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Belgian Archaeological Excavations in Mleiha, Sharjah, U.A.E. ‘The First Season 2009 General Directors: Prof. Dr. Ernie Haerinck Prof. Dr. Bruno Overlaet Field team Field Director: Prof. Dr. Bruno Overlaet Junior archaeologists: Thomas Van de Velde Carolien Van Hecke Photographer/ draughtsman: Mleiha Area AV The selected area is registered as AV (Archaeological Surveys in the Sharjah Emirate UAE. Third Report, 1997:p. 33). Itisa small bump, roughly 16m. in diameter and 0.5 to 1 m above the plain.A 5 x 5 meter grid was establishedand 1m. Banks were to be left during the excavations. i square H square 2m uate 3 sare 30 Miciha area AV, before excavations and excavated squares(top directed north) Excavations started in squares2ll and 3ill (effectively excavating x 4 meter areas) first with 9, later with 12 workmen. After the upper sand blown layer, irregular mudbrick debris was encountered in both squares. In square 2ll it was concentrated in the SW corner with some isolated patches all over the square. Exact sizes of mudbrick could not baecognized it was rather an irregular compact mass. Below this inudbrick material, trere was loose sand with very few sherds. The square was halved and the S-half was further excavated. Since no more occupational traces could berecognized, a small sounding of 2x 1.5 meter was rrade down to the virgin soil In Square 3ill an irregular layer of white mudbrickmaterial was encountered immediately below the topsoil. No outlines or measurements of actual bricks could berecognized A layer of wind-blown sand separatedit from a second irregular layer of the same material. A patch of sherds, mixed with the white mudbrick debris is encountered on the N-side of the square and continues in the bench that separates it with square 3ll. A2x4 meter area was excavated in square 3il to establish the maximum extend of the sherds-pocket. A small concentration was linked to it. The bench was lowered to retrieve the remaining part of the sherds on the last day of the excavations at area AV (05.10.09). The pocket turned out to be over 2000 sherds. Provisional examinations indicated that they were a collection of sherds and not complete vessels that had been broken at the location. None of the diagnostic sherds could be joined. Since this is a vast collection of material it was decided to keep the whole amount for future analytical and statistic studies. zy ‘North wall of area 3 with the layer of sherds aboveand in the white mudbrick material. ‘These sherds are a closed group that can be provisionally dated to the late Iron Age - early PIR A period. Specificdatable categories are “Enclis ware’, "Thick Black ware" and ‘chaff ~tempered yellow ware” (with bitumen traces on the inside). Only one glazed sherd was found among them. Among the noteworthy shapes and fragments are the base of a twin-spouted vessel (vessel with two spouts in the base),a fragment with a camel in relief, a small sherd with part of the letter“b” (Old South Arabian) and a small terracotta head of a camel. 38 Below the level of the sherds-pocket two more levels with irregular mudbrick were enountered but no diagnostic sherds. Several layers of gravel rich material was found separating mudbrick containing levels, Since mudbrick patches were also visible in the East-profile of 3ll, it was decided to excavate the western half of square 2Il (4x 2 meter). No clear mudbrick construction could berecognized although mudbrick patches were againvisible in the profile. Asimple buff, chaff tempered common ware vase was found placed upside down in the upper levels. Since the virgin soil was reached insquare 3ill and norecognizablestructures of significance were found, it was decided to stop the excavations at area AV on 5.1 1.2009, The excavated squares were largely filled up again for safety reasons. The results of the excavationsare limited butstill of importance. The lower layer of white mudbrick material in 3 seals two major layers with irregular buff mudbrick material. This is most probably the base of simple habitations or fenced areas constructed with branches and covered with clay. These remains probably date from the late Iron Age or eventually early PIR A since they are sealed by the sherd:pocket with characteristic material ofearly PIR A date. Why these sherds were assembled and all dumped together at this locaton remains an enigma as was the function of the area. Nevertheless, the excavations established the (likely non - funeral) presence of late Iron Age/early Pir A activities in this area of NE part of ancient Mleiha and documented one ofits earliest uses of Old South -Arabic writing on pottery, On 4-11-2009, B. Overlaet and Dr. Aissa, who visited the site and the excavations, evaluated the AV- excavations and looked at others locations in the area around “C” to continue thefield work, Test trenches of 2 by 10 meter were agreed onin two locations to the south and southwest of area C. An N-S directed trench on the low butt “Al” (west of the “deep well’) and an E-W trench on the low mound *P" (Archaeological Surveys inthe Sharjah Emirate UAE, Third Report, 1997: p.30 and 321. 5.11,09, the two trenches were indicated and work started on Saturday 7.11.09 at both locations Mieiha Area Al (low butt, west ofdeep well’), preliminary report after two days work (7-8/11) On the first day of work, mudbrick walls and a finds group were encountered consisting of a bronze ladl next to some fish -bones and a bitumen covered basket. The trench will be further excavated to establish whether this is a habitation site or a ritual setting connected toa tomb. The presence of glazed fish-plates and other potteryindicatea PIR A date 56 babe od $0 Bronze Ladi, next to fish-bones « ea Al) Architectural debris from monumental tomb (Area P) Mleiha Area P (low butt South of "C-excavations"), preliminary report after two days work (78/11) During the first two days of the excavations on this butt, ornamental debris from a major PIR Aor B tomb was discovered. The trench was widened to locate the exact bounderies of the tomb for further excavations. The size and quality of the ornaments indicate the importance of this funerary monument. Architectural debris from monumental tomb (Area P) Excavations are presently continuing on area P and area Al. Prof. Dr, Bruno Overlaet. 8 November 2009 Table of Contents ‘The Norwegian Expedition for underwater excavations Carl Philips & Marek E, Jasinski 2 Exeavationa at Kalba 1993-1995 C. Phillips 13 The Belgian Archaeological Excavations at Mleiha, Sharjah 2009 B, Heerinck & B. Overlaet 54 ‘The Belgian Archaeological Excavations at Mleiha, Sharjah 2010 E, Haenrick & B.Overlaet 38 The French archaeological expedition in the United Arab Emirates: Excavations at Mleiha- Emirate of Sharjah 2010 8. Mery & M, Mouton 64 ‘The French archaeological expedition in the United Arab Emirates: Excavations at Mleiha-Emirate of Sharjah 2011 S. Mery & M. Mouton 84 Government Department of Cult Directorate of Sharjah Al ine concerned with publication of researches in the Emirate of Sh Val 12 $ of Sharjah ire & Information Antiquities the results of archaeological excavations and arjah- United Arab Emirates 2011,

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