly it reduces the amount of notes, dimensions and tolerances required on a
drawing. In addition, by establishing datums, GD&T provides a precise method for
describing a reference coordinate system that can be used during the manufacturing and
inspection processes. Through application of the GD&T standardized language of symbols
you can clearly communicate the design intent to the manufacturer of the part. The
application of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) methodology has proven
to reduce cost and improve quality, reliability and safety. By implementing the GD&T tools
and methodology your business will benefit through the reduction of manufacturing issues,
rework and scrap. In addition, when you take the function of the part into consideration,
GD&T allows for the application of a greater tolerance range, reducing the quantity of
functional parts being rejected. By reducing rejected parts you thereby increase your first
time yield resulting in improved efficiency.
How to Implement Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T)
There is a very large amount of information available describing how to apply Geometric
Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) to your designs. Within this section we will explore
some fundamental rules, basic concepts and symbols contained within the GD&T standards.
The fundamental rules of GD&T are the foundation on which the system is built. The rules
require that every dimension have a tolerance applied except for reference dimensions or
min / max values. The rules also require that the dimensions and tolerances on the drawing
be fully defined to assure that the characteristics of each feature are fully understood. In
addition, all necessary dimensions of the end product must be defined and the use of
reference dimensions kept to a minimum. The dimensions must also be selected and
arranged according to the function of the part and its relationship with mating parts.
Through adherence to the fundamental rules of GD&T the designer is able to clearly relay
the design intent while minimizing the chance of it being misinterpreted.
Datum and the Datum Reference Frame
A datum can be described as a theoretical exact plane, point or axis location from where
the remaining features of a part are referenced from. Dimensional tolerances are
referenced to the datums.
The concept of a Datum Reference Frame (DRF) is one of the most important within GD&T.
The DRF concept describes the creation of three mutually perpendicular and theoretically
perfect planes. The three planes are required for manufacturing and inspecting a part to the
drawing, and detailed below:
1. The primary datum is established with a minimum three point contact of the first
feature of the part
2. The secondary datum is established with a minimum of 2 contact points of the second
feature contacted
3. The tertiary datum is established by a minimum of 1 point of contact
Through the process of designating three mutually perpendicular datum planes you have
established the Datum Reference Frame (DRF).
The Feature Control Frame
The geometric tolerance for an individual part feature is indicated within the Feature Control
Frame, which is divided into separate compartments. In the first compartment you place the
symbol for the geometric characteristic you are defining, such as true position, profile or
runout. The second compartment contains the tolerance call-out. In some cases the
tolerance may be preceded by a diameter symbol. The datum planes should be placed in
the remaining compartments. Always remember to list the datum planes in the proper
sequence (primary datum first).
True Position and Position Tolerance
True Position or Position, as it is referred to in the ASME standard, is one of the most
widely used symbols in GD&T. The True Position represents the nominal value or the exact
coordinate location of a feature. Any feature on a part having a True Position of 0.000
would be located exactly where it is should be. A True Position of 0.030 means the part
feature or designated point is 0.030 off from where it is should be. Position can be defined
as the total allowable variation a feature can have from its nominal value or its “true
position”. Position tolerance can be used to control the location, orientation or axis offset of
a part feature or axis. Position tolerance is commonly applied to features critical to
assembly with the mating part like bolt holes or slots.
Regardless of Feature Size (RFS)
The definitions of all the GD&T symbols are by default, stated as Regardless of Feature
Size (RFS). RFS basically means that all GD&T callouts are controlled independent of the
size of the part. This eliminates any potential additional tolerance, allowing the designer to
more accurately control tolerances. RFS requires no callout on the drawing. RFS can be
overridden if the Maximum Material Condition (MMC) or Least Material Condition (LMC) are
called out on the drawing specifically to eliminate the RFS default.

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