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Literature in English Mock Examination SECTION A SECTION A Answer only ONE question from this section.

All questions carry 33 marks. A TALE OF TWO CITIES 1. 2. Discuss injustice in Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities. In A Tale of Two Cities, the narrator is omniscient-not only revealing the thoughts, emotions, and motives of the characters, but also supplying historical context to the events that occur, commenting confidently upon them. Imagine you are the narrator. Based on your observation, comment on any three characters. SECTION B POETRY SECTION B(a) TOUCHED WITH FIRE PROSE 33marks

Answer either question 3 or question 4. Both questions carry 22 marks. With reference to A Hard Frost(Poem A) and Wild Swans at Coole(Poem B), answer the following questions. (i) In what ways are the poems like, and unlike, each other? (10 marks) (ii) Comment on the use of imagery in poem (A). (6 marks) (iii) Comment on the form of poem (B). (6 marks) 4. With reference to Look, stranger, at this island now(Poem A) and The Soldier(Poem B), answer the following questions. (i) In what ways are the poems similar and dissimilar in content/theme? (12 marks) (ii) Comment on the form of poem (A). (6 marks) (iii) Comment on the form of poem (B). (4 marks) 3.



You MUST answer question 5, which carries 11 marks. 5. Storming the Desert No more dumb bombs for DEATH -they're smart now. Had an education on how to seek out that little extracurricular bit of flesh and sear it RED. They're not dumb any more -BOMBS -"we produce smart ones now" finely honed by intelligences as precise as their own intelligent enough to round corners wait at red lights Avoid the traffic enter shelters where dumb children dumb women dumb men hide and burn to steaming tar their totally unintelligent flesh. John Tomlin






(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

What is the poem about? (3 marks) What is the effect of repeating the word dumb to describe humans? (2 marks) Which lines in the poem emphasise the human suffering in war? (3 marks) What is the effect of the sarcasm in the poem? (2 marks) Some of the images in the poem are deliberately disturbing. Find one example. (1 mark)

SECTION C Drama Answer only ONE question from this section. All questions carry 33 marks. 6. 7. Discuss contrast in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream. William Shakespeares works are regarded as having modern significance. Imagine you are Shakespeare. You are still an active writer in heaven. Write a modern style article about the types of love portrayed in A Midsummer Nights Dream and their modern connections.

End of Paper

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