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ME-1100 Thermodynamics

Solution to Tutorial – 3 First law for system

1. The unknown quantities in the table are filled by applying I law for a process, Q - W = ΔU. Cycle is work
Process ΔU Q W
1-2 610 0 -610
2-3 670 900 230
3-4 -920 0 920
4-1 -360 -360 0

2. Given data: v1 =0.2 m3/kg, V1 = 0.2 m3, T1 = 580 K, v2 = 0.8 m3/kg, V2 = 0.8 m3 and T2 = 290 K. The
process is given as pv1.5 = 0.75. Thus, p1 = 0.75/(0.2)1.5 ==> p1 = 8.385 bar. Similarly, p2 = 1.048 bar.
Work interaction for the process is W1-2 = m(p1v1 - p2v2)/(n-1)=1(8.385 × 0.2 - 1.048 × 0.8) × 105/(1.5 -
1) =167720 J. Change in the internal energy, ΔU1-2 is mCvΔT = 1 × 718 × (290 - 580) = -208220 J. Heat
interaction is calculated using the first law: Q1-2 - W1-2 = ΔU1-2, ==> Q1-2 = -208220 + 167720 = -
40500 J.

3. Given data: : p1 = 5 bar, T1 = 300 K = T2, Wpaddle = -75 kJ/kg, V2 = V1 × 2 and pv = 287T. The initial
specific volume occupied by air is 287 × 300/(5 × 105) = 0.1722 m3/kg. Final specific volume is then v2
= 0.3444 m3/kg. Since temperature does not rise, Δu1-2 = 0. Applying first law for the system, we have,
q1-2 - w1-2 = Δu1-2 = 0 ==> q1-2 = W1-2 = Wpaddle + p1v1ln(v2/v1) = -75000 + 59680 = -15320 J.

4. Given: VA = 0.5 m3, VB = 0.25 m3, pB1 = 700 kPa, Cv = 720 J/kg/K and Pv =
286 T. The initial temperature of pure substance in B is got by p-v-T
relationship as 305.95 K. The membrane ruptures when pressure reaches 2
MPa. Just before the membrane ruptures its temperature can be determined
also using p-v-T relationship as: TBf = 2 × 106 × 0.25/(2 × 286) = 874 K. Since the vessel is insulated, Q
= 0 ==> W = -ΔU = -mBCv(TBf - TBi) = -2 × 720 × (874-305.95) = -818000 J. Work done by the fan is
818 kJ. After the diaphragm breaks, consider A and B together as the final system. The final volume, Vf
= 0.5 + 0.25 = 0.75 m3. Due to the rapid process, there is no heat or work interactions after the rupture.
Therefore, change in internal energy is zero and the temperature remains constant as 874 K. Using the p-
v-T relationship, pf = 2 × 286 × 874/0.75 = 666570.66 Pa.

5. The initial volumes in two tanks are found by p-v-T relationship: V1 = 2 × 297 × 370/70000 = 3.1397 m3
and V2 = 8 × 297 × 300/120000 = 5.94 m3. Final temperature is given as 319 K. Final volume will be V1
+ V2, neglecting the volume of pipelines and the valve, thus, Vf = 9.0797 m3. Using p-v-T relationship,
final pressure is obtained as pf = (2 + 8) × 297 × 319/9.0797 = 104345.96 Pa. Work done is zero. Change
in the internal energy can be calculated by using the initial and final temperatures of the CO gas: ΔU1-2 =
10 × 745 × 319 - [2 × 745 × 370 + 8 × 745 × 300] = 37250 J = Q1-2.

6. Given: m = 5 kg, u1 = 2709.9 kJ/kg, u2 = 2659.6 kJ/kg, Q = 80000 J and Wpaddle = -18500 J. Applying
first law: Q - W = ΔU = m(u2 - u1) ==> 80000 - (Wgas + Wpaddle) = 5 × (2659.6 - 2709.9) × 103. From this,
Wgas = [80000 - (-251500)] - (-18500) = 350000 J. It can be noted that proper sign convention has to be
applied to get the correct answer.
7. Given: m = 4 kg, mp = 50 kg, Ap = 0.01 m2, V1 = 0.005 m3, V2 = 0.0025 m3, Q = -1410 J and patm =
100000 Pa. Pressure of air at any instant is: p = patm + mpg/Ap = 100000 + 50 × 9.81/0.01 = 149050 Pa.
Work interaction for the air, W = p(V2 - V1) = 149050 × (0.0025 - 0.005) = -372.625 J. Applying the first
law, we have, Q - W = ΔU ==> ΔU = -1410 - (-372.625) = -1037.375 J. Specific internal energy change
is Δu = ΔU/m = -1037.375/4 = -259.34 J/kg.

8. Given: ma = 1 kg, pa,1 = 5 × 105 Pa, Ta,1 = 350 K, mCO2 = 3 kg, pCO2,1 = 2 × 105 Pa,
TCO2,1 = 450 K, for air: pv = 288.68 T, Cv = 733 J/kg.K and for CO2: pv = 189 T,
Cv = 750 J/kg.K. Let Tf and pf, be the common final temperature and pressure
attained by both the gases, respectively. Taking the system as combined air and
CO2 chambers, applying the first law, we have, Q - W = 0 = ΔU = ΔUair + ΔUCO2, since both Q and W
are zero. Thus, 1 × 733 × (Tf - 350) + 3 × 750 ×(Tf - 450) = 0 ==> Tf = 425.4 K. If Va,1 and VCO2,1 are the
initial volumes of air and CO2 chambers and Va,2 and VCO2,2 are their final volumes, then their sum should
remain constant: Va,1 +VCO2,1 =Va,2 + VCO2,2. Va,1=1 × 288.68 × 350/5 ×105 = 0.20207 m3, VCO2,1 = 3 ×
189 × 450/200000 = 1.27575 m3. Va,1 + VCO2,1 = 1.477826 m3. Final volumes and their sum is calculated
in terms of the final pressure, pf, as follows: 1 × 288.68 × 425.4/pf + 3 × 189 × 425.4/pf = 1.477826 m3.
Thus, pf = 246312 Pa.

9. Given: pa,1 = 500 kPa, Ta,1 = 473 K, pN2,1 =1500 kPa, pN2,2 = 1580 kPa, Va,1 = VN2,1 = 0.01
m3, for air and N2: pv = 288 T and Cv = 742 J/kg.K. Since the rigid partition is perfectly
conducting, the temperature in the nitrogen chamber will be same as that in air: TN2,1 = 473
K. Masses of air and N2 can be determined using the p-v-T relationship: ma = 500 × 103 ×
0.01/(288 × 473) = 0.0367 kg and mN2 = 1500 × 103 × 0.01/(288×473) = 0.11011 kg. For N2
chamber, the final temperature is calculated as TN2,2 = 1580×103×0.01/(0.11011×288) =
498.24 K. The final temperature of air is same as that of nitrogen. Therefore, Ta,2 = 498.24 K. Applying
first law for N2: QN2 - WN2 = ΔUN2 ==> QN2 = ΔUN2 = mCvΔT, since W = 0. Thus, QN2 = 0.11011 × 742
× (498.24 - 473) = 2062.15 J. The heat lost by air is gained by nitrogen, thus, Qair = -QN2 = -2062.15 J.
Applying first law for air: Qa - Wa = ΔUa ==> Wa = Qa - ΔUa. Thus, Wa = -2062.15 - 0.0367 × 742 ×
(498.24 - 473) = -2749.47 J.

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