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Name: Darren Lim Ze Kai (25) Class: JM1 Class 2

Essay 5 - A night without electricity

Last Saturday night was a rainy night. My parents had gone out
after dinner. I and my siblings were watching the animated film in the
living room. The film was interesting and exciting, we enjoyed it very
much. Suddenly, the light went off and the television stopped working. I
immediately went to found the phone and called my mother but the
phone was in low battery. So, we only can wait for our parents back.

We were feeling bored because there is nothing to do. My young

sister was playing the torch on the sofa. ”Wow, there is a rabbit on the
wall!” said my young sister. “It looks great!” said my young brother.
Then, they started to play the “shadow competition”, who can make the
most creative shadow will win the competition. “Look at mine, it is a
dove!” said my young sister proudly. “Mine is a cobra, so mine is better,
“said my young brother. “It is not fair,” said my young sister. They
started to argue. I immediately went up and stopped their argument.

“I think we can play chessboard together,” I suggested. I went to

my bedroom to get the chessboard with the torch. After that, we started
to play the chessboard in the living room. Then, we feel a little bit
hungry. So, we were going to the pantry to find some food. We found a
pack of cereal and a bottle of milk. We pour some milk and cereal in to a
big bowl. Then, we got it to the living room and enjoyed it.

The electricity still not restored after we enjoying our supper, so

we are going to hit the sack because we need to go to school tomorrow.
“Ding dong……” the doorbell rang when I am going to go bed. It was my
parents went back. “Why you didn’t turn on the light and the fan?”
asked my mother. “There is no more electricity supply when we watched
the animated film.” I said. “Oh, really. Don’t worry, I think the electricity
will restore after that. Just went to bed, you need to go to school
tomorrow, good night” said my mother.
From that day, I had known the important of the electricity and I
promised that I will use the electricity wisely and don’t waste the
electricity anymore.

(387 words)

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