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Personality, which differs from another person, is the way of thought, feeling and behavior. The

employee’s performance is impacted by perceptions, surroundings and hereditary features. The

personality of a person usually remains the same over time. A disorder of personality is a way of

thinking, feeling and behaving that deviates from the cultural expectations, causes discomfort or

issues and will last over moment. Every other narcissistic personality is different in its

symptoms. Sweet or severe, they can. People with personality difficulties can find it difficult to

realize that they have a problem. Their thinking is normal, and often they blame others for their

difficulties. Due to their problems with relations and work, they can try to get help. Therapy

usually covers speech therapy and medicine sometimes. Persons with BPD are usually very

vulnerable. Some people describe the end of the nerve as exposed. Intense reactions can trigger

small things. You've got trouble calming down once you get upset. Psychological state is not

simply a lack of disease, but the sense of satisfaction and equilibrium for the person. Persons'

aspects include self-esteem, the sense of achievement and a patient's quality of life (Fontaine,

2009), where disharmony is experienced as mental illness. Not only the person but also their

friends and relatives as well as their surroundings are affected by this discorde. This acrimony

makes people in many respects of his life unable to function properly (Fontaine, 2009). From the

young age of 12, Disco Di began to show signs of mental illness. Her behavior may have been

caused by a traumatic event and since then have affected her life. I agree with Disco Di, a

persistent depressive disorder of diagnosis of Axis I and a BPD of Axis II. I agree with the

diagnosis that Disco Di is given (BPD). This paper will outline why, as well as genetic and

cultural factors and treatment method, I agree with these diagnoses. However, a few other critical

conditions were also not diagnosed by the therapist. In addition, Diana has shown a serious case
of Compulsive Obsession (OCD) and social phobia. A substantial symbol of impending or

growing OCD was the patient's obsession with the calories and food arrangements on the plate.

She also had symptoms of agoraphobia when she left the house. Other symptoms of Diana are

common in most disorders such as hostility, unwanted thoughts, heart Palpitas, and sweating


Diagnosis differential

I support Disco Di's diagnostic findings since the symptomatology matched the MDD and BPD

research. Gunderson (2011) found that BPD is diagnosed in 6 percent of the population, of which

75 percent are women. It also says that after a suicide attempt, most of these patients receive

treatment. The patient needs to have at least five symptoms to be diagnosed with BPD

(Gunderson, 2011). Seven symptoms experienced by Disco Di are consistent with the clinical

diagnosis of BPD, including: Impulsive behaviour, repetitive behavior in terms of substance use

and sex, abandonment and disruption of identity.

Cultural factors:

There are wide and inclusive causes of mental disorders. Scientists, however, outline a number

of risk factors that can lead to psychological disorders. In the formation, spread or management

of these disorders, for example, culture has been known to have a significant role to play Cross-

cultural studies have shown the extent of the prevalence of a mental disease among different

cultures. As per Viswanath and Chaturvedi (2012), culture has a series of effects on pathogenic,

pathogenselective, pathogens, pathogens and pathogens.

Gender factors:
It also said that gender plays a part in determining or developing mental illnesses. The

physiological traits of women and men are different. Each generates, to be specific, various

hormones that have a cognitive and behavioral effect. For women, hormone changes at different

stages of their lives and cycles have an influence on their behaviour, emotion and even process

thinking. These hormones are accountable for personal stressors, stress reaction, low self-esteem

and other emotional changes according to Rossler (2016). If women do not correctly handle

these changes, a psychological disorder can develop.

Societal/ Environmental Factors

The origin and the social and environmental factors surrounding an individual may be

responsible for psychological disorders as well. The onset of these disorders is also affected by

family and traumatic lives (Home, 2017). Diana lost her sister at the age of 11 in our case. The

two siblings were close and Diana couldn't form healthy relations with other females because she

lost their confidant. In an attempt to fill her vacillation, Diana indulged in unstable, intimate


Treatment Paradigms

Mental disorder treatment has been changing over the years. In recent decades, significant

changes have been observed in the treatment of MDD, called melancholia in the 20th century.

For example, mainly opium and water baths were treated for depression. Opium was given on a

daily basis for three weeks. Opium doses have been increased daily and have decreased until the

drug has stopped (Ban, 2014). But further effective treatment methods have been implemented,

which provide more positive results with advances in modern medicine and better understanding

of the human psyche. For example, retake inhibitors and stoppers combined with psychotherapy
are now used by therapists to treat psychological problems (Ban, 2014). Instead of medication

prescribed under specific conditions, the emphasis is on supportive therapy. On the other hand,

the disorder does not receive general treatment. Therapists instead use a combined scheme to

treat the disorder using different psychotherapy methods. These practices include establishing

reliable communication with patients and training skills in emotional regulation. Dialectic

behavioral therapy (DBT) and medicine therapies to help eliminate unusual behavioral

symptoms will also be considered.


In particular, it can be challenging to diagnose a psychological disorder. Many these conditions,

shown above, tend to be associated in illnesses and conduct. Therapists should therefore ensure

that a proper diagnosis has been made in order to prevent a patient from being misdiagnosed.

Once a proper diagnosis is made, therapists can start with adequate treatment schemes to ensure

that the patient has a gradual semblance of continuity in his/her life.

Choudhary, S., & Gupta, R. (2020). Culture and Borderline Personality Disorder in India.

Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

Melinda. (2019, March 21). Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

Personality Disorder | Cleveland Clinic. (2018). Cleveland Clinic.

Reichborn-Kjennerud, T., Ystrom, E., Neale, M. C., Aggen, S. H., Mazzeo, S. E., Knudsen, G.

P., Tambs, K., Czajkowski, N. O., & Kendler, K. S. (2013). Structure of Genetic and

Environmental Risk Factors for Symptoms ofDSM-IVBorderline Personality Disorder.

JAMA Psychiatry, 70(11), 1206.

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