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How to perform creative work effectively is a major concern for workers.

some people insist that working as a team is more effective in a creative task
because a wide variety of ideas are came up with by people with different
backgrounds, others, including myself, believe that working alone is more suitable for
the creative task. I will discuss reasons to support my view in the following passage.

To begin with, creative work needs time when you think alone. To be specific, it is
when you are alone that a creative idea comes up, while, if you try to get a new and
innovate idea as a group, you would often be distracted others’ comments or
thoughts. Take my own experience as an example, I once tryed to create an unique
and original research paper’s title, which always needs much imagination. At first, I
discussed with my research collaborative menbers, but I was struggled to come up
with any good idea. This is partly because different people proposed different title
name ideas, which confused me a lot. At one time when I walked in the park near my
lab alone, I suddenly popped up a great title name. I believe everyone should
experience the similar one. Thus, the best creative and innovate idea is more likely
to be generated in your mind when you are alone.

Nevertheless, it is partly true that addressing creative work as a team is somewhat

useful since you would get diverse thinking from different people. However, this is
not always beneficial for imaginative tasks because there is certainly peer pressure.
To be specific, an ulitimate decision as a team is not based on how imaginitive it is
but how many people agree with. What is worse, sometimes most members of a team
accord with their senior’s idea because of the fear of the authority. Therefore,
imaginitive work should be done alone withour peer pressure.

In summary, with the above in mind, I can safely draw the conclusion that creative
tasks should be performed by yourselves. This is the best way to get a greatly
innovative idea. Moreover, although it is somewhat useful in working as a team for
diverse ideas, there is a certain danger of being influenced by peer pressure.

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