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n :':1'r'ii li' '; ir'

'rhe T-,I-tt,l"e l 3.gor*i ce '].CILt lweig

Sdltit Solsr:*on

'I f lr1: i :"']-i l,l : , -iili ,l,.i :l r'i 'i,"-,i.,i

l. ri :

The iights a:: the rlir::istnas t:'rye haci-bcen turne*. ou'h f*v'i,lr* ni'i;ht,
U li-, |'t^e
rrl.lU ,-.-t
nrnr f::Or,: f,he Stfeet 1j-ght *rt'|-..riil€ ili* :-;.":..:l ,:-l*l:..,:.r,: f,i,::dCW ii1El0e

the tinsel- j.cicles El:i-st,en, F*nLf Ll:e soft ,qlaw f*i} tco, on ti'ie shole;'ti*. :t f*l-i- al:j the prettll -*:-rridles, on the d*1iy, cfl. the
I\t-,r".i.L,J cJ-rynr

\, j.I-! Uirr(l!, rj*!i{ I

na,t-::i-,t..::* i..J-Lri cn the teddr bear.. ft fel-i- on tiie ir.**klng i{orse ti:a.t rr*s
standinq gusrcl s'ver all- the to*,"s.
All a'L clrlcs tl:s.:e :,i'l-i,: n "l j i;,tie rustle from a box that voas
standin,S Ti*rt:r 'i-:l:r.r Safa, it was last lfearr s Christmas tree anilel'
q,he ho"pnec1 out of the box and shcoir he:: spu.n slass skir'L' ang:-'-l]-.-.,'; e'ti{'
hef+re VOu COr:Id S3,",' "fie - fOe f'"lEirr she i:acl illOwn u'"' tt
i;'1 Le i0Orknob

tc th"c n-,,,r1::t-catck., spenec'i tj:e diot'l:, fljpped u-p to the nevr christmas
llc'rse s'nC
t;'eo a.::::*1"-, 3s.v* ,1i+:r ,i, li-::ri :rbai'ring, jun:u*C or:to ti:e fi"oeking
i:ea.tier; l:irn ar-rt of th.e clcorwa*'r and far, far away'
cut ov*r.-.,the;r the;,' flew- tdcrtli ancl }'.Torth and uort'l]t

The Christmas Tree
llanta Claus lives. This place is calleci The Land 0f
Angel s.
Tkr.:'oug1r Cf pink popcor'n and si]-ver i:e}}s, the
an a:.c}irrr'.l: i^Le.t]e
the:,i were stopped b;v. a ver.i:
l'r:3r,.r Anl*]' 1t::id+t. i,},:1. l.loci<ing iiorse. 0nce
-:rc11jrl.lrr. l,j-corlce,^sl liwofi vlho oniv al-lowed them
to nf'fi*r-'reci a:'i;e:: i-l;c Anl'r:'r
:i;ic- Flufi'?r all in one brsa+'h'
Anpei gav* Lhe passwcrd, w,:ictr wa"s "sp*':''r<i'e 'hecanrSe ti:e
,lhe i,ioo:,:i.ce .,01: j,yi*i.i the An,qril Anqel SP*]" i't' again
ancl cor-rldnrt sa:i a big $rcrd
?,:cl:.i-irq =*::s* h*,i. l:* s bi-t i-n his mouth
,,i-l-.i] ,:t:t tala-'inr :t tlut"

Ev and bv the.- ear-"ie to a- lov*]-, l-'"ttle castle" TL v,ras :r:ade of blocks

ef ni"nk eh.ri-stritl*.s rrrc, sifi)';f, *i;d th* rooi-, of co1.1rse, l'"as m&de cf
fIu f f-,r vrh .'i t e iliai.r, irl ,r 're I i *rl n

fron: th.e fiocking iiarse s"nd

?he .,,nqr., Ansel jumpcd C,ov,rn

step-ed un ta lhe teen"l weeny door, ?usiring tl,"r: -i.'eenl-:;' t"*ent;i be}l,
she waited unt11 a littl-{} :r*"i,t,: eaLia:,'. "r,l -,i.t: .lnit!
The Ilnfil,.i AnAel pustied open ti:e te eir-",,i.?11- -l -,,1r' ,l"rigrily. She
didnrt nttic* t}:e tb-ree c,;rckies sl,n;l'.ri:.-: {rir., -..l',:1f star-ing mde}y sN
i:er witll their black cur:r.ant elnes. Iior the lazy sticks nf
t1:r"j"sl;1::r,:! --:1rlc''' cr.:i:rl). 1t,115-ng against one ar:olher j-n a corner. lll:e "i':*l:
.-.jlt-,,)hed up to ttre tri'o stens r.hat leci to ihe tlrone of 1-ire Llue+n of the

flhristmas mre€: Angels, and so an[:';{ :,?as s1.;.e i,r,:,r-',1: she f,orgotr&e-eh*-HePPoP
ChI llrrrrc*r, she fr:::qot to eourtseyl
The Queen of tlre ehrl stmas ?ree Angels lookeO at the AniXrY Angel a::d ss"id
ftl;p"ca1,,f Christnas Tree Angell rr

Eu.t the a ?oy Captain

.,1ner:i 1pf,t€]- cn]--, str,r::1';eL scbh-inq. Immediately
siepned up sfiartlr anqi. sal-r:ted the Ang;ry Angel; then he dab?:e'l ''t

a.,,.*5 1,r-!r.:_: lr.-:r, l-itt,le white linen l:andkerchief. ?utti-ng

th,: l:.endke:'ehief,'
back ln his Eunic i:ocket, he sra'i';tec r''gei-rr anc' l:leppei back

Tkre lueen of the Chris--Ilas L:t"ee lii-.';'.'Jl 1 r'P-j sed her hand a:rc1 saicl to the
ri-im.;.tes, *ell i'jnk And 3he11 link to brrj'sh her hair anrj
her ::l;lt''Lo j'fl"3i'
that oyder Cloud T?rree art:und" " '
The To.',' Cap'.'*-!.r: -i-eci bhe Angry Angel' stiil sobblng
Flnk (who
to t,lr-e ciocy c.,f r.:j.fl a-s.f i r::i, i,t,t't;.e,cl lrer over to Iink and Shel-l
yrere, b:" t,te 1,.,a--1,, two del-ightfirll;r fh:.ffy toy p5-n1{ rebb its)

srrsIl;l--1r a.qain and left to ord'er Cloud

Tyl ii:s *+.::l or ':" and qhel] i,,5_nk ?:rr:s'1;:ed tht-'-. {niiclr s }ratr.
'rhen her ni.:i.rtn .:.- thi s tirne si:e haC stopp*d schbing and stood sti-l1.
:.lhile"t-'ink s*'ior:ther.1 irer. wlntrs and Ehell'ilnk a*ju-sted herLralo" trhen
Dlnk arrtl qh.el1 ilink stood iracl"; arrd l-ooked at Srer. tirrk wr*n.b bacic and
sxrootl:ed he:: v;:i,nrsr and not, to be outdr:ne, :1he1] i-,irrk iiave ariother pat
to Lhe halo. rhen thell. rinlr elapned her par/s together anei the "i1or,"
f aptain ente:'eC th.* pa::3,cr, salulec the An11rt,' 4-nge1-. *:nd off e;'in5; ):is
arir, ,le,l her out into tlie th:"one rocir s.xain.
8he .rlr.r-een of the Cl:::i.strlias T:'ee 4n,-3e1s rdas fiot
tir+r'e" F1:e ah:r.-ist r:ras Doclt eend'l sticks r,.1'ere asl-eep, st:i."i 1 l"oairing
a:,-ainSt eA*h 01;l:ei.r -qn{: L\nC el-rB':}:,", eoe:j'lie lvinile,', A'L:1aC!. Cffrrant e,'-e

g"l i:Le ,in-,"r-'- 1l:g] *.S 5ihE iigt-sS t:-i b','*


m.:is.,!361{inr -rc.:"-qe wai.ted natientl=r srrtside the door'. i{e }rai i:rOwn a

little hunqr-r and nibhler at 'uile rnarshnrallor,'r roof,, so the gallant

To.i iaptain toolr out his little ishite linen handkerchief a,qain and
wipe<1 tl:e hj-ts of na.rshmallov+ frorn the llocking ]iors&s mouth, verir
gentl.I, laptain y;as a lvee bj"t afraid of the Ilorse kr:-rt the

An,gry Anqel- clnl.,: thoirght tha.t he was ver.,I thoughtful and kind.
-irorsa clown tourard the Plnk
Now the To=; Captain led the i1ocki,n6
Popc,:rn ar"ch'lray. T'el:e the:l were stop'.reci a:ain b;:1 the ver.!. young
Lj.corj-ce qol-liwoq. a.e hed. heen cbewing Gn cocoanut shreds and the\'r |iad
to lv;tlt a seconfi hef cre he could ask them for ti:e passvro:'d '
The Angrv,{nqel had forEotl,,en it. 6aptain didtnt }cnovr it'
rlrhe To-1r

Llelther Cid the trockin,q T:lorser so the Licopice 'roll-livog leaned afiainst
the pink Foocorn arcl::r,.tr:1-i anri fel-l asleep until the Angry Angel cou}d
outside of th* pin.k poneorn arehway Slouel Three vsas shimner-

lng and" waitin,q in the f:rost'w air*



The "A-nsry Anqel. v.:h"l spe.i"i+ii tr: l,i:e Fe*y Tolr ganXain that she
couldnrt renel?.;e:r t'r:c pt:s';;r-,:'d and the 'Io;,' leptain suodanl;r lifted
he:: onto {;ire b*r:,.: r:i tie 'oc'}xing }iorse, vr}rLsperdd to '1,}re Rocki-ng }lo*se
to ju.nrn on Clciud Tl:ree anel as soon as ttte-,'1ef-":-},:e ,i.:-Lr-l: i' archway
he took one bi.g j-nto the niddl-e cf ii:ri:;isell'.
Lrr thi-s time the Lisorice +olliwog was awaltel ile
l:Fn ol1 to Cloud lhree hr.rt it had starte<l to ei up slii iic')v ii'*':''':'"lce
-ollirvog wouid have fallen lf Toy capta.i-n had ac't ::':acheci out a ha-nd and
pulled hi-m uo cnto Cloud Three tti-::r tirei:i'


Shapter 2

glorrd ?hree went l:"i qner , n j,:irl'r. I lc,-r::'i*e '1,..-1-*..iwo4r settled dovin

to finisir his nap, with on* J-i-*t::jce ieg }:anging over the edge"
Clcucl Three !'.;as v.:'r-:i c,frz:": s il.Ir.l sooln he vilas fast asleep again.
Rocki-n- llcrse ]:is ires-i r;-vel: the side but poJred i-t bac]r.- $ihsr1 gll
he ssrr ...req c,-i,ou.ds. Tie rrloveC a l--i.ttle eloser to the Angr']; iin:-el.
r.o-,: cal,j,e jn stooo straight anrl An,qry i\nrrel treld antn h:is
rr'vellr n?:e:'"* :i-:.'':j ; -'r'; 1l{:'ing}
bell.t. After a few minr-:tes a hip: voice satd
The A.nqry Anqel startec. ItT dontt krrovr and whc e-llo'Icu?it
Itm CloUc1 ,thr"ee. r\Lt T haventt got arr:r ordelS ''re'L.'t
F}:*n take us anlrwhere.i!
rtAnlrrhere it i.s tir,:nr " sr:irJ. C1r:ui']. 'lj-:.Y"ct',. trltt s a long trip sCI get

eomfo:'.ba'bl-e Lr

for a wiril-e and then Cloud fhree s)::'ll'ce a;ai-::'

r:hc',-e 1'",2s 1,. s-:Ience
i!r-;Cntt rerrernbe:: taking Ln:fone to An=rwhere belc:"e" Etr*:"ywherer YeSr
-':.. L"'
and Slowhere tOO,, Irrr r:ct to,,: sl':lrle i llrtc;l: ',l:-'
cn to
they were hoth fast asleet 3ts-ri{1*r-ii,i np. !:rr;; c:.r:-rei'r ''r-ii;ir:g1
onto To:i Captaints
the reins of Rocking trr::r'se B"ii(l 'rni':-: r':n:;el ho1<iing
belt. 'iloel,ri-Ti:' lln:ais t'ri:irlt'!: i":,iif-l cr'' r.: 8-ii'sw€ro

I{e onl-r wanted tc ge-L off 0i'cur1 :'ii:'c-: '


llri;"i;ter 2 ?age 2

After a u,hile locki"nq -roI'se seici "Itri i:iun;-r;;.iI IIis words areiakened all
of t?rem exeept of c.r-l:se, Cloucr Three, sho had,ntt }:een asleep.
I{e haC j:ei:1 l1g1-rii1.. i:,-r-}.:t.-,ij'. :fijej:, for An;nrhere" },orrg aeo they had paseerl
Ever.,il",:hore :nd nc,where anC he was a wee bit afraid tirat "Li:e;rr !,/mra *.1,--l-
.'-,:-::r'l 'j,:.': lre i,r-:d" cheerfully, tfFeel under the plaee where tir.e i,lcorice

eoiliwoq is i.'it1q".
Llcorice roli-iwo1 rira.a€' ti;",':.,-:'':'. -,1:t back and Torr Captain puI1ed out a big
trox of qood,ies. fn it were:run drops and je1lv beans, severatr l-:itt;e
th:inible coo,kies and a nacket of shredded cocoan'L;.t," 1-i:e;, i'rcr* ::ll -^'l.L
tc eat so mucll, but cloud Three s=id rf onl--lr one ee'ch nowt on1:r one eachnow"
Tle d iC not sall rr.rhli. ITe di i n,--i, r.';ei.-l a '- (' --'.' !
1'.1-- l-';i. '! hen.
So the Rockinp: Tlorss took a thimble eookle, tirc i,lcr:rice *o11iwog took
L strand. of cocoar:t:t. 'lhe lJl,;r' i-;l.iii".!-' :::'::i.i:::C rl::ti} the i'rngr-Y Angel too
tool< a je1l;,r'bean and tiaen l:e chose a drop. The Licorica *ol-livrcg

woun;. t:re st-r.*-nr: c'f cccoanut around his 1itt1e liccvice fll,"cr" l-ii"l .rei:t'n
ir :-,i -:l,l e j.t slor*11i. rre had only nlbbled a ',vee ti b s#-*Le-e+Ea:'nH'+-#rreut
1*{.e-S4a*.ar r,fl,ren he si;cldenl-r haC a thougnt and auickl:r unwr:'i.i-n''-1 a bit-'':f
tlrt C,rCOanLr.t frpm hiS f inoer, brOlte it Off anrl Se,iir tr: the '*lrni.'|' ''''1'''e1r
lT:Terel Tie tt or3,, l1e helr-1, out l:is firsi fln-:el cn his littl-e ri#t hand'

rr:tr!1gf for?!t asl,ierl t,}:e :\rii::i:;'r -lrfi[:oJ-r

ft,I0 remGr ber, of ccursett sl:outeri the I-,icorj-ce "ol- j-i"''iCg"

rrl)onr t shorrtJ ,, sai-d t,ire Aniirl. ;ln,r*1-. "It I S n$1': pei-'ii;e" ';*::rn:;e "-'hat?rr'

tttr dclCt knovr, Ttll- think of sonetl-ij'n'3"|

at'::'i'"i bjs
fhe,lnar-i Ansel ii"ert a bcw rrylth the wee sh::=tr ci c**-'i''-i';-t'
i'r: ii"f,i air to admire !'t'
f,:inlrer and the i,ieorice +ol1iwog }:el'ri ii: up
ItIf i .Bore cocoanlittt lire lai-,']. "I co:-t..Li'i ij-e; a'-''-i my fingens and I
_1,',1.;1.: l: ling look ai t.he goi;,die box'
vlorr}.jntt forget not}:i.n,1l i e
el'fe ou.t for tire l-anC-
ALl this tir,re fj.ol-'j'i:'ll:rr* r::r'jt ^,,*ttl:"i'-c"pi-n'g arr
of EaYhere"

r:rli-e.-\i f: i.l'1i1, ienc; eC Oi1 iiC,:nerlr?:ef e aif;*T baCk, bUi; i.::r;ri_; ,,"ial i,lte -:_i:rr-tr,l

l.l i"hite el.r:uds anC qre*'l cloriiis rrere not al-Io',,rerl ;o i,erll i:l:-l;r"e.

Chapten ? Page 5

After a wl-'ile Lj-co::ice +oiiiwog stai:ted to s-'-nsi. - c c'r:c$r" ii:i,,seiil tr_ r

he ss"iei, He rnade the Snn-tr ujl as ire 1".ic;ti, r:.i-trl,:, .,, i; i. l:,i1.:s i',].t- .:,i-Corice
'-o11iv;og cotr"l-ci 'ne very clave::. Sc h,- :-f ajJ
"l'.cloB alle',ng. llere ar.3 tre.
,lc*lcin;s 1'ors€, ,i-r..,--l=-, i-:.-r e I :;''-l -.,,'.,-,j. l::ii-'.. and ne.
Eoli ing with a hi - dee - dee.
Roi-1&ng along on Clor-r-d Three. "

trBetter ma}:e it t r:y'e-r Cl-oud lhree t 'r sa j rr f f r-'i1.1 fi it'lri'e ,:


"''t-c * e,\,f Cl-ou"d Threert said. Licorice iollttrcg ohed"i.eiil-.-1,:,'o

Tlren he fel] *"r.i1entr stapinq a.t the cocoanui botor oii lris ftfl.rel.r -l'11 at onee
he stor:d rrp, fof,sett]'"ng"l-r'a: C-1.,:,.:d'-'it-i'i:€'":';1 iri i,,{1\Iing ver.': fast and he fel]*
haeko L.,:-i }:e stu-clr tl::e -i,j-'Ltle lieorice f.i.nee:: witkr the bovrr on it in the
-, "Thl- g Cocoarrut i s Sett ing bIack. Th inl,.i it i'-l' '''I'I''{?
ai r D.?j,:r s,r.i d

'::1s11 i;i.,: Io]":ie tr:rne11 his hee<i and -"aid

ttlt ti:isl1ttt. l*cl'i';'i. I'orso never

saio ffiL1ch witIt his hit in his m'lu'hi::,

To:,-{:,,i;:1;r;ri5 i11l,ii i-rr,ri l- l"a-ncl and pulled hlm up sailinS llOU Ccu-l-i' i'rs.*l:
t'/,-fi,.l- 5Ca'i; lr S:' i-{ -'ile n'ge1'
;i:ag 1<nOW, if We haci Soi;le €€ep Wilte1'. " ' 'ili.lFl,' 'l
Rocking l{orse Fave a sncrt. I'Snapil he saiC'. Cne gathered' that Roeklng
Forse d:idnt t c+.?c i':l' sca;rl .
','(;.i.a i.rhj-l-e iloud Thro* harl to admit t?rat he "vas inst sr'' lLc 3:'.-'-,
On?" Anwrep
T go on anr: make a la1e)ing at the first stop or d0 "';e ']"r'st' i'i(]
ln tulrnii---
Anfel* - !t
''l af ! q +ft Cilil o
f'l'r' -r:--.'' :E..e 4
r?C tt
aPta l ne
tt.l 0 on pleaserr.
ItRocLlS-ng :i'ol:$e? il

tt0n slrrt.
rtl,icorl-ee lolliwog?rr go ans\t,'er.

'!i,ICC,l;iiCE i.(-):-;. ;rlO5?tr shouted Clor-rd Three.

.cr-rt n*
'llherr all tirneC. Li"e*riee 1c11j-nog coi.ild the:r see.
ttlie nnrst have fal-len offrf said the Angrli :\ntlel.
rr::.f*nSeylSe?t Sh1utei ClriU.r1 ?}::ee. l.r ]r..r:ia,;t€i I.:'i S VOiCe and then Said,
t,ftrs impossinle to i'ail cfil tlris cloud. I^,ook wh-y dontt lf"ou clieek ttre
goodie bcx? I'

ll,r.1ro eno.r-l(hr hidin,r behind it was colii'ldi-f'

.iro..: r,.:-i.:l:r-j-,:. :n--tte:.e: sorr'ething about sending him to CoVerrtr"'r liiheri he

pu1led him out, which didnr t botr er J,ico::'icc ':r:l'-L:i-l''t';lj :ii :'i-'r-, :ee i::g he
l-,aci neve:: heard of that treatment, eni sc' j'0 I111-:'Ji:1e{: down sulhily and

Tuent baclt to sle*P.

3. s.i..l t*-.r l,cnc ,* i'elandeci very stool;; and dicl not let
anT at theri: ;et aff

i-r-ntil }:e nade suve iN'r'las safe" But ncu he wa'e ir; r'::'6t:b1e'
t f :1nd his vtaS
r;o beick? cr sta;r?. llethor:-ght probabl:r' thai lie cot:iiji:'t
bacil anYrsa-rr and he wanted t': see v;hat vtouie happen'
So Cloud Three sta)rsd*
lhanler 5

Tlie **.,, ca,olai:i l':,:l-'red lhe {n.iirrr Ar:ge1 down, Licorice rolf i.wog:
;iulirnod -r1iir cn pocking F,orset s saddle and eaffie down with }:j-rn. Clc,l'.ci Three
followed with the goodri br6x. The-r '*rent to i;lie *ir;l +f i'i:r-* sil.rt:: beach
and deelded to eat first and tner: icok around. llnder a large tree Cloud
?hree rvent ta 'Jl!.ece ti:c i.:cod*r.- box"
All at onee a hox on tcn of s. post noprec ui.r frcn: t]:e ground- A little
voice said It Tieket s, i'1e i1r':e':.
Isirsntf an\r tieketstt said fhe
'r1:11s AngETr Ange1.
'L}:enfr said the voice.
"ryai{e seirs
nreec1l,r Liccl"i.ce nol; iwos v;as lh+i'e f-'rrst. 1+ith. his little 1i-coriee hand
tvit,h i:,ile b,:-,,:'r j'n l-t, ir* ;-:t:'i-il.rl.:€d a tranOful of tickets and tuckecl theiil intc'
his -r:ittle be1t. He didnrt noti.ce that ti:e lithl-e cccc;rtrut l'crr felil-
u'c'f; he put his hand into the tlcket box'
.ihe itnEr,-r qngel took her.s and one for the ltoei<ing i'lorse ; To;; (1a"pi'a-!-rr
next ancl Cloud T'hree after him. The ticket box didaplrea:'ei' and a voice
saidttFouow rr18.'; 3o they foiiowec again,in';il the:i came to a large
cli.ff, verTi hiEll, r'rvh:i'ch fo::r:etl '-t half-circle'
popped up again
voice said,r3top here.t, anti presentl:r the tieker' box
each dropped a ticket
and the rroice saldltn.ic.lrets pleasert, aqain. So the--"
in his ticket the voiee
into -i,he box, br:t gvhen Llcoriee nolliwog d:cpoed
rr...11 of t6en nleasef?. l,icorice"loliilvcq-lunq his hearl and
put all the
tickets tieket box"-itren he tooi< out his little licorice
bacj,,: ln+.lLe
hranri aqain there 'n'as the coeoanirt ring on
still- held his head
Licorice 1o1lirvr:e hadntt even mj-sser it, but he
dovrn for a while.
thapter 3 ':4.*e 2
Sudclen1y t]:e vo'ce said rt lrlease be se ated} a.nci at tire s::.Ee time f ive
llttle stools scranq out of the ground. Hach of them took a stool.
Cloud Three uras rathe? uneomfortahle because he pou-ffed a1l- out ail-
over the stool like a bic comforter, but he didntt sa\f anrtthi.n,g.
ilhe an,!iF."f Aneel patteC her skirt after the'Ioy 6aptain hel-i:ed her onto
her stoo,-l, then he cfferod to help Licoeice i.olliwog and Licoriee':o11iwog
sttll- feelir:e a -Litt1e bit ashamerl over tlie ticket business, allowed
hlmself to tre helped onto his siool arad thankea the To-v Captain nicelyr.
.3oekin,s Tlorse had. quite a tlrrre hecause the stools werentt verlr wide,
but he nanaged to nake it.
tlhen the.r r.nere all seated thelr r$ere all facing the b:!g ciiff. Ilhev sat and
sat and s&to t,hell sat and sat some rnore" Presentl.-; Lieorice +o1l-iwog
sai4 ttltrn hgn,_:r',,rt, SO Clou,d ?hree squiggl-ed ciown froin ?ris st*o1 and
opened the good.r box. This tlme he did not let thsm choose but qave th*m e
each a je11.: bean. :Te ha-C to fI-r ug to ?ockinq;lorse because he l'ias so
nirch tall-er than the others on top of }:is stool' lhen ile fl-ew dorsn and
closed the sood.i box. -lt tor:k him,aulte a few minutes to i::et settled'cactrr
on his stor:l br:t he f irnall.r Hanaqed it, so t}:elr sat and sat an<1 sat, and
sat some tytors.
After some tlme, when i.t apneareci as if thev Yfere gt:inr to sit there
!r r''16 mlght
ertrer Clor:.r1 ryhree squ-l,q::1ed dorvn from iris stool again and sald
ltI). .rlre rest got off their stools and they all passed throlrgh the
openine in the big cliff. licorlce'}oIliwog tulned around
to l-ook back
anC felt a l1tt1e sorry for the five empt:.r stools
and the tieket box

stanclin.n there sort of lonely lokkingn

Ohapter $ page 7-t
A}:read of thern i+'as a little sand'r path the.L le';i to the top of a

smalJ. hi-Ll. l-, ,:Lolllv,roq alwavs CodCl-ed so 'hhetr waited for to
catci: t}"rem. The:, 1{ere ver=i patj.ent with Licorice ,?o11iwog.
rlris was a very nrett,r I anti- prett'r flowers all around. T-)aisti6s,
'bultercups and b}:el:elis. a.heir were all feeling so hapi:y whren Licorice
{011 iwog spied sor,rethine queer. At least it looked queer unti} he got &
iittle elosev'. It rn;as a hig'brorryn'leddv bear, fast asl-eep orr the short
green grass. Il* haa one leg stuek straight up in the eir and some of the
s1,::ar{ strrff in:rng or-rtof his toe. r"i;l.s st i"citi
pol<ed a 1ittle
i-,jrCOrice ':cl-.1-irorol ma::e?:eC ri-girt uD to liecC-' tr,earr s heaC and
a 1"'itt:i e 1j cor j-ce f l-n.cel" i::i;e tho Tedl'i ]iee?'r s 01rOr ?edd.; !ear opene o
jt','if, *till ire+p'!'n'g h:S {:ne i:-'
hrs clLl:tr*r. *.-e 3nC sai,d :!OL ift51:r1r,;- i-S
,1 ''i r,
I -r C

".3e -C11- 1vO.'; ir '.ii"r r':(-t -(,r1-'r l'te lli ;iOU:: 1-r:X ill
r,a,f CCt.j11 S,i !' 2.* 9,",16i"e{. l-1:e I ..:-CaI,
ilf t: l.r 1'f ii

trcr&cii.*einc-:-, rn- irfr''r illsl lraet-'ice:l-l- '

r pagiiC:n* f*:a .-:l-, . t?t1 .
1p1- ' -' *i*e
g!. i Lr i,r-:e "'ei.:':'- 'ea'^r' I.' ')' rl'r-'::l i-;*' ;1 ': i s (r'.']ij 'lr
tr jr.:, st ::ra c t jr-
c,l ::.q:t

sl-a*p &,ilain.

I r'iIi-' -- :]-*'li""i"
:.1 t".-'.1, l,:, :i::"i..i: "'l::l..,. "-'-l'
ttT ..;:'l-: :t,:-:,.i-lr:i:., t": ' ' ''':-r;il"''

'1,",-..,.,.iL, 1"1t;:-}; 11i1r;:lI -'",.::r,"r'ltllt]t,'.'".

,t,tl,-:l- l,:i11t1, 1.ii*i'i, i','r;'i -.'il.' 1'," ]'e'' 1t'i fl .i'f Si"1t

ir'rr'ller'' s'::a"l'L I sj-n:j! "

'*r11 11 :-'-r -;',?5-:..'t 'i ]'-,t l.i'lr :i,t-'': i:-r'" *r l.:e ii il: so,
ii: ir.:: i. r,,';. 11, i;,,,'ti: t5

'r -i-tf-i ai:"f ,l , l;r;lt f. l,illi.r..: t,l"r;ii. 1,1;1';:1 .


',3-ht;i-lrrf,i, ll'.,, i,rr' :-l'ltls',,"i.:. .'-"l t l,,l: l:-*r:-"-r ti::1''1'"ri: ii

!'", 1-reit - .rlbe.;l,t;;;-* 11,,.

ar:d i::
.l": s'-e r-. *tc:t,:i'l .

1;C1,.,, .g€g* i::.iit tl':::i,

.i.,'re-i j-i Li, l-,t1*,;,:,:' ' - i.'r' '.' '. ''l-.r ii;i"r Ye 1"'' Sfl,ji1i,

I icli: j *,.; .'*lt,ii:roi,' 1*f i; :s nc:":l-" f1-r 11;i-r .i'r';

r ' 'e1rtr'' r:*&li's
.lf- ,r I j-1 r-. ,.r ,r- '.'.-,rr-,.r1': Ii :..- : I ".r' '.\rlr ir.rft-'lrl f1:fCe i''i fColin:'
'r'iien :r'1-l' -'rc ciim'*' ::rril
ti1.<.;rJ, sc i-irl tet-.t-i ecr lrrli;a:- li. :l'e i' aicj irlvitt'''

fo:: a 'ih''i l e t.-l:r*"' :.i : llo i,:f e'-1 .

-:': -: :-'' -) I -:'- :' i i -:''; i -:'r i : i :' i':-:'i I :'

-rj-. In-;i).1 r, r,i,: i '-r.,-. ,-- l',.:t 1 1,i. '1-ri)a 1:r:st:-:'tnd tC i::itrlch i-lp e.fli ri';:'.r:n- l:i.) i,.:.''l

aa-,-.,'t:" ' :.:.'1 ,ri I " i i"i-cr rt.i-..'c.hi-t"ri' 't,Ll:t:, 'i'.:; ''insel-f . ':ri,.cl: :r:tr., filrl"l: l,e' " ei'l'1 .

oor. ':6g11.i1r i::" arfte.i:' n l"lhlJ {i I'estc

^1 .;c:i-r:erj ir,'i
'',e ,' i.'.:.'rt.l.',i:}..:'lil tre

:rirs+.: i;1'rc ' i cor-i.c* ''s:l-l,irro,? {r-'rii-r' ''. 1'ry.*' ' l-r'.. ,''l.,!ir-' l'.ni:el-. ','he,,' -'iere all

j.r:' :;irne Llt in -: frcrr: 1;i:r :clood": box ';h*n ai-':rir cafie tledcl: "aezilc
f, .-
: .i.c*ri.*,t '.r:*t ":y c,:. ti,:as srl t-..,-, so treit',.' i:aitp;,l . ' e r:ven c'fj'e::'eii 'ie{l't " -'?:i=
.:1"'i-- ,llf i.i51 itjgilit; , wh1*n 16;i-:,':;'eatr iloi'i ;eJ-: 1'6f:-'5r;t':, 3fii11'1 s't itre
ti:e epe
t,ime tir*t h+: nill^i i i,'e n.]r3'rl:lriOr i:C '.:;:' a,'li--L::rlrr ri'lrir' :.e' Sp-i-erJ then i'n
r}Oei:r gCIod-i i;c7;.
:la ':' ''(:eI' ::ri il C'':ri .:;it i;'herC, 'i,l:le Stl'a','; Stjil :l;''r.C}{in:r; Oil-t Of hi'S 1'ce'

a"ni took l-:ittie n.1hl,1r' ]: j ls of 3-r:'dro:r ve r:. 311':il-,-''

'1.*., l. .l -rr€,-,, --": .,t" r.-'i box
rrre1-e al-.f- f j n l- S,L.ed eat,i ni:i Cloufl ?hr- e€ C-Li:':;f '-^r -i

-'orse and il"ol]d

ancl 'lire',. . 1-i str-.'rted off elo'.vn.llne 1it'll"e z'':-ti:'i'' irocL';in;-
I6rlC;i near and tee
-hre€ alr.ea-cl , thel 1i'r.r'::'r i,n'l'c1 ,j1'ti '::') Clptain, ':'lit']: ih*
f., "r.:.i.,! ,ir1':;;:'' t.rrtd'qj-ng sl oi'rlrl Lrehj nC
Clogd Three and tk'e1}6s!;j.nq llorse StCI'pned when tlieil came to a little
fhapter 5 S
,rh*ne w&1"e pJ.nlr *xd ?llure sf,e1:pXn:. Stffnes &oross lt en{i ti:e,lrriilr; ;\ni4e1

cl-ap.,ecl hey,hsn*s ?,oJ"tir Callqht at t1:,r: lrPsttl," $csl'l€r liive$ ti:e ?eeic;,'3ear
*tu.el{ 1"!{$ *.se !n th*: watcr, t}:e onfi i,l:at ell*rnt i:slve the st::sw etleking
elr,,rt, af er:::pse, &Rrl then wa*sher: l::tS fae* vrtt?: i:'r.g b"t.fl pAw''" 1r:rlS{a tc,ni. gL .i nn* CenJ- inlnlt' *,'{i;,2 {apt*in piCilerl up hi's li"ttLe
r\nfiI*"' '\x::'el, led
W?^lts 1l..ngtt h&nrll,Eerg"htOf &nd, rtlV-c'n,' hl"" hanCl tn t1''4
to ti:e
her eC::oss th* 'Lfoolt, flv*:il tbe ps-nir nnd i"'}ie st*p::J'*l: stone'*'
ot?: ar * lde.
.,oeirinr.,iorse to t{ * b{g 1oaCI::cross 1t. Clcuti'n'r:rs€ Just it*w &gros$ L3'
''o1ilwc],''' EIC ':tepnerl on tlpt:'" tce
and meC,-r.,. :]s&r, p3"O1.r*r: r:n Li-eoriee
&e3'oig, r:1:r!-bl-:l!,inn 1'!:e ?:l.t o:' st'-rffln" -ivlto t:$ r:I*ter nqxt ane ti1en'

watchinr ygei' "rel-'r gg iir6::s t iii' i""ie,"€ 'gffi'Lt'iljl'" Lrrty:lld' i 1-co:rice
-oJ.1'1wo. glgnneC to te'l'' tc t':e''rl.
a'e s*{d r}irow {:nn -Y$u gtrl*= lf ? o&'?:lf t?rf r
-:ou r:!:e n$t .* itlic'1'1! stl li l' sne r:rf i:i:s lir
""'hat ! s t]*c&11 $e
*Trtl nfit? '"j:at &.?:! ? tllel&?!f .
+CI}'i tgi(}.-. &nC tlren Beldr
,te }]-o drrclr toc}il g" vC.Yo'I rrerl:d }*t}]l {It l,j.cE:y',
EIh:t .routre not a eitls}**'
nl: fi.]nrt he sho$,,: hts I'ft*Ie':ell-ski r:n&r,'
i:tl ugt-rl ''opeftrl-l "r
I..l-enr i *+r . O1, 1w4", stso{j f*r *" s:':j1o *'ilivti{'t'ns, t}:er'r-

it T O&n g:!f:ry. . . 'r ut

<iueli **1* rletl:iri:l .il:-lr'' nftq:::' i:' rr'i:j'1e i'teo:r1c*
'Ftr6 L1t. ]e 'lel1*rr
iI ef}il ,&]-he!"t1lr :ut .i;''".e }it1.1* ;'.el}o{; dr:rsl: on}., t'].Cr t,}lree
sel"d I s-{'n|I

&imlTJsrgleuJ-tg {n il e
'ant*r' vslY'l 'ii:gt *:-ri sL:i'e-i nat':j-}lilr
a,L i::].e.] i:f:f;,'Ba5 tlf i;'.1* }!t?l*:re}is'*
Ltceir!.ce ^CI}}l,,sf:.,"o,8s vs?".. i.l'j:"i:
rt\tEtr t-*gnli tl .f "i 11r:t t'1 '8 T'$ f!ti'
{hept*r 4

",1cn::lee "'*l.l.f,woq fr:ut:ti t1'r* ?**$t *.n r,r 1J.*tle :*1&'::is :li""rCIut te }:e\ro
getmetlrl"Ris fr*y? t".lre fo$r:}.- i sxr m* i:*a s,sn &.nci sat hesl"rJe 'i'+Ci.;r lie8.r,

*hr:i*r:ln:r eln i:'l*l- 1." brear* anrJ thi"nlrit'ifi HrlidI'.' atroi*t t1:e 1i.ttle ye3"1ow 11l}eil

g&r o -ir&r.' gai-d ?t"ou. &l1e

nnt a ttriiclr*.
,tgdr3en1"r tLr:l.rC *hrss fpahkr*rj nt th,g .socd'i box an* ne.iel ln e loud whlsper
"f;1imb l"n ssrer'rbr":chr, qr::i-ckJ-'i.
Everirho*-i iqot ln gutekl': exeeFt ?edci"*' s:s&I!r but f;1.r t?rs time ti"iat elou*
.Ptrree i:lo.r} t!:o regt, of ther* hldrlen i..n ]:is .f,luff, -'i'ed*s B'es'r haci maCe gt

sncl s*:n he too was irl-dden ln tire flr"r"ff i.ike the reet'
,-n1:1spq1r{np to ttiem all to be qulet, cloud Three took off tntr: ti:e

a,l-r in a rrreat rirsh. iTPr uPr ui) he went. ii€ dld not tr'II theln for
}l-i"rr so iri'g?:te:reci'
Lnnsl time w'hat .1.t, :'.'as 1r-'s:'' h-sf eaie
,lnrf-o.'. irrr*l- stn:.ted t.;: ctrr':r [t hac i-leen $o
niee; on tile irrett] lanei'
*o..r t-n,spkgin patted her *r:uLCe::, I,1Cor{ce -oLl-ivog kreld on tr: her *ana
tl'ffiover mLncl nolPt aevef $ind'I"
and .?"edd,r *a6r fi*$fo11t6ij 3:er h.i l:g:.r5.?r,c.:
'4::}${rii Snlrol stopg:ed erying' anc
'nh6r wero el} so k{nd t}:at s**n *i:e
anc drtecr t":er
To1 iar.r*aJn to{}!e *ut hls Ltttle wi:tt* llnsn hanckevehief
tlaar 1!ttl* s"'sse
by he st,a:r:te$ n:u.?,i:erlng
t}orrd ,l,hr*s sti]:. kept g(}lngr up. l:]. en{,
,r?,"oths t!:err w*TBr T k*ory ffi.,ths tirr': 1ss33$r 'h*1e &r&:':;' of the*l' Itve

i aek' Tld i:etter 6et baclclr!

warnsttr. Ifvs baen wernadr TtrS L:ettsr fiet
mnrl *o*i -*sptal?'I {ilelnrt seli a;::;thln$
but *i;(i'1I}SrT
wae s0
;\ngel got l.i-t'tlo c.].oser ?n ti.:e.Iell." ff*ptaln,and'lecici:.&ear

s*llI'*d tl-,at. i:e t:r.'1-ed t* tr:e'rg

jrls tr:e wrf,tit t.}:* .$ty.aT.,st!.oirs"*g strt f&31*h*r

urn**r the ff.l:fi.

nl-::f€6 trl"ow e&?1 *lnu 8o 'i:n*k? 'rsu sa-id wo wgre le*
,,*i.,1 ^a11ts.l-n eaf ct tr: llorrrj

lhar:te*r cl l:*ere ?
rrrr1l fLv hac'!:*lerds,t*:utt6red fl*ud Yirrser trAnri clonrt;*rou fo$g*t ltlr'
s,x1r'1*o1 rn:.el t,i'isuirht fel:r a ilt,tl-e wi:1}e anct *l'len Shs snid
ttSrC b'*ttsr. not

${0 hacl*, and vog, "r*-y CnpteJ-n" bett,*f nr:t gr: }:*.Ck, $Srf ' $kle lsAnod
oVer wi'rt.spered to tt:E:r :ioci{J,n$ ;!or's*r bo Toy ffnptaln, to tire L'leorlce

'lol"11wog and thmn to ?er1d ',' Be&rr

ryead, {rr&bh$d Lts*s:lse ftCI}liwop; enci ji"r:'*ped o;1 Fe'ckln;1 11*r*e
et t?.,r? r!f?"il:s ti"ne that'?t:.r fi&ptaln end t'ho A:r;1,r;r'fi-nge1 t'ildr ituetrrlng ]io}"de
fave (:;ns,qra*t b-{.$i loap &nr1 &$ t}t&'- lefb il}ff:d'l'lrreo,{^n|::1- iln{lek eaLLec
Out til,,r$ e*ntt nO l:Aclr to tiie Sf Tl:re ChrJ.*tmal tres 't'nglnlS' i"'O(}*bn:Sr
trvoll f,Of'EOt
d*Af {j}*r:ri "hfeer -O{idlf,*'ieri. r'r.rt' 'lOU* el:r*S On}:j Ca}iec OUt
the geiod:r box,,and fl'Tins eL,o*e1.*,'ah)ove tl'iam he dropperi tt:le
oa::efuLly I-nto ti:e *ut'stretchred paxr of Tedcrr


*n t;he','Yrent, f*st f,a*t and feet' *n t1:*; wa'i t:-lev passetl * Il't*ir-
wh:Lte eir:ud 8.nti t,-h* i,?i,qxr1r ,i:n':el alke* wi:ich wegld be t}:o best ;:lase f*:'
thoxr to land. nhe LJ-tt3e whlta *luur:ga:iu,ltrtt Follow tho bluo 1lne CIn a
neinbow antl tu.r* ai: the ;:1n1{ oolrnoaornt 30 sn tho;i uent looklng for a
vaf.nbtw wi-f":r a bl"r"re J"tae.
?he... paseari $ev*r&1 raintir-.y,rs but the-,r r11-tinlt h*ve hJ.ue
llnes cn throri: anc
lt lsax *r-r1t* s$"ii& ttmo hr:f*r'e t.h*.,, fo11nd $?tftr'l:h6c the:; flnai}-'rild they
all got off *ocltlnr 'nrse,*n{: wsl-irei *1o:rg ti:e blue ll"ne; Toll e*ptaln
leA*-in'. !:i:€1,".,&,.. w'itlt the i':1,;'T"Y rrflil6l Cl-OSO besi'de 1:in, ?edC'v BeAn
-loeklni: 1?ors6, rslt'tr the
thE I l*or.i!.ce rol-ilwog hy the irand o&Y,:e n*xt, and
gocrlv hox on hl..s baak, fol}ow1v11" f,?i€'iir
^sl-'Llwog $aid
Iifter a whlle t}:e blue curve'' s little anc T lcorice
??Itm"hunqr:.'. tgnrt we stop anri ost ?:gee?rr
lliatte:: 4 |e{e $
,r,O n*r1i.1-i r-,S*,11 l"iftea t,':e
fl*flci-. bCiX *f"f ti:* ri$Ckln' 'i*rl'Sor a:lci f.ire.r-
all eel'h *o,;rn an* i:*i:1 a !:c*ir]1rr 4r:fl::'"r tn;1*I w*:s J';ist llfiinir! l* take & wee
blt,a of t,'llgeult:rhmn -qh.* l"c*ire,* up *nd t,lierc \'Jas ".... 01eu.C Thr'*el
iia Ju*t salrl'rqh. i]1.rr r,3t.lcnsd i$ *hex aLi t(i ollmb,tn, an* wi:lspes.*C
to Tsdd-,i ne&r nCIt tc f*rrgefu tl:e 6oocl beti. ffloud ?h;'ee rgs *ehavl'':6X Yery
galdtrl;ftpw a31 SIOSe
Str:*nfo3,;g. 'i'}:en t:'js';" ware WeLl en thelr wAv agaI"n, he
-trrt 11**r"'1ce '':o1l'iwog sal* trT'Ih1" &l3s 1vo
.ar.our ercB *nd ,Eo t* slssptr.

leavinil'bhe r*.i.nbos??r
r?tqec&Ussut ssld flloud ??13tee t!Cnce:joi} turn left a'L ti:e ptnk S0rn*r:;o'tt
j'e sa:i-ci n*t}r'1'rig far * }i'tt}e whl'}e
{:&n nfiver r*t *ff that rf*ii:!*ost sgai.n".
thon tre ,gatCotT Just g*t rro* t,o you ln t{-r,te. Just 1n

T,L*or{-*e ":oJ-l.tvrog sat for a i l:r:e t}rLnking a}rout

Li anci t'i:en nr-rt;ting hls
"!"eai o$] '''etlrl*r ''oeyrs arn , h. t'oo fe}1 agleep'
01*rr$'ii'!r&* nent u.l anC r:-* wlilJ-e tr:e:"esc were all o1een5"ng. Ver;r, vor:i
htgh anri vs,rir ver',.f fagt. Snc.e ?:* aslsqld n gtar t]:e wa':i ?o tn:'svhe:"o but, ti-:e
st&:: t*.?d hJ.,:"r si:e eildnrt Lmov h*cause she hadnrt i:een ahinlng YelTr longn
^,tar elreut
but she snldrr4slr r:llnir louC rsven.'.9rI"1 be pes$Lnfr the fiO::tj:
th* tJmo ':ot-:" r,e?, t--t"''nrs. i'
,inti tl-rat :! s hclss :.t llepil*ned.
ttllttii h6
11n3.*1r:uri ilsCnt6 even ]ta.*rd *f i:l:* l*ncl of ,t'n.':wtisfsc

gald, ,,$O&e *.l*nq qrlth nre. T iin*nr Of '=. Ysr:r nlce 5:tr6*e f*r ;''sul to ]-ancl'

3* cl-oud 'i,hree f,oll.oweri :"l.nll {l.o;.rd iieveYi. or"re l'gtt}e ster sallod out
urr$llor? te lJn"ir ,.Tl-*ud .levet}. 'ils t* {.}-1"oud 'ahreep t!gh6f s} i'!:-: o*lt
s }l;;1i1*
favo*rlts f,t,&13. 3 to*tr l'sr l:or*e once when she l*st lte:r r""&"';ll itfbelr
?o 1**lr *ut fo'r':h,e i-'lttle eta;r*, l':sL1 l{$awr Tite"; '
et lost
?re ea!-d rrr:&v8
ver.r c&81..L':.

'Il,xrt*:^ 4 '6.ije ,L

?"v t r,;1':ile t:-;i-t1i ',e:fL")"L {1n rylii:t-i-" 'j:'r{- ''o{1 ."1 -i':-r}:' i'f"T."$ fa:C
nTherter s -,'r:1.].:{ r:',qnd. :r,orl:.;'
*r.r:lt *to:r i::iti iln 1*tc r{}"#f i*cil i;.,,&{t.

il.r:r-:rJ .:11,v'&e sl:i:utrlrl " '}:att s itt s name ? ii i:l:t r " i:Sn'l* l:ir:}r
*1$r:{:leven wae tno f*,r, alrer,f end C}$ud *}!ree'flrc:r;g1.ft! l*r'}':e*r:'iJ t::s ri*:rdc
ii'r.,1 n', n".re-;"Il
::-.:*;:,,;."',,;: rr.*,rr:i ,,,1-:?8* rnl.rr r?:*r,:: al' rc rrep dowrl
and }:CI onr*firl[.

{t:apter 5.
i'Lcorl*e Lttt}e *llirtip uf i:iisi'ies. fn f:'ont
""ol-l-{woe ,*t*np*d &r.r}i-:rn* a
of hln: ivss a blrq plle of wi:lte Je)"ly"beans and a }it"tle e1f, *11 rJ:"*ssed
tn'.e11ow, esoept f,or a rrl:itg &Rtrt:Ir, rsas bnsri g&g'r""1116 thom, cgl& pt *
tlme to anot?:er lIttle *}f all Cy'ess*d l.n ,'e31ow *" wiilte aprnn'w?:o
was t'1.1s:::. Tn &not}rri'r' ::i.}e .vcrs ffiCIrs Je"Lh i:er:,ns, a1::eaci-"':

palnte$, n:oetlr plntr a:rd i}:e 'aiRtor l{If wt:.s s*.",'tng ta iilxseLf, over a'nd
clv&l" e ttT'oo rillg,lr'.r ntnk. *oo :ls-ny plnlr. rl

Thare w*re ten hl,;eboll e wi*h i:j':el:" 'ileaels s*,,rn161:tt up }lke *f.:':' r;ci?:lot*,
holdln6 o*lr:t. "'0st3... n{n}rr
,'l:*st "lJ.f was n. ltttl-e e-'l-l:"lEr*.' a:::q-i 'alnte:: rrlf Hras scc-:*'ng 1:1r* sa.','ing,
ttl-trelr up rgx11y fee,t. i,j.c-I{ lir} a:i-,r'r f."eetn. iri.oat 1ilf t'rl*d t$ ni:t ii:*

Je13",,r hgan *e*n*3* $O-O'hl"q f*r.'it irc v8.:r I1:'': t.1.f"er-r. "8$
i)':i{ i':*Afp (.if$f}S
r"o1,L.ed sJown hlS ei"ieeks a*d ::l,op3ref cvrto t,re Jel-r ire&f,ir i'lttle

:tl.f nan un tcl 1':1ni ar':d *ald---

,,Oh, r1nst qlf, Ir;* so Eopf','o : didtnt rr:ean to r::ai'1* llou cfllt! so he heLped
j:iie" h*th snt riow!}
ti"re r}fu:st,'J.f t* PUt t:::e Je1-3.-- begn cllt ll:e Snnri anrl
&nd criedr antl cr1ecl.
Llcor.l_ce *oll lwog felt ve:' soy31- f*-r, tr:CI.r: a:td stctmd
1n {'ront of b}:om

for a rror.nsnt. Tilen iie ssI'i, ttl c&n a3'*gd'

a.ut tt:e,r ORl-, rsent or: *r..'-lnr and t,i::c !:ai.nter 'tilf kgI:t on sr':;;3'ng t::rongi:t
hls te&rS, ?!!noo' Eta!1'i p!.nr':. "'oo $&n".r':!.::1-irt1 anil F'.i-rst:'ilf kept on

and cr"lng $vey! tl:e 1:1.g berln :i,JAS S?1 {,':.:* gn'nd.
.-*11. 1,'qr:o, gaitei fctr- t t"r*l,t*st, a:tr'l !f"16rr i:s E:r"lil
trI cal*} elng 'tl'beLttl
" icoy,;icc
ilt tltls ti:e OlVes losrrerl up. ''-T':e' llm:: 116${?3? }:ear:d &nl::orr* sin;" "&lhelttt
Pa:ints* !:lli
tho". sa1d. ,rf,fl6s a ver1, l-onr. t-in* sflst! s::i* t}e l-l*t'l-e
?tuiowbel-t'i hut ho waarnt ln Ys?;': gooel volce'
sldwl-y ttI heard e,* €gtloilt $1,'f
if aoo *:&!-3"', plr;k* 11oo lr8&!1*i pi'nktt
rou know anrl l:e ntnrt"ed oy",,ln,r{ alr+ $1i:::1?1fi
and Irl-nst rlLf c::!.eel er'rai'n t*or
Xhapter .5 "ils"Il* g

T.Le*Y"J"c*'r:l"1lwag salci 1**dL1,', s$ ees t* he l'leayd a,bove *1::* cx';;ing,

rr""?ratl s &rr ssus$?'t

'uI sloyrrt -lgnn$'! ss3.$ 3-'i.i* }lf,tlt"e'atntor T}^f, !!I nsv*r @Ysr }:av* ssg:? o[6frr
'i:l:e llttlc
",Ut-. .rrn-t g*'!d" 1f-c*rlso *o1.1, t:l,og e'harted *t: s&:1, ht.t* ,*fnlnt'*x'

'll"f r*"r*el-.r tnter:,"upt*d 1r.{-r: }r,. sn.'tng il } gald 1 ?leare} r}}1sr ?o* man-'.r Flnk.
:zoo th*11? p 3-n1int .
':*na1ll',r I J.eor!c* "'t:l1"1"{$*,q sr,1rJ tt:"i!'l.1 dqrnlt :,"i::-l p*clnt sor*e wol}owtt,
at wllich tlre l-ltt1c :'".g{ltl6p =rl}f' gg',.d , t= i':, .gh*cli*q: t*ne, t{t,nd rl}te al}
that pl"nl;? rr.

T,too::lge -cLll,wo,_q leane* aE*.'1nst t.l:e jeli.:; bean exxrd 3cokeri at el-1 tlre pink
p&tnt. *)iei'S::on}l ,":i W&5 a'lot <if :1"t.'rB trr&E fal"::g *C elslr ?eic:": :'e&r alrout
l.& ?:ut wlle", lre L*o'lier: e.:"ound tl::o *l"u:r.# of, bus,;-.s$, lferi'e-,-; jtsar u-as
fast rclc
ac1€€p w:lth irtn lo.q w!t1:l:i:e sl.;:lt$-y", stuffs.ngi xit*it3"ng out of ti':o tno sbLok*
ly1g strsigh:t r.r*t* Ln 1.1:e ej.r. 'ltr:re rvent *r:ck to tl:e aJ-ve* and rs*J.diI'e
crnrld pa j nt'ro6*d ],i a*a.?irt.
r,,$ srjCIn as sa?d rtr*arr ti:"st lilf *lf 3ltt"le..'s!.r:ts?,{1f t*oi: to tl'tetr
!:,-e heale ancl d:iaap:ro*re#. 1!.eontce "'cL.l:ii+eg never *1e3 see ti:er: aii*:'n'
qo ha 1s&nei. efTerl.:"!st t:l:,Er :1e13.'' bea:: a::d f*3"1 asl"eep.
{l}o,.."*, *}:*E& srn:s tr:::e* j:i.:i: raf**r s,,'}1le *'rrd l,lo:'v'ie|t':t
*n prist
t'!,CIb3uebell pai-r:t pots o.n* the pll-* *f Je1"3';: i:eans, on anr] orle
flact1 t!r*., sg.w s.n g}f, 1:e q:i!el:".i'.r'*i,Snprp*a:'€d whsn he s&s' "'sti<'}'Ffialle
r'sar Vsr}r rYR.Ioh-o
T,lOorLeo',o11ls*r -1,1i*,s nstly g{it3 i-"60&Llss }::e }ov*cl ';''gd':'}
i,Lo*rtee *olLtwog bent EScwn tn tllsli a l:tt *-f tiie st-ic1':iry;
out etraw i"nto
,l,ef3*;l,xrlAA,,rg *OAr'!:e*eU$$:il& rrr&nterl tO Sl:*",;:l i:.!.;:: i'-l$-,v tt1116i' 'i4 loVOtj hL*t'
n]'"rapter S '' ege 6
rt w*s ry'':il-o 1'o ri'*s t.cil,.li.nry to t*clr rtr tl:* sttci:1r:g out $tl,aw {.;}:at
he caueht *i.arirt, of a Bt!,enri* l-LttLe $.njxel. It *rag Just }t'ke a trall of
w13.te fl.:r w.{ti, purpler er:l-eiure*1 61rs8r T.LcorS"ce ,:"ol"t lwo$ 1a', davrn on hte
tuirtrr, witli lr{-s el"'bov3 oR ths ,lrcunS and put h1-e i-:ea'l on l"tls weo
llcr:rlce hsnd.g. i"o l-ool.:ed et t}:s w*e tlrlng I'or e v+hlle and tt:err satd
?f ,'\Y6 -''g'.-1 An S$UOrn?!t
?rOf cour8e not. .T rm a llof. qhsrt f,or 13a11 of :fur, of, eourseft and tire
-of gaz*r-I let ttro Llcorl.ce *ol}iwo: vera; colcl]--"r. Fresent}l: el:e $eid
s &n e&uorn? tt
tt':!11&t r

rrrtrs a - :tr6 g +*e Ttra n" r"Towl:ett stnqernr.

,t,,1at r S *',CIwfustt s-{,nrqor?fl
!!I Contt I c$n ottl-'." 8f'nr' 1l-belt'tr
r,fihlr! gn:.r1 t,ne nof, and si $ gtarted to teave. 'I!:'an g}:Ie remenrborod h6r
Tn&nners *nd Se:ld s'"eiodtre. 3f f sas &n egu*Ill lll'1
*sk hl$ to a1n6g
gsvsrEl tfu*ee
rroEbelt for me'f. +}o sapi-ng, g:'re bllnkesi ller pr:nple s-ri@s
at r teorlge -c:lltwo,q a':rc we":rt rolj;rl$ on i"ler w&-"'rr
1.o passec t'1"*'ou6?:
Lj-corrce -o1)_f-r*oq {ot up e?.xi vrent after ttre cltiiers.
te' paes throug}r
two iroxrs of black *]"*fl eaiaies. fi.t Least he r'ras {?otn$
then:r when tlle t:1aclr sr:6il dalsLe$ $11 ti:e
rl;pit i:l:ir:ilacl at irlm' Then tt:e
?l:on t?:e i:lae;r sl:su
bla*j< s.iilci tjajsi.oe on t}:e left i;j-ln:,ler* at }:-lrx.
dal*l*g (:rt t-:':;e rJ'rl'"rt blfuked at h:'m'
t te*r'ri*6 "o13.twog f,1n*'L-'i---i pflsssd t'1:rough t'!:o:E and $ew
& trandfetl'en eloeir. *n tt was a o1-gg:l wx:'u'oir P66dlt
Lilrt '!1il li'llfi?:l 'r:]uJ ii'ii"r-+11 i''.rq:r"
*i-,:, - ,l'.i; "'itili 1' :.1 F.i}t
ro]'l-lwog s'*tohed
,ixe! a J.rttle il,f wes s:n'lngIrr;r the p*nduf'umr T'l-corlor
th* ltttl* !ll-f for sor*6 tl"me l:efore }:e Pe'ld*
?r 1:&v T svr-ing Tt?n.
chapt*:: S pese 4
fll.roll h,otter not* :'or! ltitr: ;::grt I I wi:tlnjr, - ou knov.rrrt
ilr':hat dees lt do?tt
utlo? '"'htr' Jt r*kos t!,e"es h:Linle, of oourse'?.

30 T,ieor,See *sll"trsog tool: a waLlr hetween t?:e two rows of bleai{
s:.raddatsles to ret a v'eal*!-ti good Looi* st thernr
,Tust about tlri"s ttme']'6rid.. tle&r ofixse to Look far irtnr and the little ll1f,
l,et cut a Bclaear* and dfgapfleared, lettlng go *f'tlr.m pondulum ln such.
a:turr.i that tho ble*k ol;eci dalaies trl.lmkeel evorTf slJ.d whlctr way and
f i.n411,.. stoppor'' b3 tn':3.n9 aLtogetl:er:r
?odc--rte&r pLclred ui: th* I.leor:lce,.t*1.]"lwog and tsaidrtli'f€ e}:al3.

,hav* to !:ur:"-, lf, we ars rsins tc catel. up wlti: tfi* rest, ,-','oli kflosflrr

*?rsrr pesged & Trefr si:#p rnarlo *i :r'l'&s$ rand & *tgn on t:':e dog::

sald g. and t. El,f H:rono

qutton E'"snder6f
I, *o11lWog wAnted to steip bUt *edcl-r;:l6g1t Ju*t' vrent on,
dy,are,Lnsthe toe wtth tlie straw etS.cklng or"lt Juat a triflo'
l,leorlce *o'!Llrog6 tJ:ousht mavbe :'r-t was Jumt *s well,L for all the llttlo
f}Ivee dlss.pfiea:lad- whgnover t:ie-*i &&w 'l"sddJ; rla&::r"
"'hon t}:er, caught up wj.tlr tiie:'est, the';?d&I'e i131 e6lsep ar:cl Tedcty }:i6&r
l_eaner] er.aingt t'!.:r: soclrtn:: ' or3e s:-'1*. went t* *1"ee3: to*,
Ltc$r"6ce *O]l!,rs*g La.i, rlown r:-ntief a tlrrr i]r&n0ir end so*"n
tre, toot
fel-]" a,sLseP,
Ch*pter 6

I,te*r5 *rr ,''**${ .{"e1{: sc,'ne1,!ilntr tJ ckf inl. iris r:q:.oie" i"o *pene* }i5.e

6,."e8 t$ SSe nn el"f gi1.f y111:"'!.111i:T Sn *lxi! l: ,Angli &lrove ".:l.r:, !j1r@tr"." *'lBlr] the
bnaneh want se::os$ ht* f'&e6 *i"rs *l"f etr:el,{ $tit s" wscsr:r '[canri ts6 and
toucheel , le*y'{ce ^o1ljr*oq r:yr t1.rq: nose" .r,l:e l"lttle e1,f tr-atr.gii*C and
larr-"hed wh*n t:e or:*ned ht s *--'r6sr
,'Iondarlng wliv *1:ts eLf wastnt f:,1gi:te*ed efr Bir* slffit of 't'eciriy lroaPr
Ltgortce -'o11l"wog. said 'r,-'63.1o lillf. 'h:! &remtt you s*.f:"ntd cf t.Lro 'i'6{:tti',:

tt*hl,t s*[cl the f}f . rttri:stt g hocfr1rgs Ttl,: not *n aiilf. I?c$ *. ll.xte" irlx!CIs
6[r:eatt afi:ej-d of, Eearsr "'slre pY,otsotec, :.'ou ;fftow".
T,icorLce *oL il.wog e*J.d tr:s.t he t1i-dntt l,:now, brrt ile wsrs vsr'l Al3ad to }lnsTr
C:: ano*iiey'rr-r*nnch ah*ve 1::1.s head wers birree;:a:lrs *f tiny sllppera,
wlt:'l ver.lpo:!*teei, tr-a:'neld Up f,6SS atl$ n tf-n': i;el"]- o:3 egell potnt.
ctre tlells tfnl{erl u:e::rl.l:r &s tlre l-j.ttl"e ?:reeaes i:1"eYu ti:rou";il ttremr
tiTtte'lrre hans{-nq 1:p te iir'o"rt oXplatned ttre l"tttlo }3'xler
ttrtlL t-hree T:*1r?nl
trsf cotr::ssrrr
I, leorJ *e -o11. lwor e?t *n t t,:r
$i anrl *,r tho1.,:.x.1& ftrew dOlvn frnr* ti:e br*nch, put *ne patn of
sltppsr, on he:: t1n,. f,eei: and i:oLdtry a pal'r $'r:6as''' ha:'rtl f,lew of:f
ths tre*fi, }eavr"ng a prett:i t'tnkle of rn1ele belirl"nd her as stre flew'
T.-ic*rfee .0115"rvog wentto wal{sn ti'rp rost bu-t t::e;;'#srs rlut in siSi:to

r".6 fr:u*.cl ti:en a Lf,tt.le helntl ix f.?-:e:r*ndr'ihcy ?rers watei:i"nE


&r3$rlg, *f ''txi-tls outtlng ":llgsie$

*n ssl:a* wtiiowe'
fhapter' 6 Page 5
The sllve:: net, ""tor,t i' ir," and tighter" Tedci'i Bear t::ied
to peeo throush tlle l-ll:ff; Totr Saptaln pulled the AniJrrI An,4e1 unGer ihe
':lccl<:'-n,r "orse to be a little Hore safe. Then ttrey felt th.e silve:: r:et
goin.q down. fhere l,yas a big bumtr *no thon all was si,il-i*
,',cr-1r,r; Rear stj-11 kept trlring to peep th:"ou;h l,ire fl"r-tffr .1r'l.r-l

'll-or;-i. 'l1l-r.i'oc s'.:-,'ted to wriggle to see if he eoLr-1:-', -,'"i',i-o5ie out i:I the
sllver net. l'ina1ly he sai-d to Licorice '':oil-iwog-*
rlarou are not toc hig, see i.f -iou can get t):rough. ti:e net. llut l:e cr;fef'lt1tr"

Licorice ,:o1l_ iwog pushe6 asi.d.e a b j-t of Ci.orl,L lill'r:...e iliic struggled thr&ugh
a hole i'n lhe net. ilec]-jr:1beii r-r.ll t,]:e str'ands of silver rope that made ti:e
Ii6.t and. sil:, lu-i 1i,. 1:-11rit ' s il v::r' r'oFB.
t?Herej Donrt do ttratl'! said- r- ii't'u-l-e voiicor

'rrl,jitl not?l1 asked the Licorl-ee toll,iruo$.

r:oiliv''ol, tt-i'r'ned
;tnt afraj-drt said tlie 1itt1e volCe. Liecri-ce
to look and there Y'Ias a TTobgob)-inJ"' " nobod'.- lciie:v l:rr"' F i'ol:gcblj-n
lhere, but, there fu6
Ee ha,-i pci::it,*rl r:nd a recl hat rested On them. i'le hac- o?1 8' Sreen

,,,i!"ril:, g r:';hJte shj.rt underneath and red

panteloons fastenec; with :-eii'
hacl square toes iilrd sil'v+ir s'' n ''
st:,spenders. FTis litt1e sh.ocs
rrlr}.1- tcJ 1 lior-r a stor;Itr'
t be scared" sald T,ieorice ':o1] iv'log
C'l'pt:ijir:i and Angrlr Angel
And .,'rhrj-Ie flIc,ud Three a,nd iloekL;rq ilo::se" 'lo"r{obgob}lnont}rehead
against & stone'
*nd the,;'b*j;ir s:'"1.: ijo':li i-rli i:'i'lil grags and leaned-
Lico::ice r-loi-'iwoli icl-ii tr:i s storY'
,rgnce 'ilporl a tlmetr he began'
npe1.p us ol..ittl llelF 11s r-rut.rl crj-ed -uhe Angry Angel'
ttThere llVec ' * '" !r
,,In a far sway le.nd". . n . Continrired Licoriee n*11iv"og,
o-'t ..:-,f,?::- ] :^;e 4

!!"rhFt t s h i : o'i,,iier: ng.r":e ? ?r cslied tir,.' 1-r-oDr(fbf -i ji.-

'r''1'.lls,e ot,her nrr.r:el fi

'' "nere l.rveJ .

rt'that t s "i;l-.r e ni ,:l 1;J:.e ::tcr';lt' saj-d .i,icori*e !o1li.wog.

sairj tj:re 1:,}rjr.',:.r-.;L-i.ll t':l like tl:ai; sNorlr best.rr

t?aljlI 'i{

Lico:'i ce .roil l'-vcii !iit:iitJ h:.*l: l:r: -iSni sh i:n.tlring tlre si-iver rope " il s h'e went
:rC Srj .?r,.1 l,.r :,:, .' 'r,:.-1.6,-|"-.,iin ir "].}l-r C:ii -. Or-r CatCh uS in tj:* si"l V'i} i: i'le :'?

r: .i rr a :1 ,:rl-,jris. ani f cai:-g:lt.{; -:r.oi1 i:tsi;i*:tC. 'it.e1l ]'lohscl:l-.!.:i.:r 'i':.ii-l'l;r,.r.-i ir: 3l-or-rd
'r'hrae rti.,ool.irc1 -,.:l'.e n. jel 1-' sllar''.
.) J-C.l:iJ .r1-,r.i,:, i.ltiti i'i ,+ "rCSt {:Oi-- O't1t .rf t.i:e S',-j.Vef :.i;*;. .-::el: :ii*i'e ;"1-I ';'i:r- '
j" ''1"-'' 'rlr; 'i"i. r-'' -'' nnd
i"j j,.l ,ll :i. I ii e . j q1;1. |6.9, '*cl"-l irrtr:'. 1l-olrd ''ih.r':e ';t;t.': r'""

l.:c2& in ':t t;j-i*l':' l;irril ." r'.'i-l:'

tItl,rE: f,1-;gyr €aC':- n ieii:: :l:al
I ',-fc?iCr: '^Cl-,i. i.,r,:r: "I*l-I r:r'ted tb* :'3;;;,;ri'r-:1..:-:: '',r-'; i'-: ::'
";"' ''- - -'

i.',:--: ci' * i',i:,1-l-.

, 51:'i :' ' ''r.:.,-, ".;,*

1, T :-:,:C : l]...r1.:l- .l:,tI;:- ', -r,-:.,]-
'"i'* '
,1i :l,i S.t..i.-' r -i er::l *+ '-',;rl--i-.1,'.tt,,"r, ll*i'''': " 't '...'iii1' '1":l' :' l ' :t-'l

;1f l:- '"l l ' r

'- '-:; t':''
' " *..1.C, i

i. '''. t-. 'i,i

.!T -:::{:,; r'; t,f-f "i

fi:1 :'-;' 1' i'::r' i-fcl'I:'
ti-.:.i. :l Ol',r li:.,:t-;i:,-1.-t;:i tI. .;."1 ':.-

,;,'1.-i .]-."-'r-:1: i .:j-::1i 1 ;-' ;"'":1--i'-- ]' :':i':':*"

r': 'r-] 1-' t''-:':' ' '::'i.l ::eo
', '
1l:-,1 ir:li 3.i1',.i.,. ,'. -' 11,-i.::,:, rtiisl.;
t -l,l-'' "''; -::i1"5't' '1

't a

with. vou? rr

,116, said r:olllwog ,r?3aybe cloud Three sill EiYe yo1}' a bLscuittt'
5 na:le 5

Tlier,, x*nt io C-j,orrri Tltree 1;o es-lt for: a n,-isc*i-1 :r::ti r ob:Ioi:-i'in toJ-d
Licorlce rrol1iwog and ti:e rest hr:r,' he came to be so fa-r af/a.'r fz'E:m
liobgobiin f,and.
rr'r.rhatttsaid Cloud. ilhreettfs the ciifference betqreen a gablln and a

ff 1,resr1i ai1 come closer, I!11 tel1 vou*tt
(,o f-tte.1 marje a ci,rcle aror:::d I;obqoblin. l:e sat in Nhe miciCie atrd tl:'is

is ?r:is s.';cr.r"
,,A c.ob]-i.n works for the falr"les. l;{e.trres ttiel-r lryands
'';j-rstil he saici
anc theiy. crol',rns end ll:ej-r little gosns anei shoes" Rr-rt lIobgoblin

shook a fie€
wo::ks for hi:lseif., mincl -tol1 nog,lr onlv for himseif'rr -ile
finger rt all of ther: to inpress thern'
IA11 o-ii the -.-obgol,iins r."d,ere a bi-l feast. Thelr had Sr'rawberries
and rasobei'ries and a i:ie cai{e l';ith iee-cleatrlr-":hen
all a; orice',l;}:e
vras for the 'qcbiins
t-ueen of the fai.ries fleiv c10wn ano said the cake
rrcbgobl-in 8ot all choke'r
because the.i had worlred so hard ail':earl;'Eere
ttrrLurr the ,qOb-l j-n: cago to Es'b tire cel-le a:io
l-lp. loon he l;ec"5-n ara.irr.
some of the j-ce-cr-eam, T iuranei on
the te-tlle anC snatchec the cal{e"'
i'rhole l'ear' a'no said
tlThe f air''r ^ueen c&ne bac1.:: an<i sent ne 2'v5l1r' for a
eat calte a'':lai'n' Cnl-1; :nrl'f ins' l:lith cur:':'ants in !emfr he
T mrrst nevev'
he sa'i'd tt 1 went witn iouth wind t': tne iouth '3tar' took
aCcied" "So"
*i of {' heeallse 'inx Olouds
a ?fink Cloud and landed here' and I canr 3et
ones anci the"i' c*nrt take 1-:obgoblin$
t1O:rtt .1.,: b-': hore anr more. Oni;; rryhite
IIe'.i-ec-i to cr=i a''tain"
ai:epter: 6 n8--* 6

ftldever mj"no notrr, lierzer mindtt saj-i Cloud ?hree', ttYou can
travel with ustt
Angrv An:el saici si:e hoped. the *ueen of the Fai:'ies wo'rrld 1et
him eat ca]<e c fla"i-nn

So thev tock iiobgobIin to t}re South $tar and he toolc the rriest wind }:aclr
to Fal-::y Le-nd.
Afterhhat tbe:'est slarteci a,"ai.n on thej.r' journe;i to }oc,}r for the
Land 0f I\Tr-,uJl.tereo
fihs.pter 7

l:,iost, o:I tite ti,le vri:en. -l,lte*, i,::aVe1leci €rrcr.rone eXCeFt ClOud Three
siept. :,rrt this t:lne l,icorice no1.]- ivrog Couldnt t go to s1eep. i{e was
thinktn- about the Hobgohl-in and hi-s angel hair, and hopin,g he q;ot
bacl< safel*,r to Fairlland. Tl:e'l,iest viind passed thern ]:ut the:r coulcl
not see;rob,l:oblj.n on it, So tl:le:,r went to see l*'/hat could' have happened
South Star saiel a l-it1-.1 e ilobgobli-n in reC panialr:r:ns and a r,ei ?rat }:ad'
taken the Iast .i?i,n';i."r, So -1.:he1' cleeicied to catch up r,'rill: llnst wind anC
take .-rrobgobl-in liaclc to Fairyl,and thernselrtes.
It r,'ias o.uite some t.!me irefore the-' caurJ:t lrp i:tith last rr'r'';=nd'
Iieer in
was vert. c.l-acl to see then 4.11 anc sr:trr3lecl down heside lleddy
filor-rd Three :nrith a lrrapn-' ii'ttie l-augh'
!oo:, I-i tt,Le ti-r'eri Trobqob-"].. i."n lva s iast' asleen x'i-ren tl: e'/, l-anded on irairlr-
hlm to vlake him up'
I,anc, a-nd. .nedc'l-,- T}ear 1:ac fo sheke and shske
rbout for.rrteen.not)li.ns wel-e tl:ere to meet tl:rern v;l:en the:'laneec'

dressed like litt1e !{obgoblin

flanv, nen1r 1:,ob{oblins. 'l}:e iloi-'tiobl-i-ns were
all d::essed in brotrnr
in red nantal-oons and rec- he^ts. 'i'he Soblins rqere
sl.:oes vrith goloen br-reiiles" xae}:.
of t}:e g;ob,.ir:.s,1:ac
rryith golden cc]-our,ei
a little qolden raI]<inil s;ick'
3,n, archlva'Tl for t}:e iinge& Angr:'I
The gobJ-ins forrnei trn,io rolT*q and rnade
anc th:e.i'o.,r.ln'ptai.n to go t]rror:gh' but sieilped bacl'; ano put tl:reir
sticll.s bac}: cn |heir a-rms to ].et the rest throirgt:.
litt].e tr.alkinrz
tlee't r'Y3's vell-r ::i:*e' blrt he diiCnt
t salr
Licor j,ce ':r:illrsor 1-lrrhushf
i,ittle i,obg*h-r-in thrcr-lah tl'le l:olvB oi goblins snd
an.rthi.nqn l.efo--1-1r:wed
'!:aclt to ma.j<e sl1l1e tret 'Ie'jd-" Tlea:: ene '"iociting Irorse
kelt ioclri-ni:
{l-.oi:C i'hree we re S}f,.ew4'ne foll-o'riing"

rllf e"l t;Cf-, 'I r. F r:e :

l.n 'p''' 1I, .:,3-i :1l i 'r1C'ir ali].! i.1 Ln ,,;*:.J-..:r.':l l:-t-. i..t' ,,v]'1:r.:1.* :;lt* ;i.l ,ij:rii j]

i,?:Ln'^: a"-rieS i,...':r.i Sltr-:.-,.i- i-)y. t,1,1".1 t,::,, 'L.1

if,a:l',*. -tl:,{,t,.l'ru,egTl 1,iifri: af$:::lii:r,_. ,t_i:t aL

heac sh,g iliore a silver crown and when she snoke volce soltnded like
a tJ.nlrle 0f tin.r silvei' bells"
rrCon:e forwardrr th.e lr:eeR give -irou.F ltame".
ttf am Tolr Captain, '.'ou.r ]:.ajestyrt said 'Io1r Captain.
trT am Christaa"s Tree A;tge1r -rour iiiajestlitt said the Angr;,r Angel.
ttf am i'obeoblin, I'our lrajest'rrtsaid 1'robgoblin, and he tock off his little
red hat and bon'etl lnpr to the *,ueen with a great flourish, llis An,qel hair
i:lerrr ?orlflti anr]::ound hi-e iittle head. Then t]:e tueen of tl:e i-'airies
lookei at t,he Li corice .1o1.1- iwoq and he l-ookerl back a"t ti:e i.lueen of the
ii'airie s. I, i *o:ri*e t,:1-'1, i-''rioIr hed fo::gotten hls namel
Iie l-ookecl aL the cocoanut bov,r on his finger. Then he pu't his little
ll"corlee hand in i.,he a1r and trave it a shake. Sti:-i he couldtnt rernember'
,nedd),, tlear steprerl r"to beside him anrl said ttI &xn ?eddy Bear :rlease,
-'roi1r trajestyt
\.rc)1.1r irajestJi,,, ancl i,.1;ucl ,llhree saiti ttAnd I an ClGu.d Threer

,3.nd we are i,n seareh of the l,anri 0f An:rwh€rotrr

,llhe n-ueen *f tl:e Fairi-es cl-apperi her }:an<is arid ti:ren sl:e noticed ir'acki"ng
-tvho he wBSc
Ilorseo -re y,ras s.ratchi-n5 th* go-b1ins anci didrnt teI} the'-)ueen
As Soon as tl:e Gl"reen clapped ?:e:r hands, six littl* pink iairj"es came vriLh
litile pla.tes, eaeh wj-t]r a t:n.rr ceite and a strav,'berr:r on it. Thel'r gave
one to i.niirY i\nqek, one to ?o" Canlain, one to i''ieorice flCIli-iwog' one
to TedrJ-: Tle&r, one to :ioclr.inn llorse and .3. '. none to lTob'-qoi:lint
rt-i{oh.ob-l,in can neye}. eat g9',t€ aeainllt saj-o tlie il;1i6sn of lhe }'airies'

ln her little ti-nkl;1 voi ce.

clr:rnter 7 r-are 3

!'obc*h1" ]-n 1et f ,,,io b"i E tea.i"s r.CI11 <1ol*n nis 1:-tt-i"e che,.,1ls. T,:icor i ce
'":rolliitog and the::est rave tl::.ei:: cake back to the little p5-nir fai:,ies everi taklng one l-itLl.e i:i"teI
r:ai:,,?oblin leaned against .]loud Three ancl cried,. Cloud Th!"ee said
ttr,e't us leave hereitbut Angr:tr 4n,qel wall<ed very;};i r:-'n to tl:e

th:"one anci said t* tl:e l.:ueen of tha Fairries j.n a veryloud voice-
!t.,-o1-1 a ::rean j,qi
, antl I clonr t like ;rr:u one 1j-tf1e bitl tf
*hen she ran i:ack and jurcpei ar:1-ck1",,' on'Lo Cl-oir'i. Three i;a-e-hr*rriX., and
pu1le<l l.ittle Tlob,gohlin in ::., herJ The rest climbed onto loud 'l'hree
in : i:urr,. an,C lr.n tile": 1lrent a,iaj,n, 4lrfi.'rr a.nd a.Yiaa.r. Clour1 rhree lcckea
back and Nhere was a big a-r"r=rl.r t.1ac:i after them" Clor-rd
cl-L:]l'1d eoni.n*-
nh.ree Frent faste:' and faster toward i;l:e SIJIIy r lTe i(ne',$ tl:at tl:e angr'r

Lrlacjl clcud. rrouldrnt tc foll"or-.r tirern tt-iere. nlack clouds ah"raYs
fall anar.t shen tiie",r r:et too close to tire s1111.
Soon the-'r lost tiro b1ae1< el-oud, na':i:e he had got scared and'
turnec b*,

baelr, :.,oon 3v3i.triorle got over being upset ancl Tecci-',r F'eer saj-d slOwl-\.''
t' Once f follor, ed & ?Trl1i:r.ilr' t'tlndl-eil .
r!'''ihatt s a bundle?tr as}red 'loy Capt'ain"
,rl,rielln said- ,Tedd--,r ,leax., ttltt s not a scusre bundle, and ltt s nslt a
a wflLgqli '*-Llndlefl'
raund bundle, *1nd 1-tr s not a.n obJ-cng bundle' ftr s
il:-rlrBt harpenec'? ff gslsed l,icarice ro11 i'rrog'

tr71 :r.'€ts s. 1on,.,: tj-rne a-f:o" se, 'r'otld','Eear rrlp the i'and *f the ?1n11 'nedciy
p,ears- T ?ias gnx l+ith a meSSaEe to the }.inl:l Ted.d".r Rear }.:eker
to borrow

hrorqn ,qu$sra rhat! s h.or.:l cofi:e abor:-t rr;r toe' '!! kicked it'l:

fhaoter 7 ra!:e 4
t!nl:O i-lf O.,,.rn S.l1.:"ai'? !t ASi:elr t * '1 1r-:11:- 1n-rTe1.
rtrOl IrOI ''l-lie r.,11'r-1,q{'r- tlr:::dIe.rt
tlIlo.tro oilt', said thur Socl<inrl -Torse. r'e had been listenin{ ver"
c1r: se13.
thTe1l., an-'.I1lia.i as T i.rt*.s 1eavl-ng the i,and nf the i'ink'ledd".' said

'ile<1C,'r P,ear tr :- looked dorryn and li:ere -:'+as a bodltinrf .

tt'ritratr s a_ bodkin?rr askea I,ieorj"ce ;tolliwog.
uTtls for thread.l-ng ribbontt sairi the Anrqrlr' Ange1.
?rOh'r so
'r,That colour ribbon?tt asked l:ob,goblin. A.ngry{ng;e1 on]-.-; said-
Tedcl..' l?ear contj-nued. witn his story.
rrj hent dotrn to;rick up the
bocll:],-n t:lrf i.t ',.'';*.s r tacl:ed to. . . . .rr
tt.:ihet r s r ta.c]:edtt asired'irobgcbli"n.
,!;rastened?r Sa-i f ante-in, Itnnd pleaSe ctO Stpp in-r'el"fur)tIngrl'
d r:101rr

,rTr. lras r taejrei.j t6 a ritrborlrr. Lie*r j-ce r:o11ir.vog was just ,going to
tlTt i'fP*s red" Eed ribbom' A
sa.., rr'rri'ra.t c<:lour?tt t'ii-iet:. r,rreCd.i.' :>'ear grt-i'C,
biE card wss besiCe l.t, and T ::ead it. i earr read, yoLt kttoivfr,
,i.edCl,- ifeaf.

,t:t said nlJ'.ir., ir;i!Ll *1,1i:iI,-i so I bent dOltnrr.

rr::ifo&t hrappened? tt asl-retl'ilobicblin.

was going
a'nouL ihe bror:;n su.!i&Pr nhatr s whail I starteo to r1,Ill f
to be t,'er''r',o. 'r
?r.ii31:-j".1; ,J{as ti:re broriin sl,t;-:ilr f or?
rl e*slkecl 'l'o-; i aptain'
rt1 Corrr t 1mor,.;r, sal-d reci1... Eear tr rt l t "'Las vol::ir h(} av'';'rl' He
s:i-n]:e ri

s-nij 1,,hen said ItT.:---1(e T said. I sta:"tecl

to r''-rn s-nfl thatt s when 1

"ki.ei.leC it, the wruq$Li b":ndlerr'

:rr:il:at tlren?tl askec t'he {nl;-'Y"' rirr:::el'
a troi'e cafle in
,tlic*:tin.:: at f -i rsLn 'io f i;ent on ll{ c}rin$' A fter & ti]1ji-ls
l-t sncl tl:e.:' a1J pop:.-re.d sutrr.
rr,r1i1pf, pCIp::err orrt?tl askec'l th-e 'l'o::f {ai:ta"in"

flhaPter 7 i:a.fe 5
rrtrab s I 1""i.11:t on s of tl:en:t I sta:''l,ed to ::u-n fas'Ler ani f+siel' blit cne

st'rrck c:atc r.r,r toe" lrerC stj-11- be han5i.1,n5 *n if a i::inLt *edd;ir i]ea]"
?iadrnf, c,:ne and- ssvei rne. t{ever ilick a 1r/13uq8:I bundierrand ?ed.d-',- F,oa::

pattecl 1i-ttl-e I.:! cori-ce ^o1-i-i-t-,;'*.ir cn the shalr-l-ce:'"

I l.-1 11 1 "|- p. :r I

'r.OOn t.he.'- f)tSi:ea:'ai-,.i-,:.'i;i-t,i'j':,.1.-l !"iri-i_:,j. :re-tf irrifrai ,,.,i&S.-i i;Si, J_i,:gy-';1ir1,,

1i;1i'.'-, -'1r'i.r t..:A.n'. l -'Lt,;l"n Sl,:itl"S la 1.i'OT,:.{. ,rl,lC.r, f*ii,3rj.,iei, r1rgi; r.r7-!-i1,1 fO:, A.

t'l': ).1 i : - :i...

,rr:rlS .'ii-L C$,t.i'' 'i; I -'l:r'-',

;'y.1.,..1rr", atr-t "'i-i:r.t:(1r.,:SI :i"r:ai i-:il.: feinbn',i.:Str trT;Cnr-r

.iS rtrCii ,r'-B-iy-r'i-'1ir,,:rr-1.iei: Arilie..i i.-r"Olt i;ilt :ir il".i .i 'l;.r.r---t].--r':i; i:t::'C:.1 l' I i-..'i l:r-ti

t'l-ic:"e nl lllrr":'' -r ilr,, -il:t i-illai :,r'f,.

? :l.rtO:,iCr.' ^'CI-l_ j1;r:r sejCi 'h* Orie CI"{' i;l .re t,:-,.i r,L;,,'.-.";l i'-; i,ir,l.j e. t- On *. :'i1-iIlroi';

On(1e. r'i l1a-i: ::. l-r.l-r-re,: f.i1., r,, {1il -it;. l-!-'lrit (' '"',:)'i-',-r. Cl.r--:,{) ll:..(' i:r-1-grl ilt? lef ot'e
;l ,
; ii,.t- t-.t i,l-: t, _ y:, :::t,ir": .

:rr-:l.tI "rj_ri!tr Sal j,j 1116= 1.L!i ni'r-r-!j it,', bit fl-i i;lr,r-C ll:, "f-e"i ",. :l:r t.I-r- CCI:'1ii' lCt

i:l'tli 1:er s llec,n orat1l.::'' .]:.",:f' 5i. lrCe

" l't::-3t donr'i, ':l(,: 1lerl,Ix

.roJ:qotrl.!n l:teI'r Sil;-t'irr,, li' 3" i;i..:"';,; I'"''ilirlt'o*''li;'

find'.ieC,{..::ear a.i1d
tg{61:: 'rtar, lre!:'l-- g;i"-iir-:-1"-i-n:, 1:ii s tce '.,i-illi il:i: s''i:'L'ir' stl:f-f ili st:i cirjrrlc Ll ll-- 3r''d
liri sr sll-. i':rir t.: ' 1;l;; .:',-il1l j-n, ?!{Tr-t'r-\j th i s, tr.-;' *ie{t. tl


Char:ter B r'*,:.:e :;
tr T:'--i whattlt asked I:icorice l:ollivio.q"
rlrrI.:,- 1:,ri,1;,',; ! rij.,: -,'r.l.l;_-i., -bOrr: ! ir sgic! ,i.gdei:,,1 EeAf .

i ico.r,ice tLol.l-iwcE saj, r.llr\:,1, io wi,q hi"s

l),., i,, i.i,.:.qg mu.shroom a.ncl J;r;-i-gr-l

t0e. br:t; ,:: ! s tOe 'gCuidn r t lr,rj.,q. ?t rsOr-rld wAgr .,re Sr f:r.q;nl i'-nd l;nul'lr i:i'Lt
i i., i:r:t.r I r:l'i: r t r':i, . J,icr:rice t:o11 jwor fel-i liF.jr"-i, sad, b':-b he *1:*ei'-e d up a

lot :i,hen 'ilq6'lf -: aear rr 35-nir lrli:eii foY' m*tt"

r,o j j cor'1ce '^ol--l -!int*g Santi AIheit c-,i+il a.nil *','f;l* t-,.i'r.'.; ir'i'ri:i' rj:-::'"::':1,' i:'1:'.''il

cne leg
liobnolili-n qnd ?edc-'l-,'trear fei-l 'ilast esleei:' Tecio-'r Bear with his
.*rith the S-rr"ari stuff ing sticirinir oirt, sticking str"aight- up in th'e &lri
and Hohgobli-n witt: hi's l:ead on Terlci;r' Bearr s turni:qr' fot'
a pillow'
l'r€ went on
Lj_ccr*ice':o11iwr:q:.iot up anei walkeo arcunc tl:e iar;1e:':mslrroom'
and. on b-'r hi-:nse1f, lh-'Lnk-ini3 ahout the esuon and horn"
to sing ilowhe5-t' when
i:e heard a litti-e im;sical tinklel and there was his rlear little
with the trso nairs of slippers in h-e:'hands and one pair on
fee t.
nTliJfr she said in her little t j"ni<l:,r voice, ttlrrn lrery glad ;lcluire herelt'
qtle hune the trso naj-r of slippers on a litt-]-e branch"

Licoriee aoll11on was iust sirnply thrilled ' +hat t s what' ju st simpI1l
t1.ri.ljed. ,riro6 61g.:pou. sot here?tthe a"sked.
,rT rocle up on a. rainbow that caYna u-p for fresh' colour' I
often coEIe up

he;'e, lrcu knovJ .rr

lrrrie ars 1oc1<ing said i,ico::ice '"o11iwog'
for An-lrvrherer:
rr,iitr,,? Ttr s verl:i nj"ce r-:p here. T)ontt you thinir so ?tr'
r.oll- d'ic1 think sor especiallv novr that Pixie was Nhere'
Licoriee 1r,rog

Ire Said tt l,t&-.rlie We i 1l- Stay hef e " '

back with tri36v-ice +oJ-liwog to T here Cloud 'Ihree and the eth
Pixie i-;alked
elancod anct talked and tnado
others Frere.'lhe little Pixi-e lau'3hei anC
thern all varr happy, unt1l at last she

lhtnt,er' I n&:,e 3
rr1 -rlrrs.l i:.o 1ra*k to 1rjgs.. ''^ ii-lo',: 1t-:nd nolY, 3,c 'ot:,ot]-;eri.

l', i *opi cr: ,'"

o-l,1i r:16 r ',,t,ont w i-1,1:r l"ie:: to r.nlhe re sh* hai hi:-nt up he:' f lva i-' s
of s11np*?sn "e watched whil-e she reached up and took then: dorvn, then
flew r:.n on top of B l:reLt;' vul,bow' Sho turned and siavec a pair of
slinpers at hi*: r.s she waved'-:oodb..rer and was gone vr'ith"Lhe rs.inbowl
i,icoriee r:olliwog stoorj tl:ere and waved end v;avec for a long time *fte::
pixj-e rvas ou.t of sight, -lie i:oped shre n'ould coHle back verY, rrerY soono
xl-ov,rl-.: he t,..rrnect- a,round to c,ial]r back anci niet lledd1r Eear anc 1{obgob}in

*ominq to fj-nd h|m. llobgoblin v;as sinr'linq a little I'obfloblin song to

']'edd,i eear and i"L went l.ilre this:
:1 1
' in{ r s ini3, s 1"n9, ijaPPlr we
i+ob ilob.lobl -i ns
iinq sinq sinq
,11.]- 1:oi: abli.ns sing't!

Licorice aol-lirr,ir:ri, treddr: Sear a.nd lrobsohlin joine* hands and da'nced
as ttre.l sanir:, "t,i"nq , sinq , sing, All- iiobgoblins sin5l"rr
CJ.or:d rl:ree canle nnrL told lhen
j-t was time to eorne anC eat' i:obgohrlln
rmln*red on a thimble bj-scuit. Ii€ !'ila's Vera'I fond' of
tlrimt'le bj'scuj-ts but
the large
it ilias so 1on;1 since he had some *aks' Tre leaned' againsi
mr:shroom *.nd saidr lvitr:r a s*kr,
ItI wisir I ha<j a c&kert'
?r:-t-r s a i"ri-shin:.' xushl:cnilTtr s a nl:shroc'ri:. .itnd' she oancec

nnd d,t.'rn, rotrnd end :"or)ror cJ-apni-ng trer tin:r hands'

ttC an i{€ :l"i- sh f or an''rth:i-ng?
L ico:::i-ce ^oi li iwo"' s* i-d '
An:rel rrTtt s a food wishinq rnL:'s}:LrooH"tr
nOh, .norr sai-cl ,tn,.-r-'.I
wotlid come back sosrr'
I,icori.ce nolL.i.v;oir vras qoing to roiish that his Fi:"ie
Chapter I Pase 4
the cake w-!th his litt1e sharp ulvord and
'i1cI Captain cr.:t
the.y ate and. *te and a.te" ft r"ras so verrl good" l?oclting !-lorse ate
tvrr: cr ttrree pieces" Iio'ngoblin just eouldtnt get over it. A real
wishinf mushrooml lt'Iell I
"Thj-s 1s the nicest place ever?t said the j\ngrl,r AngeJ-, and the rest
a,qreed,. ft ivas indeed"
But Cloud Three saidrrl mrst rrever sta:r very iong in one place, TICIu
knotr, but rre will co.-nte haclr he:re everrl tine we wish to resi and
freshen up" 1o lrre can Al1vAYs call it Ou-r own hone" :uie w111 call it
t,he Land nf 'nhe ]'rett-,, Ral"nhowsjrr
Then therr al-l climberi onto Clor.rd:Ihree and he pulleci ttre fluff'*ver
all of 'Ll::em anrj thev vrent to sleep'
,r,robgoblin qot uTl fjrst" iie wanted to seei- if the vr:'-shinq

stiIl l,rorked" Tle wished for stravrberries a-nd iee-crea*: for

seven and
sure enoush, up popperi seven little silver bo'rsls fj-lled "riith
herries, a pithcher ff}I} of cre*m and severl llttle spoonsr
ltockinq !:orse, CIf course, didnr t neecl his spooll'
hj's crgrn spoon and
Licor1ce .:oll-iwof, took nockins l{orser s spoon and
c'ou}<i" find' Fixie again
his dish of strawberries anc vrent to see if he
his strawtrerries
l:ut she wasnrt ther'* sr: he caYne l:ack slowlv' and' ate
tr l ekl ec into hi.s cr€*rllr r'oorr dear J'igor&ce 'ro11iv'"ogl
didnrt n':tice the':of
:i* wa.s so bL',s'i'be-i'n1 sol:r-'r fcr l:i:nself that he
t'!'e11o there' I havenrt founC Bn esu-orl l''et' but
r.rnt"'r.1- she sai-tl to trim
r.r.is1. i:";ar, hin sj.nri
Itm gorn$i to"keep on ioo.|ringl :i simp}:,,
se-id llilood.Jl.,-o ,11t)'.',J everycnei;,
she hrel, nrrrp}e e--:,es *,h, a.1]- cf t}:ern
qi'and fii911r1olr
tnd $,lve,r slt+ ro -l-i'e ri ir' ?''
'r"n.:tl-- .'inlll


':-6 :^rG"i -,i. CC-i:l ,: Jl-l -.':'- r- ,.:, li: ,-:. ,.:r.,', , i,

i,;ir',--.' i-:1.' *.': "l i.';.,,:r a' -'.,a : -i f. ; i'-r " :,.i' rl:: :,_:,.1 I j:::'*,:
. --:r.,. j:, i-lat: ,..1-..i::'t 5'..:.a:a:3i;:,, 'i-lt:i-: i,,.:i i::.r',:;rl ,1,
:ri i. ..,... 't '

-: 1-a:.: 1,:1: .:,1: --1t-r'.-,i, ,..',-.''-,

i,-i. . tj],

'l ' ' 1'.r','l -t-.*

{.. :i.:lj. r'.,1:.--,'.,,,
il]t;'''- *'"'t" t
Af f cr" Lii ri 'lr,.r.::r .,r.rt : i cit, r. i.crt ':,li,i_,i.;;r:-: f *1i. *=e
,it.r.r_ol1 irapir"i pf . i:io-pn ed,l 1rere e::cl Ll:e:"e" 1:0 eyen tiiopg)::t a}:cu.t wishir-rg at the v.;iShingl
rnu-s.:lroorfl hut he cor:l-dntt ry:alre u'p l:1s irlinc -r,i-r-a-t'Lo wisn. for. beeause
h,e wasnrt hun,:ty. ro he toolr a little walk u-p to the rainbow nii.I]-,
hi;.t the i:it,tl* ::ai-nJ:ow mil"l r,,'ras stopnecl a.nd ti:e p:ett:r coiou-rs lvere
all i:r;h-i:l-inq over- rn'}:r:ich '.r,'ay. The littl-e nili- r+treel roras reall y
verT, 1Fg1'\i c3'o-qs1
Ir'l.,hetever i-s 1;lre rat ber?It aske.l the I,:'i"cor-i ceiitrog, bi.rt the litll-e ,rol-]"

mil1 vrheel di.dnr t sven bother to snswer he r,;*s so ci'OSS. il€ )<ep'u,inry to ll:e colCIurs to;;strai.ehten ri-,cht tlp" St:'aighten riqht uF,tt
br_lt a 1-ittle hj-N of biue slrii had fallen J-n and al-i the colour'S were a 1i-*
litt1e conftlsedn
?he little mil} wheel saiC rITf I turn out one more rainboiv ]-vitil a bl-i-r*
ino ."n
II rllv u g T rjonr t ltno:l' whatever I shalI Qorf .
-ir. t-

The coJ-o11:.s reall-''r lrrorJred Ver-:)r hercl 'bo Llel strai-ghtened put ano sooll
the.rr had pusheri the bit of bl,"re s1-cr over iire si.d-e' 'llte n:ili staried
vrorki-nq me:.:'i1v aqain ancl onl.-: then did the little mil1 l'r*reel

Licorice "o1l-iwo,3. lfhen ?:e OD1'''' smileC eni rn'ient on cl:eeking colou-rs'
nvher: he c&mo to get hin and
?edcLr.r Bear cen1e anri too!: h|m b-r the hand

sa j,d rtrrs r i] be leavr!n.1 SOOIlrt.

got into fllou.d' 'Ihree' anci utaa--v the'"r r'Ient'

rrel'e ;{oing to keep the Land
Cloud Th.ree fel-t r* better nori that the'':
+e h'ac i;o keep mov6ng. All
0f the ?rett-l.F.ainhr:ws fo:: |,i:'ej.r home" F.rrt
cloucls dor rou lrnorn. $o thel'r mc'recl on e'ncl
up slowh"
open this time rercemberlng about Nire
sllver Ilet
clo,,:.d Threr: ke"pt ir:Ls 6:,.os
S ]:aqo ia
It hed turned or-lt *ll,r'-I-qht ti:is tine, brrt-it ni,:i:t nct t;ire next tine.
lle vra"s r'ori n:" to he verri cerefr-r1 from norv orl .
Th"e:: r,.yent here ani t'rterer g&ssin.-: th.e'llest:i'i.nd and then the Sast:ilind.

'Ihe,r sta-1rsd o,:t cf ihe wa.r of the iilorth li:tj-ndr but once thejl followecl the
south,rrind nearl1r all the wa:. to the scuth Pol-e. T,1eea1lse ttie_v were
alt rrranting to i,tet t:acir to t'he Land of tire Pretfu"Rainboe;s anci weretnt
even looking for the Land of An$where anlr more, Clouo Three turned e
sround n€ar t}:e South liole an* r",'ent back.
Iiobgobli-n ran r.igirt up to the vrishin;.1 mushroom to see if it
still- rororked.. Iie shltt hise.res and sai.d " f wisir for a trarshmallow pud'dlng
'riihen ?:e onened hj-s e:ies , there jt !'Ias" A lovel1r blg fluff:'' rnarsi:::i:a1l-ow
ruddi.ngJ irobgoblin and Tedf-;' Bear ilareheO round and round and round
and baclc rol:-nri the rryish.i-nc rtushroom. Tt rqras such funl
,-r,o), saptain lrept )-ooking fo:' a place to builcl a wee house f"or the Angry

Anqel c,nd hinrself. 'i'hell were so happy'

T,j.corice :tol-livroq ciipped h:i.s little licoriee f i-nirer .into
tJie narshmallow

nd.dding and said lthrn nr m when he licl<eo it"


The:" was a iitile tj-nll.l e nearihere fra$ l-lj-s little lixle'

eat his marsh-
uear ij-.ttle Licorice rlolli1r'loc v,Ias so happ.i he fo:'got to
rruhen his little Pixie told
mal-lotr puriding. o.. rc;\nC he was even happier
r1g was.qo1nr to sta;,, wit}: hirri crn tr:'e l,anc Clf
t]re Prettv
|r;rat, sh.e
Bai-nbornrs for ever and ever'
a littie cl-cseLLo 'l'oY Cap"Lain
Erren i;' 1ir:rse '',vas }:ap!)r, and tnoveil
an<l Anrr-. rn,'-el so therr u'o'l-lii st-i:oi<e
his neek'
1l-c*d l..t1ree sm-i-ler,l end sniled a.nd snj-led'
{hapt*n I r'[i:;i *

i,o, dmer chLLdronr sr(* .re:1"L1. l,,erave themr i*;t when .,rs$ losk et, e
1*veJ-.1 rs^lnbsw {xnd $e6 s*met.h-.{'ng{ behLnd i"t ;,;ou ull1 }*:*w plxk f,l.eud
Sleve$ ls sorktns the:ro.
find svtlr,'r f?wll.strfifts time; tf, -;*u w11"1 }sok t}:roug}r _irour
wlndow before :rou s&rr ."ollr p:3a1,r6rs, .rr$11 sr&.u ee* fllousl ?hroe fL**tilry
here and ttro:re*
T.,fcorl,ee^*lltwos anql &n,-lrr... Angel and al"3 tha reet miglrt Just
pueh a*i"de * b5-t of fiuff an* wave 6oednight t+ -lrur

?lii :*i1]



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