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Globalization's Resilience and Evolution in the Post-Pandemic Era

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on economies, society,

and the global community. The importance of globalization is growing as the world starts

to emerge from the crisis. Contrary to predictions of cutbacks, globalization will likely be

even more important in the post-pandemic 2021 decade in order to meet the

opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

I learned a lot of things in this article but some of the few points that I saw was

the changes induced by heightened nationalism and protectionism will be marginal

rather than fundamental in nature and can be handled by multinational enterprises

through alternate cross-border business strategies and emerging technologies. I also

gain knowledge about the net benefits of globalization that are not distributed equally

across nations as well as how some nations' industrialization stages in economic

development may have been stopped early by the movement of manufacturing to more

active producers such as China. These difficulties, however, are not addressed in this

essay. I discovered that multinational companies play an important role in gathering

demand, arbitraging differences between states and coordinating and channeling cross-

border flows of capital, products and services, and intellectual assets.

Not a lot was unclear except for some things like the specific sectors, regions, or

products that could potentially experience a reduction in geographic coverage in the

post-pandemic world that were not clearly identified. The unequal distribution of the net

benefits generated by globalization across nations, particularly those that may have had

their industrialization stage early stopped due to the shift of manufacturing to more

dynamic producers such as China, is not addressed fully throughout the article. In

addition, the article lacks full information on international royalty rates, a significant data
gap in international business and economics studies.

Some of the questions that I want to ask are: What are the pandemic's potential

effects on global value chains and cross-border strategies? The paper suggests that

changes due to increased nationalism and protectionism will likely be minor, not

transformative. It argues that multinational enterprises can address slightly elevated

risks through alternative strategies and emerging tech. While some shift towards

regional value chains and reduced geographic coverage may occur, significant
reshoring or decoupling is improbable. Paradoxically, protectionism can boost

globalization by driving tariff-jumping FDI and expanding multinational enterprises'

geographical presence. How can multinational enterprises manage slightly elevated

risks in the post-pandemic era? The paper suggests they can do so by employing

alternative cross-border strategies and emerging technologies. This involves

diversifying suppliers, using technologies like blockchain and AI for coordination and

risk management, and employing tariff-jumping FDI to overcome trade barriers. By

adopting these measures, multinational enterprises can mitigate potential negative

impacts of increased nationalism and protectionism and remain successful in the post-

pandemic world.

While some predicted a fall in globalization after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is

likely that the demand for global connection will increase in the decade after the

pandemic in 2021. The world economy will gain from further globalization in the future

years, from bolstering supply networks to tackling global concerns. Despite the

difficulties brought on by the epidemic, the sources indicate that only small, rather than

fundamental, modifications will be made to globalization. Through alternative tactics and

technologies, multinational corporations will be able to respond to the coming dangers.

The global economy of the future will continue to be dependent on it, and resolving
many global concerns will require international cooperation. MNEs will continue to play

a vital role in facilitating cross-border activities.

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