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Dear Ma’am/Sir,

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to formally request a change of section
from our current class section D to section H for SPIECOC 2023-2024.

The reason for our request is due to scheduling conflict with our RLE duties. Our current
professor in SPIECOC won’t give us any excuses if ever our RLE duties is in the afternoon 3-10

We believe that this change will help us maintain a balance academic schedule, we assure
you that this transition will not affect our commitment to our studies, and we are prepared to
catch up with any material we might have missed in the new section.

We kindly request you to consider our application and hope for a positive response. If
necessary we are available for a meeting to discuss this further or provide any additional
information you might require.

Thank you for your time and understanding. We are looking forward to a favorable

Respectfully yours,

Estacio, Chrislyn Jill B.

Mendoza, John Joshua

Gadem, Angelene

BSN Level 2

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