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2. Among the factors that you mentioned in number (1), what factor has the greatest impact?

Code: Connecting with People

- "I think what would really motivate me to learn English is the opportunity to connect with

people from all around the world. It's amazing how language can bring us closer together..."

- "...and being able to communicate with a broader global audience would be incredibly


- "...language can bring us closer together..."

Code: Accessing a Wealth of Knowledge and Resources

- "Learning English would open up a whole new world of knowledge for me. I can't help but

get excited about the idea of accessing a vast range of information, resources, and interesting


- "...a vast range of information, resources, and interesting content that is available in the

English language."

- "...unlocking a treasure trove of learning!"

Code: Career Advancement and Personal Growth

- "You know, one thing that would really drive me to learn English is the chance to advance in

my career. It's not just about job opportunities, but also about personal growth and


- " doors to new professional experiences and possibilities."

- "...personal growth and development."

Code: Aspiring to Study at Renowned English-Speaking Universities

- "I've always dreamt of studying at renowned English-speaking universities. The thought of

immersing myself in a vibrant academic environment, interacting with professors and students..."
- "...immersing myself in a vibrant academic environment..."

- "...gaining a world-class education..."

Code: Appreciating English Literature in its Original Language

- "I absolutely love literature, and being able to read and understand English books in their

original language would be a dream come true..."

- "...the joy of experiencing the nuances, the beauty, and the depth of great works of fiction and


- "...experiencing the nuances, the beauty, and the depth of great works of fiction and non-


Code: Sense of Accomplishment and Personal Pride

- "Learning a new language can be quite a challenge, but it's a challenge that I would be

excited to take on. The sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering a language..."

- "...sense of pride and satisfaction."

- "...sense of accomplishment."

Code: Travel, Cultural Immersion, and Building Connections

- "Imagine traveling to English-speaking countries and being able to navigate through different

cities, order food at local restaurants, and make genuine connections with people. That's what

motivates me to learn English..."

- "...order food at local restaurants, and make genuine connections with people."

- "...navigate through different cities..."

Code: Enjoying Entertainment in English

- "Movies, TV shows, and music have always been a big part of my life, and being able to

enjoy them in their original English versions would be incredible..."

- "...fully immerse myself in the stories, the emotions, and the culture conveyed through these

forms of entertainment."

- "...enjoy them in their original English versions."

Code: Engaging in Online Communities and Global Conversations

- "Online communities and social media platforms offer so many opportunities for connection,

learning, and self-expression. Being able to participate actively in these digital spaces where

English is the predominant language would be enriching..."

- "...participate actively in these digital spaces where

English is the predominant language."

- "...sharing ideas on a global scale."

Code: Global Communication, Collaboration, and Contribution

- "The world is becoming increasingly interconnected, and English has become the language

of global communication. Realizing that English is widely recognized in business, science, and


- "...a crucial step in my personal and professional growth. It would open up a whole world of

collaborative opportunities and allow me to contribute to a global conversation."

3. Why does motivation affect your interest in learning English?

Code: Motivation as a driving force for learning

Example quote: "Motivation really affects your interest in learning English because it's like the

fuel that keeps you going and excited to improve."

Code: Enhanced enjoyment and engagement

Example quote: "When you're motivated, learning English becomes way more interesting and

fun, like you're eager to discover new things and get better."
Code: Motivation as a key factor for persistence

Example quote: "Motivation is like the secret ingredient in learning English—it keeps you

hooked and invested in the whole journey."

Code: Motivation as a key factor for persistence

Example quote: "Having that motivation makes a big difference in learning English because it

helps you stay committed and not give up easily."

Code: Enhanced enjoyment and engagement

Example quote: "It's like this: when you're motivated, learning English feels like an adventure,

and you're more likely to stick with it."

Code: Motivation as a driving force for learning

Example quote: "Motivation is like the spark that boosts your interest in learning English—it

gets you all enthusiastic and excited to learn."

Code: Motivation as a key factor for persistence

Example quote: "Believe me, when you have motivation, learning English starts to make more

sense and becomes more valuable to you."

Code: Enhanced enjoyment and engagement

Example quote: "Motivation creates this sense of curiosity, you know? Like you're genuinely

interested in exploring different aspects of the English language."

Code: Motivation as a catalyst for prioritization and effort

Example quote: "If you're motivated, learning English becomes a priority for you, and you'll

put in the time and effort because you know it's worth it."

Code: Motivation as a driving force for learning

Example quote: "Motivation is like your personal cheerleader for learning English—it keeps

you motivated and focused on your goals."

4. What do you think would motivate you to learn English?

Social Connections and Cultural Exchange

- Code: Motivated by the desire to make friends from diverse backgrounds and learn about

different cultures.

- Example quote:

- "I think the main reason I'd want to learn English is to make new friends from different

places and learn about their cultures. It's exciting to connect with people from all over the


Job Opportunities and Career Advancement

- Code: Motivated by the belief that learning English will expand job prospects and lead to

better career opportunities.

- Example quote:

- "If I learn English, it could open up more job opportunities for me. I could have a wider

range of options and maybe even find a job I really love."

Access to Knowledge and Online Content

- Code: Motivated by the desire to access a wealth of information, books, articles, and online

resources available in English.

- Example quote:

- "I want to learn English because it will help me learn so many new things. There are lots of

books, articles, and cool stuff online that I can only access if I know English."

Enhanced Travel Experiences

- Code: Motivated by the goal of improving travel experiences by being able to communicate

confidently in English with people from different countries.

- Example quote:

- "Traveling is something I really enjoy, and if I learn English, it would make it much easier

for me to talk to people in different countries. I'd feel more confident exploring new places."

Enjoyment of English Media and Entertainment

- Code: Motivated by the fascination with English movies, songs, and stories, and the desire to

fully enjoy them without subtitles or translations.

- Example quote:

- "English movies, songs, and stories have always fascinated me. Learning English would let

me enjoy them without needing subtitles or translations. It would be like discovering a whole

new world!"

Self-Expression and Confidence Building

- Code: Motivated by the belief that learning English will enhance self-expression and boost

confidence in communication.

- Example quote:

- "I believe learning English would give me more confidence in expressing myself. It's a

language spoken by so many people, and being able to communicate well would make me feel

proud of my achievements."

Participation in International Communities

- Code: Motivated by the desire to actively engage with global communities and contribute to

conversations and experiences.

- Example quote:
- "I'd love to be part of international communities and be able to join conversations with

people from around the globe. Learning English would help me connect with others and share

my own experiences."

Enjoyment of English Media and Entertainment

- Code: Motivated by the fascination with English movies, songs, and stories, and the desire to

fully enjoy them without subtitles or translations.

- Example quote:

- "Music, TV shows, and movies in English are so popular and entertaining. If I learn English,

I can fully enjoy them and understand what's happening without relying on translations."

Business and Professional Advantages

- Code: Motivated by the recognition of the importance of English in the business world and

the potential professional opportunities it can offer.

- Example quote:

- "English is really important in the business world.

If I learn it, I can communicate with people from different countries, collaborate on projects, and

expand my professional network. It could open up great opportunities for me."

internet Exploration and Information Access

- Code: Motivated by the desire to navigate the internet more effectively and access a wide

range of information available in English.

- Example quote:

- "Learning English would let me explore the internet more easily. There's so much

information out there, from learning new things to finding interesting stuff. Knowing English

would help me make the most of it all."

5. What is the significance of the English language to you?

- "English is essential to me as it connects me to a global community." (Code 1)

- "The significance of English lies in its ability to bridge cultures and foster understanding."

(Code 2)

- "English is crucial in my life as it opens up countless opportunities for communication and

growth." (Code 3)

- "The English language is significant to me because it enables me to express myself effectively

and connect with others." (Code 4)

- "English holds great importance for me as it grants me access to a vast wealth of knowledge

and information." (Code 5)

- "The significance of English to me is its power to break down barriers and build meaningful

relationships." (Code 6)

- "English plays a vital role in my life by providing me with a universal means of communication

and expression." (Code 7)

- "The English language holds immense value for me as it allows me to engage with diverse

perspectives and ideas." (Code 8)

- "English is significant to me as it empowers me to navigate the modern world and stay

connected in a globalized society." (Code 9)

- "The significance of English in my life is its ability to facilitate both personal and professional

growth, enabling me to thrive in various contexts." (Code 10)

6. What teaching method do you prefer in learning English?

- Code 1: Emphasis on conversations and real-life situations

- "Personally, I really like when my English teacher focuses on conversations and real-life

situations. It makes learning English more practical and fun!"

- Code 2: Use of visual aids for better understanding

- "I find it super helpful when my teacher uses pictures, videos, and things I can see to teach me


- "It helps me understand things better."

- Code 3: Integration of online activities with face-to-face lessons

- "I love it when my teacher combines online activities with face-to-face lessons. It gives me

flexibility and makes learning English more interesting."

- Code 4: Collaborative learning through group activities

- "I enjoy working with other students and doing group activities. It's cool to practice English

together and help each other out."

- Code 5: Self-paced learning and independent study

- "I'm the kind of person who likes learning on my own. So having good study materials and

resources that I can use at my own pace is great."

- Code 6: Immersion in an English-speaking environment

- "I think it's amazing when I can be in an English-speaking environment. It helps me improve

my English skills faster and feel more confident."

- Code 7: Engaging in specific tasks for real-world application

- "I like it when my teacher gives us specific tasks to do. It feels like I'm using English in a real

way and it makes me feel more accomplished."

- Code 8: Learning English through exclusive use of English

- "I've found that learning English by only using English works well for me. It helps me think

and speak in English more naturally."

- Code 9: Emphasis on listening and speaking exercises

- "I really enjoy doing lots of listening and speaking exercises. It's cool to practice the sounds

and rhythm of English through repetition."

- Code 10: Personalized lessons catering to individual needs and interests

- "Lastly, I appreciate teachers who understand my individual needs and interests. When they

make the lessons personalized, it keeps me engaged and motivated to learn English."

7. What properties of an English language teacher are you looking for?

- Code 1: Proficiency in English language

- "I'm looking for an English language teacher who is highly proficient in the language


- Code 2: Deep understanding of grammar

- "Someone who has a deep understanding of grammar and can explain complex concepts in a

clear and concise manner."

- Code 4: Patience and understanding

- "A teacher who is patient and understanding, especially when it comes to helping students

overcome language barriers."

- Code 6: Engaging and interactive lessons

- "I value a teacher who can create engaging and interactive lessons to keep students motivated

and interested."

- Code 8: Approachability and creating a comfortable learning environment

- "It's important to me that the teacher is approachable and creates a comfortable learning

environment where I feel free to ask questions and make mistakes."

- Code 10: Incorporation of real-life examples and practical exercises

- "I prefer a teacher who incorporates real-life examples and practical exercises into their

lessons to make the language learning experience more relevant and applicable."

- Code 12: Providing constructive feedback and guidance

- "I appreciate a teacher who provides constructive feedback and guidance to help me improve

my English skills."

- Code 14: Knowledge of different accents and dialects

- "Someone who is knowledgeable about different English accents and dialects and can expose

me to a variety of speaking styles."

- Code 16: Encouragement and support for practice outside the classroom

- "A teacher who encourages and supports opportunities for practicing English outside of the

classroom, such as through conversation clubs or language exchanges."

- Code 18: Staying updated on teaching methods and resources

- "I'm seeking a teacher who stays updated on the latest teaching methods and resources to


they are providing the most effective and relevant instruction."

8. why is the English curriculum not engaging for you?

- Code: Real-world relevance missing

- Quote: "The English curriculum lacks real-world relevance, making it difficult to see the

practical applications of what we're learning."

- Code: Outdated teaching methods

- Quote: "The teaching methods used in the English curriculum are outdated and fail to capture

our attention or make the subject interesting."

- Code: Overemphasis on grammar and technical aspects

- Quote: "The curriculum focuses too much on grammar and technical aspects of the language,

neglecting the creative and expressive aspects that could make it more engaging."

- Code: Absence of interactive or hands-on activities

- Quote: "The curriculum does not incorporate enough interactive or hands-on activities,

making it feel monotonous and disconnected from our daily lives."

- Code: Unengaging or unrelatable reading materials

- Quote: "The reading materials chosen for the curriculum are not engaging or relatable to our

generation, making it hard to develop a genuine interest in the subject."

- Code: Lack of diversity in authors and perspectives

- Quote: "The curriculum lacks diversity in terms of authors and perspectives, which limits our

exposure to different writing styles and cultural experiences."

- Code: Rigid assessment methods

- Quote: "The assessment methods used in the English curriculum are too rigid and do not allow

for individual expression or creativity."

- Code: Insufficient collaborative learning opportunities

- Quote: "The curriculum does not provide enough opportunities for collaborative learning or

group projects, which could make the subject more engaging and interactive."

- Code: Lack of multimedia resources or technology integration

- Quote: "The English curriculum does not incorporate enough multimedia resources or

technology, which could enhance our learning experience and make it more enjoyable."
- Code: Lack of choice and personalization

- Quote: "The curriculum does not allow for enough choice and personalization, forcing us to

study texts or topics that do not align with our interests, making it difficult to stay engaged."

9. why is the teaching method or style significant in learning English?

- Impact of teaching method/style on information presentation and understanding:

- "The teaching method or style is significant in learning English because it directly impacts

how information is presented and understood by students."

- Catering to individual learning preferences through teaching methods/styles:

- "Different teaching methods or styles can cater to individual learning preferences, making the

learning process more effective and engaging for students."

- Influence of teaching method/style on motivation and enthusiasm for learning:

- "The teaching method or style can influence students' motivation and enthusiasm for learning

English, which in turn affects their progress and success in acquiring the language."

- Accommodation of diverse student backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles through teaching


- "Varied teaching methods or styles can accommodate diverse student backgrounds, abilities,

and learning styles, ensuring inclusive and equitable education for all."

- Enhancement of language retention and comprehension through teaching method/style:

- "The teaching method or style can enhance students' language retention and comprehension by

utilizing techniques such as repetition, visualization, or interactive activities."

- Promotion of active participation and critical thinking through effective teaching

- "Effective teaching methods or styles can promote active participation and critical thinking,

encouraging students to analyze and apply English language concepts in real-world contexts."

- Creation of a positive classroom environment through teaching method/style:

- "The teaching method or style can foster a positive classroom environment, establishing a

supportive and collaborative atmosphere that promotes effective communication and language


- Integration of technology and multimedia resources in innovative teaching methods/styles:

- "Innovative teaching methods or styles can incorporate technology and multimedia resources,

offering interactive and immersive learning experiences that cater to the digital age."

- Development of essential language skills through teaching method/style:

- "The teaching method or style can help students develop essential language skills, including

listening, speaking, reading, and writing, by employing appropriate instructional strategies for

each skill area."

- Addressing specific challenges and providing personalized instruction through adapting

teaching methods/styles:

- "By adapting teaching methods or styles to students' needs, educators can address specific

challenges and provide personalized instruction, enabling learners to overcome difficulties and

achieve their language learning goals."

10. what role do teachers play in your interest for English?

- "Teachers provide me with clear instructions on grammar rules and vocabulary usage." (Code:


- "Teachers focus on building a solid foundation in English grammar and pronunciation." (Code:

Foundation building)
- "Teachers ignite my curiosity and motivate me to explore different aspects of the English

language." (Code: Motivation)

- "Teachers encourage me to dive deeper into the intricacies of English idioms and expressions."

(Code: Inspiration)

- "Teachers challenge me to constantly improve my speaking and writing skills." (Code: Self-


- "Teachers foster a supportive and encouraging environment where I feel comfortable

expressing my thoughts in English." (Code: Positive learning environment)

- "Teachers spark my interest by incorporating fun activities and real-life examples into the

lessons." (Code: Interest fostering)

- "Teachers introduce me to a wide range of resources, such as online articles, podcasts, and

language learning apps." (Code: Resource introduction)

- "Teachers expose me to classic English literature and incorporate multimedia elements like

videos and songs into the curriculum." (Code: Diverse resources)

- "Teachers help me understand the cultural context behind English language usage, which

broadens my appreciation for its richness." (Code: Language understanding/appreciation)

- "Teachers provide individualized feedback on my assignments and highlight areas where I can

improve." (Code: Personalized feedback)

- "Teachers give constructive criticism on my pronunciation and suggest techniques for

improvement." (Code: Constructive criticism)

- "Teachers motivate me to work harder by acknowledging my progress and providing support

when I face challenges." (Code: Motivation)

- "Teachers create a classroom environment where everyone is encouraged to participate actively

in discussions and share their ideas." (Code: Active participation)

- "Teachers provide opportunities for me to practice speaking in English, which boosts my

confidence in using the language." (Code: Confidence building)

- "Teachers incorporate interactive activities and group projects, which enhance my learning

experience and make it more engaging." (Code: Enhanced learning)

- "Teachers serve as mentors, guiding me not only in language learning but also in setting career

goals related to English proficiency." (Code: Mentorship)

- "Teachers offer valuable guidance and support, helping me navigate the challenges of language

learning." (Code: Guidance/Support)

- "Teachers accompany me throughout my English language learning journey, providing

guidance at each stage." (Code: Learning journey)

- "Teachers incorporate discussions about English-speaking cultures, traditions, and customs,

giving me a broader perspective of the language." (Code: Cultural aspects)

- "Teachers connect English learning to real-world situations, such as job interviews or travel

scenarios, making the language more practical." (Code: Real-world applications)

- "Teachers create an immersive learning environment by organizing language immersion

programs and cultural events." (Code: Immersive learning)

- "Teachers make the learning process enjoyable by incorporating games, interactive exercises,

and multimedia elements into the lessons." (Code: Enjoyable learning)

- "Teachers assist me in setting achievable goals for improving my English skills and provide

guidance on how to attain them." (Code: Goal setting)

- "Teachers regularly assess and track my progress in different language areas, such as reading,

writing, listening, and speaking." (Code: Progress tracking)

- "Teachers celebrate milestones and achievements in my language learning journey, boosting my

motivation to continue." (Code: Achievement)

- "Teachers share their enthusiasm for the English language, fueling my interest and

curiosity to explore it further." (Code: Interest fueling)

- "Teachers serve as role models by demonstrating their own proficiency in English and passion

for continuous learning." (Code: Role modeling)

- "Teachers exhibit a genuine passion for the English language, which inspires me to develop the

same enthusiasm." (Code: Passion)

- "Teachers instill in me a love for learning, not only in English but also in other areas of
knowledge." (Code: Love for learning)

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