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Family ASHISH SINGH BR/BA Name ALOK SINGH/7084639150

Client ASHISH SINGH , FNCL1275 , (9951102) SB Name ALOK

Trading Code/UCID/PAN FNCL1275/9951102/CABPS3082B Period 01-Apr-2022 To 31-Mar-2023

Equity GrandFather GainLoss Details:

Scrip ISIN
Quantity Purchas Sell Date Holding Purchas 31-Jan Grandfa Sell Value At Value At Purstt Sellstt GrandF Absolute Tax Impl
e Date (Days) e 2018 thered Price(Rs. Cost Sell Price ther Gain/Los
Price(Rs. High Purchas ) Price (Rs.) Gain s (Rs.)
) price e Price (Rs.) Loss
(Rs.) (Rs.)
S.A.L Steel Ltd INE658 300 03 Nov 10 Jan 433 9.40 6.85 6.85 17.35 2820.00 5205.33 3.00 5.00 0.00 2385.33 LongTer
G01014 2021 2023 m
17.35 2820.00 5205.33 3.00 5.00 0.00 2385.33
Disclaimer:Dis cla imer : The P&L is only a tool to ena ble clients to ca lcula te ga ins / los s es . Us e of the tool by the Clients is volunta ry. Clients a re required to do independent verifica on of the res ults a nd exercis e own judgment prior to ma king
us e of the s a me. Any decis ion to us e of the res ults s hould be ma de following the receipt of independent fina ncia l, ta x, a ccoun ng, lega l a nd other profes s iona l a dvis or, which MOFSL is not, prior to ta king a ny decis ion ba s ed on the res ults . The
computa on of Profits / Los s es is ba s ed on entries conta ined in the Por olio s ec on of the Client's a ccount. Client is s olely res pons ible to ens ure tha t the Por olio pa ge of his a ccount is upda ted with a ccura te da ta a t a ll mes . MOFSL a nd its
a ffilia tes a ccept no lia bili es for a ny los s or da ma ge of a ny kind a ris ing out of the res ults computed us ing this tool being incomplete, ina ccura te or inva lid res ul ng from erroneous informa on conta ined in Por olio pa ge of client's a ccount
nor for a ny a c ons ta ken in relia nce thereon. The P&L va lue computed us ing this tool is no indica on of legi ma cy of holdings under Preven on of Money La undering Guidelines . MOFSL ma kes no wa rra nty tha t the P&L Tool will meet a ll the
requirements of the Client.

Dis claimer : Pleas e refer las t page of this report. 23-07-2023 10:36 am | Page No. 1

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