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BANTILLO 05/11/23


“Memory lane”

A friendship is a special bond between two people, a deep connection that provides us a
reflection of our innate need for human connection and belonging, and it can bring immense
joy, comfort, and fulfillment to our lives. Friendship is one of the most valuable and
cherished relationships in life. It is a bond that can withstand the test of time and distance.
However, sometimes, even the strongest of friendships can fall apart.

To start with, I was a transfer student at our school. I had no friends and no one to talk to,
mainly because I came from Manila and I was not very familiar with the Cebuano dialect. It
was one afternoon, and I was having my lunch when my classmate approached me. She
was beautiful, kind, and smart; she asked if she could sit with me, and of course I said yes.
She started speaking Tagalog since I wasn't very fluent in Bisaya, and we spoke during our
entire meal, laughing and sharing my experiences in Manila and how I got here. I was very
moved that time because she adjusted so that our language wouldn't be a barrier for us to
be able to talk with each other, and that is how our friendship began.

Afterwards, we became inseparable in our elementary days, like two peas in a pod.
Sometimes I come to her house to eat lunch there, and we even have sleepovers there. Of
course, it wasn't a perfect friendship; we fight over little things, and there are days when
we feel like we don't want to be in each other's presence. We were very comfortable with
each other, and she adjusted so I could be comfortable in my new environment. However,
as time went on and we were in high school, things started to change. Slowly but surely,
our paths began to diverge, and we found ourselves drifting apart.

At first, we were sticking together, but as time went on, we started meeting different
people. We started hanging with a completely different circle of friends; her new friends
were very extrovert, while I got myself into an introverted friend group. Being in a different
circle of friends didn't affect our friendship; we were still eating lunch together until we
weren't. It happened gradually; we started drifting apart, barely talking with each other
anymore, and we still hung out occasionally, but it wasn't the same as before. We didn't
have as much to talk about, and sometimes it felt like we were just going through the

As we got older, the differences between us became more pronounced. Our character
started changing, and we were a completely different person from what we were when we
were still in elementary school. Eventually, we stopped hanging out altogether. From two
peas in a pod to two people who just talk sometimes, nothing more, nothing less. We didn't
have any fights or arguments; we just drifted apart. It was like we were ships passing
through the night. I would see her around occasionally, but we never stopped to chat. It
was like we were strangers who knew each other so well.

Eventually, we cannot blame each other because, in order for us to grow, we need to grow
apart. People change, and nothing stays the same; something will always change, and
we've got to learn that because life is all about change. People come and go, and
friendships change. It's sad, but it's a natural progression. I'll always remember the good
times we had together. Our friendship ended, but the memory will stay.

In the end, it didn't turn out so bad for us; she is now happy with her friend group, and I
am content with my new circle of friends. If I can go back in time and choose if I should
prevent it from happening or let it happen again, I will let it happen again because
everything happens for a reason, and we grew much more when we were apart.
Sometimes, friendships simply cannot withstand the test of time and distance. It is
important to cherish and nurture our friendships, but we must also recognize when it is time
to let go. As we grow and change, so do our relationships and we must be willing to accept
that some things are not meant to last forever.

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