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1. He wake / wakes up at 8 a.m everyday.

2. She go / goes to school by bus.

3. I like / likes reading comic books.
4. He play / plays computer games.
5. They come / comes from Argentina.
6. You love / loves painting.
7. He walk / walks to work every morning.
8. We go / goes to the park on weekends.
9. You drinks / drink coffee.
10. She speak / speaks Spanish very well.

Complete the words below.

Trees A snowman Apple pie Fireworks Flowers

1. We grow ……………
2. We build …………………
3. We make ……………..
4. We watch ………
5. We bring ………

Watch Fall Grow Swing Bring

1. We make a ……………………………….. in the summer.

2. We ……………………….. trees and flowers in our garden.
3. I like to …………………………… flowers to my grandmother.
4. The leaves ………………………. When they are red, orange and yellow.
5. I …………………….. the birds build nests in the trees in the spring.
Spring Summer Fall Winter

1. In the ………………….., flowers grow.

2. In the ………………., there are bees.
3. In the …………………., Clara covers the flowers.
4. In the ………………., there is snow.

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. Get / it / does / hot / the fall / in / ?

2. Does / in / rain / it / the winter / ?

3. Snow / the summer / in / does / it / ?

4. In / the spring / does / it / snow / ?

5. Don’t / I / flowers / the fall / grow / in

6. Flowers / grow / we / in / the spring

7. The winter / they / make / make / don’t / a / swing / in

8. Make / they / a / the summer / swing / in

Circle the correct words.

1. In the winter, there’s rain / snow

2. In the summer, the flowers are big / small
3. In the spring, flowers grow / fall
4. In the fall, Clara moves leaves / flowers

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