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Most students are taking literature courses in school.

I believe that literature

courses at my grade level are valuable because they teach us valuable skills that
we will continue to use in the future, and the

Literature Courses are important because in literature courses, we learn important

skills that can be essential in the future. Adapting new skills that consist of
problem solving, critical thinking, and analysis is important and one of the main
reasons we have these classes in the first place. In a scenario where we didn't
have these classes, there would be children leaving school without these necessary
skills. While not having literature courses wouldn't effect students much as far as
gaining raw information, it would leave gaps in their abilities, making it harder
for these students to perform in workplaces in the future. Overall, literature
courses are important because they teach students essential skills that prepare
them for jobs in the future.

Literature courses are also important because they help students to understand the
good aspects of literary arts. Oftentimes, there are aspects of a book that make it
better as a whole which the untrained eye may overlook. Literature courses help
students look deeper into these books and teach them to find and recognize these
aspects that the average person may simply overlook.

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