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SEND US NO MONEY IN ADVANCE Just write and ask us to send you 40 of these beautiful G MONEY? Glittering mottoes which the public likes 20 well. Sell them. easily and quickly te your fiends and neighbors for only 38 each. At the end of 14 days send back, i you wish. all mottees you have not sold. and send us only 25: for each you have sold. Yeu keep all the rast of the money. IF YOU SELL 25, YOU KEEP *2° IF YOU SELL 30, YOU KEEP ‘3° IF YOU SELL ALL 40 YOU KEEP *4.° STEPHENS CREDIT SALES Dept. M-9 ~P. O. Box 1004 2 PCr BY Oa T wis ATE: ae (ES A om oO OF THE = ew = : ‘ 7 . 7} | rr ” fs qu | eA = ; E euley TT THe OTHE MeKs Tam pacuury THe BUTI OIONT cane war Hey Sti Ban AY WIFE, less HES yas THE ONLY (AUGNT AB LORS AG ENE WTHAT ONE Wi GONT Laat ME! But TENGE DIE Last augal og at | SLE CBD ME auD ThusT BacKe My SEsie OW HESBARCHMAD PROVEN Hed TO ole Tra THe WAS SCH LA, END THe Clos TD Ne WieEDABoUTS QAE MOCEN A THE OL TENTS = Bruck Fon © LOVED Hee CREEL Roe ce Laue, EES HL OUT Se ae STOR! LOOKS T FOUND ry Tie elue! me THe go! Pris WNebUe. IN cour ai PVE. 2 LAUGHED MYSTE@CaLLY a5 T DUO, THE CULMINATION OFAN ching, LEB WORM ANG NORA Wag TELLING MEE BOM ONT EWA RIGHT! AT THE BOTTOM OS THE TOMBE ROUMOIT! At! MAND TREMBLED 8 7 QA\BED IT PRON ITS SEAVER 3 ND GENTLY, EVES EO OBNTLY. STHOCES TT Ons sna TE WANT AY WIFE ee ens ane Secure ezes: vase Hea z 1S TRED To TaMcor Bow ah FACE KE NINO OE WHAT Hl » USTEN, TD AED, whtre- | meiber! = enow vou Abgep | UNE eros agatave THIVE QBEvER Master. Bee |S Now Mele ined FOR THE BEST IN UNUSUAL STORIES LOOK FOR THE ATLAS SEAL ON THE COVER (as D)4¥iD PENDELTON opened his two eyes and stared at the éeiling of his bed- room. ‘There was cold sweat dripping over his face and be could feel his heart beat as though it were a loud drum. For fully twenty minutes he looked at the ceiling, Then he arose, wished his face, and put on his silk bathrobe. He left his bedroom and walked down the hall to the bedroom of his brother, John. He knocked and a voice told him to enter. One look at the face was enough to inform John what was wrong. “You had the same dream again?” vIn every detail,” replied David Pendelton. “I warn you, John, that Death is stalking you. I know you will die exactly as you did in my dream.” “Could it be that you your- self really wished me dead,” Snapped back the older brother. “After all, there isn't any love Jost between the two of us.” “Why should T want you dead?" questioned David Pen- delton with a hurr expression ‘ever his face. “If you die then all the money goes to charity. Aunt Einma never regarded me highty. “Suppose we go to a psyd trist and have bim analyze your dream. Because if it keeps up, either you or me, or perhaps the both of us, will go outs.” David Pendelton hesitated be- fore answering. Perhaps this might be some kind of a plot on the part of his brother to declare him crazy and get hiro out of the way. Then sadly, he shook his bead ia the affirmative. “If that is the way you want things, then go ahead and make that appointment. I know what I dreamed and what will hap- Ben. X ‘Dr. Max Bittman greeted the two men in his office om the tenth floor of the professional building. He placed a tape re- corder on his desk and adjusted the microphone. “Speak into the microphone and tell the story of your dream. ‘Watch the electric eye. When it closes it means you are record- ing at full volume.” for ane consecutive week,” began David Pendelton, “I have had the same dream. When 1 say same deeam I mean it has been exact in every detail. My brother is standing on the end platform -of track 13 at the Grand Union Station. 1 see him there very clearly. I am next to him wearing a blue suit, We see the electric locomotive coming cout of the tunnel, Then there is a break in che dream. I see my brother falling off the platform into the path of the oncoming powerful locomotive. Suddenly 1 hear someone remark that two men are down on the track and both are dead. There is o large ved sign where we are standing. Now thar is all to the dream,” ‘The tape on the recorder con- tinued going from one eel to the other, Then Dr, Max Bier man spoke. “There is nothing unusual about your dream. It merely ex- presses the thoughts of your subconscious mind, Actually you hate your brother and wish be were dead. 1 would say thar there is evil in your heart. Get rid of i¢ before you really ty to kill your brothes.” Dr, Max Bittman and Joho Pendeltoa were watching from the window. “Your brother is now cross- ing the street,” said the man, “and we can sow drop all pre- caution. He'll never know I'm just Mike Peruso the gambler playing for high stakes. 1 hope the real Dr. Bittman is eajoyiog COMMMUED BEFORE LAST STORY Roe ara Serer cue $75 HS.MPMEY Bows No, Mowty own ‘Gely HPs Meaty — Sely 7.86 Monte pisz 5950 wo,moure dow a a Order Gny Item | Meee rita \- i la CREDIT} Price 8 10 com, ee 44h ea tl AND THEN.. MARS/ GENTLEMEN OF THE PRESS, 1 NEED YOURHELP# | AM CONVINCED THAT THE: WORLD IS TETHIVOLOS/CALLY REBDY FOR SPACE TRAVELS IN THE WORLD, THERE MUST BE FIFTY MEN WHO, GIVEN THE FACILITIES AND UNLIMITED FUNDS, COULD MAME A SOACESH/O/ JUST AS SEVERAL INVENTORS ALMOST SIMUL TANEOUSLY DISCOVERED THE AUTO ANO TELEPHONE, SO THERE MUST BE IP GENTLEMEN =~ ASTONISHING Seay ars a) SERIES, A TENSE WORLD SITUATION, AND] A SENSATIONAL HOLLYWOOD DIVORCE ARE BUT MR. MISHON, AN OFFER UIKETHAT WILL GET YOU HALF ) FROM THE FALSE ONES! BUT ANY A MILLION CRACKPOTS AND WHO HAVE GENUINE GENIUS AND WOULD-BE INVENTORS! ef ABILITY, 1 WILL EMPLOY AT A HIGH SALARY "THE NEXT MORNING, THE UNE OF ABPUcANTS Fog THE CUSLIV JO8S EVTENDS FIVE BLOCKS! BRIEF CASES BULGE WITH FAN TASTIC ROCKET PROJECTS, PHONY INVENTORS CLUTCH WEIRD SPACESUIP MODELS + [AND ABROAD, AGENTS CAREFULIY soRERN| foReiGn APpLiceNTS, Wuo LATER Nee TOME MISHON FOR FINAL APPROVE IE WORKED ON ROCKETS FOR FIFTEEN JVERRS! MMA CONVINCED WE CAN BUILO. OME WITH RN ESCAPE: IYELOCITY @2eaT ENcuaE TO REACH SPACE! Avo wirsi nisthiTe PATIENCE, DAY AFTER OAy, Fow MONTHS] M2 MISHON PERSONALLY INTERVIEWS EVERYONE WHO CLAIMS LE CAN MAKE THE SHIP THAT WILL CROSS TUE SPACE VOD HIP IS ERSY.FOR Y LEAVE YOUR NAME WITH WOU SEE, MY. MY SECRETARY! AND REAL INVENTION Wi DONT CALL US ~~ WE'LL PERPETUAL MOTIO iN THE AUDITORIUM OF His RENTED BUILDING, [THE LITLE MAM BOLDLY FACES KS COWMRRE GENTLEMEN, FROM HOW ON WE HAVE ONE THINS IM COMMON Rea CHIN Annes? ANY OTHER PROBLEM THAT DISTURBS WOU, MONEY CAO ANOLE —-ANDT HAVE MONEY E ‘SO=* OW WATH THE IHR? DON'T TELL ME YOU OREW A BLANK AGAIN! A GUY: G MILLIONS AROUND, ENSING A PRIZE-WINNING STOR, THE REPOSTER CHECKS ALL SOURCES ‘SURE IT'S MOT FROM SUSiMeSS”. Sermrroc | (io reat 8 PUZZLED WORLD WONDERS ABOUT THE SPEND SIET PROMOTER, THE FIFTY EXPERTS COME TD A COMMON THE WORLD'S FIRST ROCKETSHIP BEGINS: AGREEMENT, AND" ‘JO TAKE SHAPE IN BLUEPRINT FoQM Wen tenos on wishon raou uesrrmary SOURCES. THE REPORTER cts WITH THe Racker ors NOBE--TUE NAME DONT RING NOBEL! HE BINT ONE OF THE WEST COLST MOSe= BO | AWW HE RIN'T QPERATIN IN MY EAST COAST TERRITORY? WAY | FIGURE IT, HE MUST BE LEVELIN'! i AFTER EACH DRV's WORK, Miz WISLLON GaTHERS UP HITS | IMEW'S NOTES AND PAPERS, AND CADEFULLY LOCKS THEM THE END OF MONTHS OF CAREFUL PLANNING, ACETYLENE, TORCHES GLOW AS THE WLLL PLATES OF THE ROCKE ARE SLOWLY ASSEMSLED: FL OAV THE SUIOIS COMPLETED, THEPRESSIS| (WELL, MAVEE YOULL ANSWER ONE ‘ALLOWED TO VIEW IT FROM THE CUTS! DERSONAL QUESTION wp MR: MSHON), THE-WHOLE WORLD HAS BEEN GENTLEMEN, 1 OWE YOU.MoteE THAN FOULOWInsG THiS COSTLY EXPEQIMENT, AND I ChM EVER REPAY BUT THEREIS [THERE'S ONE QUESTION 2501 OME THING | C44’ OFFER YOU— ITWANTS ANSWERED” ME? 744 NOT IMMOCTALITY! YOU CAN GRANT a BY BEING THE FIRST EARTHUMEN TO REACH MARS! YOU WiLLatee GOON THE SHIP WITH ME 7 HE'S CRAZHS IF THAT THING CRASUES, THE WORLD WILL BEA AZM Mees BERNE (ON ROCKETSHIP WORK! WE UAVEN'TA J YES, WE 20.7 IN MR. MISHON'S SINGLE ROCKET EXPEGT LEFT-— AND ‘SAFE~--ANO WE CAN BLOW WE DONT EVEN KEANE THEE THAT OPEN; IF WEAVE TO! BLUEPRINTS S = ‘As 5 wonoerina worn war ROGKETS ROAR AND SCREAM TO aN 18S SUDDENLY THE FIRST SPACESHIP BLASTS OFF. on, Geear? Now ieney) [Bur mus swe HURTLES SArELy Saruhan, GATHERING BawrT come Race, woier wind Hie LOSS OF THE PLANS 440} SHE'S WICLL GEYOND THE ATMOSOUERE- ON HER Wat (AND ACROSS TIE GREAT SRACE VOD Ti SLB ROCKETS -- UNTIL “MRSEED MRS LOOMS LARGE AVIEKD « “TREN THE cacy Turns TE, cusioniNG 175 LAND ING ON ITS GLAST, AS ITS SCIENTIST CREW SETS IT” DOWN, WERE ON scenes: Boy, 11'S GREAT TO. BE HOMES MES, GENTLEMEN.--NOW YOU ARE AEG | CAN TELL YOU THAT MY MISSION OM EAGT! WAG TD MAE CERTAIN NO EAZTHMAN WOULD BE ABLE TO REACH MARS FORTHE AGT MUNOGED YEARS. GES FOR THE BEST IN UNUSUAL STORIES LOOK FOR THE ATLAS SEAL-ON THE COVER. (AAS containing more (Ian 100 fine quality fabrics, sensi tional values made-Lostnensare suis. ti ‘ake orders from friends, iicighhers. fcllaw-workers, Every a prefers bette heller-too ire clothes, then you show the many beatiful, high quality fabiries ali the Tew prices for made-to-mgasiire fit and style collect a big cash profit in ad: fine permanent income for yourself No & Ws amazingly © to take measures, and you don’t need any experience to lake orders. Everything: ply explained for you to eash in on thi ful. oppert Just we'll send you this big. valuable out putamen need to start. You'll sny: this is Wie greatest ay to make mone Tis compan toils! Sone ie aah epratiese Thun bn the rondo making ble monef, Bur we alo make ie iy for sou ta get your own Slothes without “Paying one PROGRESS TAILORING CO. Dept. wi0r «$005, Throee $t-. Chicane 7, til You don't invest a pe [wanr «sur To ele for He Henly Mahe 0a ane Adio tony PIERRE. THE MAGAIE/CENT HAG THE GREATEST ACT INTHE WORLD! THE BILLBOARDS GAY ITS STUBENDOUS, COLOSSAL, UNBELIEVABLE! BUT THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW ANC WORK WITH POOR PIERRE! SUGE 17'S OWBELIEVABLE! TNE CHILOREN ALLWANT TC THE MEN ENIwy HiAl.. THE WOMEN ADORE HIM. ‘Dist Uke THE BiLLGOAROS, os tS ‘Bay! BuT EVERY EVENING AT IO KNOW ANG WORK FOR PIERRE WATE ArZt4, BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHAT A HEEL HE IE / ANG THEY OUTS Anat AS HE PASSES THEM ON THE WAY 70 His DRESSING ROG! (Pe aoa hy eae WIG Blows AND KICiCS STOP HE ANCHE. READS THEM AT A-SUDDEN Swish THRU THe WHISPERING, BUT WHEN Te. Se BOTTOM OF HIS HIGH: "THE AIR, AND PIBRRE PIERRE SETS 7 HIS. ROOM, BALL GLASS ~. ‘GETS iS ANSWER. THe WORD ARE THERE Re i Be) [our wart way oo (em ACAI Y, THEY CALL ME THATE ANG THERE ARE ATTEMPTETO AFTER THE BULLET MISSES, Sraces in His TRUNA MAKE THE WORDS GR TIMAT A SPEEDING Cag MAKES MESSAGE COMB TRUE... THE ATTEMPT asic EITHER. WHO WANTS TO SEE Pie@E'OBADT WELL, HE WORKS WITH ABOUT A MUNDREG PEGPLE, SO PICK OUT ANY CNE'AND YOULL HAVE YOUR THE HISPERS STOP AND PIERRE'S TWROKT avEAKS rte a vicrortous cauau, ae He auo ug Boor uanoe Wace away BUY THe WORDS MeRRE MATES GO WITH THEM sm ES Te MORK THE NEXT EVENING, me i Sie, BRUFISH BODY Senebg oer AND THE FIRST ONE oF You y CTERG WHO WHISPERS AGAIN WiLe GET 4 TREATMENT! AND Tell FOLLOWING Dy 15 THE FUNERAL VERE, OW, YES, HAPPENED GUITE SUDDENLY, INE MAGNIICENT 1% DEAD E S Pedr ORMANCa! PIERSE STEPEES Cur IO aes eeotuicky ALS OCLOCIS ERROUNOED BY 3 Bac SuARbS AS USUAL, HE CLIMBED JHE 200~ HE DivED OFe Te 200- NOT ASUSUAL..7HE TANe? WAS FOOT LADDER AS UEIAL.. OT LADOER AS USUAL. FILLED WITH WATERS WHS IT MUROER GR AN ACCIDENT? NOBODY 6gems 70 PERE, rT EVESYBODY AT TE FUNERAL HAG A GAMILE ON INE: MA BMIETCEN T. eoucanty © SW wigs FACE, AS THEY WATCH PIEREE'S CASKET BEING Dow ee 2 GWEREO INTO THE GRAVE,ANO THEY ALL Wills PER wuaTs won wine AGAIN AND AGAIN Your Se WORKERS HAVE TRIED IN VAIN Excreowy yOu wareH (AS THE CRACK GLOWLY PENS, FINALLY, THE OPENING ‘STOre/ FROM NSIOE THE DEEP DOME, A DIAN, LIGHT GLOWG! THERE 1S SOMETHING INSIDE THE STRANGE GouECT..IT CAUSED THE ENTRY TO ge VOuUNTEERS, ARE CALLED FOR! VGU MOVE FORWARD FIRST! YOU MearTATe AT THE SERIE ENTRANCE ANO THEN START CAUTIOUSLY FORWARG, THE FIRST TO ADVANCE INTO AWE FANTASTIC COME THEN A LigmT Grows: BRIGHTER AHEAD! THE PASSAGE SEEMS TO END WHERE THE LIGHT SHINES, BUTT ISNT He Lic THAT ATIRAGTS YOU, BUT THE HEAVY] SCENT OF SOMETHING SWEET AHEAD. AS YOU DO, A FOU! LLING PREGERVATIVE: PUEES THRU THE ‘OPENIN SHROUD THE MAN @EEMS TO SUDDENLY SINK AND S J DISSOLVE INA GUODEN AND LURID 1 Dear EAGERLy PIERCED... Cinch Bromtho! giver you that grateful sweeping uplift 1 time that it nips your Waist inte 6. slim gilish figure by making it ? to 4 inches nan ‘A ipecial expeniive elastic waist belt gives you the tiny wei The new omazing Waist Cinch Bra must do all we * elaim fer itor reiurn it without abligation. Reduces midriff bulge gs [t uplifts your bust $9. 98 SieGunealadCap a. only. sw foshions 20 require. -yours!! ee A YOUTHFUL, GLAMOROUS BUSTLINE Lay - A SLIM, GIRLISH WAISTLINE: WITH THE NEW “"FRENCH FIGURE” | Waist Cinch Bra postman $2 98.0105 postare. 4 6 O10) pap {Ey renetose $2.90. (wara Green pars Hy bea wer ‘My wsict wenstres == foshan. CONTINUED his vacation in Florida. Now we have to get down to details about killing your brother.” “I got everything arranged,” replied John Pendeléon. “On ‘Wednesday a telegram will ar tive at the house informing: us that Aunt Emma is very ill and wants to see both of us. I will call up the railroad and make reservations for the two of us 1. You come down ‘on the train. as my witness. You stumble against my brother and you can shove him off the platfarm into” the path of the oncoming train.” Mike Peruso grinned as he realized how easy it would be tn get his hands on the money owed to him by John Pendelton. “Three months after the es- tate is settled I want the money you lost at my gambling place plus fifty grand extra according t our deal. ‘That fool brother of yours will never know the will was changed so that in case of your death he gets all the money. But if be dies first you get it outright. And you are giv- ing a good slice of the dough to that fake nurse to kill your aunt. What a set up!” David Pendelton was nervous as he watched his brother gec the tickets. The porter brought their baggage down to the plat- form and then left. Suddenly David Pendelton’s two eyes al- most jumped out of their sock- ets as he saw a large red sign reading, ‘Orange Time. Quality high- ext and Price lowest.” “A red sign! Just like in miy dream. Please be tareful, John, when that locomotive comes. Or you will be killed.” A man walked towards them and David recognized Dr. Max jittman, "Why is he here?” demanded the brother. “You didn’t -tetl me you invited him’ to see us off. What happened? Are you holding something -back from me?” “Will you relax,” shot back John. “In the state of mind you are getting into it would seem to me that you yourself might fall into the path of the oncom: ing locomotive when it comes.” “Glad I found you two here,” the doctor as he advanced in such a way that. both he and John were in front of David and it would take but a frac. tion of a second to send him to the tracks below —and Death. "IT must haye made some kind of an ctror with my recorder. When I played back the tape I didn't hear a thing. Yet the ma- chine is foolproof. 1 was won- deting if you two would come to my office at some other time.” ‘The roar of the locomotive could be heard as it came into the station. John. nodded his head slightly. That was the sig- nal for his companion to be ready. Then suddenly they heard a shout as a porter aproached them. “Mad dog headed here! Look out! He just bit two people Then from nowhere came thar dog. He rushed directly at John Pendelton who started to lose his balance trying to avoid the animal. John grabbed at the fake psychiatrist and suddenly both of them, each clutching the other, tumbled off che plat- form into the: path of the on- coming locomotive : he dog stopped as the two men uttered terrifying screams before they were ground to bits by the powerful wheels of the locomotive. Then the dog wag- ged its.cail and went up to che porter who was spellbound as though he had seen a terrible dream. Only ic wasn’t a dream. “Two men are down on the track and both are dead,” said the poster. Suddenly as though coming out of a trance, David Pendel- ton remarked half aloud, “I warned him and he would- mt belicve me.Dreams of Death do come true. TE END B-224 Reversible Auto SeaT GOvERS| MADE OF _FLEXTON — SERVICE GAUGE PLASTIC 1g ond reintarced averlop ride gripe inaue 2 interior and fl SELES sles oaly $2.98 ae $5.4 fy make fi for teat atyle with each order B Serainey end ba ia a Saaene eoenecersa STE WES CS kee ILE. ee. : a : 7 Relaxing - Scothing =~ * Penetrating Massage PETS Ta a Il. THE DARM CONTINENT... DARK WITH STRANGE AND EVIL SECRETS, DARK earn agrees Sari ee atad EDOEs el pOp eS rae SORIA SET PRE iiins Hie Phe 8 OF Cae EME Gaus Take POSSESSION OF A MAAS t 14, YOU WHO ARE POSSE! je, ACCEPT THE SACRIFIC AND FLESH FH DRUMS OF THE FRENZIED NATIVES WORSHIPING: ECHOING THROUGH THE HUMID GLACK= TIMGIR EVIL LINING GOD, THROBEED THROUSH THE NESS TOTHE TINVAWHITE COLONY OF JUNGLE 2 ‘ KOTUBO we _—" IE WILD, HAUNTING BERT PARTICULARLY AWNOVED PROT FORA WHILE BOG ORI INE NATIVES Have] 2. PARRISH, WHO RECENTLY ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND! HT AVISTIOR FROM ANOTHER FRIESE Be THEIR MUMBO HUT WHICH 1S A SORT OF SHRINE GF EVIL! = Ne T SHY, CON'T THOSE BEasTLY. » DORIS EVER STOP DEVI MAN, BL? SUPPOSE HES SOME SMART NATIVE WHO (5. PLAYING ONTHE SUPERSTINIONS OF HIS BROTHERS! WAIT) DOCTOR 13 WOULDN'T Try! NONWHITE MAN HAS SEEN HIM FOR ABOUT TWO: YEARS} HE'S KEPT INTHE, YES, HE COMES FROM. KOTUBO! WAS A DECENT CHAP, THEN SOMETHING: HAPPENED! HE CUT HIMSELF Atty PRGkM US, BECAME, A BEACHCOMBER AND THEN OISAPPEARED, To CROP UP AGAIN AS THE, PRVIL“ WOM YL WHY YOURET RS THOUGH W RFRICA © A STRANGE PLACE YOU BELIEVE THIS NATIVE |FULL OF WEIRD, UNEXPLAINED: NONSENSE! coop OD | \WAPPENiNGs! tHe NATIVES GAY BOB, A DEML-AiaV 2 Wa, BOB TENNEY 15 POSSESSED SURELY SOL DONT AN EVIL SIRIT BND INQ. LONGER AMAN BUT te THE, CITADEL OF Tig BLACH SPIT.| Pat Least PANT GO J] Te THERE 15 NOTHING: BNET inSERO TOTHIS REM MaY Tung, DONT TOU. THINK IT STRANGE THAT TENNEY SHOULD. CONTINUE THIS Wai, FELLING “i : Aa Sey te Sotrornn THEIR Devic Aida FRE DOCTOR HEEDEDHIS FRIEND'S — FHE NIGHT SEEMED ALIVENITH SAY- THE SNITCH DOCTOR RAISED ADVICE ITHROUGHTHE TROPICAL AGE INCANTATIONS CAUSING His HIS TORCH, THE EVIL MUR = NIGHT He CAUTIOUSLY APPROACHED SWINTOCGEEPAGHIS SOUGHT AND MUPING Git IN VOLUME 4. THE MUMBO HUT) THE SOWAG: FOUND A SMALLOPENING INTHE AND FOr A FLEETINGNOMENT DRUMS GROWING LOUDER Murs Side waLe! DR. PARRIGH SOW THE FACE OF HIS OLD SCHOOLMATE.. BLASTED HEAT! WORKS ONA MAN! PROBABLY WHAT TURNED THOSE FOGG AS SUPERSTITIOUS AS THE NBTINES | POSEESE ED DEME MAN NONSENS THAT'S (Ty. THE EXPLANSTION FOR MLL THISL BOB, WAG HANCSOME, VAIN ABOUT HIS GOOD LOOnS! THIS GOITER CAME ON, HE GID FROM THE EYES. OF His FELLOW MEN | HE MUST BE IN FRIGHTEUL PAINT AND THESE NATIVES THINK HIMA DEVAN BECAUSE OF THAT GROWTH or Grea) SCOTT! 1S BOS, BUT so CHANGED! THAT NECKERCHIEE HE Z WEARS. (TS COVERING A LARGE pp corer J ENLARGEMENT OF THE THYROID GLAND ON THE NECK / 11'S PSYCHOLOGIC: BoB SI AEEXPLAINEDIT1G MACKLIN ARD- (BARRISTER ALT MUGT LURGERY, JSPERATE AND REMOVE THAT BEASTLY GOITER ANG HELL RETURN TO NORMALE 4 SOU CANT GET Him Ou ant THAT HUT BND 2HBY FROM THE NATIWES! GIVE TTL True, PARIS THERE'S MORE TOTHIS THat SOU IMAGINE a7 WW MINUTES LATER, DR PARRI SPOWE WITH TWO OF THE HARI RIVER MEN ave NSH ET TEN, ONT WORRY ELL BRING iM fem SPE RIVER MEM LEFT! THE MON ONTHE ASLE GROBNED AND STIRRED mr . FRG ETHER Cu f THEN sues) GHUICHLY THE DOCTOR SEWED THE CUT nr ER TT Wis, Me's RID OF’ FENG | HELL COME TO INA MOMENT MURS PREPARE A SEDETIVE! TH7E HEAT Pee SCALPEL CUT DEEP..,BUT THERE WASNO MAGS UNCER THE RRIF E SENSEI rr iewT a Gore E eRe THcuied {FWas FMLED Gata Aigin d Gout ecape | See 1 SNS Conny A ig BEEN PiewceD, Fue EYES OF THE MANONTHE ME FELT DI VOLETORG NS SAUNG RANG ee ral TaRY NEO! THE Td HE WEI Ne a Terrusceierconrnes. OUSHNE BomeH.c | NES Nar ve MUMBLING = Gor HE LOOKED BP. WHAT 1S. IT 260 toed, ‘you! Gol sav sone ON Pa a PERL os, WE BEEN INS NIGHT- Mata] Saves ust youre YESERELKX/ GOB /THE NURSE q as tere” | | Fe witch coctoR @cREAMED!THE NATIVES DROPPED TO THE GROUND, AND SUDCENLY A PATH Wns OPENE UP BEFORE THE DOCTOR 8S His HAND FUMESLED TOWARD HIS THROAT it FOR THE BEST JN UNUSUAL STORIES LOOK FOR THE ATLAS SEAL ON THE COVER air Get the eyere| things rh] fo eee Coes eae Cte erected ING Cetera oes Equips You. to SUCCEED! SURE! I NEVER KNEW I COULD DO IT MYSELF UNTIL, National Schools trains you at home in your spare time for’ this fascinating, profitable field! ME HOW. THIS COURSE IS) SOLID-HELDS ME MAKE SHORTAGE OF TECHN TAaH 43 You ian, ncke jortiine” YOU NEED SHOP- Iniry home! With thea honey the Netlont) SttouswujAccjee TESTED TRAINING! Joos ean ear tp ony Tan apes clr epereves suirtea oil bee Neel eat abeale ae araeaee For own busines Pindcut immediately! jareyeuior igcrralimerandietor pay, jyetlonal Sebonls—s world for almost 50: years — brings ‘you practical. ett lachusiee Homo! training foretecest ie HOG. aon-WadierDieceonies We give you fob plncement as asulaee, Noofinut dee detey "pend coupon st Gace! NATIONAL SCHOOLS ‘Technical Trode Training Since 1805 LOS ANGELES 37, CALIFORNIA © Approved jor Qt. 2ra\nksa ‘WE SHOW YOU HOW to bulld Receivers, SEND COUPON BELOW For famous illus © Po!k Home Studydt Resident Signal Generator, Audio Oncilintos. and’ trated Pree Hook and Free Lesson. 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You cer A widen SUPPLY OF CANDY! aime bce) Ta Am RADIO-TELEV TELL] America’s ‘Fast Growing Industry Offers You Good Pay— Bright Future — Security pu 1 Plead : Hi ees meee hs, ec tee THI ee ae a poms tte a Of the better tinge of Ife : Start Soon to Make $10,515 > a Week Extra Fixing Sets af Keep. Sittin, be lay creme is be # “rte ne em My Training Is Up- -To-Date ; You hence iy Tews You Learn by Practicin w h Parts | Sen pee Tee, ieaton proves my t VETS2aa=. BOYS!GIRIS! LADIES! aS) os SOSH, SAM! WHERE DID) VE x you GET EM? et ett) - = Peak eiumeas re T easy AS THAT} — HURRY! TETS SENO IN OUR CouPoNS LING GFF A. BRIGHT Away) ALOG | Se ithe ea ee

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