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Posted August 2023 on NewsGuardTech.

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An anonymously run blog that has frequently published false claims and
conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia
war, and other topics.

20 / 100
Proceed with Maximum Caution: This website is unreliable because it severely violates basic
journalistic standards.

Does not repeatedly publish false content 22 points

Gathers and presents information responsibly 18

Regularly corrects or clarifies errors 12.5

Handles the difference between news and opinion responsibly 12.5

Avoids deceptive headlines 10

Website discloses ownership and financing 7.5

Clearly labels advertising 7.5

Reveals who's in charge, including any possible conflicts of interest 5

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The site provides names of content creators, along with either contact or
biographical information 5

Ownership and Financing does not disclose its ownership, and NewsGuard
could not determine who owns the site.
The site generates revenue through advertising.

Content's tagline is "Everything you are not allowed to
know…" ("Tutto quello che non devi sapere"). The site's name translates to
"Knowledge is power." Content is divided into sections including Environment
(Ambiente), Current Events (Attualità), Economy (Economia), and Health (Salute).
The site primarily covers Italian and European political and financial
developments, the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy and abroad, and the Ukraine-
Russia war. Coverage is usually critical of the EU and the West and skeptical of
vaccines and of the COVID-19 remediation policies.
A banner on the homepage, titled Blog Archive (Archivio blog), allows readers to
browse blog posts by publication date.
During its July 2023 review, NewsGuard found that the site did not frequently
publish new content — with an average of two articles per month. As of July
2023, the most recent article on the site was dated May 2, 2023.

Most of the site's content consists of articles republished from other websites,
including reliable sources such as Italian news agencies ANSA and Adnkronos.

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However, the site frequently republishes articles from sites that NewsGuard has
found to be unreliable, including,, and has published multiple false, misleading, and
unsubstantiated claims, including about climate policies and the COVID-19
pandemic and vaccines.
For example, in a December 2022 story titled "Warning! They are planning climate
lockdowns to 'save the planet'" (“Attenzione! Stanno programmando lockdown
climatici per 'salvare il pianeta’”), the site suggested that the Oxfordshire County
Council in England is planning to impose a “climate lockdown.”
Citing a story published on the site — which NewsGuard found
to have repeatedly published false content — the article stated, “The Oxfordshire
County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones
to 'save the planet' from global warming. The latest phase of the '15-minute city'
agenda is to place electronic gates on major roads in and out of the city,
confining residents to their own neighborhoods.”
The story continued, “Under the new scheme, if residents want to leave their area
they will need permission from the council, which will decide who is worthy of
freedom and who is not. Residents will be allowed to leave their area for a
maximum of 100 days a year, but to get even that, each resident will have to
register their car details with the council, which will then track their movements
through smart cameras around the city.”
("Il consiglio della contea di Oxfordshire ha approvato ieri i piani per bloccare i
residenti in una delle sei zone per 'salvare il pianeta' dal riscaldamento globale.
L'ultima fase dell'agenda della 'città dei 15 minuti’ è quella di posizionare varchi
elettronici sulle strade principali dentro e fuori la città, confinando i residenti nei
propri quartieri. In base al nuovo schema, se i residenti vogliono lasciare la loro

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zona avranno bisogno del permesso del Consiglio che deciderà chi è degno di
libertà e chi no. In base al nuovo schema, i residenti potranno lasciare la propria
zona per un massimo di 100 giorni all'anno, ma per ottenere anche questo ogni
residente dovrà registrare i dettagli della propria auto presso il comune che
seguirà quindi i loro movimenti tramite telecamere intelligenti intorno alla città").
The claim is a misrepresentation of a $7.9 million traffic reduction plan approved
in November 2022 by the Oxford City Council. The program aims to reduce traffic
congestion and make towns more walkable by restricting private vehicles on
main roads during peak hours, according to a NewsGuard review of the plan.
Local officials — including those who oppose the traffic reduction plan — say the
trial scheme is not a “climate lockdown,” and that residents will not be “confined”
to certain zones, nor will there be any “electronic gates.”
“Everyone can go through all the filters at any time by bus, bike, taxi, scooter or
walking,” the Oxford City Council said in a Dec. 7, 2022,, statement. Oxfordshire
City Council leader Liz Leffman told The BBC in December 2022: “It's not a
lockdown… People are going to be free to travel around, just as they are at the
According to the plan, six license plate recognition cameras will be in place from
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in Oxford, and private vehicles that pass through the designated
congested streets during that time period will face a fine. Residents can apply for
a permit to drive through the traffic filters or take another route. There are no
restrictions for buses, taxis, emergency healthcare workers, cyclists, and
In March 2022, the site republished an article from Italian site
headlined "Yet another Italian madness: recovered health workers cannot return
to work if they do not get the shot" ("Ennesima follia italiana: sanitari guariti non
possono tornare a lavorare se non fanno la dose"). The article claimed that
"vaccinating those who have recovered [from COVID-19] can be dangerous as

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well as useless. Dangerous due to the possibility that in the event of an infection
following vaccination, a phenomenon known by the acronym of ADE (antibody-
dependent enhancement), which can make the disease extremely aggressive
even in a young and healthy organism, develops."
("Prima però di fare domande, dobbiamo aggiungere un dato correlato ed
inquietante che se conosce chi scrive, davvero è alla portata di tutti, e cioè che
vaccinare chi è guarito può rivelarsi pericoloso oltre che inutile. Pericoloso per la
possibilità che in caso di infezione successiva alla vaccinazione si sviluppi un
fenomeno conosciuto con l’acronimo di ADE (antibody dependent
enhancement) che può rendere la malattia estremamente aggressiva perfino in
un organismo giovane e sano".)
It is false to claim that the vaccines are “dangerous as well as useless,” as the
article stated. COVID-19 vaccines went through multiple clinical trials to
determine their safety and efficacy before being authorized for emergency use by
regulators. The final phase 3 trials for the COVID-19 vaccines developed by
Moderna and Pfizer and BioNTech involved a combined 36,000 people receiving
one of the two vaccines.
Also, contrary to the claim that the vaccines cause more severe cases of COVID-
19, out of the 36,000 people who received the vaccines, only two developed
severe cases, according to the results of the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech
vaccines’ clinical trials, which were both published in the New England Journal of
Medicine in December 2020. Both vaccines were found to be approximately 95
percent effective in preventing COVID-19.
In an article published on fact-checking website Health Feedback, Walter
Orenstein, a professor at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta,
stated that “thus far, there are no data supporting vaccination as a cause of
vaccine-induced enhanced disease… It will be important to monitor to see if
enhanced disease happens, but there is no evidence for it in humans to date.” In

Posted August 2023 on
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contrast, he said, there is considerable data pointing to the efficacy of the

COVID-19 vaccines.
According to, the website of John Hopkins Medicine (a
division of John Hopkins University), breakthrough coronavirus infections "can
cause mild or moderate illness, but the chances of serious COVID-19 are very low,
especially for people who are not living with a chronic health condition."
A January 2022 article on the site headlined "Luc Montagnier Was Supposed To
Testify Before The Grand Jury Proceeding For Crimes Against Humanity" ("Luc
Montagnier Doveva Testimoniare davanti al Gran Giurì Che Procede Per I Crimini
Contro L’umanità"), reported on remarks delivered by German attorney Reiner
Fuellmich during what the site described as a "grand jury proceeding by the
Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion." (This “proceeding” was a private initiative
organized by Fuellmich himself that has no legal standing, according to fact-
checking organizations including PolitiFact and Open.)
Fuellmich's remarks, which the site left unchallenged, included multiple false and
misleading claims, such as the claim that "the virus itself can be safely and
effectively treated with vitamin C, D, zinc etc. and also with the off-label use of
ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine etc." ("il virus stesso può essere trattato in modo
sicuro ed efficace con vitamina C, D, zinco ecc. e anche con l’uso off-label di
ivermectina, idrossiclorochina ecc").
Vitamin C and D are not effective remedies for the COVID-19 virus, according to
global health authorities. While vitamin C is known to have some marginal
benefits for the common cold, the claim that it is a proven treatment for COVID-
19 is not supported by scientific research. Similarly, global health authorities,
including the World Health Organizations and the National Institute of Health,
have said that more data is needed to determine whether vitamin D can prevent
or help treat COVID-19.

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A 2020 double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial, which included 240

hospitalized patients with moderate to severe COVID-19, found that a single high
dose of vitamin D3, "compared with placebo, did not significantly reduce
hospital length of stay. The findings do not support the use of a high dose of
vitamin D3 for treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19."
Also, contrary to the article's claim, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are not
proven treatments for COVID-19.
Merck, the company that developed ivermectin, said in a February 2021
statement that based on its analysis, there is “no scientific basis for a potential
therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies; No meaningful
evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19
disease, and; A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.” The U.S.
Food and Drug Administration issued a consumer warning in March 2021 on
using ivermectin to treat COVID-19, stating, “FDA has not approved ivermectin
for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans … Ivermectin is not an
antiviral (a drug for treating viruses).”
Similarly, large, randomized clinical trials found that hydroxychloroquine, a drug
that is commonly used to treat malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, did not
provide beneficial effects to COVID-19 patients. For example, in June 2020,
United Kingdom researchers ended the use of hydroxychloroquine in a large trial,
called the RECOVERY trial, that had involved 4,600 patients. “We have concluded
that there is no beneficial effect of hydroxychloroquine in patients
hospitalised with COVID-19,” according to a statement by researchers Martin
Landray and Peter Horby of the RECOVERY trial.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration revoked the March 2020 emergency use
authorization that enabled the drug to be used as treatment for COVID-19. “The
totality of scientific evidence currently available indicate a lack of benefit,” the
FDA said in a June 2020 press release.

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In October 2021, republished a story written by

American economist and author Paul Craig Roberts, which was originally
published in Italian by news site The article, headlined "Western
governments complicit in the destruction of their own people" ("I governi
occidentali complici nella distruzione dei propri popoli"), said of COVID-19
vaccines, "Why do people without legislative power, employers like the Ochsner
Health System Nazis in Louisiana, school boards, university administrators,
restaurant managers and owners, airlines, any employer, governors, mayors,
hospitals think they have the power to violate the Nuremberg rules and force
patients, students, employees and their spouses, and anyone else to accept
injections with a substance that has by far the worst record in vaccine history of
association with death and severe damage to health throughout life?"
("Perché persone senza potere legislativo datori di lavoro come i nazisti
dell’Ochsner Health System in Louisiana, consigli scolastici, amministratori
universitari, gestori e proprietari di ristoranti, compagnie aeree, qualsiasi datore
di lavoro, governatori, sindaci, ospedali pensano di avere il potere di violare le
leggi di Norimberga e costringere pazienti, studenti, impiegati e loro coniugi, e
chiunque altro ad accettare iniezioni con una sostanza che ha di gran lunga il
peggior record nella storia dei vaccini di associazione con morte e gravi danni
alla salute per tutta la vita?".)
It is baseless to claim that the COVID-19 vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code,
as the article stated. According to a June 2020 article by, the
Nuremberg Code created a set of medical research ethics principles in response
to Nazis performing medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners
without their consent. “The purpose of the code was to say that what the Nazi
doctors did would never happen again,” George Annas, director of the Center for
Health Law, Ethics & Human Rights at Boston University School of Public Health,

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The Nuremberg Code addresses principles for what it calls “permissible medical
experiments,” and says that the experiments “should be such as to yield fruitful
results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of
study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.”
Vaccines that have gone through multiple rounds of testing through clinical trials
and have then been approved for widespread use by regulators are not in
violation of the Code’s principles. “The Nuremberg Code is about doing human
experiments, not vaccination,” Dr. Jonathan Moreno, professor of bioethics at
the University of Pennsylvania, told Agence France-Presse in May 2020. “The
Nuremberg Code is perfectly compatible with vaccination.”
The story republished by Il Sapere È Potere 2 also stated, "Today, the CDC
released more data in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS),
showing that there have now been 1,969 fetal deaths among pregnant women
who have received COVID-19 injections" ("Il CDC ha rilasciato oggi altri dati nel
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) che mostra che ci sono ora
1.969 morti fetali tra le donne incinte che hanno ricevuto un’iniezione di COVID-
The article based its claim on reports made to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events
Reporting System. However, the article did not mention that VAERS reports are
unverified, can be made by anyone, including members of anti-vax groups, and
do not prove that the vaccine caused the reported reaction. In fact, the CDC
website that contains VAERS reports states, “While very important in monitoring
vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine
caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness.”
Instead, the article published by Il Sapere È Potere 2 presented VAERS reports as
definitive proof of deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines, stating, "Yet doctors
and the CDC recommend vaccinating pregnant women! Under the Nuremberg
rules, these doctors and 'health officials' are committing crimes punishable by

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execution" ("Eppure i medici e il CDC raccomandano di vaccinare le donne

incinte! Secondo le leggi di Norimberga, questi medici e “funzionari sanitari”
stanno commettendo reati punibili con l’esecuzione"). has also published false, misleading, and
unsubstantiated claims about the Ukraine-Russia war, including the claim that
the U.S. has a network of bioweapons labs in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.
For example, a March 2022 article translated and republished from English-
language website, headlined "Attention! They failed with the
pandemic now they want to unleash the nuclear apocalypse" ("Attenzione! Hanno
fallito con la pandemia ora vogliono scatenare l'apocalisse nucleare"), stated that
"research on biological weapons and their development by the U.S. is a major
problem, including in Ukraine" ("la ricerca e lo sviluppo delle armi biologiche
degli Stati Uniti è uno dei problemi principali, anche in Ucraina").
Another March 2022 article republished from Italian site,
headlined "Ukraine and the deep agenda of global destruction" ("L’Ucraina e la
profonda agenda della distruzione globale​​"), claimed that "the U.S. Pentagon had
no fewer than eight, possibly up to 30 top-secret biological weapons research
labs across Ukraine, testing the DNA of some 4,000 military volunteers" ("Il
Pentagono statunitense aveva non meno di otto, forse fino a 30 laboratori di
ricerca sulle armi biologiche top-secret in tutta l’Ucraina che testavano il DNA di
circa 4.000 volontari militari").
These claims are based on a misrepresentation of the U.S. Department of
Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program, which collaborates with partner
countries to reduce the threat of outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases by
helping partners to secure dangerous pathogens and to quickly detect
outbreaks, according to the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine’s website. The U.S. has been
providing aid to Ukrainian laboratories since 2005, when the Ukrainian Ministry
of Health and U.S. Department of Defense signed an agreement intended to limit

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the threat of bioterrorism by implementing safeguards on deadly pathogens

from Soviet-era biological weapons programs.
The Biological Threat Reduction Program has since helped to construct and
modernize Ukrainian laboratories. The labs themselves are run and primarily
financed by the Ukrainian government. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU)
noted in response to claims about the presence of U.S. military biological
laboratories in a May 2020 statement that “no foreign biological laboratories
operate in Ukraine.”
Although does not frequently publish new
content, NewsGuard found that the site continues to publish and prominently
display false, misleading, and unproven claims about the war in Ukraine, COVID-
19, and other significant topics. Therefore, NewsGuard has determined that the
site repeatedly publishes false content, does not gather and present information
responsibly, and does not avoid deceptive headlines.
The site does not publish a corrections policy, and NewsGuard did not find any
corrections., which is formatted as a blog, does not purport
to publish straight news and does not label any articles as either news or opinion.
Therefore, NewsGuard has determined that the site does not fail its standard for
handling the difference between news and opinion responsibly. does not provide any way for readers to directly
contact the site. In August 2022, NewsGuard sent three messages to the site’s
Facebook page, inquiring about its editorial practices, and received an unsigned
message that stated, “Hi, you should get in touch with the blog managers to ask
for explanations.” (“Salve, deve mettersi in contatto con i gestori del blog per
avere spiegazioni”). However, no contact information was provided, and the

Facebook page’s administrators did not respond to NewsGuard’s request to
provide such contact information.
In July 2023, the site did not respond to a Facebook message from NewsGuard
inquiring about the “climate lockdown” story cited above.
Transparency does not disclose its ownership and editorial
leadership. The site does not have an About page and, as noted above, does not
offer a way for users to contact the site.
Articles are generally not attributed to authors, and the site does not provide
biographical or contact information for its content creators.
Advertising is distinguished from editorial content.
Asked about the site’s transparency practices, an unnamed person at the’s Facebook page did not address NewsGuard’s
questions but invited NewsGuard to contact the site’s managers. However, no
contact information was provided.

The blog launched in 2016.
Editor’s Note: This Nutrition Label was updated on July 24, 2023.

Written by: Giulia Pozzi

Contributing: Camillo Barone
Edited by: Virginia Padovese, Eric Effron, Giampiero Gramaglia

Ownership and Financing
(July 2023) (July 2023)
(July 2023)
(July 2023)
(July 2023)

(July 2023) (July 2023)
(July 2023)
(July 2023) (July
2023) (July 2023)
(July 2023)
© 2023 NewsGuard Technologies, Inc.

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