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Jabez Dahmous


Good vs Bad Websites


● Wikipedia
-Anyone can edit Wikipedia. This implies that anyone, regardless of ability or understanding,
can add, remove, or edit information on Wikipedia. This may cause false or misleading
information to be displayed on the website.
● YouTube
-Children may be exposed to inappropriate content like violence, pornography, and hate
speech. For example, my nephew is addicted to YouTube. His day is not complete if he
doesn't watch YouTube. Lately, I am shocked when he calls me dump and I already
knew it right away where he learned it. The bad side of YouTube.
● Chat.openai
-Tasks that people traditionally had to complete themselves can be automated with
chatgpt. This can free up people's time, but it can also make them less skilled at
performing these duties on their own. Websites with artificial intelligence, for instance,
can write emails, produce reports, and even produce original material. Because they
don't have to learn how to perform these tasks on their own, people may become less
proficient and independent as a result.

● Quora
-Quora is a fantastic resource for learning fresh information on a variety of subjects. You
can browse the feed to see what others are asking and being answered, or you can ask
questions about certain subjects. I personally used Quora to get information on specific
subjects I wanted to understand by reading the responses to other users' queries that
were similar to mine.
● Google
-Search engines aren't all that Google is. In addition, it provides a wide range of other
goods and services, like email, cloud storage, navigation, maps, and productivity tools.
Google is made to be user-friendly and available to everyone. They come in more than
100 different languages, and all of them are offered for free.
● Docs
-It is simple to work on your papers from anywhere with Google Docs because it is free
to use and accessible from any device with an internet connection. Additionally, it
enables concurrent editing by several people, and changes are automatically saved. It
is therefore the perfect tool for teams that are distributed collaborating on projects.

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