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gt) ed VERSION Colour work: CLAIRE CHAMPEVAL - JEAN GIRAUD OB. CINEBQOK A quick historical recap before we begin: Ireland was colonised by the English from the 12" century, when Henry Il Plantagenet invaded the country. After centuries of occupation, punctuated by terrible acts (notably the destruction of churches and the deportation of Catholics by Cromwell), the first signs of a nationwide effart tawards independence appeared at the end of the 18!" century and continued all through the 19" century—each time brutally suppressed by the British. The first nationalist party, Sinn Fein (“We ourselves” in Gaelic) was founded in 1905. In 1919, two pro-independence armed groups, the Irish Citizen Army and the Irish Volunteers, were merged into the newly created IRA (Irish Republican Army). In 1921, London agreed to the creation of the Irish Free State (Saorstat Eireann) as a dominion of the crown. However, the northeastern part of the island, the six counties of Ulster—whose population was two-thirds Protestants and English landowners— remained part of the United Kingdom. By the end of 1937, Southern Ireland adopted a new constitution and ceased being a simple British deminion ta become a sovereign state under the name Eire. It wasn't until 1949, however—after remaining neutral during the Second World War—that it left the Commonwealth and became the Republic of Ireland as we know it today. Sinn Féin always refused the partition of Northern Ireland, and that part of the IRA that also refused it became the secret organisation we now know. It officially declared war on Great Britain in December 1938 and began its terrorist operations the following month. In Northern Ireland, law enforcement was (until 2001) in the hands of the RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary), with 90% made up of Irish Protestants. After the August 1969 riots in Belfast and Londonderry (Derry to the pro-independence Republicans), Great Britain permanently stationed troops in suppart of the local police. Al the end of 1969, the IRA split inte two factions: the Official IRA, which, like Sinn Féin, wanted to continue the fight through institutional means and negotiation, and the Provisional IRA (in reference to the 1916 Provisional Government whose members were almost all executed by the British), which chose to continue the armed struggle—a struggle that was mostly limited to terrorist attacks. “Bloody Friday” of July 21, 1972, which killed rine and injured 130 in Belfast. The assassination of Lord Mountbatten in County Sligo in August 1979. The failed attempt on Margaret Thatcher's life in Brighton on October 12, 1984. And the mortar attack against No. 10 Downing Street (also a failure) in February 1991. In response, the British passed a law in 1971 that would allow, within Ulster, the internment without warrant or trial of any suspect. In 1980, the British Government removed the interned IRA volunteers’ status as political prisoners... To counter the IRA, nationalist and republican, the Irish Protestants (called Loyalists, Unionists or Orangemen, in reference to William Ill of Orange-Nassau, who propagated Protestantism in Northern Europe after defeating the Catholic troops of James II in 1690) also created a paramilitary force, the UFF (Ulster Freedom Fighters), whase activity was limited, beyond a few isolated assassinations, to streat fighting against Catholics. After long and difficult negotiations that led to the Good Friday accords of 1998, the various parties agreed to a ceasefire, followed in 2000 by the partial withdrawal of British troops and the suspension —but not the dissolution—of both IRAs, the Official and the Provisional. In August 2005, the IRA officially laid down its arms. Will Northern Ireland finally live in peace? We all hope so. JEAN VAN HAMME tite ie ees mee oe “SWULL HOUSES BUTLT FOR WORKERS, WITH TWIG ROOMS UPSTATRS, THIG POHINGTATRS, CPTEN HOUSING A DIFFERENT FANTLY OM BAgH FLOOR THoee patany pros prow THe Bus, THE Bova ALabsr at Paoestanrs, EVEN WORSE Zee CAPEROEATOR NIGIOWHE FoR IRISH CATHOLICS ANP NATIONALISTS, PERIVED FROM THE PRONUNEIATION OF THE THEN-EOMMON TRISH GIVEN UNSLe reneneee 1 Porn 10 ARIGHT YOU ACTEP LIKE Foot, SeAbust He Now, SHE was TWO YEARS OLDER NaN ME, Gre AP HER CRIVTuG LICENCE AND ‘ep Hate Sh provance, WORGED FOR A/MARKET GasPENES IN BELFAST FRECKLES, A BIG BUA aD BIC OuEAS" MOET oF THe seLeTERS 3 2 REGENCE PRECLLDED TNE O esen wis Useritness. 12 MazReD OTONT #oEAK. 1. OLRING THE INPAIDHS MICHA? SEVER -eumLeD. “Bloeor Peru GP Susy 2, ‘Sie Woven KNEW HEA Hea somes wo ope0 me paevtoue. ‘a Grea, sears, Lock rE crise BEDI 13 AIREAO'S EES vie To Ty flag 4 SRORET MEETING OF THE LEADER cr Tae seeunist seeba, ALL TOOT Row A putarion such n wnosscne wise dotus fo THE PoBLte ie, 3 Wea OBVIUS Toy THe Gore ONC TH Fee aa ee ee ee See eee oe: WHO T Wag ANP He LET Us THROUGH. ‘THs PLRPOSE OF Te MeETTWs vies, oF eounse, 72 REVIEW THe sIrUATTOM aPTER Tit Serene centne pas ie eG ae CEO odo ba. nc EW TO COMFEEM THAT WAERAAD A? CALLED AT THE AGEEEDWUPON TOME, But THEY FLEESDY BUT WE'D UNDERES EVERYONE Out: = SURRENDER! 2_OR WE WILL OPE! FIRE! THe lronre cece we | 'c user ir tie rncaee vaios room Bence they Fee” Te eta oar tee aby oae ‘atieree arse meer Loar oe) ‘THe Boat. HUBR ye We HAD BEEN STRAYED. THAT MUCH ‘HE RIoHT ONES! fea OWENS SapeKLS OF str LIFE F Tie BAS Bo WE Gan SEE Hie LOL sate 1 Shrercewraon Hie tubscie" By say NEPEW Shane OUELL BAO “EGRET MEETING PLICES. MEET NOTABLY THE ONE “THEY HAD Aty SoM? say TIeEATENEO TO (GOIND To catier Out THE SENTENCEITE SUNTEL 1076, HM PRISON MAZE WAG KNOWN AS THE LONG KEGH CETENTEON CENTRE: 21 men's SUA AS WE WADE TT INTO bror THAT GUM AND SURRENDER:... ‘sobnen Sa tare, vou omy Tata! vou eas sys ears Hee BE Bciee 1 TWENTE POROETIEN Sun taoT Lael Tra yee Sanit ue boul “eM To TATRA ENCOUNTER CAND T STILL GME YoU! allowed 1 Ea IRELAND WETHOUT TRIAL, sme oeLe IM THe The scurteion cavvotie basete oxped Tron T wag CEMLe HOPE HE'D Be oF wuicH HEL ‘you WORE owent: ever WiLL BF PINE knee © WAS one on Tie Sueeerucs Ge rae Wor? on THe Stever Was THAT E HAP ExEcHTED THE TRATTOR O'OHEA, 1y SHORT, ro THEis MAS 2 HERD ROMS ‘Tae MenORE oF THE ‘eats. WHAT A BLoaey Soe! 1 SPENT TWO YEARS 16 emuMLEY ROAD BEFORE unr TRIAL EvEN etoa. two vena Te LONG Tiwe Issree Lep To THe counThouse ACoES THE STREET. 1 @oT 3o VEARS IN LoNo. THE SHOPPING CENTRE BOMBING. Hap een PaoveN Ag THEE HAVE GIVEN we LIFE, ne eee ee eee eee Ae ae ae, ee ee eee THOUGH, Was THAT STATRGASE THAT COULP Lea We TO HEAVEN, 28 THERE, © AS. PUT UP WEIN THAT TRTSHRAUErETCAN PATE oF Eymeanireese, THe Pou "To VESEY We. THEY? RECEIVED Te TERENCE PARUELL ADORESSED TO ME. 29 Abe BIGHT ot weitt F Be. IN AMoUE FIRE. TWA PLAED aT F anenews GEPHANAGE, ANE TOOT A 30 [ ETOLD YOU ABOUT Aty TMAGTNARY CHELDNE NERD Te po ONT HAVE AUAeH MON: We WORMED DURING THE WEEKENOS MISSED My MOTHER, srSrER bust THOS! RUBBISH LiFe, thew was THAT LITTLE Too INTERE vouee SiEePINe: ace. YOu KNOW T USE 13 BE GTSTRICT ATTORNEY ee JONATHAN MSLANE WAS A LEET-WING TA nw yom. Wen Civils AUDE DIRECTOR ipsbEst. PuLITeee PaEzS at sc FOR A SERN: PATEONS AT THE £74 7 BROUGHT of Brereres On THE AEEH Hot FILES EP WORMED ON Slows. SRELOANS Bs On IN OTHER WORDS, HE Was 4 conAZE! le moUNTROSES dor THE ELECTRIC UN-AMPRICAN ACTIVITIES. I PERSONALLY Sayan A two-reae Sentenee WHEN HE Gor OUT OF Atl, HE FLED Nomar Fo ro SOME Pobune Tow IN COLHAgS CALLED pur Wien nants Woke OREN PALI, UNDER THE NAME TOMATHAN FLY. 7 NO LONGER youn PRIGEITY, He Tage ie Tene vea-ov onl wt HIM iene THEN MeLAME DIED eHaaTLY CIEE TWS YEARS BEFORE. OF ACUTE. Faas) rans pene aed ak ‘QASTROENTER IIIS. : THE Nab OF aout 5, ve acura Aewa eur HE THE COUNTRY UNDER Vinious Posumonvas, HE Wie 11 AND AT A SoUMER ANP THEDe'S A VERY BAG Way TO FINE VHEN TF HAPPENED. HE Was: PLACED IN, HERBERT. Ths POT OFTEN RecautTS. aN ORPHANAGE EA DeWwen LnTEL HE COLLEOE BTHDENTS. OFFER MIM «JCC. YOU aN EREUSE FOR A DEEP BecKaRGUMNe CHEOL AND ASSESSMENT. ‘Minvessive ToEas? IF voune sre ace Til eee vou roses THIS KELLY i. MOT RIGHT Aw (e's sur suAle ‘Snuee. THEN WE EAN REEL eset 2 a WE Sie ie ere te \ ot Pies eee How sae vou eotie To po THATr mae dgeney 1Sen aro Risse 1O opemate On MEBTCAN SOT, THATS veRY par, HONEY. You'Re T HAPPEN To KNOW exacTLY HOW 620P, eoING TO } 3 c YOU ARS at THES SbSate. ‘Seesie AOMIOM Ta AAs) a CERTAIN SENSE TeRRoRieT. THATS uA STAENOTH, We DeNrepig oe THE ‘Suabovs, aeSsTes ‘TOUgHES, MORE THOUDHTEUL. Goon ar SPORTS Too. ANE INFELUECTUSLLY BRTLLEANE. NO REQULAE OTRLFRIENO, FEW! FATENDS ‘A¢IOe paw pEEAN. THE. THUTH S, Hee Aue A MUCH BETTER “BOMBER eal THs OMHEn. 1 REAP THE MeLLWAY CASE, THE OME You WORKED VMIEN You WER DA. CAMLA GIORETNO, Youle SISter, Was KILLED BY HE MuISBAXD. ERAN WLC, wore STIL AT LAROE ar Ts Fine op tie shimees, Sue wing ENE MONTHS PREGWAT. Out Fre CORCNER'S REPORT TS ‘Ven clea sMe'> GIVEN BIRTH JUST BEPCHE SHE DIED: Owen eroren Sean, eduerees Te ore ‘OF A Div, NEWINE. tHe SAVER Ag one SONATA cece 37 FAMILY GuSINeSS any FoBIiS EN YOUR isauone LEARNING ALL ABOUT HELLY Daten ano Hie cONFACTS WITH THE FRA FRae Leave THAT's PRIVILEED TPORMATION T Leave. vue PAM LY ALONE, ‘My oe SEP YR 1'P BEEN LIN TO Atay ron Five Years. cour TEL You ABOUT WHAT 'T FRARED, 38 39 PIPRL GaSTag HAS WAYS. SUPPORTED, INDEPENDENCE, MOVEMENTS. as YOULL TAKE A ON ears a5 at THE TL ove you = BEFORE YOu LEAVE, THOUGH, YOU HAVE TO GET A UAREE Sunk TN PED OF YOUE FRIENS NEON FLY. WE'LL TAKE GARE OAs ed ‘Sr SEaSICA MARTIN LATER: DOHERTY TOLD ME ABOUT A DEEP ZANVON ON ie S1be OF CUNT ALBION. A PLACE WHERE YOu su Fy Oren WENT PLEMICKING. Youre #91 Geren HIM ONE Last THEN BEFORE Vou 2 I cant ola sepanare wars, aie route PLP TR bo Tea. 4 ‘TeRPNCEIIE 40 ali te eee ome ONeE my eupA, piers G5 teins > eretee wie Pay THE PRISE: nae, Tae THES, ITE a NEW caDcET: EF USES COUMUNTCETION Rio a BuPECRT PACKADE. TU WATT HERE. So HM. eul ati, Hua To THe For Toa we Mrssee Baran. pone carve A Paws, TT WAS Ne er yous 50, vou on Me HERE Te KIL me Tuar's exacey me OrRECTOR or operations at THE Gra HONEY. ZF you | Soap MENT, BE GONNA AT LEAST, THAT'S war 1 CGULE NEVER KILL you. I cHOSS TO wasted iy uncer Tt SAGONI VOU OR ANYONE Silty HISTORY ;aLEEVE. HE NEVES KNEW, PLge, fom THAT MATTER. HERE 138, MOuor. THAT T ALteaby ‘Tonean oF iat Bowree an, uate to teave tae Tan Mictoey Teaciee t HES HeMOR. WHEN 1 wae AaESTED CoS EXECUTED ON CREE TN Bptrast! aor: Dlost ever Sara ae Saar ipex DRG HS EE IT SS EEE ay * eRe Tah SMe AND Lav Low aN iz o ie ear, £9 Mie Lost Hee seoreleg! Loge MER THE Lovee Niee RELLY oma Nor eaatine oretL, Tae fuotrive Temowior a THE TRA. ( Fa — A PUT 1 DOW Waser Te Pur you JN DANDER, 3p 'y cust prsaprea, PaBNELL ITE our rndine war you Susr eae To Hie POINTRENT Yo me! Emo a resus uch tn isd Vouied eee To mace feu aLir ae vibes. usr odlsooue wee shemus. BUT. Ste, paces etre TLL omve vou “Lap. 2O Har” ranvener vou “E HEARD... "Yeu Pea YOU'RE BIOHT! AND, SINCE YOU DONT wGHd IMAP FRIENDSHEP MEANS, "TREPNCE PARNPLL) YORE NEVES HAD AN PAIENPS NOTHING BUT BROTH SuMIGHTee ane POLES Gr SeATHS ‘OM YOUR CONSCIENCE. HE Po THES?.. ‘Oo 73 Roa ezrin our Loup, Jeesrer mar THE BLL 3s THES ail aSour!? Foor eur PeraLly LIKE? Hua \. JESSIER.. us woRKENe FER THE OOVERAMENT AND cour ‘rar KELLY! eure" outa YEE, SAEON 7 eve PROM THE: BEGINING THAT Seu ONETL, BSCR NELLY BREAK WAS. A AnEMBE Se tHe pRowtetonal Taa 1 wine Siamese ese Mest asout Tie ONS om Sua TRANG VTL ‘Take cane oP TT AS FO namMen, Sueiiose soby Tg ON Ite Way TO ONE un Pues WHERE ITLL BE PaozeN pearecry MeL Waar T err uh HEM? irs very USIMre! YOURE, FaRNeLi's sour MISE waRTIN, ar PREC Heeiod voted Me Wa TLE Wht acs Pineasianrs mE Bese EE” P 2 oF le Tuan! you spsste NO Tt THe PROBLEM 36 Thur We Ar Tote CTA 1 Two pars, we Pu "UL START By GOING To si TRAINING cAMP PTE SIERRA sMazoreA. NO Air, Above ALL si NartenaL rns: ao aren =| lace Peat Soe eatidte’ eat ese ee | ot cai’ | [Rien Sai eon aerate teat need We rawr pak | Sea se Hae mee TE Sen eae Wier prow you BECAUSE my CREE Shae Parse re Original title: La version irlandaise Original edition: © Dargaud Benelux (Dargaud-Lombard SA), 2007 by Van Hamme & Giraud All rights reserved English translation: © 2012 Cinebook Ltd Translator: Jerome Saincantin Lettering and text layout: Imadjinn Printed in Spain by Just Colour Graphic This edition first published in Great Britain in 2013 by Cinebook Ltd 56 Beech Avenue Canterbury, Kent CT4 7TA A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-84918-145-7 of CINEBOOK. The 9th Art Publisher II. A man’s quest for his past and his identity. C Bslcm iets! ards tes) Oa aE omar er) ee ene okt nei Ae eel ne SET tes Bi) BEE eel tsb Umea Rr a Reh aa MAR eau RN flashback brings us back to aes es ee Roloc RT See ee) eee tere tes eR Ear ai ected es ee eed artist of ne series eas Blueberry" and “Lineal” on Pee eer ey tu l | hs eww. ee oe ha. d.4

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