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Mariefe D.

Activity 2 (Chapter 3)

1. Try to identify some of its main cultural norms and discuss different ways to identify these
cultural features.

Within my four years of staying in the state university, I noticed that one of the norms that it
incorporates is respect. No matter what the position is, they show respect and appreciation. Everyday, all
positions, be it high or low greets each other whenever they meet whether they’re just simply passing by
or intentional meetings for some work matters. They normalized respect among the administrative staff,
faculty members, maintenance, and other support staff. They also show professionalism in every aspect
of their works, though they seem different outside of working hours, it’s nice to see that there working
people are professional and passionate during working hours. Last but not the least is the integrity, it a
big word for me but I noticed that most of the people and leaders within the organization I belong shows
integrity. Everything goes by process and being attended in a fair manner.

2. Try to imagine that you are the leader in this organization and discuss the cultural constraints
you may have in acting appropriately.

Leadership is not easy and will never be easy knowing that being a leader in a state university will be
about students, teachers, and administrators. There are many cultural constraints but as an Apostolic
Pentecostal, I believe that my belief will be one of the constraints although people are saying that
religion must not be a hindrance, it will be either I will be setting aside some of my belief or others will
experience some changes because of my belie. On the other hand, I know that I will not be bringing
them to destruction, still, I want my subordinates to have the freedom to choose and believe what they
want. The way of communication may also be one of the constraints as we all have different roots and
ways of upbringing. Some are soft-spoken while others are loud. I think my way of communicating which
is low and soft but strong might give different opinions from my subordinates. Nevertheless, I believe
that the way of communication holds a big space when it comes to the constraints within work
environment. It is important to be patient and think positively no matter what people are saying and
remember that everything is part of our learning experience. As a leader, I would not like my
subordinates to change but be themselves and give their best by being what and who they are.

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