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Recent Advances in the Molecular and Genetic

Understanding of Congenital Gastrointestinal
Véronique Dauvé and Valérie A. McLin

visceral musculature. Starting at gastrulation, an array of trans-
Major developmental paradigms are highly conserved among vertebrates.
cription factors and signalling pathways in the endoderm and the
The contribution of developmental biology to the understanding of human
adjacent mesoderm contribute to cell-fate decisions, which direct the
disease and regeneration has soared recently. We review advances in the
fate of endoderm and mesoderm progenitors (Table 1).
molecular and genetic understanding of gastrointestinal development
Development of the GI tract is governed by a vast molecular
using evidence from both mammalian and nonmammalian models. When
network comprising signalling pathways and transcription factors,
appropriate, we highlight relevance and applicability to human disease.
which are still incompletely characterized. The basic paradigm of
Key Words: development, gastrointestinal malformations, molecular GI development is that cell-fate decisions occur along the following
regulation 4 axes: dorsoventral, anterioposterior, left–right, and radial (Fig. 1).
Anterior–posterior patterning is necessary for the regional speci-
(JPGN 2013;57: 4–13) fication of the gut and a prerequisite for differential function from
mouth to anus. Second, lumen formation is essential for epithelial
morphogenesis. In other words, lumen formation is a prerequisite

M olecular embryology has been instrumental in advancing

liver stem cell differentiation in vitro. In contrast,
its contribution to gastrointestinal (GI) development has been to
for the development of the large and specialized surface area
required for sufficient nutrient absorption to sustain life. Many
of these processes are directed by complex molecular and physical
unravel the genetic underpinnings of GI malformations. Clinically, interactions between the developing endoderm and mesoderm.
this is significant for the purposes of antenatal screening and genetic Furthermore, the vertebrate GI tract is characterized by its extensive
counselling. In addition, from an embryologist’s perspective, coiling. These morphogenetic movements are ‘‘necessary’’ for
the study of developmental anomalies offers insight into normal spatial organization in the abdominal cavity, but their contribution
development. Thus, this review focuses on malformations of the GI to intestinal function per se is unclear.
tract along the craniocaudal axis from the oesophagus to the rectum. The weakness of such a complex system is that a single,
It aims to correlate molecular and genetic regulation of develop- erroneous cell-fate decision can lead to severe developmental defects,
ment with known clinical phenotypes of developmental defects. often incompatible with extrauterine life. Mutations in ubiquitous
signalling pathways are commonly assumed to underlie systemic
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF GI DEVELOPMENT syndromes. It follows that many other signalling cascades and
Vertebrate development is characterized by the formation of transcription factors are probably involved in GI development as
the 3 primitive germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) evidenced by the number of syndromes comprising GI malformations
during gastrulation. The multipotent endoderm gives rise to the liver, (1–3).
epithelial lining of the GI tract, lung, thyroid, and pancreas, whereas The purpose of this review is to illustrate this principle using
the mesoderm is the precursor of the intestinal mesenchyme and examples from human, mouse, Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog),
and zebrafish because it is accepted that developmental paradigms are
conserved across vertebrate species. We will not expand on early
Received October 11, 2012; accepted January 24, 2013. specification and regional patterning for 2 reasons: they have been
From the Département de Pédiatrie, Faculté de Médecine, Hôpitaux
well summarized by experts in the field (4,5) and signalling defects at
Universitaires de Genève et Université de Genève, Genève, Switzer-
land. these early stages are likely associated with embryonic lethality.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Valérie A. McLin, Rather, the focus is on the developing luminal digestive system along
Département de Pédiatrie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, 1211 the craniocaudal axis from the oesophagus to the rectum after the
Genève 14, Switzerland (e-mail: initial patterning events. The reader is referred to recent reviews
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL for molecular advances of liver and pancreas development (6–8).
citations appear in the printed text, and links to the digital files are Conventional gene and protein nomenclature and symbols are
provided in the HTML text of this article on the journal’s Web site used throughout. Figure 2 summarises genes and pathways that
( are implicated in malformations according to anatomic origin.
The present work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation
(grant 31003A-132721) and the Gertrude von Meissner Foundation to
V.A.M. and Hans Wilsdorf Foundation (Geneva, Switzerland) to V.D.
The authors report no conflicts of interest. GI MALFORMATIONS
Copyright # 2013 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric Oesophagus
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Oesophageal atresia is diagnosed either prenatally on
DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0b013e3182922b49 ultrasound or promptly noticed in the first hours of life. It occurs

4 JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013

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JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013 Genetics of GI Malformations

TABLE 1. Glossary

Primary germ layers

Endoderm The endoderm consists of cells which form the epithelial lining of the whole of the digestive tract (except part of the mouth
and pharynx and the terminal part of the rectum) and the lungs.
Mesoderm The mesoderm germ layer consists of cells having migrated between the endodermic and the ectodermic layers. It forms
skeletal muscle, the skeleton, the dermis of skin, connective tissue, the urogenital system, the urinary bladder, the lining
of the urethra, the heart, blood (lymph cells), the kidney, and the spleen.
Ectoderm The ectoderm forms from the outer layer of germ cells. It forms the nervous system (spine, peripheral nerves and brain),
tooth enamel, and the epidermis (the outer part of integument).
Dorsoventral axis The dorsoventral axis extends from spinal column (back, dorsal) to belly (front, ventral).
Craniocaudal axis The craniocaudal axis extends from the head end to the tail.
Anteroposterior axis The anteroposterior axis is similar to the craniocaudal axis but is mostly used when referring to embryonic development.
Left–right axis The left–right axis extends from the left to the right sides of the body.
Radial axis Radial axis refers to tubular segments.
Developmental and molecular terms
Specification Specification term is used to describe a region of a future organ capable of differentiating autonomously when placed in
a neutral environment.
Differentiation Differentiation characterized by cellular specialization.
Ontogeny Ontogeny refers the origin and the development of an individual organism from embryo to adult.
Morphogenesis Morphogenesis refers to the evolution and development of form.
Morphogen A morphogen is a signalling molecule which governs the pattern of tissue development, by acting directly on cells to
produce specific cellular responses depending on the local concentration of the morphogen.
Primordium Primordium is defined as an organ or tissue in its earliest stage of development.
Patterning Patterning refers the series of molecular signals generated that result in the spatial identity of regions along the axes.
Signalling pathway Signalling pathways (cascades) refer the relaying of molecular signals and are involved in control of many cell functions,
such as cell division and programmed cell death.
Transcription factor A transcription factor is a protein that binds to specific DNA sequences. The binding leads to gene transcription thereby
controlling the flow of genetic information from DNA to mRNA.

in 1 in 3500 births, and several anatomic variants have been DNA-binding protein 7 gene (CHD7), a relatively ubiquitous
described (9). nuclear protein (17–19). Patients with Feingold syndrome
Oesophageal and tracheal development are tightly linked. have also been described as presenting with oesophageal atresia.
During human gestation, early embryonic events lead to the Genetically, Feingold syndrome is characterized by a microdeletion
development of the respiratory primordium at approximately in the Shh target myelocytomatosis-viral-related-oncogene-
4 weeks of development (9). Then, the early foregut endoderm neuroblastoma-derived (MYCN). The fact that this gene is known
and mesenchyme give rise to the oesophagus and trachea. to be downstream of Shh suggests that akin to what is known in the
Therefore, the advent of abnormal communications between the mouse, SHH is likely involved in human oesophageal development
2 neighbouring, tubular organs is a logical corollary. Typically, and malformations (20).
anomalous communications present as 1 of the following:
oesophageal atresia with a distal tracheooesophageal fistula
(TOF) (85% of cases), oesophageal atresia without fistula (10% Stomach and Pylorus
of cases), oesophageal atresia with a proximal TOF (1% of cases),
oesophageal atresia with both proximal and distal TOF (<1% Gastric and pyloric malformations occur either as an isolated
of cases), and H-type fistula characterised by the absence of finding or as part of a syndrome. Obstructions or malformations
oesophageal atresia but the isolated presence of TOF (4% of cases). of this anatomical region usually lead to unmistakable, obstructive
It is widely accepted that although genetic defects may clinical symptoms in the neonate.
underlie familial cases of oesophageal atresia, few candidate genes The first such malformation is extremely rare: agastria.
have been identified. In a mouse model, the absence of Nkx2.1 Only 1 case report was identified in the literature and the outcome
expression in the ventral foregut and/or altered or absent Sox2 was fatal (21). Congenital microgastria is a little more common
expression in the dorsal foregut (10) leads to incomplete separation and can be associated with other foregut malformations (22).
of the oesophagus and trachea (11). Furthermore, the sonic The only genetic association identified in humans to date is with
hedgehog (Shh) signalling pathway likely exerts independent or 22q11.2 deletion and ciliary dyskinesia in a newborn with DiGeorge
additional effects, explaining some cases of oesophageal atresia/ syndrome (23).
TOF (9,12). It is unclear whether these defects originate in the Abnormalities of the pylorus are much more common.
endoderm via SHH signalling or in the mesenchyme where SHH The pyloric sphincter is an anatomic region composed of charac-
receptors GLI2, GLI3 (13), and SHH-target genes are expressed teristic epithelial and mesodermal structures, which, under normal
(12,14). conditions, are slightly hypertrophied to limit luminal flow into the
In humans, SOX2 mutations are associated with anophthal- duodenum. When hypertrophy is more severe, it obstructs gastric
mia, oesophageal, and genital syndromes (15,16). Oesophageal emptying and the infant develops refractory vomiting. Obstructions
atresia may be associated with Coloboma, Heart anomaly, choanal can be more or less complete. A total of 1 to 3/1000 live births
Atresia, Retardation, Genital and Ear anomalies (CHARGE) in Europe display a partial obstruction known to be infantile
syndrome, possibly implicating the chromodomain helicase hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS) (24). New genetic approaches 5

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Dauvé and McLin JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013

t gut
Right Left


Anterior Dorsal



FIGURE 1. The 4 axes governing GI development, form, and function. The anteroposterior axis is characterized by an axis from head end
to opposite end of body of a human embryo at stage 13 of development (A). Others axes are illustrated in (B) (courtesy of Dr Michael Bates).
Note that the craniocaudal axis and the anteroposterior axis are similar, but the term anteroposterior is typically used to refer to embryonic
development. The radial axis is illustrated by a schematic of a transverse section of the jejunum (C).

in humans have demonstrated that the underlying defect is and sufficient in mice for normal development of the pylorus.
a mutation of muscleblind-like (MBNL1) gene product (24). The To date, however, SOX9 mutations have not been identified in
muscleblind protein family of zinc finger proteins is known for humans with IHPS (28).
its role in myotonic dystrophy. Its function is to regulate splicing in
the early postnatal period, which is essential for extensive muscle
remodelling during the first 3 weeks of extrauterine life. This timing Duodenum
fits with the clinical presentation of IHPS, which occurs almost
exclusively between 2 and 8 weeks postnatally. At the morphological level, duodenal development is charac-
As may be expected, no single gene is implicated in the terized by alternating windows of cell proliferation and cell death,
morphogenesis of such a functionally important structure. Rather, in keeping with a fundamental theory of lumen formation (12,29).
several other signalling pathways and transcription factors may The proliferative phase is associated with a decrease in lumen
contribute to the onset of IHPS. First, mutations in nitric oxide diameter, ultimately leading to occlusion, whereas waves of
synthase (nNOS) have been identified in a small number of human programmed cell death (apoptosis) lead to vacuole formation,
cases IHPS (3,25), in keeping with observations in Nos-1–deficient recanalization of the lumen, and villi formation (30).
mice (26). Nitric oxide mediates transient pyloric relaxation; thus, Duodenal malformations diagnosed in neonates include
defects in NOS-1, and consequently in smooth muscle relaxation, duodenal atresia, duodenal web, annular pancreas, duodenal
could explain some cases of IHPS. stenosis, and duodenal diverticulum. As many as half of these
Another locus has recently been shown to be associated with malformations are associated with other anomalies (31). The esti-
cases of IHPS: the SHH target and homeobox-containing transcrip- mated incidence of congenital duodenal abnormalities varies
tion factor NKX2.5, located on chromosome 5q35.2 (24). During between 1:4000 and 1:15,000 live births (32).
chick embryonic development, NKX2.5 is expressed during a finite Based on studies in mice, it is probable that abnormal
developmental window and is necessary for normal pyloric muscle epithelial–mesenchymal interactions are at the root of many
(27). Its expression is limited to the pyloric sphincter (27). NKX2.5 duodenal malformations. There is some consensus that the SHH
may play a role in pyloric development in 1 of 2 ways: either pathway is an important player in this process by regulating gene
directly through its effect on differentiating muscle precursors or expression in the developing duodenum (2,33). In Shh/ mice, villi
because it is a target of SHH signalling, known to be implicated in overgrowth leads to luminal occlusion similar to human duodenal
the development of the foregut and pylorus. stenosis (2,33,34).
Sox9 is another early SHH target located in the mouse In contrast, little data from humans are available. Duodenal
pylorus. Mesodermal bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP4) sig- atresia has been identified in Feingold syndrome, described in the
nalling leads to activation of Sox9-Gremlin, shown to be necessary setting of oesophageal atresia (20), thus implicating MYCN and


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JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013 Genetics of GI Malformations

Normal GI tract Malformations Molecular regulators

Mesodermal Endodermal Other

Oesophageal atresia:
A Pure oesophageal atresia
Nkx2.1, Shh
B Tracheo-oesophageal

C Partial visceral organs C Heterotaxy CFC1, NKX2.5 NODAL, CX43 ZIC3, ACVR2B
D Total visceral organs D Situs inversus DNAI1, DNAH5,


E Infantile hypertrophic MNBL1,
Stomach E Pyloric stenosis Sox9 nNOS, Nos-1

F Duodenal atresia FOXF1, Fgfr2b MYCN


G Jejunal and ileal atresia RFX6

H Colonic atresia Fgf10 Fgfr2b, Cdx2
Small bowel/colon

I Gastroschisis ICAM1, ADD1, NPPA

NOS3, Shroom3
J Omphalocele PITX2 TCN2, TCblR,
K Meckel’s diverticulum CDX2, SHH

L Hirschsprung’s disease SOX10, GDNF,

M Intestinal malrotation FOXF1, NKX2.5 ZIC3, ACVR2B

Anorectal malformations:

N Cloaca HLXB9,
Gli2, Gli3,
N O O Imperforate anus Pcsk5

FIGURE 2. Summary of genes and pathways implicated in gastrointestinal (GI) malformations and syndromes presented according to organ and
germ layer. International gene nomenclature is used. Mutations in the underlined genes have been identified in humans.

SHH in human duodenal development. Duodenal atresia has also Jejunal and Ileal Atresias
been identified in human infants with alveolar capillary dysplasia
who display deletions in the FOXC1/FOXL1/FOXF1 cluster (35). Jejunal or ileal atresias may present as GI obstruction early in
The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family is known postnatal life (41). Their incidence varies from 1:300 to 1:3000 live
to participate in epithelial–mesenchymal interactions and as such births. Atresias are defined according to their morphology and
is another likely signalling pathway in duodenal (mal) develop- blood supply. The morphological description refers to the nature
ment. Fgfr2b/ or Fgf10/ mutant mice display variable pheno- of the obstruction between bowel segments (diaphragm vs fibrous
types of duodenal atresia, resembling what is observed in humans cord) and to the blood supply via the mesentery (41). The import-
(36,37). No case of FGF mutation has yet been reported in human ance of emphasizing blood supply is that a defect in blood supply
duodenal malformations. may be the primum movens of several of these neonatal defects.
Defects in genes regulating vacuolization and lumen Although jejunal and ileal atresias are usually bundled
formation may be the cause of duodenal diverticula. This rare together as one and the same disease, their clinical presentation
anatomical anomaly mostly occurs along the pancreatic or and postoperative course often differ, suggesting 1 of 2 possibilities:
mesenteric border in the second or third portions of the duodenum. the aetiologies are different or the 2 segments respond differently to
Rarely, the diverticulum can be intraluminal, presenting as upper GI obstruction and altered blood supply owing to regional, anatomical,
obstruction (38,39). Although little is known in humans and mice and functional differences (42,43).
about lumen formation, it has been shown in a zebrafish model that The aetiology of jejunal and ileal atresia is unclear.
genes regulating ion flux participate in normal lumen formation. Historically, there are 2 theories. The first and older of the
Mutations in this cascade lead to multiple lumina (40). Looking for 2 proposes that imperfect recanalization during development is
mutations in human homologues seems the obvious next step. the root of the obstruction (44). Today, the obvious question is
‘‘what are the genes governing this recanalization defect?’’ The
other theory proposed by Louw and Barnard suggests that vascular
Jejunum and Ileum events underlie these malformations (45,46). Canine models favour
the vascular theory, something that is also supported in a reported
The midgut also displays an array of anatomical anomalies case of ileal atresia associated with vascular band anomaly (47).
accepted to occur secondary to developmental events. The 2 broad Recently, it has been suggested that the gene regulatory
categories are atresias and duplications. factor X6 (RFX6) may be involved in intestinal atresias. The 7

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Dauvé and McLin JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013

rationale is that several patients with Mitchell-Riley syndrome, associated to other developmental anomalies such as jejunoileal
characterised by jejunal or ileal atresia and others malformations atresias, Hirschsprung disease, and genitourinary malformations.
(pancreatic hypoplasia, gallbladder aplasia, or hypoplasia, extra- The most common hypothesis for colonic atresia is that
hepatic biliary atresia with or without TOF and neonatal diabetes), a vascular accident leads to decreased intestinal perfusion and
have mutations of the RFX6 gene (48–50). (References 51–158 are ischaemia (46), resulting in tissue necrosis and, in severe cases,
available online only at Because complete luminal obstruction. This hypothesis was verified for the
RFX6 is expressed in the early pancreatic endoderm it is unclear small bowel, but no study has demonstrated a role for vascular
how it may be linked to intestinal atresias (50–52). An obvious problems in the advent of colonic atresia (45,46).
candidate partner is the pancreatic duodenal homeobox 1 (PDX1), Recent animal studies challenge this theory by suggesting
which is an important transcription factor in early foregut specifi- that developmental, genetic mechanisms may play a role.
cation (53,54). Gene profiling technologies should assist in Both Fgf10/ and Fgfr2b/ animals display colonic atresia in
unravelling the molecular network governing duodenal develop- addition to duodenal atresia. The proposed mechanism is that
ment (54). altered mesoderm–endoderm signalling leads to decreased
proliferation and increased apoptosis of epithelial cells (36,64).
Another mouse model offering insight into the heritable
Ileal and Jejunal Duplications origins of colonic atresia is the Cdx2 null mouse. CDX2 is a
homeobox-containing transcription factor, which is expressed in
Atresias and duplications also occur in the midgut: jejunum the developing foregut and hindgut, where it regulates proliferation
and ileum, both presenting with obstructive symptoms. Usually, GI and differentiation along the crypt–villus axis (58,65,66). Again,
duplications presents before age 2 years. They can occur anywhere this model suggests that misregulated epithelial proliferation
along the digestive tract and typically present in 1 of 2 forms: cystic contributes to maldevelopment of the gut lumen, which is in
(80%) or tubular. The frequency of their distribution is as follows: keeping with the recanalization theory (12); however, to date,
ileum 30%, ileocecal valve 30%, duodenum 10%, stomach 8%, CDX2 has been shown to participate in human GI neoplasias,
jejunum 8%, colon 7%, and rectum 5% (42). but has not been identified in samples from infants with colonic
Killpack described a cystic, ileal duplication as a double atresia (67).
organ ‘‘with distinct mucosa composed of stratified polygonal Based on this and other studies, it is safe to conclude that
almost squamous, cells, the most superficial of which formed a molecular regulation of epithelial–mesenchymal interactions in the
continuous layer of ciliated epithelium’’ (55). Thus, although little gut is essential in controlling epithelial proliferation. Intestinal
is known in mammals about the molecular mechanisms underlying atresias may be the results of localized misregulation of epithelial
duplications, it appears that they likely recapitulate most steps of proliferation in utero. What is unclear is why most atresias are focal
GI development. Again, one may postulate that genes involved or localized rather extending over long segments. One postulate
in lumen formation via vacuolization would be likely candidates is that multiple, redundant signalling pathways overlap to ensure
to explore. lumen patency and that maldevelopment ensues in areas where they
fail to overlap.
Meckel Diverticulum
During human embryonic development, the yolk sac and
Colonic Duplication
the developing foetus are joined by the vitelline duct. This duct Colonic and rectal duplications are among the rarest
generally narrows and disappears by the ninth week of gestation. forms of intestinal duplication. Most are silent and detected during
If this fails to occur, the proximal part of the vitelline duct persists the investigation of genitourinary malformation. Because colonic
as Meckel diverticulum (56). It is the most frequent congenital duplications have the potential for malignant transformation,
anomaly of the GI tract, affecting as much as 2% of the general detection is important (68).
population (57). Although this malformation does not compromise The cystic form (80%) is more common than the tubular form
life expectancy, as many as 25% of individuals will present with (20%), and both types may communicate with the lumen. They are
a complication. Complications include inflammation (diverticuli- located on the mesenteric border of the bowel and may affect any
tis), haemorrhage, intussusception, small bowel obstruction, stone segment of the colon, including the rectum (69). By histology,
formation, and malignant transformation (57). mucosa, submucosa, and muscularis propria are readily identified
The molecular mechanisms governing the involution of the (42). From a developmental point of view, it is remarkable that
vitelline duct are incompletely understood; however; evidence all intestinal segments are prone to atresias and duplications,
from human samples suggests that CDX2 may be one of the actors although at varying degrees, because molecular regulation and
(58). In human samples of Meckel diverticulum associated plasticity of the intestine differs from one segment to another (70).
with gastric heterotopias, CDX2 expression was absent from the Little is known about the genetic causes of colonic dupli-
epithelium (59). Likewise, diverticula and gastric heterotopia were cation. Defects in vacuolization and recanalization are the over-
observed in Cdx2þ/ mice, suggesting that this association arises in riding theory, much like what is assumed for the jejunum and ileum
the absence of 1 wild-type allele (60). Finally, SHH overexpression (38,39). Others have suggested that caudal syndromes may affect
in human surgical specimens is in support of a role for CDX2 the distal bowel together with the notochord and genitourinary
because CDX2 is known to repress SHH signalling (61,62). organs (split notochord, embryonic diverticula) (68).

Colon Anorectal Malformations

Colonic Atresia Anorectal malformations (ARMs) are a frequent clinical
Colonic atresia is a rarer event than congenital luminal problem for paediatric surgeons and gastroenterologists alike.
obstruction of the small bowel. The incidence is estimated to be The spectrum of malformations extends from anal stenosis to
approximately 1 in 20,000 live births (63). Colonic atresia is often imperforate anus with or without fistula (rectovesical, prostatic,


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JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013 Genetics of GI Malformations

urethral, or vaginal) (71). The incidence is 1:2500 to 1:5000 (72). Finally, from an ontogenic perspective, it is tempting to
More than 50% of ARMs are associated with other malformations suggest that distal anorectal and genitourinary development is a
affecting the trachea, oesophagus, duodenum, colon, spinal cord, sort of ‘‘developmental Achilles heel’’ of the vertebrate embryo.
kidneys, urinary tract, and heart (71). That ARMs are associated Indeed, developmental expression patterns of Hox genes and other
with multiple other anomalies and syndromes speaks to the transcription factors, as well as signalling pathways, are enriched in
molecular complexity regulating the development of the distal this region (Fig. 3), as they are in the foregut. Yet, the molecular and
GI tract in concert with neighbouring structures. cellular processes involved are so complex that minor variations of
Understanding of the molecular network governing the the normal developmental course lead to significant morphological
coordinated organogenesis of the caudal part of the embryo is still (and clinical) events, suggesting that any redundant signalling
in its infancy. Nonetheless, numerous chromosomal abnormalities mechanism is at least in part insufficient to prevent against
have been identified, the most significant of which is the 7q36 ARM. In other words, one may hypothesize that areas of little or
deletion, for its effect on the function of the homeobox gene HLXB9 no overlap between signalling cascades or morphogens may be
(73). HLXB9 is now recognized as causally linked to the Currarino particularly vulnerable to developmental errors (Fig. 3).
triad, which includes a presacral mass, an anterior meningocele, and
rectal duplications (71,74,75). Previously, HLXB9 was known for
its role in pancreatic development (74). By virtue of the fact that Hirschsprung Disease
HLXB9 is a homeobox gene, its role in anterior–posterior patterning
is intuitive; however, it is only 1 actor in an intricate ontogenic Hirschprung disease (HD) affects approximately 1 in
process regulating the complex, caudal development of the embryo. 5000 infants. It is a congenital disease characterized by colonic
Indeed, it is not causally linked to other ARM such as caudal dysmotility owing to the absence of myenteric innervation necess-
regression syndrome (75). Furthermore, the role of HLXB9 in the ary for normal motility. The enteric nervous system (ENS) is
Currarino triad remains unclear, and presently there is no derived from neural crest cells (NCCs), which migrate to constitute
available mouse model to explore its function because the the vagal and sacral plexuses during development. Improper
Hlxb9/ mouse does not exhibit vertebral or ARMs (73,76). migration through the sacral ganglia leads to impaired distal
It is possible that the molecular regulation of a sphincter region motility, characterized on imaging by a thin distal segment and a
differs between lower mammals and humans. dilated proximal colon. Furthermore, NCC interact with neighbour-
SHH and HLXB9 are in proximity at the 7q36 locus (73); ing cells: both interactions with the epithelium and the mesenchyme
however, to date, no SHH mutation has been identified in human are essential for NCC maintenance and function. Naturally, such a
ARM. Animal models are plentiful to demonstrate the critical role complex system is regulated by numerous signalling cascades and
of SHH signalling in hindgut development. Shh/ mice show transcription factors, making for a vast array of candidate genes
ARM resembling human disease. Gli2/or Gli3/ knockouts involved in defective NCC migration, differentiation, and homeo-
phenocopy the Shh/ mouse (77); thus, SHH signalling, discussed stasis (85).
for its role in proximal GI development, is also a likely determinant Briefly, NCC receptors recognize signalling molecules syn-
of spatial and temporal morphogenesis of the anorectal region. thesized by intestinal mesenchymal cells to which they respond by
Studies in zebrafish and chick have, respectively, identified activating cell-fate and cell-survival transcription factors (Fig. 4).
proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 5 ( pcsk5) (78) and its target, The 2 important pairs are the glial-cell-line–derived neurotrophic
the growth differentiation factor (GDF11) (79), a member of the factor (GDNF)-ret receptor tyrosine kinase (86) involved in
transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) signalling cascade, as proliferation of progenitors located at the distal extremity of the
potential actors in the intricate morphogenetic events occurring migrating ENS, and the endothelin-3 (ET-3)–endothelin-B receptor
in the genitourinary and anorectal regions of the developing pathway regulating the timing of NCC differentiation during colo-
embryo. Rodent models for pcsk5 or Gdf11 loss-of-function display nization of the gut (87). Mutations in both of these ligand-receptor
ARM and altered Hlxb9 expression, resembling what is observed in pairs have been identified in rodent models and human cases of HD
humans (80,81). Although to date no mutation in these genes has (88–90). Recently, mutations of RET ligands have also been
been identified in humans, it is likely that a PCSK5–GDF11 identified, probably associated with lack of receptor binding (91).
cascade participates in distal Hox gene expression, which in The 2 ligand-receptor pairs mentioned above are regulated
turn, coordinates early distal patterning of urological, skeletal, by 2 transcription factors: SRY-related HMG-box transcription
genitourinary, and anorectal development primordia (81). factor 10 (SOX10) and paired-like homeobox factor 2B (PHOX2B).
Persistent cloaca is a rare malformation affecting 1:250,000 SOX10 is a key transcription factor expressed in NCC during early
live-born girls, in which the urinary tract, vagina, and rectum human development, which contributes to peripheral nervous
are fused, creating a single channel, the cloaca. Although this system development including enteric neurons (92). The transcrip-
malformation is at the crossroads of GI, genital, and urinary tion factor PHOX2B is involved in the development of several
development, and thus slightly beyond the scope of this review, noradrenergic neuron populations and autonomic nervous system
it is worth expanding on briefly because it is a poignant illustration regulation (93). Mice heterozygous for the Sox10 locus exhibit a
of an intricate developmental process gone awry. phenotype similar to the human disease characterized by colonic
In brief, development of the distal part of the embryo requires aganglionosis and hypopigmentation (92), and enteric ganglia are
a coordinated orchestration for normal morphogenesis of 3 tubular absent in mice with a homozygous disruption of the PHOX2B gene
systems: urinary, GI, and genital. It is accepted that the caudal (71). Mutations in both SOX10 and PHOX2B have been identified in
lateral mesenchyme is central to this process. Based on mouse and human subjects with aganglionic megacolon (89,93). The molecular
zebrafish studies, the SHH signalling cascade is essential (77,82– network involved in NCC migration to the colonic ganglia, and
84), although no mutation has been identified in human cases. thus in colonic aganglionosis, is summarized in simple terms
How SHH interacts with the PCSK5–GDF11–HLXB9 sequence is in Figure 3.
unclear. Finally, SHH is central to so many embryonic processes, Regulation and misregulation of NCC migration, prolifer-
which may explain why no mutations have been identified to date in ation, and differentiation illustrate the limits of the 1 gene–1
humans; it is likely that in humans any such mutation leads to phenotype concept of heritable disease. Clearly, mutations at any
embryonic or perinatal mortality. level in the cascade can lead to similar phenotypes. This point 9

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Dauvé and McLin JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013

WNT pathway HOX genes












Small Liver

HOXA-10, HOXD-10


HOXA-13, HOXD-13


HOXA-11, HOXD-11




FIGURE 3. Molecular regulation is enriched in the extremities of the GI tract. Schematic representation of WNT ligands and receptors (left) and
HOMEOBOX gene expression (right) in stage 24 chick gut. Mesodermal expression is illustrated by dark bars, endodermal expression by light bars.
Modified from (155) and (156).

cannot be overemphasized at the bedside: a disease cannot be ruled Abdominal Wall Defects
out on the sole basis of an absent mutation in 1 of the candidate
genes. As the unravelling of the molecular basis of disease evolves, Gastroschisis
clinicians will increasingly think in terms of molecular networks Gastroschisis is a defect of the anterior abdominal wall
and cascades when approaching congenital malformations and affecting approximately 3/10,000 live births, in which the intestines
heritable diseases with variable phenotypes. (and sometimes the stomach and other organs) of the newborn

Mesenchymal cell Neural crest cell




GDNF, neurturin

FIGURE 4. Signalling between NCCs and surrounding mesenchyme. Intestinal mesenchymal cells secrete ET-3, GDNF, and neurturin. They
interact with NCC receptors, which in turn regulate migration, proliferation, and differentiation pathways. In NCCs, nuclear SOX10 and PHOX2B
regulate ETB and RET expression. RET encodes for the GDNF and neurturin receptor and is regulated by PHOX2B (157) and SOX10 (158). ETB is
regulated by SOX10 (158). ET-3 ¼ endothelin-3; ETB ¼ endothelin receptor; GDNF ¼ glial-cell-line–derived neurotrophic factor; RET ¼ RET
protooncogene. Modified from (85).


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JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013 Genetics of GI Malformations

protrude into the amniotic cavity. The abdominal wall defect occurs of the umbilical cord, omphalocele is a hernia around the base of
usually to the right of the umbilicus (94). the umbilical cord. Severity is proportional to the size of the
Gastroschisis is a typical clinical example of an early intestinal or liver protrusion through the opening (108).
developmental accident (between 5 and 10 weeks’ gestation) (94). The causes of omphalocele are mostly unknown. Omphalo-
It is a common birth defect and its incidence is on the rise (95). cele is often associated with other birth defects, including
Nonetheless, its aetiology is unknown and has generated numerous single gene disorders, neural tube defects, diaphragmatic defects,
hypotheses. The first is that the somatic layer of the mesoderm does and >20 syndromes of unknown aetiology (108). Among these
not form normally owing to teratogen exposure (96). Second, in 1975, syndromes, 2 are noteworthy for their association with specific gene
Shaw (97) proposed that gastroschisis may be caused by a rupture of defects. The first is the OtoPalatoDigital (OPD) syndrome-spectrum
the amniotic membrane at the base of the umbilical cord secondary to disorder, which has been linked to filamin A (FLNA) mutations
ring closure. This theory did not hold because the umbilical ring is (109); however, no FLNA mutation has ever been identified in
intact in nearly all patients with gastroschisis. Third, deVries (98) a patient presenting with omphalocele only (110). Next, Rieger
suggested a vascular theory whereby premature atrophy or abnormal syndrome, which is characterized by eye and tooth abnormalities
persistence of the right umbilical vein leads to impaired growth and together with abdominal wall defects (111), has been linked to both
viability of the surrounding mesenchyme; however, this interesting haploinsufficiency and gain-of-function mutations of PITX2 (112).
hypothesis was incorrect because the umbilical vein does not supply PITX2 is a bicoid-related Hox gene expressed in the somites
the intestinal mesenchyme. Another theory proposed that a vitelline and lateral plate mesoderm, where it plays an important role in
artery abnormality (contributing to ischaemia) leads to abdominal primary myogenesis (113). It has recently been incriminated in loss
wall weakness and subsequent rupture of the intestine through of abdominal musculature in a mouse model (114). Interestingly,
this defective region, leading to gastroschisis (99); however, this a human study suggests that mutations in PITX2 may also rarely
hypothesis is improbable because vitelline arteries supply the yolk sac be linked to isolated omphalocele (110). Unlike experimental
rather than the body wall. Furthermore, considering that the vitelline models of gastroschisis in which extrapolation to humans is
artery supplies the yolk sack as a network, it is unclear why one area of difficult, Pitx2/ mice demonstrate abnormal cellularity of the
the abdominal wall would be more prone to ischaemia than another body wall and failure of body wall closure similar to what is
(100). The most recent and plausible hypothesis is that an abnormal observed in human omphalocele (115). Finally, in keeping with
body fold closure may be the cause (101). Improper closure of a body the environmental exposure theory put forward for gastroschisis,
fold could impede merging of the yolk stalk with the connecting chicks exposed to cadmium show an increased incidence of
stalk. The result is then that the intestine rather than the umbilical omphalocele and a decrease in PITX2 mRNA expression (116).
cord herniates into the amniotic cavity with the vitelline duct (101). In summary, the role of PITX2 in GI development is
The genetic basis of gastroschisis is under investigation. manifold. It is known for its role in regulating mesenchymal genes
As in other developmental malformations, many of the studies that contribute to the first gut tilt to the left (117). Therefore, it is
have been performed in lower mammals, limiting the general- tempting to speculate that PITX2 may act on other mesenchymal
izability of the findings to humans. Today, polymorphisms components besides the dorsal mesentery. Finally, it has recently
in 4 genes have been identified as possibly linked to human been shown in X laevis to be upstream of shroom3 together with
cases of gastroschisis: intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1), other Pitx proteins whereby it regulates epithelial morphogenesis
endothelial nitric oxide synthase 3 (NOS3), atrial natriuretic peptide and cell shape (118). Although Pitx proteins are likely actors
(NPPA), and alpha-adducin (ADD1) (102). in the advent of omphalocele, they play several other roles in
ICAM1 induces and controls endothelial cell activation gut development.
(103), ADD1 is important in cell proliferation and epidermal Recent studies show that SNPs in genes related to
differentiation (104), NOS3 plays a critical role in neovasculariza- homocysteine metabolism via vitamin B12 and folate have been
tion (105), and NPPA is implicated in the control of extracellular associated with omphalocele. These include transcobalamin
fluid volume and electrolyte homeostasis. Although the inter- receptor (TCblR), transcobalamin 2 (TCN2), and methylenetetra-
play among these genes is unclear, it has been shown that the hydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). On the one hand, it is reasonable
risk of gastroschisis is higher in children with ICAM1 and NOS3 to assume that akin to what has been described in neural tube
single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) whose mothers smoked defects, the administration of folate and vitamin B12 during
during pregnancy (102). Lammer et al (106) hypothesized that pregnancy may be justified to prevent omphalocele (119). On
tobacco impairs VEGF–NOS3 and ICAM1 signalling, which in the other hand, folate is of increasing interest for its epigenetic
turn leads to defective angiogenesis and vascular remodelling, in footprint, raising the possibility of the likely contribution of
keeping with earlier suggestions that vascular defects are at the root epigenetics.
of gastroschisis. This theory is an elegant illustration of the potential Owing to the complexity of intestinal development and gut
role of environment on gene expression during morphogenesis. coiling, it is reasonable to assume that no single gene is responsible
It is noteworthy that to date, no association has been observed for any of these abdominal wall defects. Rather than a 1 gene–1
between early somatic (IROQUOIS homeobox factor) and splanchnic malformation situation, it is more likely that omphalocele, or
mesoderm (FOXF1) genes and abdominal wall defects reviewed by gastroschisis, is the product of any number of signalling defects
McLin et al (70). Although there is no established animal model or cell-fate decisions, controlled by genes, the environment, and
of gastroschisis, Shroom3/ mice display massive gastroschisis the epigenome.
(107). Shroom3 is a PDZ (postsynaptic density protein [PSD95],
Drosophila disc large tumour suppressor [Dlg1], and zonula occlu-
dens-1 protein [zo-1]) protein that regulates cell shape. Malrotation and Other Syndromes
The midgut includes the duodenum, the jejunum, the ileum,
Omphalocele the cecum, the ascending colon and approximately two-thirds of the
transverse colon. Its development is characterized by 2 major
Omphalocele represents nearly 50% of congenital abdominal morphogenetic events: rotation and fixation of the colon and
wall defects (95). Unlike gastroschisis, which occurs independently dorsal mesentery (120). These events require complex and tightly 11

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Dauvé and McLin JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013

orchestrated molecular and cellular events and as such, are Heterotaxy and Situs Inversus
vulnerable to frequent developmental ‘‘glitches.’’ Malrotation
occurs in as many as 1:500 live births and is the presumed con- Malrotation presents as part of heterotaxy syndromes, which
sequence of abnormal GI rotation or reinsertion into the body cavity stem from abnormal left–right cell-fate decisions. Heterotaxy
(121,122). Its morphological characteristics include right-sided comprises situs inversus and situs ambiguous and may present as
small bowel, a cecum in the epigastrium, narrow mesenteric base, any of a number of visceral malpositions above and below the
and rightward shift of the ligament of Treitz (123,124). The clinical diaphragm (136). As detailed, the NODAL signalling pathway is
consequences include obstructive symptoms owing to acute or most often involved because of its role in the lateral plate mesoderm
chronic volvulus and acute bowel necrosis (121). On occasion, in left–right decisions. Importantly, for the gastroenterologist, these
malrotation is diagnosed in isolation. More typically, however, it is syndromes are often associated with malrotation (137), biliary
associated with heterotaxy and other congenital malformations of atresia (138), or heart defects (137). As may be predicted, mutations
the GI tract. in the following genes discussed in the section on malrotation were
Recent studies show that intestinal rotation is initiated by key identified in human subjects: NODAL (139), ZIC3 (140), ACVR2B
ultrastructural changes in the dorsal mesentery. Pitx2 regulates cell- (141), LEFTYA (142), CFC1 (143), and NKX2.5 (133). Mutations of
shape changes, which in turn induce left–right asymmetries via these genes involved in the propagation of left–right asymmetry to
islet-1 (Isl-1), thereby determining the chirality of midgut looping the left lateral plate mesoderm are causes of partial situs inversus,
(117). This important study is the first to identify early molecular whereas mutations of gene that generate left–right information in
regulators of this critical morphogenetic event in GI development. the node are responsible of complete situs inversus.
To date, however, these findings have not been confirmed in human Full situs inversus is associated with ciliary defects, which
subjects. Pitx proteins were discussed earlier with respect to are known to control left–right decisions in the early embryo.
gastroschisis and their effect on Shroom 3, another regulator of Primary ciliary dyskinesia or infantile nephronophthisis (NPHP2) is
cell shape, raising the obvious question of the link between chirality associated with situs inversus in 50% of patients. It has been shown
and the advent of gastroschisis. to be associated with mutations in the following dynein-related
In contrast, little data from humans are available. Duodenal genes (dynein is an important ciliary protein): the dynein inter-
atresia has been identified in Feingold syndrome, described in the mediate chain (DNAI1) (144) and the dynein heavy chains DNAH5
setting of oesophageal atresia (35). In the first instance, the associ- (145) or DNAH11 (146).
ated gene defects were identified by screening cases of malrotation Gap junctions have also been incriminated in heterotaxy
associated with other laterality defects. For example, mutations of because mutations in the connexin subunit CX43 were identified in
cryptic family 1 (CFC1) were identified in patients presenting with patients with laterality defects (147), something shown in X laevis
heart and stomach laterality or chirality defects (125). This gene is (148,149).
known to be involved in the NODAL signalling pathway, critical in
early left–right patterning (125,126). The other mutations that have
been identified in syndromic malrotation (as opposed to isolated) Congenital Short Bowel Syndrome
are the following: zinc finger protein ZIC3 (ZIC3), previously
Short bowel syndrome is a frequent cause of intestinal failure
shown to regulate left–right asymmetry in X laevis (127–130),
in infancy and the most common indication for intestinal trans-
the growth and differentiation factors activin receptor type 2B
plantation in children. It is usually an acquired condition following
(ACVR2B) (131), and the highly homologous factor LEFTYA
massive intestinal resection. A few cases of congenital short bowel
(human homologue of the mouse LEFTY1), known for its role in
have been described (150–153). Recently, van der Werf et al (154)
left–right patterning (131,132). Mutations in the gene encoding the
linked mutations in coxsackie and adenovirus receptor–like mem-
early mesoderm transcription factor NKX2.5 deserve special
brane protein (CLMP) to familial short bowel. They showed that
mention because the NKX2.5 promoter has PITX2 binding sites,
CLMP is a membrane protein expressed in the intestinal crypts of
further highlighting the many functions of PITX2 during early
human foetal samples. Using a zebrafish model, they showed that
vertebrate gut development (133); however, at present, none of these
clmp loss-of-function is associated with multiple abnormalities,
are specific enough to be of any use for antenatal screening purposes.
including short bowel. Although it is unclear whether the shortened
Of note, Stankiewicz et al (35) showed that human neonates
intestinal length in these morphant embryos is primary or secondary
experiencing the rare and fatal alveolar capillary dysplasia
to global developmental abnormalities, it nonetheless is an
with misalignment of pulmonary veins (ACDMPV), attributed to
interesting finding for 2 reasons: first, it is the first such description
FOXF1 heterozygosity, often display associated malrotation. These
in an amphibian model, and second, it implicates an epithelial
findings are compelling because they implicate the key transcrip-
protein in gut elongation, something classically attributed to the
tion factor of the visceral mesoderm in a syndrome, which includes
mesoderm (Fig. 2).
malrotation. On the contrary, it does not prove causality; rather,
it merely adds a candidate to the long list of partners involved in
this intricate process. Furthermore, Foxf1 loss-of-function is CONCLUSIONS
well characterized in both mouse and X laevis, and malrotation Much of the molecular underpinnings of GI malformations
is not a predominant feature of the phenotype in either species and syndromes are being understood through the use of mammalian
(14,134,135). and nonmammalian developmental biology models. The mechan-
In conclusion, although a few genetic associations have been isms governed by the genes identified to date are still incompletely
established in human syndromes presenting with malrotation, it is understood, although genetic mutations are increasingly recognized
obvious that gut coiling is governed by a regulatory network in humans. Comparative embryology should pave the way to
rather than a single gene. It follows that any number of clinical deciphering the molecular network governing the complexity
syndromes can present with associated malrotation. In fact, it is of GI development and how environmental influences affect
generally accepted in the field of GI embryology and patterning that phenotypic expression. The hope is also that these advances will
any number of genetic or environmental modifications can disrupt ultimately facilitate in vitro cellular differentiation for the purposes
the delicate sequence of events leading to normal gut looping, of cell-based therapies and tissue engineering, in the footsteps of
something readily observed in the amphibian X laevis. recent accomplishments in the field of hepatic embryology.


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JPGN  Volume 57, Number 1, July 2013 Genetics of GI Malformations

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