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Subject: Proposal for Collaboration on Charity Sports Event

Dear Indus Hospital,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing on behalf of Umeed ka Ujala, an

organization dedicated to making a positive impact in the community through various

philanthropic endeavors. We greatly admire the exceptional work that Indus Hospital

has been doing in providing healthcare services to those in need, and we are excited to

propose a collaboration that aligns with our shared values.

As part of our commitment to supporting local causes and promoting community

well-being, we are organizing a Charity Sports Event Causathon Sports Gala that aims

to raise funds for Indus Hospital. We believe that your involvement in this event could

greatly enhance its success.


-Date: 1st to 3rd september

- Timings: September 1st: (3 PM - 7 PM), September 2nd & 3rd : (9 AM - 7 PM)

- Location: Bay View Academy DHA Campus (phase 8)

- Instagram:@Causathonsportsgala

-Sports included:basketball, throwball and futsal

-Participants: Schools and Individual teams.

Our proposal includes the following components:

Donation from Onsite Donation Box: We are pleased to offer the entirety of the

donations collected from the onsite donation box during the Causathon Sports Gala to

Indus Hospital. These contributions will directly support your efforts in providing medical

care to underserved individuals in our community.

● Stall at the Event: We would like to allocate a dedicated stall space for Indus

Hospital at the event venue.

● Collaborative Social Media Posts: To maximize the event's reach, we propose

creating collaborative posts on social media platforms. By sharing content about

Indus Hospital involvement, we can effectively engage our audiences and

encourage participation from a wider demographic.

● Logo Display on Event Materials: We are excited to include Indus Hospital’s logo

on our event materials, such as posters and panaflex displays. This visibility will

not only recognize your contribution but also emphasize the collaborative spirit of

the event.

● Photo Booth: We suggest setting up a Photobooth at Indus Hospitals stall during

the event. This Photo Booth will not only create a lively and enjoyable

atmosphere but also offer attendees an opportunity to engage with your

organization on a personal level.

We believe that this collaboration will not only benefit Indus Hospital but also strengthen

the bonds within our community. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives

of those in need.
We kindly request your feedback and suggestions regarding our proposal. Your insights

are highly valuable to us as we work towards creating a successful and meaningful

event. If you require further information or have any questions, please feel free to

contact me at 03342799927.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the opportunity of working

closely with Indus Hospital to make Causathon Sports Gala a resounding success.


Causathon Sports Gala Organising Committee

causathon Sports Gala a resounding success.


Causathon Sports Gala Organising Committee

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