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Preventive Discipline Plan for Minimizing Disruptions in the Classroom

University of the People

EDUC 5240-01 Creating Positive Classroom Environments

Dr. Jessica Jones

Date: 18\7\2023


Objective: This preventive discipline plan aims to create a positive and inclusive learning

environment that minimizes disruptions and supports the social-emotional development of all

students. Using strategies from Bennett (2021) and Causton & MacLeod (2020), we will create a

classroom where students feel safe, respected, and engaged in learning.

1. Establish Classroom Expectations:

- Collaboratively develop classroom rules with the students, ensuring they understand the

rationale behind each rule (Bennett, 2021).

- Display the rules prominently in the classroom and refer to them regularly.

- Reinforce positive behavior by acknowledging and celebrating students who follow the rules.

2. Teach and Model Social Skills:

- Incorporate regular lessons and activities focused on social-emotional skills such as empathy,

active listening, problem-solving, and conflict resolution (Causton & MacLeod, 2020).

- Model positive behavior and provide opportunities for students to practice these skills in real-

life situations.

- Encourage students to reflect on their actions and their impact on others.

3. Establish Routines and Procedures:

- Communicate and teach classroom routines and procedures, such as classroom entry,

transitions, and materials management (Bennett, 2021).

- Provide visual cues and reminders to support students in following these routines.

- Practice routines and procedures regularly until they become automatic.


4. Develop Positive Relationships:

- Create a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment where every student feels valued

and respected.

- Get to know your students individually, their interests, strengths, and challenges.

- Establish regular opportunities for students to share and connect with their classmates through

group activities, pair work, and class discussions (Causton & MacLeod, 2020).

5. Differentiate Instruction:

- Plan and deliver lessons that cater to your students' diverse learning needs and interests.

- Provide appropriate levels of challenge and support to ensure all students can actively engage

in their learning.

- Offer a variety of learning activities that allow students to demonstrate their understanding in

different ways (Bennett, 2021).

6. Use Positive Reinforcement:

- Implement a system of positive reinforcement to recognize and reward students for their

efforts and positive behavior.

- Use verbal praise, stickers, tokens, or a class reward system to motivate and encourage


- Focus on specific behaviors or achievements to provide meaningful feedback (Causton &

MacLeod, 2020).

7. Foster a Sense of Belonging:


- Create opportunities for students to contribute to the classroom community through class

meetings, group projects, and collaborative decision-making (Bennett, 2021).

- Encourage peer support and cooperation by promoting teamwork and inclusive practices.

- Celebrate diversity and promote a culture of acceptance and understanding.

8. Communicate with Parents:

- Maintain open and regular communication with parents, sharing positive and constructive

feedback about their child's behavior and progress.

- Seek parental input and involvement in supporting their child's social-emotional


- Collaborate with parents to address any concerns or challenges that may arise (Causton &

MacLeod, 2020).


This comprehensive preventive discipline plan aims to create a positive classroom environment

where disruptions are minimized, and all students feel valued, supported, and motivated to learn.

Regular reflection and evaluation of the plan's effectiveness, guided by Bennett (2021) and

Causton & MacLeod (2020), will allow for ongoing improvements and adjustments to meet the

evolving needs of our students.



Bennett, T. (2021). The running the room companion: Issues in classroom management and

strategies to deal with them. John Catt Educational, Limited.

Causton, J., & MacLeod, K. (2020). From behaving to belonging: The inclusive art of supporting

students who challenge us. Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.

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