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BK3: Watch “How to manage for collective creativity”, a Ted Talk given by

Linda Hill, and write a reflective blog about it.

I strongly believe that our old ideals of leadership are no longer necessarily the best approach to lead. We
must unlearn our notions of leadership, as they can obscure our judgments and outcomes. According to
what was said in the video, it is better to not have a dominant idea, but rather a slow and patient process
in which the advantages and drawbacks are weighed. As I've observed, there are instances when our
judgments and decisions are compromised, especially when the boss or team leader is speaking. We
somehow believe that their idea is the best and that our ideas can only be supporting ideas because they
are the bosses or leaders. However, it was brought to light during this talk that innovation is a journey.
It's a type of collaborative problem solving, usually among people who have different expertise and
different points of view. There are many trials and errors, everyone must be an active listener, and they
recognize that innovation rarely occurs until there is both diversity and conflict. That, I believe, was the
most enriching aspect of it: learning to see both sides of the coin and simply doing everything without
bias and solely for the sake of study, work, and improving the outcome of an idea. Additionally, it was
mentioned that “when many of us think about innovation, though, we think about an Einstein having an
'Aha!' moment. But we all know that's a myth. Innovation is not about solo genius, it's about collective
genius.” This is true since it takes a group of minds to create great innovation. With this, collaboration is
extremely important in the creative process. Nobody is greater than everyone else because everyone
brings something unique to the table.

To ensure that everyone has participated in our project, we made sure that each member had the
opportunity to offer their ideas and opinions. After that, we discussed what would be the ideal way to
effectively coordinate all of our ideas. As a result, we all agree on the outcome, we all contribute, and
everyone is delighted while working on it. We gave each other a fair chance to share our ideas, and we
had a healthy debate about what work we should accomplish while weighing the pros and cons.

In order to have a smooth flow with the activity we did a rotational role so that everyone could get a taste
of everything. For example, if I am in charge of research, the next time I am in charge of critiquing my
group mates' research, I can also be in the listening side where I can insert ideas and suggestions, and
now this time I will be the moderator of our healthy debate where I will list down all the conflicts and
difficulties of what we are attempting to work on. I am most proud of how we operate as a team, our
flexibility, and professionalism in accepting each other's criticisms and having a thorough discussion about
our work so that the end result is the best version of it.

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