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Purple Hibiscus ch 7-9

1. Comment on the way that the people of Abba treat Papa.

2. What do Kambili’s and Jaja’s cousins think of their house?

3. Comment on Papa telling Mama that she should not bow to another human being
and Kambili not bowing for the bishop at Awka.

4. Describe Aunty Ifeoma.

5. Why does Aunty Ifeoma say that Papa(Eugene) did not like Ifediora?

6. Why does she say Eugene has to stop doing God’s Job. God is big enough to do
his own job.

7. Give an example where Aunty Ifeoma pokes a little fun at Papa.

8. What does the spilled juice make Kambili think of?

9. What does Aunty Ifeoma ask of Papa?

10. What “terrible sin” does Kambili do?

11. Why and how are they all punished?

12. How does Papa react after the punishment?

13. Why does Papa say “ I am spotless now, we are all spotless.”

14. Why does Papa decide to let them go to Nsukka?

Ch 8

1. Give several things that Kambili notices about her Aunt’s apartment that are different
from home.

2. Give several examples of how Amaka thinks Kambili’s life is so good.

3. What does Aunty Ifeoma pray for that surprises Kambili.

4. What does Aunty Ifeoma spend time showing Jaja?

5. Describe Father Amadi.

6. What does Father Amadi say about the Standard?

7. What does Father Amadi notice about Kambili?


1. How do we see the seeds of defiance in Jaja?

2. How did Jaja’s finger become crippled?

3. What is Kambili afraid that Papa will find out?

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