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Learning of the Week SEERAH


Believe in Prophets and Messenger

 Who are Prophets and Messengers?
 Reason behind ALLAH swt sending Prophets and Messenger to this world.
 Difference between Prophets and Messengers.
 Number of Messengers and Prophets
 Reference from Quran and Seerah.
 Number of Revelations
 What was the message brought by Prophets and Messengers?

The obligation to believe in all the Messengers

Those who are cited in the Qur'aan by name and those who are not*
It is obligatory to specifically believe in the Messengers cited by Allah in the Qur'aan by name.
They are twenty-five in all. Eighteen of them are mentioned in (Soorah al-An'aam) in the Saying of Allah,
"That was Our Proof which we gave Ibraheem against his people. We raise whom we will in degrees. Certainly
your Lord is All Wise, All-Knowing. And we bestowed upon him Ishaaque and Ya'qoob, each of them we
guided, and before him.

We guided Nooh, and among his progeny Dawood, Sulaimaan, Ayyub, Yusuf, Moosa and Haroon. Thus do
we reward the good-doers. And Zakariyah and Yahya and Eesa and Iliyaas, each one of them was of the
righteous. And Ismaa'eel and al-Yas'aa, and Yunus and Loot, and each one of them we preferredabove the
Alamin (mankind and jinn)."[Soorah al-An'aam (6): 83-86] and the remaining seven Messengers are cited in
various other verses of the Qur'aan. As for those Messengers who are not cited in the Qur'aan by name, it is
obligatory to believe in them in general. Allah says,

“Indeed, We have sent Messengersbefore you (O Muhammad);some of them We have related to you their story
and of some We have not related to you their story," [Soorah al-Ghaafir (40): 78]

“Messengers we have mentioned to you before, and Messengers We have not mentioned to you”
[Soorah an-Nisa (4): 164]
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