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On August 15th 2022, India marches beyond 75 years of Independence. In these years
the world that that has undergone myriad that is beyond recognition even when we try to
compare a decade earlier. The Financial world too has its own stories which could not be
collated despite penning innumerable books. The word generation gap has shrunk down to 5
years now from the previous 10 or 15 years. Congruently the world of investments too has seen
forlorn changes and is still seeing developments. Inflation, and every financial markets have
seen dips and rises ever since the Great Depression and the other recessions that has
happened over the past 100 years. It would be apt to tell that it’s the survival of the fittest in
every walks of life. The recent pandemic a couple of years back brought the entire world to a
standstill, yet we all have survived and evolved through those times learning a lot of lessons to
make our life sound better in case of any future unforeseen calamity.

This is where we can speak of Financial Independence which must be a major motive of
every individual for a secure and harmonious life in future. The world of investment could act as
a key parameter to address this need of life. What was initially restricted to colossal area has
moved beyond them in the form of digital assets, digital currencies, VR etc. Gone are the days
when investments were restricted to only the wealthy, but today with gallant advancement in
technology everything is being traded in the form of a candle stick. People from all walks of life
can now partake in investment world and strike gold for to achieve Financial Independence.

Who wouldn’t like to live their dreams without worrying about money? Not all are
blessed to that level but certainly not impossible to achieve. We are all aware of Warren Buffet
who is the richest person worth billions but are we aware that to achieve such a level of
Independence he started investing as early as in his teens. Compounding and investment from
that early stage is the reason where we find him today. What do we infer? Start being matured
at the age of playing around happily? Obviously not! It’s learn to earn even while playing is what
we must try to nurture from tender age. Kids today are more used to being pampered with
lavish gadgets, dresses etc., which gets upgraded year on year on their birthdays. Do they
really add value? Imagine how happy a parent would be if their child is Financially independent
at an age when they can’t support them anymore and their education too adds more value to
the independence already gained.

Investment has no age. In this advanced world where information is accessible to

everyone, parents must take steps to seed investing too in young minds, needn’t essentially be
in huge sums but in small numbers. Here is where crypto can come handy to build a slow but
massive fortune. Sans hefty premium every time, just get the proper guidance and buy
whatever is ruling in small quantities, over years we can see our kids grow, so is their own
riches, evolving towards a better lifestyle that we would have only dreamt of.

Let the spirit of investment and financial freedom capture every young minds be it a
school kid or a grandfather for it’s just people who grow old but not their minds. Investment
doesn’t have an age so is Financial Independence which can be gained at any age.

With this small idea, Wishing every Indian living in every corner of the world a very

Invest, Earn, Grow Rich, Live Happily Ever!!!

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