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([[This file was protected with MoonSec V3 by Federal#9999]]):gsub('.

(function(a) _Uhsjy_gXEYKe = a; end)); return(function(o,...)local f;local c;local
r;local t;local h;local l;local e=24915;local n=0;local d={};while n<609 do
n=n+1;while n<0xe3 and e%0x48d8<0x246c do n=n+1 e=(e+335)%14620 local a=n+e if(e
%0x2d5a)<0x16ad then e=(e+0x1fd)%0x454a while n<0x1f5 and e%0x495a<0x24ad do n=n+1
e=(e-230)%29887 local a=n+e if(e%0x3068)>0x1834 then e=(e*0x3be)%0x8166 local
e=75506 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 f=function(f)local e=0x01 local function d(n)e=e+n
return f:sub(e-n,e-0x01)end while true do local n=d(0x01)if(n=="\5")then break end
local e=h.byte(d(0x01))local e=d(e)if n=="\2"then e=t.coEYawOr(e)elseif n=="\3"then
e=e~="\0"elseif n=="\6"then l[e]=function(e,n)return o(8,nil,o,n,e)end elseif n=="\
4"then e=l[e]elseif n=="\0"then e=l[e][d(h.byte(d(0x01)))];end local
n=d(0x08)t[n]=e end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0xbd)%0x9f7 local e=84468 if
not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 end else e=(e+0x13e)%0x982a n=n+1 local e=90416 if not
d[e]then d[e]=0x1 r="\
5\120\5";end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x3b1)%0x72c4 while n<0x3ba and e
%0x4b2e<0x2597 do n=n+1 e=(e*286)%45990 local f=n+e if(e%0xb24)<0x592 then
e=(e+0x30)%0x8e13 local e=19138 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 t={};end elseif e%2~=0
then e=(e*0x3fc)%0x2656 local e=65716 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 end else e=(e+0x17f)
%0x50ab n=n+1 local e=85275 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 l=(not l)and _ENV or l;end end
end else e=(e+0x138)%0x5cde n=n+1 while n<0x1f6 and e%0x10f6<0x87b do n=n+1
e=(e*677)%15845 local t=n+e if(e%0x1ac8)<=0xd64 then e=(e*0x1f5)%0x851c local
e=93025 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 h=string;end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e-0x22f)%0x45f6
local e=13858 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 c=tonumber;end else e=(e+0x3da)%0x689c n=n+1
local e=64228 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 l=getfenv and getfenv();end end end end end
e=(e-1006)%38180 end f(r);local e={};for n=0x0,0xff do local
d=t.kjXAW_CI(n);e[n]=d;e[d]=n;end local function a(n)return e[n];end local
h=(function(h,f)local r,d=0x01,0x10 local n={{},{},{}}local l=-0x01 local e=0x01
local o=h while true do n[0x03][t.uuFCMAww(f,e,(function()e=r+e return e-0x01 end)
())]=(function()l=l+0x01 return l end)()if l==(0x0f)then l=""d=0x000 break end end
local l=#f while e<l+0x01 do n[0x02][d]=t.uuFCMAww(f,e,(function()e=r+e return e-
0x01 end)())d=d+0x01 if d%0x02==0x00 then d=0x00 t.ULsFZfsx(n[0x01],(a((((n[0x03]
[n[0x02][0x00]]or 0x00)*0x10)+(n[0x03][n[0x02][0x01]]or 0x00)+o)%0x100)));o=h+o;end
end return t.ULqPXRbe(n[0x01])end);f(h(103,"P?wSTVhdexEMsNlYxMSdYNxTSSsdh?
t.cXQeYxrJ+(function()local f,d=t.iekAyTzt,t.MHQAEAoV;
(function(n,e,d)e(e(e,e,d),e(e,n,e),d(d and e,n and e,n)and n(n,e,n))end)
(function(e,n,l)if f>t.uwKJudCa then return l end f=f+t.MHQAEAoV d=(d*t._rBhkHWU)
%t.diJlcBbR if(d%t.eCGkTWFF)>=t.eVBoVSc_ then d=(d-t.jQjdudmz)%t.GFAMSAwo return n
else return n(e(e,l,l)and e(l,e,e),l(e,e,l),e(n,l,e))end return e(e(e and
e,n,e),n(e,e,e and e),n(n,e and n,n and l)and e(n,l,n))end,function(l,n,e)if
f>t.kdvXfYxv then return n end f=f+t.MHQAEAoV d=(d-t.iwpVwJLS)%t.g_ErmPfF if(d
%t.EslwUWfL)<=t.CwFfvVsF then d=(d-t.EtmCGaGx)%t.lnXADnHF return e else return
e(e(n,n,e and l),n(n,n,e and n),e(l and l,n,e))end return e(l(e,l,l),e(n,n,e and
l),l(e,e,n))end,function(e,l,n)if f>t.SJshFhdc then return e end f=f+t.MHQAEAoV
d=(d-t.v_X_kwFX)%t.S_lVzBzY if(d%t.UPzcMMqB)>t.pwIlhcjn then return n else return
l(n(e,l,e and l),e(e,n,n),e(e and l,e,l)and l(l,n,e))end return e(n(l,l,n and e)and
e(l,e,e),l(n,e,n),n(l,l,n and n)and n(n,l,e))end)return d;end)
()))end;VAuEBUCCcnKrBIE={t.ErSHUJGQ,t.fpBiHEzp};local e=(-t.wEBFnzgm+
(function()local d,n=t.iekAyTzt,t.MHQAEAoV;(function(e)e(e(e)and e(e))end)
(function(e)if d>t.wJAvmqZJ then return e end d=d+t.MHQAEAoV n=(n-t.BOBEsjVI)
%t.hWKcQZby if(n%t.JcWPcVIR)<=t.UyJ_OEhv then n=(n*t.TDvOHOPE)%t.VtqDv_PM return
e(e(e and e))else return e end return e end)return n;end)())local b=t.VTFaPGzB or
t.EEDlFRSg;local le=(getfenv)or(function()return _ENV end);local r=t.sHUXyyUM;local
f=t.WKjKkhka;local z=t.MHQAEAoV;local l=t.qevErvRf;local function ne(u,...)local
A6YX(YXZZqv##Z(bACYj5v468sqYA5(qL#YZ6bcC8j6v#5q^A8455Aj#8ZCq4CNA vY68?
8M66 5Yv(vAj#5ZM886Aj48!
n6ZA6Y#(vqA#4Z5bMC84q");local n=t.iekAyTzt;t.eCwrLGbO(function()n=n+t.MHQAEAoV
end)local function e(d,e)if e then return n end;n=d+n;end
local d,n,a=o(t.iekAyTzt,o,e,s,t.ZKWCenxv);local function h()local
+t.qevErvRf);e(t.qevErvRf);return(d*t.vx_iZUUc)+n;end;local j=true;local
j=t.iekAyTzt local function k()local l=n();local e=n();local f=t.MHQAEAoV;local
n=d(e,t.ibIdJY_n,t.dbLHSqbz);local e=((-
t.MHQAEAoV)^d(e,t.njAICgPE));if(n==t.iekAyTzt)then if(l==j)then return
e*t.iekAyTzt;else n=t.MHQAEAoV;f=t.iekAyTzt;end;elseif(n==t.DkDhoFzW)then
t.iZrfemPn(e,n-t.shvaberL)*(f+(l/(t.qevErvRf^t.SDZjxkUM)));end;local y=n;local
function p(n)local d;if(not n)then n=y();if(n==t.iekAyTzt)then
+n-t.MHQAEAoV);e(n)local e=""for n=(t.MHQAEAoV+j),#d do e=e..t.uuFCMAww(d,n,n)end
return e;end;local j=#t.ErSHUJGQ(c('\49.\48'))~=t.MHQAEAoV local e=n;local function
te(...)return{...},t.iwWzLqmX('#',...)end local function de()local s={};local
e={};local b={};local c={b,s,nil,e};local e=n()local o={}for l=t.MHQAEAoV,e do
local d=a();local n;if(d==t.iekAyTzt)then n=(a()~=#{});elseif(d==t.WKjKkhka)then
local e=k();if j and t.JJsnrIwF(t.ErSHUJGQ(e),'.(\48+)$')then e=t.tHIhfZWZ(e);end
n=e;elseif(d==t.qevErvRf)then n=p();end;o[l]=n;end;for e=t.MHQAEAoV,n()do s[e-
(#{t.MHQAEAoV})]=de();end;for c=t.MHQAEAoV,n()do local
e=a();if(d(e,t.MHQAEAoV,t.MHQAEAoV)==t.iekAyTzt)then local
a=d(e,t.qevErvRf,t.WKjKkhka);local s=d(e,t.sHUXyyUM,t.JFwMLhyB);local
e[f]=n();elseif(a==u[t.qevErvRf])then e[f]=n()-
(t.qevErvRf^t.dZKICVEl)elseif(a==u[t.WKjKkhka])then e[f]=n()-
e[l]=o[e[l]]end if(d(s,t.qevErvRf,t.qevErvRf)==t.MHQAEAoV)then e[f]=o[e[f]]end
if(d(s,t.WKjKkhka,t.WKjKkhka)==t.MHQAEAoV)then e[r]=o[e[r]]end b[c]=e;end
end;c[t.WKjKkhka]=a();return c;end;local function ne(d,n,e)local l=n;local
l=e;return c(t.JJsnrIwF(t.JJsnrIwF(({t.eCwrLGbO(d)})[t.qevErvRf],n),e))end local
function p(ee,c,s)local function de(...)local h,y,g,ne,_,d,a,j,m,k,u,n;local
e=t.iekAyTzt;while-t.MHQAEAoV<e do if t.qevErvRf<e then if t.sHUXyyUM>=e then if
t.iekAyTzt<e then for n=t.qULrYSXa,t.oAERfcrC do if t.WKjKkhka<e then
k=t.iwWzLqmX('#',...)-t.MHQAEAoV;u={};end else if t.JFwMLhyB~=e then
n=o(t.jigCPDWo);else e=-t.qevErvRf;end end else if e<t.MHQAEAoV then
ErvRf,t.FSPjGrzy,ee);else if e>=-t.qevErvRf then for n=t.XHiOGwot,t.nxAFxQqQ do if
t.qevErvRf~=e then g=o(t.JFwMLhyB,t.WgimTZMs,3,3,ee);_=te ne=0;break;end;d=-41;a=-
1;break;end;else d=-41;a=-1;end end end e=e+1;end;for e=0,k do if(e>=g)then j[e-
g]=m[e+1];else n[e]=m[e+1];end;end;local k=k-g+1 local e;local o;local function
g(...)while true do end end while true do if d<-40 then d=d+42 end e=h[d];o=e[z];if
o<42 then if 21>o then if 10<=o then if o<15 then if 11>=o then if o>6 then repeat
if o<11 then n[e[l]]=c[e[f]];break;end;do return n[e[l]]end until true;else do
return n[e[l]]end end else if 12>=o then local e=e[l]n[e]=n[e](b(n,e+1,a))else if
13==o then local f=e[l];local l={};for e=1,#u do local e=u[e];for d=0,#e do local
e=e[d];local t=e[1];local d=e[2];if t==n and d>=f then
l[d]=t[d];e[1]=l;end;end;end;else local t,o,b;for a=0,6 do if a>2 then if a<=4 then
if 0<a then for t=33,68 do if a<4 then
n(e[l],e[f]);d=d+1;e=h[d];end else if a>2 then for r=38,68 do if 5<a then
t=e[l];o=n[t]b=n[t+2];if(b>0)then if(o>n[t+1])then d=e[f];else n[t+3]=o;end
elseif(o<n[t+1])then d=e[f];else n[t+3]=o;end
t=e[l];o=n[t]b=n[t+2];if(b>0)then if(o>n[t+1])then d=e[f];else n[t+3]=o;end
elseif(o<n[t+1])then d=e[f];else n[t+3]=o;end end end else if 1<=a then if-1~=a
then repeat if a<2 then n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]
[e[r]];d=d+1;e=h[d];break;end;n[e[l]]={};d=d+1;e=h[d];until true;else
n[e[l]]=n[e[f]][e[r]];d=d+1;e=h[d];end else n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];d=d+1;e=h[d];end end
end end end end else if o>17 then if o>=19 then if o~=18 then repeat if o>19 then
n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]%e[r];break;end;n[e[l]]();until true;else n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]%e[r];end
else local l=e[l];local t=n[l]local o=n[l+2];if(o>0)then if(t>n[l+1])then
d=e[f];else n[l+3]=t;end elseif(t<n[l+1])then d=e[f];else n[l+3]=t;end end else if
16>o then local t,c,j,k,u;for o=0,6 do if 2<o then if 5<=o then if o>4 then for
f=25,52 do if o<6 then t=e[l]n[t]=n[t](b(n,t+1,a))d=d+1;e=h[d];break;end;n[e[l]]
();break;end;else n[e[l]]();end else if o~=3 then t=e[l]j,k=_(n[t]
(b(n,t+1,e[f])))a=k+t-1 u=0;for e=t,a do u=u+1;n[e]=j[u];end;d=d+1;e=h[d];else
n[e[l]]=(e[f]~=0);d=d+1;e=h[d];end end else if o>0 then if o>=0 then for a=41,56 do
if 1~=o then
h[d];break;end;else t=e[l];c=n[e[f]];n[t+1]=c;n[t]=c[e[r]];d=d+1;e=h[d];end else
n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];d=d+1;e=h[d];end end end else if o>=12 then repeat if 16~=o then do
return n[e[l]]end break;end;do return end;until true;else do return n[e[l]]end end
end end end else if o>4 then if o>=7 then if 8>o then n[e[l]]={};else if o<9 then
for t=0,6 do if 2>=t then if 0>=t then n[e[l]]=n[e[f]][e[r]];d=d+1;e=h[d];else if
t>0 then for o=41,62 do if t<2 then
n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];d=d+1;e=h[d];end end else if t<5 then if t>-1 then repeat if t>3
then s[e[f]]=n[e[l]];d=d+1;e=h[d];break;end;n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]
[e[r]];d=d+1;e=h[d];until true;else n[e[l]]=n[e[f]][e[r]];d=d+1;e=h[d];end else if
t~=6 then n[e[l]]=(e[f]~=0);d=d+1;e=h[d];else s[e[f]]=n[e[l]];end end end end else
n[e[l]]=#n[e[f]];end end else if o>=4 then repeat if 5~=o then n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]
[e[r]];break;end;d=e[f];until true;else d=e[f];end end else if 2>o then if o~=-2
then repeat if 0~=o then if(e[l]<n[e[r]])then d=e[f];else d=d+1;end;break;end;local
return end;until true;else if(e[l]<n[e[r]])then d=e[f];else d=d+1;end;end else if
2<o then if 0<o then repeat if 3<o then local f,o,r;for s=0,1 do if s>-1 then
repeat if 0<s then f=e[l];r=n[f];for e=f+1,a do
t.ULsFZfsx(r,n[e])end;break;end;f=e[l];a=f+k-1;for e=f,a do o=j[e-
f];n[e]=o;end;d=d+1;e=h[d];until true;else f=e[l];a=f+k-1;for e=f,a do o=j[e-
f];n[e]=o;end;d=d+1;e=h[d];end end break;end;n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]+n[e[r]];until
true;else local f,o,r;for s=0,1 do if s>-1 then repeat if 0<s then
f=e[l];r=n[f];for e=f+1,a do t.ULsFZfsx(r,n[e])end;break;end;f=e[l];a=f+k-1;for
e=f,a do o=j[e-f];n[e]=o;end;d=d+1;e=h[d];until true;else f=e[l];a=f+k-1;for e=f,a
do o=j[e-f];n[e]=o;end;d=d+1;e=h[d];end end end else local e=e[l]n[e]=n[e]
(n[e+1])end end end end else if o<=30 then if 25>=o then if o<=22 then if o~=17
then repeat if 21<o then local d=e[l];local
l=n[e[f]];n[d+1]=l;n[d]=l[e[r]];break;end;local d=e[l]n[d]=n[d](b(n,d+1,e[f]))until
true;else local d=e[l];local l=n[e[f]];n[d+1]=l;n[d]=l[e[r]];end else if 24<=o then
if 21<o then for d=29,98 do if o<25 then local e=e[l]n[e](n[e+1])break;end;local
e=e[l]n[e](n[e+1])break;end;else local e=e[l]n[e](n[e+1])end else local
e=e[l];a=e+k-1;for d=e,a do local e=j[d-e];n[d]=e;end;end end else if o>27 then if
o>=29 then if 30~=o then n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];else local a,o;for t=0,4 do if 1>=t then
if-4<t then repeat if 1>t then
true;else n[e[l]]=c[e[f]];d=d+1;e=h[d];end else if t>2 then if t~=1 then for
s=43,60 do if t~=3 then a=e[f];o=n[a]for e=a+1,e[r]do
[n[e[r]]];d=d+1;e=h[d];break;end;else n[e[l]]=n[e[f]][n[e[r]]];d=d+1;e=h[d];end
else n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]%e[r];d=d+1;e=h[d];end end end end else local e=e[l]n[e]=n[e]
(n[e+1])end else if 24<=o then repeat if 27>o then local d=e[l]n[d]
(b(n,d+1,e[f]))break;end;local a,j,u,c,b,s,t,o;for t=0,3 do if t>1 then if t>1 then
for o=44,87 do if t<3 then n[e[l]][n[e[f]]]=n[e[r]];d=d+1;e=h[d];break;end;n[e[l]]
[n[e[f]]]=n[e[r]];break;end;else n[e[l]][n[e[f]]]=n[e[r]];end else if t<1 then
t=0;while t>-1 do if t<4 then if 2<=t then if 2==t then u=f;else c=n;end else if-
4<t then for n=45,68 do if 0~=t then j=l;break;end;a=e;break;end;else a=e;end end
else if t>=6 then if t~=2 then for e=34,89 do if 6~=t then t=-
2;break;end;n[s]=b;break;end;else n[s]=b;end else if t~=5 then b=c[a[u]];else
s=a[j];end end end t=t+1 end d=d+1;e=h[d];else o=e[l]n[o]=n[o]
(n[o+1])d=d+1;e=h[d];end end end until true;else local o,j,u,c,b,s,t,a;for t=0,3 do
if t>1 then if t>1 then for o=44,87 do if t<3 then n[e[l]]
n[e[l]][n[e[f]]]=n[e[r]];end else if t<1 then t=0;while t>-1 do if t<4 then if 2<=t
then if 2==t then u=f;else c=n;end else if-4<t then for n=45,68 do if 0~=t then
j=l;break;end;o=e;break;end;else o=e;end end else if t>=6 then if t~=2 then for
e=34,89 do if 6~=t then t=-2;break;end;n[s]=b;break;end;else n[s]=b;end else if
t~=5 then b=c[o[u]];else s=o[j];end end end t=t+1 end d=d+1;e=h[d];else
a=e[l]n[a]=n[a](n[a+1])d=d+1;e=h[d];end end end end end end else if o>35 then if
39>o then if 36<o then if o>=33 then for d=30,84 do if 38~=o then
s[e[f]]=n[e[l]];break;end;local s,c,a,o,h,b,t;local d=0;while d>-1 do if 2<d then
if 4>=d then if-1~=d then for e=39,71 do if d~=4 then b=o[s];break;end;t=n[h];for
e=1+h,o[a]do t=t..n[e];end;break;end;else t=n[h];for e=1+h,o[a]do t=t..n[e];end;end
else if d>5 then d=-2;else n[b]=t;end end else if d>=1 then if d==1 then
o=e;else h=o[c];end else s=l;c=f;a=r;end end d=d+1 end break;end;else
s[e[f]]=n[e[l]];end else local o,s,a,h,t,r;local d=0;while d>-1 do if 3>=d then if
1<d then if 1<=d then repeat if 3~=d then a=f;break;end;h=n;until true;else h=n;end
else if d==1 then s=l;else o=e;end end else if 5<d then if d>3 then for e=45,86 do
if d~=7 then n[r]=t;break;end;d=-2;break;end;else n[r]=t;end else if 0<d then for
e=33,60 do if 4<d then r=o[s];break;end;t=h[o[a]];break;end;else t=h[o[a]];end end
end d=d+1 end end else if 40>o then local l=e[l];local o=n[l+2];local t=n[l]
+o;n[l]=t;if(o>0)then if(t<=n[l+1])then d=e[f];n[l+3]=t;end elseif(t>=n[l+1])then
d=e[f];n[l+3]=t;end else if o>38 then repeat if o~=40 then if(e[l]<n[e[r]])then
d=e[f];else d=d+1;end;break;end;if(n[e[l]]==e[r])then d=d+1;else d=e[f];end;until
true;else if(n[e[l]]==e[r])then d=d+1;else d=e[f];end;end end end else if 33<=o
then if o<34 then local t,r,h,o,a;local d=0;while d>-1 do if d>=3 then if 4>=d then
if d~=2 then for e=25,87 do if 4>d then o=t[h];break;end;a=t[r];break;end;else
o=t[h];end else if d~=2 then repeat if d>5 then d=-2;break;end;n(a,o);until
true;else d=-2;end end else if d<=0 then t=e;else if 2~=d then r=l;else h=f;end end
end d=d+1 end else if 33<o then repeat if 34<o then local b,s,c,t,a,h,o;local
d=0;while d>-1 do if d<3 then if d<1 then b=l;s=f;c=r;else if-1<d then repeat if
1~=d then a=t[s];break;end;t=e;until true;else a=t[s];end end else if 5>d then if
0~=d then for e=47,58 do if 3~=d then o=n[a];for e=1+a,t[c]do
o=o..n[e];end;break;end;h=t[b];break;end;else h=t[b];end else if d~=4 then repeat
if 5<d then d=-2;break;end;n[h]=o;until true;else n[h]=o;end end end d=d+1 end
break;end;local e=e[l]n[e]=n[e](b(n,e+1,a))until true;else local
b,s,c,t,a,h,o;local d=0;while d>-1 do if d<3 then if d<1 then b=l;s=f;c=r;else if-
1<d then repeat if 1~=d then a=t[s];break;end;t=e;until true;else a=t[s];end end
else if 5>d then if 0~=d then for e=47,58 do if 3~=d then o=n[a];for e=1+a,t[c]do
o=o..n[e];end;break;end;h=t[b];break;end;else h=t[b];end else if d~=4 then repeat
if 5<d then d=-2;break;end;n[h]=o;until true;else n[h]=o;end end end d=d+1 end end
end else if 28~=o then for t=40,67 do if 32>o then for e=e[l],e[f]do
n[e]=nil;end;break;end;d=e[f];break;end;else d=e[f];end end end end end else if
o<63 then if o>=52 then if o>=57 then if 59<o then if o<61 then local
+1;e=h[d];t=e[l]n[t]=n[t](b(n,t+1,e[f]))else if o>=59 then for d=43,54 do if o~=62
then local d=e[l];local l=n[e[f]];n[d+1]=l;n[d]=l[e[r]];break;end;local
t,h,o,r,a,s;local d=0;while d>-1 do if 3<d then if d>=6 then if d~=7 then
n[s]=a;else d=-2;end else if 0<=d then for e=44,72 do if 4<d then
s=t[h];break;end;a=r[t[o]];break;end;else a=r[t[o]];end end else if 1<d then if 0<d
then repeat if d~=3 then o=f;break;end;r=n;until true;else o=f;end else if-3<d then
repeat if 1~=d then t=e;break;end;h=l;until true;else h=l;end end end d=d+1 end
break;end;else local o,h,t,r,a,s;local d=0;while d>-1 do if 3<d then if d>=6 then
if d~=7 then n[s]=a;else d=-2;end else if 0<=d then for e=44,72 do if 4<d then
s=o[h];break;end;a=r[o[t]];break;end;else a=r[o[t]];end end else if 1<d then if 0<d
then repeat if d~=3 then t=f;break;end;r=n;until true;else t=f;end else if-3<d then
repeat if 1~=d then o=e;break;end;h=l;until true;else h=l;end end end d=d+1 end end
end else if o>=58 then if o~=56 then repeat if o~=59 then local b=y[e[f]];local
a;local o={};a=t.UhJCpauc({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1]
[e[2]];end,__newindex=function(d,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for l=1,e[r]do
d=d+1;local e=h[d];if e[z]==62 then o[l-1]={n,e[f]};else o[l-
true;else local b=y[e[f]];local a;local o={};a=t.UhJCpauc({},
{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1]
[e[2]];end,__newindex=function(d,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for l=1,e[r]do
d=d+1;local e=h[d];if e[z]==62 then o[l-1]={n,e[f]};else o[l-
1]={c,e[f]};end;u[#u+1]=o;end;n[e[l]]=p(b,a,s);end else if n[e[l]]then d=d+1;else
d=e[f];end;end end else if o>=54 then if o>=55 then if o>=54 then for d=34,94 do if
o~=55 then n[e[l]]=n[e[f]][n[e[r]]];break;end;c[e[f]]=n[e[l]];break;end;else
c[e[f]]=n[e[l]];end else n[e[l]]=(e[f]~=0);end else if 53==o then local
d=e[l]n[d]=n[d](b(n,d+1,e[f]))else n[e[l]]=(e[f]~=0);end end end else if o>=47 then
if 48<o then if 49>=o then local d=e[l]n[d](b(n,d+1,e[f]))else if o>46 then for
b=25,78 do if 50<o then local t;t=e[l]n[t]
[e[r]];d=d+1;e=h[d];n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];break;end;local e=e[l];local d=n[e];for e=e+1,a
do t.ULsFZfsx(d,n[e])end;break;end;else local t;t=e[l]n[t]
[e[r]];d=d+1;e=h[d];n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];end end else if o~=46 then for d=36,97 do if
o~=48 then local f=e[l];local t={};for e=1,#u do local e=u[e];for d=0,#e do local
d=e[d];local l=d[1];local e=d[2];if l==n and e>=f then
t[e]=l[e];d[1]=t;end;end;end;break;end;local e=e[l];local d=n[e];for e=e+1,a do
t.ULsFZfsx(d,n[e])end;break;end;else local e=e[l];local d=n[e];for e=e+1,a do
t.ULsFZfsx(d,n[e])end;end end else if 44>o then if 38<=o then repeat if o<43 then
n[e[l]]=n[e[f]][n[e[r]]];break;end;n[e[l]]=#n[e[f]];until true;else
n[e[l]]=#n[e[f]];end else if 44>=o then local o,c,a,b,s,r,t,j,y,_,p,z,k;t=0;while
t>-1 do if t<4 then if t<2 then if t~=-2 then repeat if t<1 then
o=e;break;end;c=l;until true;else o=e;end else if-1<t then for e=38,88 do if 3~=t
then a=f;break;end;b=n;break;end;else a=f;end end else if t<=5 then if 3~=t then
for e=15,67 do if t~=4 then r=o[c];break;end;s=b[o[a]];break;end;else s=b[o[a]];end
else if t~=5 then repeat if t<7 then n[r]=s;break;end;t=-2;until true;else
n[r]=s;end end end t=t+1 end d=d+1;e=h[d];t=0;while t>-1 do if 3>=t then if 2>t
then if-4~=t then for n=31,98 do if t~=0 then c=l;break;end;o=e;break;end;else
o=e;end else if 0~=t then repeat if t<3 then a=f;break;end;b=n;until true;else
b=n;end end else if t>=6 then if t==7 then t=-2;else n[r]=s;end else if t>3 then
for e=11,91 do if t>4 then r=o[c];break;end;s=b[o[a]];break;end;else r=o[c];end end
end t=t+1 end d=d+1;e=h[d];j=e[l]n[j]=n[j](n[j+1])d=d+1;e=h[d];t=0;while t>-1 do if
t>=4 then if t>=6 then if 3<t then repeat if 7~=t then n[r]=s;break;end;t=-2;until
true;else n[r]=s;end else if t~=1 then repeat if t>4 then
r=o[c];break;end;s=b[o[a]];until true;else r=o[c];end end else if 2>t then if t>0
then c=l;else o=e;end else if t>0 then repeat if t<3 then a=f;break;end;b=n;until
true;else a=f;end end end t=t+1 end d=d+1;e=h[d];do return n[e[l]]end
d=d+1;e=h[d];j=e[l];y={};for e=1,#u do _=u[e];for e=0,#_ do p=_[e];z=p[1];k=p[2];if
z==n and k>=j then y[k]=z[k];p[1]=y;end;end;end;d=d+1;e=h[d];d=e[f];else if o>45
then n[e[l]]();else local t,h,r,a,o;local d=0;while d>-1 do if d>2 then if 4>=d
then if d~=0 then for e=25,72 do if d~=3 then
o=t[h];break;end;a=t[r];break;end;else o=t[h];end else if d>=1 then repeat if 6>d
then n(o,a);break;end;d=-2;until true;else d=-2;end end else if d<=0 then t=e;else
if d==1 then h=l;else r=f;end end end d=d+1 end end end end end end else if 74<=o
then if o<=78 then if 75<o then if 77<=o then if o==78 then local o,a,b,r,c,t;for
t=0,1 do if-4~=t then for u=10,55 do if t~=1 then t=0;while t>-1 do if t>2 then if
4>=t then if t>=2 then for e=19,80 do if t~=4 then
r=o[b];break;end;c=o[a];break;end;else r=o[b];end else if 5==t then n(c,r);else t=-
2;end end else if t<1 then o=e;else if t>0 then for e=18,58 do if 2~=t then
a=l;break;end;b=f;break;end;else a=l;end end end t=t+1 end
d=d+1;e=h[d];break;end;n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];break;end;else n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];end end else
if n[e[l]]then d=d+1;else d=e[f];end;end else n[e[l]]=c[e[f]];end else if o>72 then
for d=19,61 do if o<75 then c[e[f]]=n[e[l]];break;end;n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]
[e[r]];break;end;else n[e[l]]=n[e[f]][e[r]];end end else if 82<=o then if o>=83
then if o>=82 then for d=46,62 do if o~=83 then n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]
+n[e[r]];break;end;n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]%e[r];break;end;else n[e[l]]=n[e[f]]%e[r];end
else for t=0,1 do if-3<t then for o=37,89 do if 0~=t then if n[e[l]]then d=d+1;else
d=e[f];end;break;end;n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];d=d+1;e=h[d];break;end;else if n[e[l]]then
d=d+1;else d=e[f];end;end end end else if o<=79 then n[e[l]]=s[e[f]];else if 79~=o
then repeat if o~=80 then local t,p,k,_,y,t,t,o,a,u,s,c,j;for t=0,4 do if 2<=t then
if t>2 then if 3==t then j=e[l]n[j]=n[j](b(n,j+1,e[f]))d=d+1;e=h[d];else
if(n[e[l]]==e[r])then d=d+1;else d=e[f];end;end else t=0;while t>-1 do if 2>=t then
if t>=1 then if t>-3 then for e=17,78 do if t~=1 then
u=f;break;end;a=l;break;end;else a=l;end else o=e;end else if 4>=t then if t~=4
then s=o[u];else c=o[a];end else if t>2 then repeat if 6>t then
n(c,s);break;end;t=-2;until true;else n(c,s);end end end t=t+1 end d=d+1;e=h[d];end
else if t~=-4 then for r=30,98 do if t~=0 then t=0;while t>-1 do if t<=2 then if
t>=1 then if-3<t then repeat if t~=2 then a=l;break;end;u=f;until true;else a=l;end
else o=e;end else if t<5 then if t~=-1 then repeat if 4>t then
s=o[u];break;end;c=o[a];until true;else s=o[u];end else if 4~=t then repeat if 5~=t
then t=-2;break;end;n(c,s);until true;else t=-2;end end end t=t+1 end
d=d+1;e=h[d];break;end;t=0;while t>-1 do if t<=3 then if 1<t then if 2~=t then
_=n;else k=f;end else if-1~=t then for n=14,96 do if 0<t then
p=l;break;end;o=e;break;end;else o=e;end end else if 5>=t then if 4==t then
y=_[o[k]];else c=o[p];end else if 7>t then n[c]=y;else t=-2;end end end t=t+1 end
d=d+1;e=h[d];break;end;else t=0;while t>-1 do if t<=2 then if t>=1
then if-3<t then repeat if t~=2 then a=l;break;end;u=f;until true;else a=l;end
else o=e;end else if t<5 then if t~=-1 then repeat if 4>t then
s=o[u];break;end;c=o[a];until true;else s=o[u];end else if 4~=t then repeat if 5~=t
then t=-2;break;end;n(c,s);until true;else t=-2;end end end t=t+1 end
d=d+1;e=h[d];end end end break;end;local e=e[l];a=e+k-1;for d=e,a do local e=j[d-
e];n[d]=e;end;until true;else local e=e[l];a=e+k-1;for d=e,a do local e=j[d-
e];n[d]=e;end;end end end end else if 67<o then if 71<=o then if o>=72 then if 70<o
then repeat if o~=73 then for e=e[l],e[f]do n[e]=nil;end;break;end;n[e[l]]
[n[e[f]]]=n[e[r]];until true;else for e=e[l],e[f]do n[e]=nil;end;end else
n[e[l]]={};end else if 69<=o then if 66~=o then for a=12,89 do if o>69 then local
l=e[l];local t=n[l]local o=n[l+2];if(o>0)then if(t>n[l+1])then d=e[f];else
n[l+3]=t;end elseif(t<n[l+1])then d=e[f];else n[l+3]=t;end break;end;local
b=y[e[f]];local a;local o={};a=t.UhJCpauc({},{__index=function(n,e)local
e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(d,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1]
[e[2]]=n;end;});for l=1,e[r]do d=d+1;local e=h[d];if e[z]==62 then o[l-
1]={n,e[f]};else o[l-1]={c,e[f]};end;u[#u+1]=o;end;n[e[l]]=p(b,a,s);break;end;else
local b=y[e[f]];local a;local o={};a=t.UhJCpauc({},{__index=function(n,e)local
e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(d,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1]
[e[2]]=n;end;});for l=1,e[r]do d=d+1;local e=h[d];if e[z]==62 then o[l-
1]={n,e[f]};else o[l-1]={c,e[f]};end;u[#u+1]=o;end;n[e[l]]=p(b,a,s);end else local
d=e[l]local l,e=_(n[d](b(n,d+1,e[f])))a=e+d-1 local e=0;for d=d,a do
e=e+1;n[d]=l[e];end;end end else if 65>o then if o>=62 then for t=38,68 do if 64>o
then if(n[e[l]]==e[r])then d=d+1;else d=e[f];end;break;end;do return
end;break;end;else do return end;end else if 65>=o then local l=e[l];local
o=n[l+2];local t=n[l]+o;n[l]=t;if(o>0)then if(t<=n[l+1])then d=e[f];n[l+3]=t;end
elseif(t>=n[l+1])then d=e[f];n[l+3]=t;end else if 64~=o then for d=13,63 do if o>66
then local d=e[l]local l,e=_(n[d](b(n,d+1,e[f])))a=e+d-1 local e=0;for d=d,a do
e=e+1;n[d]=l[e];end;break;end;n[e[l]][n[e[f]]]=n[e[r]];break;end;else local
d=e[l]local l,e=_(n[d](b(n,d+1,e[f])))a=e+d-1 local e=0;for d=d,a do
e=e+1;n[d]=l[e];end;end end end end end end end d=1+d;end;end;return de end;local
t=0xff;local o={};local h=(1);local l='';(function(n)local d=n local f=0x00 local
e=0x00 d={(function(r)if f>0x26 then return r end f=f+1 e=(e+0x11eb-r)%0x3a
return(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01
+1;o[h]={};t=t[2];h=h+t;end return true end)'dCBLf'and d[0x3](0x3d1+r))or(e
%0x03==0x1 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0xbf);l={l..'\58
a',l};o[h]=de();h=h+(1);l[1]='\58'..l[1];t[2]=0xff;end return true end)'CZyE_'and
d[0x1](r+0x29d))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01
n[d]=(0xec);end return true end)'kSaWi'and d[0x2](r+0x18c))or r end),(function(l)if
f>0x23 then return l end f=f+1 e=(e+0xfeb-l)%0x24 return(e%0x03==0x0
and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0xd2);end return true end)'OfCJl'and
d[0x3](0x283+l))or(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01
n[d]=(0x62);end return true end)'fhUbf'and d[0x1](l+0xda))or(e%0x03==0x1
and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0x9);end return true end)'YKkkR'and
d[0x2](l+0x359))or l end),(function(r)if f>0x30 then return r end f=f+1
e=(e+0x11cf-r)%0x12 return(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01
n[d]=(0x5c);o[h]=le();h=h+t;end return true end)'JxGsM'and d[0x3](0xab+r))or(e
%0x03==0x0 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0x8c);end return true
end)'dRozV'and d[0x2](r+0x123))or(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(d)if not n[d]then
e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0xdb);l='\37';t={function()t()end};l=l..'\100\43';end return true
end)'phCgC'and d[0x1](r+0x193))or r end)}d[0x3](0x12b4)end){};local
e=p(b(o));o[2]={};o[1]=e(o[1])EIBrKncCCUBEuAV=nil;e=p(b(o))return e(...);end return
ne((function()local n={}local e=0x01;local d;if t.xxKfLQwq then
d=t.xxKfLQwq(ne)else d=''end if t.JJsnrIwF(d,t.XKcZsgUP)then e=e+0;else e=e+1;end
n[e]=0x02;n[n[e]+0x01]=0x03;return n;end)(),...)end)((function(e,d,n,l,t,f)local
f;if e<4 then if 1<e then if-1~=e then for f=14,97 do if e~=2 then do return
d(1),d(4,t,l,n,d),d(5,t,l,n)end;break;end;do return 16777216,65536,256
end;break;end;else do return 16777216,65536,256 end;end else if-1<=e then repeat if
0~=e then do return function(n,e,d)if d then local e=(n/2^(e-1))%2^((d-1)-(e-
1)+1);return e-e%1;else local e=2^(e-1);return(n%(e+e)>=e)and 1 or
0;end;end;end;break;end;do return d(1),d(4,t,l,n,d),d(5,t,l,n)end;until true;else
do return function(n,e,d)if d then local e=(n/2^(e-1))%2^((d-1)-(e-1)+1);return e-e
%1;else local e=2^(e-1);return(n%(e+e)>=e)and 1 or 0;end;end;end;end end else if
e>=6 then if e<7 then do return t[n]end;else if 5<=e then repeat if 8>e then do
return setmetatable({},{['__\99\97\108\108']=function(e,d,t,l,n)if n then return
e[n]elseif l then return e else e[d]=t end end})end break;end;do return
n(e,nil,n);end until true;else do return n(e,nil,n);end end end else if 0<=e then
repeat if e>4 then local e=l;do return function()local
n=d(n,e(e,e),e(e,e));e(1);return n;end;end;break;end;local e=l;local o,h,f=t(2);do
return function()local n,d,t,l=d(n,e(e,e),e(e,e)+3);e(4);return(l*o)+(t*h)+(d*f)
+n;end;end;until true;else local e=l;do return function()local
n=d(n,e(e,e),e(e,e));e(1);return n;end;end;end end end end),...)

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