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Pma 153 long course initial test most important&repeated questions

Created by sir Bilal Arif


H Major (R) Muhammad Arif

Qn1: wolrd 2nd largest muslim country by population is ?

Ans: Pakistan

Qn2: Zabur was revealed on?

Ans: Hazrat Daood (A.S)

Qn3: Shah jo risalo is famous book of?

Ans: Shah Abdul latif

Qn4: highest peak of kirthar is?

Ans: Zardak

Qn5: capital of uzbekistan?

Ans: Taskent

Qn6: What is Fiqh?

Ans: The science of islamic law

Pma153l/c initial test most important and everytime repeated questions verbal non verbal
academic Gk English basic math current affairs islamic study vimp notes past papers practice
material available now whatsapp 03026617439

Qn7:The accerleration caused by Gravity?

Ans: 32ft/sq sec

Qn8: Imam Bukhari was born in?

Ans: 194 A.H

Qn9: The world largest producer of uranium?

Ans: Canada

Qn10: Headquarter of international Court of Judge (ICJ)?

Ans: The Hague(Netherland)

Qn11: LCD stand for?

Ans: liquid crystal display

Qn13: Old name of Netherland?

Ans: Holland

Qn14: Heart of pakistan?

Ans: punjab

Pma153l/c initial test most important and everytime repeated questions verbal non verbal
academic Gk English basic math current affairs islamic study vimp notes past papers practice
material available now whatsapp 03026617439

Qn15: when WAPDA eastablised?

Ans: 12feb 1958

Qn16: Blood is cleaned by?

Ans: liver

Qn17: Who is champion of football?

Ans: Argentina

Qn18: Who refused to take noble prize?

Ans: Jean paul sartre

Qn19: Age of holy prohet at fujjar?

Ans: 15year

Qn20: months in year of 31 days of?

Ans: 7

Pma153l/c initial test most important and everytime repeated questions verbal non verbal
academic Gk English basic math current affairs islamic study vimp notes past papers practice
material available now whatsapp 03026617439

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