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The foundation for good leadership is…

good values.

iLead is values-based youth
leadership content inspired by the
leadership philosophies of
Dr. John C. Maxwell.

Designed to enhance students’
• Leadership
• Values
• Attitudes
• Social skills

Enabling students to expand their

leadership skills while taking turns
facilitating peer-to-peer sessions.

Through iLead’s values-based peer to
peer groups, we can train tomorrow’s
leaders and give them a foundation
that will allow them to succeed now
and in their future.

John C. Maxwell
do iLead?
Studies indicate that investing in
students’ leadership soft skills
inspires cognitive growth by
triggering the learning-related
attitudes and values that also
enhances their academic

(Northouse, 2013; Rosebrough & Leverett, 2011; Slavich 2006a).

achieve inwardly
will change outer 

What we

- Plutarch
Soft Skills Development; No Longer
Never before have educators needed to prepare young people for
lives in such an unpredictable and challenging global context.
(UNESCO IBE - What Makes a Quality Curriculum? 2016)

Research indicates that investing in students’ leadership soft
skills inspires cognitive growth by triggering the learning-related
attitudes and values that also enhances their academic
development. (Northouse, 2013; Rosebrough & Leverett, 2011;
Slavich 2006a)

Receiving youth leadership education influences students to stay
in school, attend college, and set career goals. (Rose-Krasnor et
al., 2006)
Torsten Hallman, Teacher
Leadership and Academic
Chapin Intermediate School
"I think the curriculum is absolutely
wonderful and will have a huge
impact within our school and
community. I love how the curriculum
is very clean cut and simple and
there's no filler. This gives me as an
educator, a huge leg up with ideas, as
I can implement many different
Explore experiences and activities both in the
classroom and outside of it into the
foundation you all have laid out.”
does iLead
Connects Values and Leadership
16 Values/4 Units

Connects Actions and Leadership
16 Values/4 Units

Connects Influence and Leadership
16 Values/4 Units
iLead Works Effectively, Here’s Why
Learner centric and research Designed with modern students in
based using how we learn: mind:
 11% through Hearing  Integrative
 83% through Sight  Relevant
 95% through Involvement  Responsive

Created to be adaptive and inclusive Growth oriented with a peer-to- peer

for universality: format:
 Global format and imagery  Facilitates development
 Intentionally diverse  Increases competence

• Students develop better
relationships with their peers.

• Students find their voice.
• Students experience an

increased awareness of
Student Reach
I will value the Attitude is a Commitment My character is
relationships difference gives meaning the real me.
around me. maker to all I do

1,716,084 338,246 119,881 112K+

Students reached in Students reached Students reached in Students reached in
Guatemala in Paraguay Costa Rica Individual Launches

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