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My favorite website is free, because it doesn't

need people who enter it to subscribe to be
able to navigate. The website is, it is a website that shows
videos with short or long duration, it is used so
that you can search for any topic, they can be
educational topics, topics about housework,
topics about cooking, topics about maintenance
of different machines, among others.

One thing that I really think gives it an

advantage over other websites, is the ease of interaction of its platform, in generally the other
websites that are the competition of YouTube have not I still had the opportunity to create a
community as big as this website and they only focus on a specific topic, like news or politics or
research, also other websites do not have alliances with other social networks, this being one
big advantage.

On the other hand, the oversaturation of content makes it difficult to choose what to see on
the website, another bad point is that having the answers on any topic on a web page reduces
social relationships because normally people would go to ask other people what know about
the topic to get rid of doubts and know the topic they are looking .

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages, I think that the good points of this website are
more than the negative points. To sum up, each person may have a different opinion about the
website but in general we can all agree that at some point we have visited and it has been of
great help to us.

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