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Difference between wolf and dog

Dog Wolf
1. Dogs are smaller than wolf Wolf are generally larger than dog
2. Dogs bark, do not howl. Wolfs howl, do not bark.

3. The teeth of the dogs are smaller Teeth of wolf are bigger
4. They have smaller brains than that of They have larger brains than that
wolfs. of dogs.
5. Their coats can be of multiple colours. Their coats are generally white,
black, brown or gray in colour.

No Similarities between dog and wolf

● They’re both from the

family Canidae. Both

animals can howl, growl

and bark, although some

breeds don’t, such as the

Siberian Husky.

Their sense of smell, sight,

and hearing. Both animals

have acute senses and can

see clearly in the dark.

Both subspecies hide food,

mainly their leftovers.

However, as a rule, wolves

seldom leave any.

Their sense of smell, sight, and

hearing. Both animals have acute

senses and can see clearly in the


Both dogs and wolves need

to belong in a pack. They

need to be with someone

who is in charge. It doesn’t

matter what kind of mammal

they may be.

Fertile : Being able to produce offspring
Identical : Exactly the same
Infertile : Unable to produce offspring
Offspring : The ‘children’ of a living organism
Species : A group of organism that can reproduce with others in the same
species, but not with members of a different species
Specimen : A sample
Variation : Difference between individuals that belong to the same species.

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