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Dream International Schools English A’ Level

National Division Prep. 3

Final Exam Seat Number:

A - Choose the correct answer (25 marks)

1) Pandas are considered a/ an …........... species.

a. Endangered
b. extinct
c. thriving
d. reptile

2) We should protect animals’ natural …............. .

a. Habitats
b. homes
c. malls
d. shelters

3) Stanley had …........ in his stomach the whole time he was on stage giving
the speech.
a. Butterflies
b. Birds
c. Insects
d. Flies

4) He can’t help …........ so fast.

a. Speaking
b. To speak
c. To be speaking
d. Speak

5) Sandy, I am truly looking forward …......... your parents.

a. To meeting
b. Meet
c. Meeting
d. Be meeting
6) Sorry, I’m a bit late. I had to stop …......... petrol on the way over here.
a. Buying
b. To buy
c. For buy
d. Buy

7) Although wind turbines don’t take up at lot of space, they are often located in
a. Public areas
b. Wide areas
c. Unoccupied sites
d. Islands

8) You …................... be rude to your parents.

a. Couldn't
b. Shouldn’t
c. Wouldn’t
d. Mustn’t

9)In the United Kingdom you …........ 17 to get a driving license.

a. Got to be
b. Have to be
c. Have to
d. Should be

10) Mason, you …................. yelled at your neighbor like that.

a. Didn't need to
b. Must have
c. Shouldn't have
d. Couldn't

11) It is believed that the forest fires were lit by …......... .

a. Burglars
b. Thieves
c. Robbers
d. Arsonists

12) James got a $ 50 …........... for speeding up.

a. Fine
b. Case
c. Arrest
d. Sentence
13) I feel so relieved. The burglars who broke into my house …......... arrested.
a. Have been
b. Has been
c. Are
d. Will

14) The police arrested the burglar …......... broke into our house
a. Who
b. That
c. When
d. Where

15) The new dress fits you like a ….............

a. Hat
b. Glove
c. Shoe
d. Slipper

16) Those old photographs have great ….............. value to me.

a. Sentimental
b. Emotional
c. Stressful
d. Sensitive

17) Well, I like your suggestion but honestly I prefer …......... at home.
a. Staying
b. Chilling
c. Stay
d. A warm drink

18) Laura asked Tim …..... he was interested in physics.

a. Why
b. If
c. When
d. How
19) Virgos are …............... . They like to follow traditions.
a. Open minded
b. Relaxed
c. Free spirits
d. Creatures of habit

20) I’m afraid romantic comedy movies aren’t my …......... .

a. Piece of cake
b. Sip of juice
c. Mug of coffee
d. Cup of tea

21) Jefferson …............ about being a great singer.

a. Boasted
b. Showed off
c. Bragged
d. Complained

22) I don’t want to tell Sandy the truth but I suppose it is time to take the
…......... by the horns.
a. Crocodile
b. Bull
c. Deer
d. Rhino

23) We should adopt a baby eagle and ….............. it.

a. Look after
b. Eat
c. Starve
d. Play with

24) People must carry ….................... cards with them in some countries.
a. Identification
b. Credit
c. Club
d. Insurance

25) If he ….......... the report on time, he wouldn’t have to do overtime.

a. Finished
b. Had been finished
c. Had finished
d. Would have finished
B- Writing (10 bonus marks) – 120 to 140 words

Option 1
Write an article including a detailed description of a shopping place you visited
and why you recommend it.

Option 2
Write a for and against essay about the online shopping trend.

Option 3
Your teacher requested an essay that provides (suggests) solutions to a serious
problem: homeless and stray animals living on the streets of Cairo. How can we
make the lives of these animals better? Thousands of dogs and cats have no
homes and many of them suffer from human abuse everyday. Write 120 to 140
words stating your solutions regarding the mentioned problem.



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