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Annalou A.

Grade 11 Folic Acid

My Reflection in Philosophy About Helping Disability Person

I am Annalou Torres and my reflection I offer to people with disabilities like our previous
interview with tatay Sindo, people like tatay Sindo are amazing because they never thought of
giving up on life despite their disability, they thought more they know how to earn money just to
feed their family. They don’t care what disability they have what is important to them is to find a
food to survive in this world. It hurts to think that they are not like us who have no disabilities
who have no obstacles in what we should do and no ridicule to be accepted by others but those
like them we should salute and respect because even though they are different from us they are
still human beings like us so we should not underestimate people like them because they are
special because they are different from us and more importantly they also have the abilities that
are not available to us without disabilities.

Their disability is not an obstacle to do the things they want because for them what the non-
disabled can do, they can do as well. Even if what they do is limited, that does not stop them
from doing what they want, what is important to them is that they do what they can with all their

For those of us without disabilities should know how to appreciate the life we have now
because life is only one so we should know how to be blessed because just one snap of the God
can take our life back because our life in this world is just borrowed and not long-term so let’s be
grateful every day we’re alive because we don’t think we might be dead tomorrow so let’s thank
the God that he gave us a good body and a disease-free life.

That’s why we who are not disabled must open our eyes that we must have the courage to face
every test that comes in our lives because that’s how life is, there are many tests that will come.
Like the disable person despite of their disability they are still able to face life even though they
are not like us in good physical condition they still have the courage to fight life. How come us
without disability? We are complete and no disability? So we should know how to appreciate
the things that we have now no matter how small or big it is and we should know how to be
content. And for people today who want to give up on life, don’t lose hope like disabled people
who continue to fight life despite their condition, we must know how to value our lives and know
how to appreciate something that we have. Like people with disabilities are just a little help you
give them, they are already happy, so we should make people like them an inspiration because
people like them should be saluted and respected.

And we should also know how to appreciate people with disabilities and if we think that we can
help them at least a little, we should help because it is not based on the amount of help you give,
but it is based on whether you have a sincere heart to help people like them. For me, giving help
to others makes me feel good and makes me feel proud because even though I’m just a student, I
can also help people like them, even if it’s not how much I gave, but I gave it to them with all my
heart. And my experience in helping people like them will be with me for the rest of my life until
the end.

Helping others should be given sincerely to people in need, it should not be plastic and you
should be real. Because when you have a good heart, that is your unique treasure that you will
carry with you forever and that others cannot take away from you.

So we should be better to the people around us no matter what their status in life because the
status of the person in life is not the basis for many to respect you even if you are young, old or
disabled, rich or poor you deserve it. Everyone deserve to be respected and appreciate because
giving respect or value to all individuals is a great human task.

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