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Tense review Reading: Got things to do Is you fe busy a the moment or do youhave plenty ef fee time? BB Lok 2 the to-do ist. Do you have any Simla obs to do? What othe jobs are on Your to-do Ist? Which obs on your it wil You enjoy doing and which il you die? wy \ todo Complete tax form o/ Reply t0 emails ¢/ Take clothes to cleaners Submit expenses 7 ‘Make dentist's appointment Plan trip to Athens ¢/ Look for cheaper car insurance Soll the old printer on eBay Buy Jim and Jenny's wedding present / Pay gas bill 7 Glean out garage ED Read the website, Wouh helps thousands of people lke you every month. Its. easy as one, two, three. Here's how it works. | Have you got too much to do and no time to do it? Postajobad — FY chooseyour BY sitback A ‘on our site ‘assistant and relax | tedoesnte matter Individuals and Let someone ee get |) whathes~no jobs ‘companies reply to ‘on with it You can put | twobigortoosmal youradand ida price —_yourtime and energy | Youcan give your Youjustselectheone _intomnoreimportant | boringchorestoour you want todoyour projects instead, | assisanns. jb. | In the past our assistancs have done everything you can imagine. They've painted houses, ile in tax forms, researched beter rates for car insurance, taught kids English, bule websices, and even bought Aunty Freda’ birchday git Las year more than 100000 people found the help they needed at ‘Sotel your friends and family you're going to have alot moe time to spend ‘together. We have thousands of assistants waitin co bid on your jobs. so youl have time to begin chose projects you've always wanted to do. Youle going el 4 Find words and phrases in the website text which match these deftions 1 itSotimporant 4 anoffer made ata sated pce 2 routine boring tasks 5 do something on your own withou 3. advertisemen 6 searched carefully for facts for 8 Hi [BB Look at the three numbered paragraphs in the website. Which tenses are used? Pest, present, future of a mixture? Gh What do you tink the peopl in these photos are thinking? What kind of sistant do you thnk they ike to have? 3) 1-1 stent the people in exercise 6, Find outif you ae right GB 9 usten again and complete the sentences. 1 Italways: longer to get home on Tuesdays. 21m ‘exhausted but I'd better go. 3 Im the minutes this evening, 4 think ‘these ones .. orthe other ones. 5. No, the other ones my toes, 6 Im him at home next time. 7 Wel that new diet 8 Ive. 00d at dieting Grammar: Tense review GB Lok atthe sentences in exercise 8. Which tenses re they ing about? 2 pastime © ite time b prosonttime dite It always takes longer to get home on Tuesdays. ~ They are talking about present time, Compare you answers wih partner Do you agree? Then ir ‘examples of these verb forms in the sentences in exercise 8. Grammar: Tense review 2a the present simple the present continuous, f the past simple the will future g the past continuous d the going to future hi the present perfect >> For more information on the English tense system, see page 160. the present continuous for future Speaking: Past, present and future Write an example of each of these things the sections of the circle below. ‘© a outine job you do every day ‘© a job you didn't have time to do yesterday ‘¢ a project you're working on at the moment ‘© what you were doing at 6 p.m, last right «0b you think you will do tomorrow ‘¢ something you've wanted to do for ages, butyou haven't had time ‘+ the name of aplace where you've never been to but you've always wanted to go ‘* something you plan to do this weekend ‘¢ something you're going to do as soon as you get home ‘2 something you hate doing but have to do BD Work in pairs. Show each other your circles, Take it in turns to ask questions ‘about the things you have written and develop conversations. ‘A: Why have you written fix door belt”? B: That's 2 job | plan to do this weekend, My front doorbell isn't working. A: sit broken then? 'm not sure. 'm going to replace the batteries and see. Listening: Commuting EB How do you gett work or schoo in the morrings? How ong dove your joumey take’ let gneraly sess or peaceful? Why? EB 2) 1.2 Listen to a rao interview with some commutors ona tran. Make notes onthe activities they mention, Name What they What they are usually do doing now Mario Alissa Steve Wanda 00k at the questions the interviewer abked the tomate, Unda the present simple and prevent Continous forms Which chestons include bth forms? Ask are answer the questions with e perter 1 hat do yu usually do while yout commuting? 2 Wha book are you reading at the moment? 3. Does it take you long to get to work? 4. Doyyou listen to music while you're commuting? 5 Whet are you daydrearning about at the moment? 6 Are you studying for any exams at the moment? Grammar: Present tense question forms BB Look at the table and answer the questions. Present tense question forms Present simple (yes/no questions) (Wh questions) Do you usualy take the train? What do you usually do? Does he usually take the What does he usualy train? do? Present continuous (yes/no questions) fs he/she studying for exams What is ho de at the moment? What are yoir doing Are you studying for exams now? at the moment? (Wh- questions) Which tense do we use to talk about: ‘a. short-term or temporary activities? rm situations? bb long: >> For more information on the present simple and [present continuous, see page 161. GB Here aro some things commuters sometimes do to pas the time on aie Think of fve more to ad to thelist ‘© think about the day ahead * eat snacks craw pictures # study a language do crosswords and puzzles + look out of the window at the scer © sleep © chat with other travellers brush or comb thei hair i werk in groups, what do you normaly do on long Journeys? Wich oe the best ways to pass the tine and why? Sometimes we just have to wait for things to happen. Inyour groups, dlcute the best way to pass the time in these stuations 11 While you're standing in a long queue at the airport. 2. While you're waiting for red lights to turn green. 3. While you'r listening to recorded music on the phone, waiting for someone to answer 4. While you're waiting for your dentist to see you. 5. While you're waiting for your computer to boot up. ‘A: What do you usually do when you are standing in a queue at the airport? B: | usually watch the other people in the queue, fnat about you? B: sometimes close my eyes and meditate or | read ‘something. SEee60 Speaking: Making changes GB 100k at th fist below. Which ofthese aspects of your Ife would you ike to change? «get more sleep «bse weight or get fiter save money find a new job or place to live study more English learn something new become a better parent / husband / wife / boss / employee something ole what?) Work n groupe. You are going to discuss making changes toyour ie Folow the instruction below. Then report back to the clas Which people are making the most changes to thelr, ives? 1 Tell one anether what you want to do and why 2 Explain what you're doing tty to change the situation, {As Are you tying te find a new job? B Yes. work for a bonk atthe moment but Ihave a degree injoumalsm, wart to bea reporter [As Are you looking fo jobs in television o rao? BB: 'm answering ads for both, And I'm networking more so Imake more contacts. Responding to a radio show BD vou are on a daily commute to work and you see the radio's website about commuting. The radio station has invited listeners to email them about what they do while they commute. Send an ‘email tothe radio station, include information about what you sully do and what you are doing now. Reading: Activity Superstore EB Lock atthe photos of some actives that are advertised ona website, Match the photos with the name of the sport or activity fiying lessons aqua sphering spy academy fashion shoot EB Workin pairs. Student A: Read the fist two adverts, Student B: Reed the lat two adverts. Match the name ofthe activity in exercise | tothe adverts. EB try toremember the essential information sbaut the activites and explain ‘thom to your partner. A Dream Come True 1 Ever wortdered what i's like inside a washing machine? Then aqua sphering is just ‘the thing for you! Irs the latest extreme activity where you rot down a hill in a huge plastic bubble with thity lives of water. The ball can reach speeds of up to 50km per hour It's exhilarating and terrifying at the same time, You'l love it Price €73. sagen: smal, useful machines otoos 2 Ifyou fancy yourset as the next James Bond then our Spy Academy is fr you! You'l {earn how to use specialist spy gacgets* such as hidden cameras and listening devices®.You'l play with some of the famous Bond vehicles, such as the moon buggy, and you'l also receive expert advice ‘on how to escape the enemy Note: No weapons used. Price €112. vices: mactres ort tat doa spec ob hil: gens o excitement 3 This activity will leave you looking and feeling wuly amazing, Relax as top professionals create vour new look, Your day wil start with ‘an interview with a top stylist, followed by stunning make-up ‘and then an incredible up-to date hairstyle. Then enjoy a fashion photo shoot capturing your fabulous look Price €157. fgh ravotor a machine tat is to copy the exesenceof ying an ira ase train its 4 We offer you a great range of flying activites to choose from. You can experience the thll® of taking the controls yourself ina fying lesson, enjoy spectacular views from a balloon, or Keep vour feet firmly on the ground with flight simulator®, We have something for everyone. Price €123-€337. ‘SE a Word focus: Free-time activities GB Name something you like doing in your free time. Did you Fike doing this when you were younger? In what ways have your leisure activities changed over time? BB what do you think most young Europeans aged 15-30 do in their free time? Read the text and find out if you are right. Young Europeans are He * | stillreading books = 2 ‘The two most common leisure ee among | Roughly one in five 2196) young adults saying the internet or playing video games is one their preferred activities. Watching television is mentioned by 19%, listening to music by 17% and going to the cinema, theatre or concerts by 16%. Perhaps it’s surprising these days, but more young | people (one in four) mention reading a book. 90 you thnk to statistes woud be similar in your coun? Whywhy not? ‘Complete the notes on -ing forms inthe table with the ‘examples from the text. Then find more exemples of ing forms in the text “ing forms -ing forms can be: 1 parts ofa continuous verb form Young Europeans are stil. 2 adjectives Perhaps its 3 usedlike @ noun television is mentioned by 19%. ‘When -ing forms are used like nouns, we call them gerunds. >> For more information on -ing forms, see page 172- books. GD Tek the ese activities you ke doing, Ar there ny Youuhave never ied? Add some more aches hat you Ike doing tothe st running playing chess. skiing cycling swimming yoga playing computer games climbing ‘making jewellery singing doing puzzles Visiting museums/art galleries gardening diving Photography shopping birdwatching, going fora walk doing up old cars Renee) y SS8e88G Speaking: Choosing an activity $B Hoe do you ers your amity sk nyour fos ter Do you have a specific hobby or interest? ‘© One of my/our free-time intorests is 4 TmWe'e into + We like / enjoy... ng. ‘© lam/We are keen on 4+ We spend a lot of time Discuss these statements. Which ones are true for you and why? 1. Ity to find new ways to relaxin my free time. 2 Iimbored with the traditional hobbies and activities. 3. Idlke to ty anew sport or activity 4 Id like to do as many new things as possible before | retire/d. Work in pairs. Look at the adverts in exercise 2 and choose the most appropriate activity for each of these ‘people. Give your reasons. What other activities do you think they might lke? 11 Your friend Helena loves adventure sports, She's really into sking and diving, 2. Baz works with you. Hea shy person who likes. ‘computer games. its his 30th birthday and you end your colleagues want to organize a group activity 3. It’syour parents’ wedding anniversary end you want to find an activity they woul lke to do together. Your ‘mothers keen on photography. Your father likes doing up ld cars. 4 Your younger sister passed all her exams and you want to give her something special to celebrate, She loves clothes and shopping. 5. Yourbrother works in Research & Development for a pharmaceutical company, He enjoys gardening in his free time. 6 Nigel loves gadgets and finding out how machines work, You want to give him a surprise present. Writing: Giving a dream Write an email to a friend or family member who has. something to celebrate and say you want to give them a Live the Dream! activity Tell ther what it is and why you think they'd tke it. Listening: Issues with a project EB A decline is a date ort by which you have todo or Completa something. Do you ovor have deodines at work? ‘What for? Do you cx your colleagues ever have probs meeting deadlines? Why? BB Read an emai about a deadine. What ste deadline for? ‘Subject: Project status Hi Valerie I'm just writing to warn you that we're running about two weeks behind schedule with the ew website. | know we wanted it by 1 May, but it won't be ready in time. | propose we delay the site launch by another month, What do you think? All the best Jay Ey Find words and phratesin the email which mean the following 1 be prepared before the deadline 2. toll someone about something before it happens so they are not worried or surprised 3 later than plann 4 wait until a leter time to do something 5 when a new product or service becomes available BB 9) 1.3 Valerie talks to Jay about his email. Listen to their conversation. Who says what? Write V for Valerie and for Jay. Who says why the project is behind schedule? Who wants to launch the site on 1 May? 1 2 3. Who wants to recruit an expert to work on the project? 4 Who doesn't want to pay someone to help? G1 bo you thnk Jay's suggestion was 2 good one? Wy 2hy not? GB 9) Tr to remember the missing words from this part of the conversation, Then listen again and check your answers Valerie: Is there any way we can have the site ready for the first of May? I's very important. vay: someone to help us? What do you think? Valorie: Well it'san2___idea. Do you _getting someone from another depertment? Jay: No, Imean hiring an external contractor, We coold have the site ready in time then, Valerie: Oh, | see. Jay: My brotherinlaw’s 2 very good web designer. 4 Valerie: Um,(5__ it sounds expensive, Jay: 16 to hen today if you like, Valerie: 7 at some other options first. Jay: Oh, OK. Valerie: & abit later to discuss this again? Speaking: Making suggestions Find five expressions for making suggestions in exercise 6. Gi complete these suggestions inthe table by puting the peste ests ete oar 1. What about (delay) the launch date by a month? 2 Lars lode advo tothe ste 3 Wie could (get) conractor to dothe work 4 How about. (meet) after lunch? | 5 Whydont we Toot a some mere eptins? | A propose, recommend, suggest are all eros that are formal ane more ih mon in witen than spoken 1 propose wo detay the site launch by another ‘month. (written) What about delaying the site launch by ‘another month? (spoken) G1 Read about some more writen suggestions, What do you think these peopl actully sid? Use the spoken eerste tesa 1 Sally proposed ve iron a blog onthe web 2. Tom recommended adding ssf photo othe 3 an suggested we worklate to fish the projectin tne 4. Anna recommended web thing forthe wicle departhent 5 Jesr-Philppe proposed ending the meeting eae than poral 6 Gudrun suggested we cancel next waeks meeting, D Valerie tries to reject Jay's suggestions politely. Look at what Valerie thinks inthe table and match it to what she says in exercise 6. Soe oe | don’t like that idea No, wee not going to pay for a contractor | don't want Jay to talk tohis brotherin-law 00 people say similar shingsin your language when thay wart to be polte? Thnk of examples when you have to reject other people's suggestions pltely. You're organizing a ‘Bring your child to work day’. It's a day when employees’ children will accompany their mum or dad to work, and learn a little about what they do. You need to plan eight hours of entertaining and safe activities for 25 children aged 6-10 and 35 children aged 11-16. One of your colleagu stopping by peop! conversations that work of others nearby. When just B_ Workin pairs or small groups. Takei in tums to present one of these problems. 1 Read your problem and then explain it to your partners) ‘Ask Have you got any suggestions? and try to collect 2s many ideas as you can. 2. Ifyou like an idea, respond positively and say things ike Good suggestion! or Great idea! f you don't like it, be polite, — ‘The hospital you work for is hosting ten visiting doctors from Australia next month. You're responsible for arranging their weekend activities. ‘You need to plan things to do with them on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. {You've noticed your colleagues are putting on | _ weight and in need of exercise. they al work ong hours and spend far too long sitting at, | their desks. How can you encourage everyone | totake more exercise? 1es spends a Jot of time e's desks for long social interrupt your work and the ‘you complain, he t jaughs. You've also complained to your boss, ‘but she doesn't seem to care. Cieccciey inciaallalelcie Grammar reference pages 161 and 162 ee Me eae ae) ee rE tL eae Dy usc ara hs RC acre Motes Se one ee csr Rea ae ue cat ay poeta ac? ‘A: How about asking your boss for help? Cae Rie eee PY ec Raat tg ies Listening: Interview with a life coach EB What would you mest ike to change about your job nd b your fe? EB 9) 14uisten to an interview with aie coach, Nancy Bally. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Whats coaching? 4. Life coaches help people to ‘oni ie ssues that hey want tochange 2. Our clients ae mainly company executives : 3. We can help people with their career choices, 4 We usually meet clients for an hour every week 5. The client has to be in the same country as the coach 6 Ittakes about a year to get results from coaching, ED 2)tiston again nd correc the false statements in exercise 2 9 15 Linen to phone conversations wth two of Neneys {ews Whatife change ish helping thom wah? Joo Sales Manager ‘Manages @ team of 30 staff Life issue: Assistant in an import-export firm Life issue: £69 Time sealers re common things that wast tie at ver Tell your partner wo things you do that wast ine at work. Make some suggestions to help each other stop ‘wasting time. Gy Nancy sent Joe information on ime sealers to help him manage Ns time better. Road the text With a partner make ‘haigestons to help Joe manage hs time, Tl STEALERS things that waste time at Dae a {o your own time managernent — your ‘time stealers Interruptions ~ telephone, email an vistors Meetings Tasks you should delegate Proorastnation* and indecision Dealing with team members Ciisis management Lack of information or technical knowledge Unclear communication, objectives and priorities ‘9 Lack of planning 10 stress ano tauve AH Inabty to say No” 4g0es maraperent and persona decenaton euch Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to manage your aba ‘more in control and reduce stress. i have to do procrastination: delaying doing things you {ack of when there isn't enough of something Workin pairs. Propre a short talk forte est ofthe css wth strategies and suggetons to help people manage their time beter "eseecs Speaking: Change we need Ba Read these comments from two of Nancy's clients. What aspect oftheir vs do they want to change or plan? Ruth Twork for an advertising agency as fan admin. assistant. It's not very well-paid or interesting work. I Ieft school at 18 and I don't have a degree. Ii like to get a better ‘butt'm not vell-qualified. 1 ] MET ena came more | creative work. catering business is doing really wel and Ti like to expand it, But waste a Perey nya entry eaten ec eee see eee ee - ws Leek the completed Yorme for Vikram ad Ruth. Red the information tre releply the telephone conversations between the clr nd the Me coach Name: | Vila Sing | Name Ruth Dees 1 For each of the following if areas, how would 1 For each ofthe following life areas, how would You rate your life out of 10? (10 being you can’t you rate your life out of 10? (10 being you can’t imagine it could possibly be any better) imagine it could possibly be any better) Health & stress (6 Health & stress (6 Money Money 8 ‘Own business or career F) Family & relationships (St Learning and growth Bi Confidence (Own business or career 1 Family & relationships (5° Learning and growth |] Confidence 5 2. Which two areas are you prepared to improve over the next 6 months? 2. Which two areas are you prepared to improve over ‘the next 6 months? ‘tine management stress relief | (earning, career opportionities 2 Puaructadonveneitigyotortilisin —EE| 3 Reset drem ove ting yor we int favwecrechlove but arenotwureiforkow youcan | | haveor chev, butare not ture or how you can have it? | have it? more family. A iar teresting creative ob Student A: Student B: ' You are Vikram, one of You are Nancy, the life You are Nancy,the | Youare Ruth, one of Naney'scients Your lfe coach. Phone your client, life coach. Phone your 1 Nancy's clents. Your life coach, Nancy, phones to} Ruth and ask questions dient Vikram and ask | coach, Nancy, phones to talk about your situation, | about the form she questions about the | talk about your situation Respondto Nancy’ has completed. Make form he has completed. 1 Respond to Nancy's questions and suggestions | suggestions for ways to Make suggestions for! questions and suggestions and make some improve your client Ife ways to imorove your | and make some suggestions ef your own. client’ life. "suggestions of your own. 4) 1.6 Usten to Vizom and Ruth, What has change in the Ives? How could Nancy help them now? Writing: A way forward Imagine you are Nancy. ‘rite an email to either Vikram or Ruth and suggest a way forward. 8 ima

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