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CLASS XII , Biology (044)
Chpt. 1 Reproduction InOrgainisms
1 VSA (1Mark)
1 Which individuals are termed as clones ?
2 How will you grow a banana and agingerplant
3 The meiocyte of a plant contains 32 chromosome Work out the number of chromosomes
found in its endospermMention different stages of sexual reproduction .

SA 1 (2 Mark)
Define oestrous and menstrua
5 Why are date palms referred to as dioecious ?

SA II (3Marks)
6 Why is syngamy a major event in sexual reproduction ?
7 What happens during embryogenesis ?
LA ( 5 Marks)
8 Enlist the changes that occur post fertilization in plant\s .
Chpt 2 Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants
2 VSA ( 1Mark )
1 Define parthenocarpy .
2 What is funiculus ?
3 ii)How many pollen grains and ovules are likely to be formed bearing 25 microspore
4 Name the phenomenon & the cell, responsible for the development of a new individual without
fertilization as seen in honey bees.
5 . Name the type of pollination in which genetically different types of pollen grains of the same
species land on the stigma.
SA I (2Marks)
6 Why is emasculation done in the process of hybridization ?
7 State any one advantage and one disadvantage of pollen grains to humans .
8 .i)Coconut palm is monoecious while date palm is dioeciously. Give reasons.
9 . Write the name of centrally located diploid celled mass of ovule that provides nutrition
todeveolping embryo sac?
SA II (3Marks)
10 Why are cleistogamous flower invariably autogamous ?
11 Explain the stages involved in the maturation of a microspore into a pollen grain .
12 .Why is bagging needed during hybridisationexperiments ?
13 Mention any three strategies adopted by flowering plants to preventSelf pollination.
14 .(i) What is filiform apparatus ?
(ii) What is apomixes ? Give one example.
15 Draw a sectional view of mature pollen grain lableExine& generative cell.
16 .(i) Explain triple fusion in angiosperm.
(ii) Write the fate of the product of this fusion in the mature fruit of coconut.
LA (5 Marks)
17 Explain the formation of an embryo sac with diagrams.
18 Explain the process of microsporogenesis or megasporogenesis with diagram .
Chpt 3 Human Reproduction
VSA ( 1Mark )
1 State the function of Leydigcell .
2 Where do we find fimbriae ?
3 . How many eggs are produced by ovaries in a matured human female in a year.
4 How many eggs & spermatozoa will be formed out of 100 primary oocytes and 100 primary
spermatocytes respectively.

SA I (2 Marks )
5 Enlist any two function of human placenta .
6 Define parturition . Name the hormones responsible for it .
7.Draw a sectional view of a human blastocyst & label trophoblast& inner cell mass.

SA II (3Marks)
8 Describe the structure of sprrm with the help of diagram .
9 What is meant by LH surge ? Write the role of L.H ‘
10.Draw a sectional view of seminiferous tubule and label any four parts of it.
11.Give the hormonal control of spermatogenesis through flow chart.
LS (5Marks )
12 Explain the development of human embryo with diagram .
13 . Explain the different phases of menstrual cycle.
14 Explain the process of spermatogenesis. Write the role of hormones involved in this process.
Chpt 4 Reproductive Health
VSA ( 1Mark )
1 Expand MTP and ICSI
2 What is Who interpretation of reproductive health .
3 What is meant by invitro fertilization ?

SA-I (1Mark )
4 How does Cu.T act as a contraceptive ?
5 What is Lactationalamenorrhea ?

SA II (3 Marks )
6 Enlist any three causes of infertilitfy in men &women .
7 What are STDs ? Mention any two of it .
14.(i) Mention one positive & one negetive application of amniocentesis.
(ii) Why is ZIFT a boon to childless couples ? Explain the procedures.
LA ( 5Marks)
8 Briefly explain the various reproductive technologies to assit an infertile couples .
Explain any three barrier methods by which the fertilization of human ovum by a sperm can
be prevented

Chpt 5 Principles of Inheritance & Variation

VSA (1 Mark )
1 What is meant by aneuploidy ?
2 Name one trait each in human and drosophila whose genes are located on sex chromosome .

SA I (2 Mark )
3 Give any two similarities between thebehaviour of genes (Mendles factor ) during inheritance
& chromosomes during cell division .
4 How will you find out whether a plant is homozygous or heterozygous ?
SA II (3 Marks)
5 Differentiate between point mutationand frame shift mutation .
6 What is pedigree analysis ? How is it useful
7 A women with blood group AB married a man with blood group O. Show the genotypes of
parenand the possible offspring with their blood groups.
8 Mention the cause of Down’s syndrome ?
9 .A non-hemophilic couple was informed by their doctor there is possibility of a haemophibic
child to be born to them. Explain the basis on which the Doctor conveyed this information.
Give the genotypes & phenotypes of all the possible children who could be born to them.

10. Which Mendels Law of inheritance is universally acceptable and without an

LA (5 Marks )
11 A dihybrid heterozygous round , yellow seeded garden pea was crossed with a double
recessive plant.
i) What type of cross is this?
ii) Ii) Work out the genotype and phenotype of the progeny .
iii) Iii) What principle of Mendel is illustrated by this principle ?
12 Differentiate between dominance , co-dominance and incomplete dominance .

Chpt6 Molecular basis of inheritanc

1 In which bdirection new strand of is synthesized bduringreplication ?
2 What is the function of amino acyl tRNAsynthetase
3 AUG has dual function, Justify it.

SA I (2 Marks )
4 Mention the function of non histoneprotein .
5 State the four criterias which a molecule must fulfill to act as a GENETIC MATERIAL .
6 . Why is RNA is not considered as a stable genetic material. Explain ?
SA I (3 Marks )
7 THE length of DNA in an eukaryotic cell is 2.2 m . How can such a huge DNA be packaged in
a nucleus of micrometer in diameter .
8 What is hnRNA ?Why it requires processing . Name the process .
9 What is transcription unit ? Mention its components and location with the help of diagram .
10 What is transformation ? Describe Griffth”s experiment to show transformation .

LA (5 Marhs )
10 What do you mean by semiconservative mode of DNA replication ? Who proved it and how ?
11- Where do transcription and translation takes place in a prokaryotic cell ? Describe the three
steps involved in translation
12 Explain Harshey and Chase experiment on DNA by taking phage virus ?

26.Who developed DNA fingerprinting ?

What is VNTR ?
Write the steps included in DNA finger printing.
Explain Hershey & chase expt. to prove DNA is the genetic material.
Q25. Explain Harshey and Chase experiment on DNA by taking phage virus ?
i) Why do transcription and translation coupled in prokaryotes ?
ii) How is transcription a more complex process in eukaryotic cells. Explain.
Chpt. 7 Evolution
VSA (1 Mark )
1 What is the cause of speciation according to Hugo de Vries ?
2 What is the role of variation in evolution ?
3 .Write two characters of Neanderthal man.
4 Which period is known as age of amphibians ?

SA I (2 Marks )
5 What does Oprain – Haladane hypothesis about origin of life suggests ?

SA II (3 Marks)
6What is Biogenetic law? How does comparative embryology provides evidences for evolution ?
7 How does industrial melanism support – Dawin’s theory of Natural selection ? Explain.
8 What are the three different ways in which selection may occur ?
LA (5 Marks )
9 What does Hardy –Weinbergs principle states ? What are the factors that which affects Hardy
weinbergsequilibrium ?
10Who were the two scientists that concluded an experiment to synthesise organic molecule
abiotically ? How did they provide the probable conditions of the primitive earth ?

Chpt 8 Human health & Diseases

VSA (1 Mark )
1 Expand CMI ?
2 What are interferons ?
.3 Why is Gambusia introduced into ponds ?

SA II (2 Marks)
4 Write any three ill effects of smoking tobacco .
5 What are auto immune diseases ? Give two examples .
6 Name the plant from which morphine is extracted.
7 Mention the importance of alpha – interferon.
8 What are allergens ?How do they cause inflammatory response in side human body ?

SA II (3 Marks)
9 Distinguish between innate &Acquired immunity
10 Write the plant source of ganja. How does it affect the body.
11 What do you mean by withdraw syndromr? What are its charateristics ?
12 How does humoral immune system works when our body is infected ?
13i) Write the scientific name of malaria parasite .
ii) Name the toxin release in human body by malaria parasite.
iii) Why do the symptoms of malaria not appear immediately after the entry of sporozoites into
thehuman body.
14 . Name the source of smack. Mention one way in which it affects the human body.
15 What are biological response modifiers ?
LA (5 Marks)
16 What is innate immunity ? Mention the barriers that prevent the entry of foreign agents in
body .
17 It was diagnosed by a specialist that the immune system of the body of a patient has been
suppressed . Describe the infection & the mechanism of its proliferation in the body .
18 What is metastasis ? Mention two advanced techniques for detection of cancer. Give a brief
account on treatment of cancer.

Chpt.9Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production

VSA (1 Mark )
1 Name one variety of wheat that is resistant to leaf & stripe rust.
2 Name two HYV of rice.
3 What is biofortification ?

SA I (2 Marks )
4 Name the microbe that is grown for use as protein- rich food ?
5 What is interspecific hybridization ?Give an example .
6 Which part of the plant is best suited for making virus free plants &Why ?
7 What is single protein ? What is its significance ?

SA II (3 Marks)
8 .Microbes can be used to decrease the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Write
9 Fill in the blanks
Crops Variety Resistance to disease
Wheat _______________________ Leaf and stripe rust
_______________________ Pusaswarnim _______________________
Cauliflower _______________________ _______________________
_______________________ Pusasadabahar Chilly mosaic

LA (5 Marks )
10 What are the major steps involved in plant breeding ?
11 What is somatic hybridization . Explain the steps involved in the production of somatic
hybrids .
12 What is inbreeding depression ? How can it be overcome. ? Expand MOET ? Explain it.

Chapt. 10 Microbes In Human Welfare

VSA (1Mark)
1 Name any two free living nitrogen fixing bacteria .
2 Mention the dual function of LAB that are useful to man .
3 Name any two fungus which are used in production of antibodies .

SA I (2 Mark)
4 What is the key difference between primary and secondary sewage treatment .
5 How do mycorrhizae acts as biofertilisers ?Explin with example .

SA II (3 Marks)
6.Name the microbes from which following bio active substances are extracted &
mention their roles.
(i) Statin (ii) Cyclosporina A, (iii) Streptokinase
7 Name the fungus used as biocontrol of plant diseases .
8 How does primary sludge differ from activated sludge ? What type of changes in the sludge
are carried out in anaerobic sludge digester ?
Chpt. 11 Principles &Process of Biotechnology
VSA (1 Mark)
1 . What are molecular scissors?
2 Expand the terms.
a) PCR b) Bt
3 Name the source of Taqpolymerase ?
4 What is “rop” ?
SA I (2 Marks)
5 Write any two properties of restriction endonuclease .
6 What is gene gun ?
7 Why does DNA moves towards anode in gel electrophoresis What is insertationalinactivation ?
8 Name the components a bioreactor must possess to achieve the desired product .
9 What are the two basic techniques involved in modern biotechnology ?

SA (3 Marks)
10 Why is agrobacterium mediated transformation described as Natural Genetic engineering in
plants ?
11 Represent diagramatcally the E. coli cloning vector pBR322 .
12 .Diagrammatically represent recombinant DNA technology.
13 Draw diagram of a stirred tank bioreactor . What is downstream processing ?
LA (5 Marks)
14 Expand PCR ? Describe the different steps involved in this technique .
15 Explain the process of separation & extraction of DNA freagments for using in construction
of recombinant DNA.

Chpt. 12 Biotechnology & Its Application

VSA (1 Mark)
1 Name the first transgenic cow .
2 Expand GEAC .
SA I (2 Marks)
3 Mention any four application of biotechnology in agriculture
4 What are Cry proteins ? Name an organism That produces it . How has man exploited this
protein to his benefit

SA II( 3 Marks )
5 What is RNA interference ? Explain with suitable example.
6 Give any two exampies of products , how transgenic animals can be used to produce
biological compounds .
7 Mention three major steps for formation of GMOs .
8 What are the advantages of GM plants
9 You have identified a useful gene in bacteria . Make a flow chart of the steps that you would
follow to transfer this gene to a plant .
LA (5 Marks )
10 Write an account of production of human insulin in transgenic animals
11How does RNA interference help in developing resistance against nematode infection in
tobacco plants?
12What is ADA deficiency? How is gene therapy a solution to this problem. Explain.

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