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Mass shootings must be stopped because, tragically, they are now all too regular in the US. According
to research, imposing stricter gun laws and offering better mental health care may reduce mass
shootings. It is critical to keep in mind that there is no one solution that fits all for this challenging

One method that has potential is threat assessment. The U.S. Secret Service National Threat
Assessment Centre has conducted study on targeted school violence and found that threat
assessment can help identify individuals who may represent a risk and deter them from carrying out
an attack. In order to prevent violence from starting, this technique calls for identifying and assessing
possible threats before acting.

Another important consideration is the role that the media plays in reporting on shootings in broad
daylight. Research indicates that how these occurrences are covered by the media may increase the
likelihood of copycat incidents. It's important that the media covers these tragedies correctly and
without sensationalising them as a result.

In the end, avoiding mass shootings will require an all-encompassing approach that tackles the
underlying factors behind these tragedies. This calls for addressing mental health, facilitating access
to supports for those in need, and enacting laws that can help prevent dangerous individuals from
obtaining firearms. Along with a commitment to working together to find solutions, it will also
require a shift in how society views gun violence.

Ridhav kothari

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