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Profesorado de Inglés - Language III - Practical Work 2: Debate

Cultural Appropriation does not exist. It is just Globalisation.

Proposition group: Maina Luna, Mastrocola Aprilia and Toloza Ileana.
Opposition group: Aab Melanie, Caillat Paulina, Carena María Cielo and Chiani Luciano.
1. Proposition: People who talk about “cultural appropriation” live better thanks to
sharing cultures. We consider it hypocritical to criticise how cultures take some
characteristics from others. (25 words) MASTROCOLA.
Opposition: Cultural Appropriation from dominant cultural groups is the social
equivalent of plagiarism with an added dose of denigration against non-dominant
groups. (21 words) CAILLAT
2. Proposition: for centuries, if not millennia cultures and individuals have been taking
ideas from other cultures and individuals. Thus, these cultures have improved. (22
words) TOLOZA.
Opposition: Cultural Appropriation reproduces negative social stereotypes over
minority groups and privilege for the dominant cultures without taking into account its
history. (21 words) AAB; CARENA
3. Proposition: Our position is the following: not appropriating everything about every
culture, but do explore all the cultures and retain their best parts. (22 words) MAINA.
Opposition: People from big companies take advantage and make profit out of
Cultural Appropriation, none of that money goes back to the non-dominant
cultures/communities. (24 words) CHIANI
4. Fourth proposition reply: MASTROCOLA.
Fourth opposition reply: AAB

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