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Computer Technician


English ll


Daniel Neum, Nicolas Gonzalez


Felipe Bastian Soto Gomez


ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.........................................................................................................................................
IMPORTANCE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE......................................................................................................
USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE..........................................................................................................................
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTS..................................................................................................................
Online shopping and advertising..........................................................................................................................................
Web searches.................................................................................................................................................................................
Automatic translations..............................................................................................................................................................
Digital personal assistants.......................................................................................................................................................
GPS and geolocation system in vehicles............................................................................................................................
CATEGORY OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE..........................................................................................................
Weak or Narrow Artificial Intelligence...............................................................................................................................


Artificial Intelligence is one of the technology areas that has experienced significant
growth in recent years, and its impact on society and the economy is increasingly
significant. The machines' ability to process large amounts of data, identify
patterns, and make decisions based on them is transforming the way companies
operate, consumers interact with products and services, and governments manage
cities and countries.
Among the most common applications of AI are speech and image recognition,
natural language processing, product and service recommendation, optimization of
business processes, automation of repetitive tasks, among others. Additionally, AI
is being used to solve complex problems in areas such as healthcare, energy,
security, and transportation.
However, the development of AI also poses important ethical and social
challenges. For example, job automation and job loss can have a negative impact
on workers, and automated decision-making can be biased and perpetuate
discrimination. Additionally, there is concern that AI can be used for malicious
purposes, such as information manipulation or population control.
Another ethical concern regarding AI is the potential for misuse of personal data.
As AI algorithms require vast amounts of data to learn and make decisions, the
collection and use of personal data can raise privacy concerns. Without proper
safeguards, personal data can be used to discriminate against individuals, infringe
on their rights, or put their safety at risk.
Moreover, there is also the issue of accountability and transparency in AI decision-
making. As AI systems become more complex and autonomous, it can be
challenging to understand how decisions are being made, and who is responsible
for them. This can lead to a lack of accountability and the potential for unintended
consequences or harm.


The term artificial intelligence was adopted in the 1950s, specifically in 1956. Since
then, its popularity has significantly increased thanks to the growth in data
volumes, as well as advanced algorithms, improved computing power, and

In the 1950s, early research in artificial intelligence focused on topics such as

problem solving and symbolic methods. By the early 1960s, the US Department of
Defense had shown great interest in this type of work to the point of beginning to
train computers to try to mimic basic human behavior.

Similarly, artificial intelligence has been depicted in both literature and Hollywood
movies. In these depictions, artificial intelligence was presented as humanoid
robots that take over the world. However, currently, the evolution of artificial
intelligence technology is not as terrifying or as advanced as portrayed in science
fiction. Instead, artificial intelligence has evolved with the aim of providing specific
benefits to businesses and organizations in various fields.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly relevant due to its wide range of
utilities and subfields. These include general-purpose, learning and perception

areas, as well as more specific subfields such as speech recognition, chess
playing, mathematical theorem proving, poetry writing, and disease diagnosis.
Artificial intelligence is capable of synthesizing and automating tasks that were
previously considered intellectual, making it potentially relevant to any field that
involves human intellectual activities.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) automates repetitive learning and discovery through data.
Unlike hardware-based robot automation, AI focuses on reliably and tirelessly
performing frequent, high-volume computerized tasks. It is important to note,
however, that AI is not intended to completely replace human research and
knowledge, as human intervention is needed to properly configure the system and
formulate the correct questions. Therefore, artificial intelligence serves as a tool to
enhance efficiency and accuracy in decision-making across various fields.

Artificial intelligence can also add intelligence to existing products. In most cases,
artificial intelligence will not be sold as an individual application. Instead, products
that are already in use will be enhanced with artificial intelligence, much like Siri
was added as a feature to a new generation of Apple products. Automation,
conversational platforms, bots, and intelligent machines can be combined with
large amounts of data to improve many technologies in the home and workplace,
from security intelligence to investment analysis.

Deep neural networks are the key to the incredible accuracy of artificial
intelligence, which was previously impossible to achieve. Notable examples of this
precision include Alexa's voice recognition technology, Google Search, and Google
Photos, all of which are based on deep learning and continue to become more
accurate the more we use them.


Artificial intelligence has broad utility across various subfields, including medicine,
marketing, studies, research, and more.

Artificial intelligence enhances the speed, accuracy, and effectiveness of many
tasks. In financial institutions, artificial intelligence can be used to identify
suspicious transactions, make accurate credit assessments, and automate
intensive data management tasks. This can significantly improve efficiency and
reduce errors in the process.

In recent years, artificial intelligence has been incorporated into the field of nursing,
as well as other professional areas. Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used
to improve patient care, staff efficiency, and patient safety. Examples of the
application of artificial intelligence in nursing include patient monitoring, early
identification of medical problems, and medical records management.

Artificial intelligence also provides resources for online shopping that provide
personalized recommendations and analyze purchasing options alongside the
consumer. In addition, inventory management and site layout technologies can
also be significantly improved through the use of artificial intelligence. Artificial
intelligence helps predict product demand and optimize inventory in real time,
which can improve efficiency and reduce costs in e-commerce.

AI has the ability to analyze the data generated by IoT devices in a factory in real-
time to predict the expected load and demand. This is achieved by using recurrent
neural networks, a type of neural network that is particularly suitable for analyzing
sequential data in real-time. The data is streamed from the connected equipment,
enabling faster and more accurate decision-making in factory production


Online shopping and advertising

Artificial intelligence is widely used to offer personalized recommendations to
consumers, based on their previous searches and purchases, as well as other
online behaviors. Moreover, in the business field, artificial intelligence is of great
importance for optimizing products, planning inventory, and improving logistic

Web searches
Search engines learn from the vast amount of data provided by their users to offer
relevant search results.

Automatic translations
Artificial Intelligence is used in language translation programs, both for written text
and speech recognition, in order to improve the accuracy and quality of
translations. In addition, AI is applied in other functions related to natural language
understanding, such as automatic captioning of videos and multimedia content.
This allows users of different languages to better understand and access the
content they consume online.

Artificial intelligence systems have the ability to detect and combat cyber attacks
and other online threats through continuous data analysis and identification of
patterns that may indicate malicious activity. Using advanced data analysis
techniques, AI can identify and neutralize threats in real-time, which helps to
protect the security of online users and organizations.

While fully autonomous vehicles are not yet widespread, many modern vehicles
already have AI-driven safety features. For example, the EU helped finance the VI-
DAS driving assistance system, which uses AI to detect potentially hazardous
situations and prevent accidents.

Digital personal assistants

Smartphones use artificial intelligence to offer users more relevant and
personalized products and services. One way this is achieved is through the use of
virtual assistants, which can answer questions, provide recommendations, and
help organize owners' daily routines. These virtual assistants have become
increasingly common and sophisticated, thanks to the use of advanced natural
language processing and machine learning techniques.

GPS and geolocation system in vehicles

Artificial intelligence plays a fundamental role in modern navigation systems. For
example, applications like Google Maps can alert you about road closures and
provide real-time information about traffic. Additionally, many current vehicles are
equipped with safety features that use AI, such as an emergency button that
activates the vehicle's geographical location and notifies authorities in case of an


Weak or Narrow Artificial Intelligence

This type of artificial intelligence is known as "Narrow" or "Weak" because it
specializes in a specific task and cannot be applied to other areas. For example,
there are robots that can beat world chess champions, but they are not capable of
learning to store information in a different way. They can only perform the task for
which they were programmed. Currently, many applications of artificial intelligence,
such as computer vision, natural language processing, and image and sound
recognition, are in this stage. Even Google translation systems and autonomous
vehicles are considered examples of narrow or weak artificial intelligence. Although
weak artificial intelligence has limitations, it is important to note that it has driven
significant advances in many areas, such as medicine, manufacturing, commerce,
and cybersecurity.

In addition to performing the actions of the previous types of artificial intelligence,
Superintelligence stands out for being capable of surpassing human intelligence in

all areas, including scientific and social and emotional skills. This type of
intelligence refers to a machine that can be significantly more intelligent than
humans, from a computer that is slightly smarter than a human to a machine that is
trillions of times more intelligent. Due to its learning and self-improvement
capabilities, Superintelligence has been associated both with the promise of
immortality as well as the potential danger of humanity's destruction.


AI has already demonstrated its ability to solve complex problems and offer
innovative solutions in a variety of applications. For example, AI can analyze large
data sets more efficiently than humans and identify patterns that would be difficult
or impossible for a human to detect. In healthcare, AI is being used to identify
patterns in medical data and help doctors make better diagnoses and treatment
However, the widespread adoption of AI has also raised concerns about its impact
on society and employment. Many fear that AI will take over jobs that were once
done by humans, leading to widespread unemployment and economic disruption.
There are also concerns about the security and privacy risks associated with the
use of AI, particularly with regard to the collection and use of personal data.

To address these concerns, it is crucial for AI experts, policymakers, and society

as a whole to work together to ensure that AI is developed in an ethical and
responsible manner. This means developing frameworks and guidelines for the
development and use of AI that prioritize ethical considerations such as
transparency, accountability, and fairness.
AI must also be developed in a way that benefits society as a whole, rather than
just a select few. This means ensuring that AI is accessible to everyone, regardless
of their background or socioeconomic status.

In conclusion, the development and use of AI must be approached with caution
and responsibility. While AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our
lives, we must be aware of its possible risks and work together to address them. By
prioritizing ethical considerations and developing frameworks for responsible use,
we can ensure that AI benefits society as a.


Inteligencia Artificial: Qué es y Por Qué Importa. (2021, marzo 31).

Wikipedia contributors. (s/f). Inteligencia artificial. Wikipedia, The Free


7 ejemplos de uso de inteligencia artificial en el día a día. (n.d.). Immune

Technology Institute. Retrieved May 8, 2023, from

Tipos de inteligencia artificial. (2018, December 7). Futuro Electrico.


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