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The Racialist Heresy

Exaggeration and Denial ···································································· 2
By Rev. R. J. Rushdoony
The Real Antithesis ··········································································· 3
By Rev. P. Andrew Sandlin
Anti-Semitism: A Reformed Response ························································ 5
By Wayne C. Johnson
Eugenics and the Christian Ethic ·······························································10
By Samuel L. Blumenfeld
A Case of Mistaken Identity: Christian Identity’s False Doctrine of Salvation · 16
By Rev. Charles H. Roberts
Full Speed Ahead to the End of a Culture ·················································· 19
By Rev. Craig Dumont, Sr.
The Revisionists’ Tooshies ······································································· 23
By Rev. Steve M. Schlissel
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death! ~ A Review of The Patriot ······ 26
By Zachariah Rousas Wagner

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Chalcedon Staff: Rev. P. Andrew Sandlin is executive vice president of Chalcedon

Rev. R.J. Rushdoony is chairman of the board of Chalcedon and and editor of the Chalcedon Report and Chalcedon’s other publi-
a leading theologian, church/state expert, and author of numer- cations. He has written hundreds of scholarly and popular ar-
ous works on the application of Biblical Law to society. ticles and several monographs.

Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony is president of Chalcedon and Ross Susan Burns is Chalcedon’s executive assistant and managing edi-
House Books. tor of the Chalcedon Report and Chalcedon’s other publications.

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 1

Publisher’s Foreword

Exaggeration and Denial

By Rev. R. J. Rushdoony
elativism is In my Institutes of Biblical Law, I noted that

R central to the
myth of neu-
trality. Modern
the scope of such mass murder had so numbed
the modern conscience that the murder of a
“mere” thousand, or ten thousand, no longer
reporters go to great shocked, tempting some to inflate the scope of
lengths to legitimize the opposition to every lesser atrocities, lest they not seem sufficiently
idea or action, no matter how inane. A tiny horrific.
handful of pickets will be given equal time with It was not my purpose to enter a debate over
a crowd of thousands, such is the imperative to numbers, whether millions were killed, or tens
appear neutral and objective. This has led to a of millions, an area which must be left to
vicious cycle of exaggeration and denial, both others with expertise in such matters. My
legitimized by the media’s professed desire to point then and now is that in all such matters
“present both sides.” what the Ninth Commandment requires is the
In recent years, the American press lionized truth, not exaggeration, irrespective of the
the late Croatian ruler Franjo Tudjman, a man cause one seeks to serve. It is as wrong to
whose writings attempted to employ Biblical exaggerate in order to shock — as it is now
grounds for ethnic cleansing. Later, these same clear happened in early reports of Serbian
news agencies would recount “reported mass “genocide” — as to deny the reality of what
genocide” by Serbians against ethnic Alba- the Nazis did, and in the case of the Commu-
nians. nists, what they are still doing.
It is difficult to imagine that anyone can Historical revisionism condemns the future to
deny the reality of the mass slaughter that play by the dangerous rules of exaggeration and
characterized the twentieth century, whether it denial. As I noted then, this will inevitably lead
be the Armenian millions murdered by the to even greater horrors as the bar of the capacity
Turks, the Jewish millions murdered by the to shock is continually raised. This is the true
Nazis, or the untold millions murdered by the danger of the myth of neutrality, where God’s
communists in China, Russia, and Cambodia. law is viewed as merely “one side of the debate.”

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2 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report


The Real Antithesis

By Rev. P. Andrew Sandlin
ven though sinful, God-hating man been able to dominate

E knows that everything is not right in

the world, all men, as Van Til declares,
unavoidably know God. They may not
acknowledge this fact, but it is a fact nonethe-
and subjugate women
in virtually every area
of life. The feminist
answer to this is to
less. How do they account for the manifold suggest that sexuality
imperfections in the world? They can never is not a category
afford to answer, at least consistently, “Because inherent in the human condition. Rather, we are
of man’s sin against a Holy God.” To the intelli- all “genders.” A gender is a social construction.
gent, covenant-breaking man, that explanation For example, there may be several genders:
simply will not do, because it would put him homosexual, lesbian, transgender, and an-
face to face with his Maker whom he tries every drogyny. According to the feminists, the reason
waking moment of every day to avoid. There- we have male domination is because males have
fore, he creates false antitheses. That is, he put themselves into a position to define gender.
explains the imperfections and brokenness and If we can change that, we will no longer have
“out-of-kilterness” of the world by holding that men and women, at least as traditionally under-
something other than sin is at the root of it all. stood, but rather a number of self-chosen gen-
ders. To feminists, man versus woman is the
Economic Antithesis basic antithesis. Women must destroy this
For Marxists and many other socialists, the socially constructed male domination in order to
basic antithesis of the world is economic. This achieve the perfect world.
was the great burden of Marx’s and Engels’
writings. One reason Marxists so detest Chris- Racial Antithesis
tianity is because it declares that something To racialists, the basic antithesis among men is,
other than economic factors is man’s basic of course, racial. This idea has a long history,
problem and need. For Marxists, the great war going back even to the Biblical world. Many
is between the proletariat (the workers) and the Jews of Jesus’ day, for instance, not having prop-
bourgeoisie (the capitalists, middle class, or erly understood the Old Testament prophets,
owners of the means of production). In today’s thought of themselves as inherently superior
advanced free-market economies, these very because of their race (Jn. 8:33). After God
expressions have almost lost their meaning, since included Gentiles on equal footing within Christ’s
“ownership of the means of production” is hard church, breaking down the wall separating Jew
to pinpoint in cyberspace! Marxism thus loses from Gentile (Eph. 2:13-17), many Gentile
much of its appeal in post-industrial societies. Christians began to claim a racial superiority, or
Nonetheless, the idea that economics is at the at least, damned the Jewish race. This fostered in
root of the antithesis was one of the great false some quarters a “Christian” anti-Semitism, which
antitheses in the nineteenth and twentieth centu- the Bible itself would never permit.
ries — and accounted for more misery, suffering, This racialism has been an acute problem
and death than almost any other factor. with many races as long as races have inhab-
ited God’s earth, and it is pervasive today. The
Sexual Antithesis real problem, say the white supremacists, is the
To feminists, the antithesis is sexual. Some go Blacks and the Jews who are polluting the
so far as to suggest that men and women “live in “gene pool.” Not so, say the Black Panthers;
different conceptual universes.” The problem is it’s these Whites who have enslaved us for so
not human sinfulness, they suggest, but males, long. No, you have both got it wrong, some
who, since humanity first walked the earth, have Asians hold; it is we who are demonstrably

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 3

superior intellectually and in almost every bility to women. Many men, on the other hand,
other way. To all these groups — and many abuse and otherwise mistreat women, and refuse
others — the basic difference between men is to cherish their wives and protect and assist
racial. Some still attempt to mix this with other women. Some women wish to arrogate to
Christianity: “Christian” racialists. The idea themselves roles of leadership that God never
is that WASPS are destined by God to take intended for them, not content with one of the
dominion in the earth by dominating all other greatest roles of all: rearing up godly children.
races. It is difficult to imagine a more repug- Racial problems are moreover sin problems.
nant, anti-Christian idea. Racial pride in lineage or skin color is a par-
All of these alleged antitheses — economic, ticularly repellant sin. Racists hate each other
sexual, and racial — are false antitheses. The and look upon each other with suspicion and
great antithesis between men is between cov- malevolence because they have never been
enant-keepers and covenant-breakers. What washed in the blood of the Lamb, for whom a
splits humanity in two is not economics, sexu- great number “out of every kindred, and tribe,
ality, or race, but religion. The great division and tongue, and people, and nation” have been
among men is between those who, on one prepared (Rev. 5:8). If they were to abandon
hand, worship and serve the creature and those their evil racism, they would be forced to
who, on the other, worship and serve the reckon with the evil of their own hearts.
Creator. This is the basic division in humanity. Everything is wrong, A. W. Tozer once said,
This is the great chasm that bisects all other until God sets it right. He put it right su-
apparent differences. Those of different eco- premely by Christ’s atoning death and glorious
nomic standing, those of different sex, and resurrection and ascension.
those of different race and nation each stand This is the only way the basic antithesis
on different sides of the Biblical antithesis. between men can be overcome.
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4 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

A Reformed Response
By Wayne C. Johnson
n his seminal work Christian what is wrong in the

I Antisemitism, a History of Hate, former

Anglican minister and Professor of Reli-
gious Studies William Nicholls, does not
pull any punches. His thesis is that Christian-
world to this alleged
fatal flaw in Christian
Whether religious or secular, conservative,
ity is inherently anti-Jewish, and has been from Marxist, or liberal, all forms of modern
the beginning, asserting: antisemitism are branches of the same
It is now historically clear that anti-Juda- tree. All of them have inherited from the
ism did not begin only in the second Christian past the conviction that Jews are
century, when the theology of supercession bad. For religious antisemites, the Jews
first became explicit. Anti-Judaic hostility are the recalcitrant enemies of God and
is unmistakably present in the later parts Christ. For conservatives, they are an
of the New Testament itself. The sacred unassimilable racial community. For
Scriptures of the Christian Church are liberals, they are narrow-minded and
contaminated with the poison of anti- aggressive, ready to deny to others the
Jewish untruth. Ever since it has been a political rights they claim for themselves.
recognizable religion, Christianity has For Marxists, they are the instruments of
been anti-Jewish.1 American imperialism. New reasons may
be given nowadays, but the assumption is
By “supercession,” Nicholls refers to the
old. At the roots of the tree we will find
doctrine held by certain Christians that the
the ancient myth depicting the Jews as
New Testament church “replaced” Old Testa-
ment Israel. While Reformed Christians cer-
tainly believe that the promises of God to His While Nicholls’ antipathy to traditional
people in the Old Testament are rightly em- Christianity and Biblical authority is obvi-
braced by the church in the New Testament, ous, we cannot simply dismiss his over-
we also recognize that our view of the cov- reaching allegations, as long as any signifi-
enant and of the Old Testament sets us well cant number of people might otherwise be
apart from Roman Catholics and Lutherans in disposed to believe them. We must also
this vitally important area. The New Testa- credit Nicholls for so plainly stating his
ment church does not replace Israel; it em- thesis, in an era when liberals often seem
braces the Gentiles. incapable of being certain about much of
Nicholls’s view, not unrepresentative among anything.
today’s liberal theologians, is of such a stun-
ningly conclusionary nature, that Reformed The Notable Exception: Calvinists
believers, no less than the Roman Catholic and Still, amid the rubble to which he believes
Lutheran theologies that are the target of many his arguments reduce historic Christianity,
of his broadsides, must respond in an unambigu- Nicholls notes a few minor exceptions; nota-
ous and forthright manner. To remain silent in bly the Calvinists. Discussing the amazing
the face of such a charge is to tacitly consent to story of Reformed pastor André Trocmé and
its substance, though Reformed history and the tiny French village of Le Chambon, where
doctrine suggest a decidedly different conclusion. virtually every family took in and sheltered
Nicholls sees the world through the prism of Jews from the Nazis, Nicholls attempts to
a sort of anti-anti-Semitism, tracing much of explain, writing:

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 5

…[T]hey inherited from their Calvinist faith He called the people of Le Chambon “simple
a respect for the Old Testament and for the and untheological,” and here has Calvin arriv-
“people of the book” whom they still ing at a theological position “without knowing
regarded as God’s chosen people. Their it.” Still, the point is obvious, that Calvinist
Christian faith took a practical form. The theology requires engagement with the world
commandment to love the neighbor meant in distinctively Biblical terms. In Conscience
something only if carried out in action. and Courage, Rescuers of Jews in the Holo-
caust, Eva Fogelman makes the Reformed/Old
Theologians may remember the Calvinist
Testament connection, as well:
idea of the third use of the Law, to guide
the actions of a justified person, an idea in It is of interest that many Dutch rescuers
fact very close to the Jewish understanding were members of the Anti-Revolutionary
of the role of the Torah. For these Calvin- Church Party, a group whose members
ist Christians, simple and untheological as were taught about Jews in positive terms.
they were, the commandments of God Members of this party felt a spiritual
were something to be kept and done. connection with Jews through stories from
Christian faith in the forgiveness of sins the Hebrew Bible and through stories
did not remove from them the necessity of about Jesus. Jews were brothers and
action on behalf of other human beings. sisters to them, not alien beings.5
And so they did act, as if it were the most Like most secular writers, Fogelman is at sea
natural thing in the world, and did not when trying to describe just exactly what it is
think of themselves as heroes.3 that these, and other Calvinists, actually be-
Trocmé had inherited from his Huguenot lieved that impelled such actions; nevertheless,
ancestors a deep empathy for the persecuted. she is to be commended for faithfully reporting
He has been slandered and maligned as a what they did, if not quite understanding why.
pacifist (which he was) and a Communist
(which he was not). We in the Reformed Active Calvinism
community have difficulty accepting the acts of The historical record, of course, is quite
a man like Trocmé unless we have meticulously clear, particularly in the Reformed tradition
evaluated every particular of his theology. known as “activist Calvinism” that had its
While there are certainly aspects of Trocmé’s roots in the German Palatinate centered in
theological opinions that would spark debate Heidelberg. The late Frances A. Yates, a
among his Reformed brethren, for present Fellow of the British Academy and of the
purposes it seems enough to focus on what was Royal Society of Literature, portrays Heidel-
obvious even to Nicholls; there is something berg as an incubator of the sciences and the
different about Calvinists: arts (for better or for worse, it seems). In her
The Calvinists held a different view of the Rosicrucian Enlightenment, she writes:
relationship between Law and Gospel. Though the Palatinate was a Calvinist state,
Calvin knew of a “third use of the Law,” the thought movements within the Palatinate
as guidance for the conduct of life for the with which we are to be concerned [i.e.,
justified Christian, living in the covenant Rosicrucianism, alchemy, and other pre-
of grace. Without knowing it, he had in Enlightenment movements] have little,
fact come closer to the original Jewish indeed nothing, to do with Calvinist theol-
understanding of the function of Torah in ogy. These movements are a remarkable
personal and corporate life. Thus, Calvin- example of the trend to which H. Trevor-
ists could look to the Old Testament as Roper has drawn attention,6 namely that
guidance for the building of new societies activist Calvinism attracted liberal thinkers
that had thrown off the Catholic yoke, or of many different types — attracted because
(later) that of the established churches of activist Calvinism represented a stand
the Protestant world.4 against the extreme forces of reaction, a
Nicholls apparently has difficulty conceiving guarantee that within its sphere of influence
of Christians doing the right thing on purpose. the writ of the Inquisition would not run.7

6 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

Centuries later, Hitler and the Nazis were however, was significant for the evolution
also learn that the Reformed Churches were to of the Confessing Church. They were
present a different, and much more militant, sponsored by the Young Reformers Move-
problem for them in their attempts to create a ment, which sought the renewal of the
“German Church,” for racially pure “German Church, but on a firmly Scriptural and
Christians.” While there were many godly non-political basis.10
Christians of the Lutheran Churches who The impact the Barmen Confession had was
joined the “Confessing Church” and signed the largely a matter of how the various church
famous Barmen Confession against the Nazi bodies received it. Barnett writes:
state’s claims of authority, the proportion of
Reformed churches who refused to submit was The Lutherans saw the Barmen Declara-
much higher. tion as a church document to be pondered
The fact that Karl Barth was a leader in this and elaborated upon, corrected and fur-
opposition, and a prominent co-author of the ther developed theologically. The Re-
Barmen Confession,8 has, as in the case of formed and Old Prussian Union…viewed
Trocmé, often clouded the central issue to it as a full confession, as significant as the
people who otherwise would advocate his Augsburg Confession of 1530. As the
views and applaud his courage. We need not foundation of the Confessing Church, it
agree with all (or even little) of Barth’s theology gave church protests against Nazi infringe-
to agree with the Barmen Confession’s appeals ments on the faith a status confessionis
to the Lordship of Christ and the authority of [i.e., confessional status].11
the Reformed creeds, upon which it based its The Reformed Church certainly had its
wholesale rejection of the Nazi’s authority. collaborators, but they are more notable by
The Nazis, under a plan drawn up by their scarcity. The few identified collaborators
Rudolph Hess, made a determined effort to in the Hungarian Reformed Church, for ex-
take over the nation’s churches. They did this ample, tended to filter into the refugee camps,
by exploiting the practice in which residents of where in some cases they miraculously trans-
a city needed only to pick up a ballot from the formed themselves into anti-Communists and
local church in order to be able to vote in immigrated to the United States. (One even
ecclesiastical elections. After brown-shirted became a prominent professor at a small Vir-
Nazis took over region after region, the battle ginia college, such was the gullibility of well-
came down to the infamous “Brown Synod”9 meaning conservatives eager to provide a
of September, 1933, so named because so many forum against bolshevism.)
of its elected delegates wore the brown shirts of To understand how compromised “German
the Nazi movement. The small opposition, Christianity” became, one need only look to the
calling themselves the “Young Reformation words of “German Christian” Herr Krause, speak-
Movement,” was vastly outnumbered — only ing to 20,000 at the Sportspalast rally, November
75 of the 229 delegates present. 13, 1933. For Calvinists, with their Old Testament
When the vote was taken to endorse the so- and their third use of the law, Krause’s speech must
called “Aryan paragraph,” requiring that have been spine-chilling indeed.
pastors and their wives be free of “Jewish
What Protestants really wanted was…the
blood,” the 75 walked out of the meeting, after
completion of the national mission of
which Nazi puppet Ludwig Muller was elected
Martin Luther by a second German Refor-
Reich bishop.
mation. This will result not in an authori-
Matheson describes this group of young
Christians and their actions a few weeks earlier: tarian, clergy-dominated church, but rather
in a church for the German people, a church
The opposition to the German Christians able to accommodate the whole breadth of
in the church elections of 23 July 1933 a racially attuned experience of God….
was ill-organized, ill-financed and except
in Southern Germany [emphasis added], Can our Reich church, our provincial
attracted little support. The emergence of church, achieve this? Only, my evangeli-
such groups as “Gospel and Church,” cal compatriots, if it renounces all viola-

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 7

tion of religious life, and turns its back on cation, for “we are created in Christ Jesus unto
any “Christianity on command”…the good works, which God hath before ordained
liberation of all that is un-German in that we should walk in them.”
liturgy and confession, liberation from the The doctrine of the covenant also calls us to
Old Testament with its Jewish recompense a far different view of the relationship of Jews
ethic, from all these stories about cattle- to Christians than that which Nicholls suggests
dealers and pimps. This book has been is typically Christian. We see a unity of God’s
characterized quite rightly as one of the covenant people in Old Testament and New.
most questionable books in the world’s The Old Testament is about the coming of
history. It just will not do for German Messiah. While Messiah came first to the
Christians pastors to explain: “We stand Jews, Paul explains that through the rejection
where we have always stood — on the of Christ by Israel, the way of salvation was
basis of the Old Testament,” although on opened up to the Gentiles exactly as promised
the other hand, the guiding principles in the Old Testament
speak of “racially attuned Christianity.” Have they stumbled that they should fall?
In practice, the one excludes the other. God forbid: but rather through their fall
Our provincial church will also have to salvation is come unto the Gentiles….
see to it that all obviously distorted and (Rom. 11:11)
superstitious reports should be expunged Still, Paul says we Gentiles are “unnatural
from the New Testament, and that the branches” that have been “grafted in.” How
whole scape-goat and inferiority-type much better, he says, when the natural
theology of the Rabbi Paul should be branches are grafted back in? The picture Paul
renounced…. paints is one of a covenant people composed
almost exclusively of the descendants of
Theology has always tried to separate God
Abraham, that is suddenly greatly expanded, to
and man, tried again and again to justify
accommodate the marvelous outpouring of
its own existence by proving that man is
God’s grace, that we who are Gentiles after the
fallen, weighed down with original sin, flesh, might be called into His Kingdom
and therefore in need of salvation the through the blood of Christ. He intimates that
church can offer. We recognize no God/ his prayer that “all Israel should be saved” in
man division….12 some substantive way is meant to apply to a
As with Nicholls, so with Krause — we future ingathering of Jewish believers.
commend both for stating their theses so Whether such an ingathering occurred in Paul’s
succinctly. Both basically see the Bible as the time, or is yet future (an eschatological debate
problem, the one as the root of anti-Semitism, left for another time), one thing is certain — the
the other as a piece of Jewish propaganda. God of Abraham is our God only because God in
Both call for this whole Christian business to His mercy opened the door of salvation and com-
be turned on its head. pelled us to come in. There can be neither pride
nor prejudice in such a matter, only gratitude, that
“Unto good works….” while we were yet sinners, He loved us.
Yet, the testimony of history says that it is For the present time, our prayer is the same
not only possible, but necessary, that Chris- as Paul’s — that all Israel might be saved —
tians who take the covenant of God and the and it doesn’t matter how you define “Israel.”
authority of His Word seriously, will act and We want the church — “spiritual Israel” — to
think in radically different ways than their be saved. We want our Jewish neighbors to be
humanist counterparts. For those to whom saved. We want the millions of residents of the
there is no “God/man division,” there is no State of Israel to be saved. That is because we
real higher authority apart from brute force. believe with our heart of hearts that those who
For the Calvinist, and his emphasis on the die without Christ will spend eternity in Hell,
Creator/creature distinction, submission to whether they are Jew or Gentile. The issue is
God’s law is a necessary outworking of justifi- not race, but faith.

8 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

Prayer for the salvation of others, of course, is genuineness of our love for the gospel. Most
quite a different thing than acts of coercion. Since importantly, we must redeem the times in

we believe that salvation is through grace alone, which the Lord has placed us, adding our own
statist action to impose religious belief is utterly chapter of right conduct to the generations of
foolish. It is also wrongheaded to suggest that any Calvinists who have gone before.
group of people, regardless of nation or race, is
more fallen than any other. Romans 3 addresses 1
Nicholls, William, Christian Antisemitism, A History of
this, expressly noting all were concluded under Hate (Northvale, New Jersey, Jerusalem, 1995), 418-9.
the curse of sin, whether by being without the law, 2
ibid., xxiv.
or failing to keep the law, so that salvation might ibid., 361-2.
be by grace, and not of race or works. ibid., 273.
Folegelman, Eva, Conscience and Courage, Rescuers of
Jews During the Holocaust (New York, NY, 1994), 164.
Living “peaceably with all men” 6
H. Trevor-Roper, Religion, the Reformation and Social
What shall we say then? Surely we resent the 7
Change (London, 1967), 204 ff.
sting of such accusations against all of Yates, Frances A., The Rosicrucian Enlightenment
(Routledge, London and New York, 1998) 25.
Christendom that have increasingly characterized 8
Matheson, Peter, The Third Reich and the Christian
modern treatments of anti-Semitism. Yet, we, as Churches (Grand Rapids, MI, 1981), 45-7.
Reformed Christians, must resist the temptation 9
Barnett, Victoria, For the Soul of the People, Protes-

to harden our hearts when unfairly maligned. 10
tant Protest Against Hitler (New York, 1992), 34.
Our Reformed forebears took to heart the Matheson, 29.
Barnett, 55-6.
commandment that “If it possible, as much as 12
Matheson, 39-40.
lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” The
Reformed societies of Holland, Brazil, Wayne C. Johnson is a veteran political cam-
Suriname, New England, etc. frequently took in paign consultant and Trustee of the Chalcedon
Jews expelled from Roman Catholic countries, Foundation. He can be reached at
looking upon these as not only occasions to
show Christian mercy, but as opportunities to
benefit from their skills in the Hebrew language. PASTOR SOUGHT
By the patient example of these godly Chris- The Jupiter Presbyterian & Reformed Covenant
tians, we can temper our own responses when Church is seeking a full-time pastor with the
subjected to unwarranted criticism, for we following qualities:
cannot expect every non-Christian Jew we meet • In agreement with the Chalcedon
to have studied the nuances of Christian history principles of Christian Reconstruction
and draw the distinctions we would draw. • Ability to make application of the
Our response for slander within Word to our culture - a Kingdom
Christendom, however, is another matter. In- builder
creasingly, we have seen the charge of “anti- • In-depth understanding of Scripture in
Semitism” tossed about as a brickbat in theo- general and Reformed doctrine in
logical debates, particularly in the area of particular
eschatology. These brethren need to repent of • Ability to teach and preach - Seminary
their grievous sin and seek God’s forgiveness for training not required
fueling the fires of discord and racism. • Pastoring abilities and willing to
Premillennialists can be excused, because they counsel (limited)
don’t know any better. But between We are a small Reformed congregation located in Jupiter,
amillennialists and postmillennialists, the rheto-
Florida (Palm Beach County) committed to the Christian
ric has occasionally reached shameful levels.
Reconstruction movement and are looking for a pastor
It is not our calling to justify ourselves
with a compatible background and teaching emphasis.
before the world, but rather to live by faith,
justified in Christ. We will continue to be If you have an interest or know someone who
slandered by those whose brush is far too does, please call Elder Ron Bull at (561) 745-2429
broad, yet our response must be guided, not by or Elder Lou Poumakis at (561) 625-6146.
a worldly standard of “fairness,” but by the

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 9

and the Christian Ethic
By Samuel L. Blumenfeld
he father of mass starvation and suffering in this world?

T eugenics is
acknowledged to be Thomas Robert Malthus
(1766-1834), the British clergyman and econo-
There is only one answer.” The same answer
that Malthus gave: fewer people. But there is a
much better answer: economic freedom.
In Cuba, food is rationed and people live at
mist who argued in his famous “Essay on the a subsistence level because of a communist
Principle of Population,” published in 1798, government. Cuba is one of the world’s most
that the “power of population is indefinitely fertile countries. But its form of government
greater than the power in the earth to produce prevents Cubans from making the most of their
subsistence for man.” He wrote: own fertile land. Moreover, Cuba is hardly
Population, when unchecked, increases in overpopulated. Since the imposition of com-
a geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases munism, over a million Cubans have left the
only in an arithmetical ratio. . . . By that island. So, fewer people is hardly the answer
law of our nature which makes food to mass starvation.
necessary to the life of man, the effects of The long-range goal of Negative Population
these two unequal powers must be kept Growth is to stabilize our U.S. population “at
equal. This implies a strong and con- no more than 150 million, and world popula-
stantly operating check on population tion at no more than two billion, after an
from the difficulty of subsistence. This interim period of gradual population de-
difficulty must fall somewhere and must crease.” They forget that when we had only
necessarily be severely felt by a large 130 million Americans, we also had a depres-
portion of mankind. sion, with soup kitchens to feed the hungry.
In other words, because human population Now we have a population of 250 million with
grows so much faster than food production, so much food that dieting has become a na-
widespread starvation is inevitable. Malthus tional obsession. Getting rid of 100 million
believed that this imbalance between food Americans will not make the air cleaner, the
supply and human births was a permanent water purer, or garbage disposal easier.
manifestation of natural law. Somehow, it It should not surprise Christians that the
never occurred to him that food production leading advocates of population control are
could be increased dramatically if scientific and anti-Christian humanists. Indeed, the Human-
mechanical methods were applied to it. ist Manifesto 2000 states:
But that is typical of how eugenicists think. Large sectors of the world population still
Even today we have people like the hysterical do not enjoy the fruits of affluence; they
Paul Erhlich writing and talking about the continue to languish in poverty, hunger,
population bomb, urging women to stop and disease, particularly in the developing
having children that are polluting the world. world . . . . In 1900 the world had an
Then there are organizations like Zero Popula- estimated 1.7 billion people. By the year
tion Growth and Negative Population Growth 2000 it will exceed 6 billion. . . . If popu-
obsessed with overpopulation. The motto of lation continues to grow as projected, it
Negative Population Growth is “Fewer People will lead to a drastic decrease in available
for a Better World.” They repeat the Malthu- tillable grain lands, which may by 2050
sian error by asking the same question that shrink to one-quarter of an acre per per-
Malthus asked: “How can we put an end to son in many countries. . . . National

10 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

governments and corporate leaders must In 1895, the German Social Darwinist Alfred
abandon short-term policies and support Ploetz invented a concept, which he called
forward-looking planning. racial hygiene. He accused the medical profes-
And so, the theories of Malthus are alive and sion of endangering the race by helping indi-
well in the twenty-first century. Apparently, viduals who would not have otherwise sur-
pseudo-scientists have very short memories and vived live and reproduce themselves. Social
tend to ignore those facts that disprove their Darwinists in Britain spoke of certain diseases
views. Some of the world’s most densely popu- as “our racial friends” because they attacked
lated countries, such as the Netherlands or Israel, those with a weak constitution. In 1905 Ploetz
are very well fed. They grow lots of food on less founded a Society for Racial Hygiene. In 1907
and less acreage, using the most scientifically the word international was added to its name.
advanced methods available. But, believe it or In 1910, Sweden’s Society for Racial Hygiene
not, because of the sharp drop in the fertility rate became its first foreign affiliate.
in Western Europe, Japan, Russia, and elsewhere, In 1908, Galton founded the Eugenics Soci-
demographers see a population decline, not a ety of Great Britain, and in 1912 an interna-
population explosion in the next 50 years. tional congress on eugenics was convened in
London. In 1907, Indiana passed the first laws
Racist Eugenics allowing sterilization of the mentally ill and
criminally insane. By the late 1920s similar
After Malthus came Sir Francis Galton
laws had been passed in 28 states, sanctioned
(1822-1911), the British pseudo-scientist who
by a 1927 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Buck
studied methods of improving the mental and v. Bell, which held that it was constitutional to
physical traits of human populations by selec- involuntarily sterilize the developmentally
tive mating. He called this pseudo-science of disabled, the insane, or uncontrollably epilep-
race, eugenics, from the Greek eugenes meaning tic. Oliver Wendell Holmes, supported by
“well born.” He defined eugenics as “the study Louis Brandeis and six other justices, wrote the
of the agencies under social control which may opinion. As a result, by 1930, 15,000 indi-
improve or impair the racial qualities of future viduals were sterilized in the United States.
generations physically or mentally.” Galton also had a very profound influence
In 1884, Galton established his Anthropo- on American progressive educators, those
metric Laboratory. He too was alarmed at the members of the Protestant academic elite who
prolific birthrate of the “less suitable races” no longer believed in the religion of their
and the low birthrate of the “more suitable fathers. They put their new faith in science,
races.” Something had to be done about it. evolution, and psychology. Science explained
He argued that since mental and physical the nature of the material world, evolution
attributes were inherited, superior human explained the origin of living matter, and
beings should be encouraged to have lots of psychology permitted man to investigate hu-
children and measures should be taken to man behavior and develop the means to con-
lower the birthrate of the lower classes. He trol it. Thus, the progressives found Galton’s
was a cousin of Charles Darwin whose idea of scientific racism to be very compatible with
their strong belief in evolution and behavioral
the survival of the fittest agreed very well with
the new science of eugenics.
In Germany, it was biologist Ernst Haeckel Racist Liberals
who brought Darwinism into German intellec- James McKeen Cattell, father of modern
tual life. He saw social Darwinism as a natural educational psychology, considered Galton to
force, and he combined a mystical belief in that be “the greatest man I have ever known.” In
natural force with the concept of natural fact, Cattell developed mental tests based on
selection, which he applied to the social and Galton’s pioneering efforts to devise the means
political arena, with the result that he became of measuring racial superiority. One such test
one of Germany’s leading ideologists for rac- was developed and conducted in 1895 by an
ism, nationalism and imperialism. American, R. Meade Bache. His “Reaction

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 11

Time with Reference to Race” used an Christian ministers. So they knew the Bible
“electro-magnetic physiological apparatus.” very well. Their apostasy destroyed American
Bache tested three groups of males: Cauca- education. Thus, with America’s top educators
sians, American Indians, and American Ne- adapting the ideas of eugenics to the problems
groes. They were tested for the speed with of education, eugenics as scientific racism
which they reacted to several items. acquired widespread respectability. It should
The results showed the Indians to have the fastest also be noted that the I.Q. test was a direct
reaction times, and the Caucasians the slowest. The result of the eugenics enterprise, serving as a
blacks fell between the two other groups. How did means of sifting out the mentally superior.
Bache interpret the results? He wrote:
Pride of race obscures the view of the Racist Feminists
white with reference to the relative auto- One of the individuals attracted to the new
matic quickness of the negro. That the science was a woman by the name of Margaret
negro is, in the truest sense, a race inferior Sanger (1879-1966). In 1910, she, her hus-
to that of the white can be proved by band, and three children moved to New York
many facts, and among these by the quick- City where she became immersed in the radical
ness of his automatic movements as com- bohemian culture of Greenwich Village. She
pared with those of the white. and her husband joined a circle of left-wing,
In other words, quicker physical reactions communist, and anarchist intellectuals that
are sure signs of racial inferiority! That’s included Max Eastman, John Reed, Upton
pseudo-science showing its true racist bias. Sinclair, Mabel Dodge, and Emma Goldman.
And this is the kind of pseudo-science that was She also joined the Women’s Committee of the
used by the progressives to construct a curricu- New York Socialist Party.
lum for the public schools in which the Negro Sanger’s work as a visiting nurse turned her
child was relegated to an education befitting interest to sex education and women’s health.
his inferior status. Influenced by anarchist Emma Goldman, she
Edward L. Thorndike, Cattell’s famous began to advocate the need for family limita-
protégé, also adopted Galton’s views on inherited tion as a means by which working-class
intelligence. As a true believer in race science women could liberate themselves from the
and evolution, he believed that man was an burden of unwanted pregnancy. In 1914,
animal that could be trained as an animal. Thus, Sanger published the first issue of The Woman
he invented the stimulus-response technique of Rebel, which advocated militant feminism and
behavioral education. He wrote in 1911: the right to practice birth control. She also
wrote a 16-page pamphlet, Family Limitation,
Nowhere more truly than in his mental which provided explicit instructions on the use
capacities is man a part of nature. His of contraceptive methods. In August 1914,
instincts, that is, his inborn tendencies to Sanger was indicted for violating postal ob-
feel and act in certain ways, show through- scenity laws. She jumped bail in October and
out marks of kinship with the lower ani- set sail for England.
mals, especially with our nearest relatives In England she contacted a number of British
physically, the monkeys. His sense-powers radicals, feminists, and neo-Malthusians whose
show no new creation. His intellect we social and economic theories helped her de-
have seen to be a simple though extended velop broader scientific and social justifications
variation from the general animal sort. for birth control. She was also deeply influ-
This again is presaged by the similar enced by psychologist Havelock Ellis and his
variation in the case of the monkeys. theories on female sexuality and free love.
Amongst the minds of animals that of man Separated from her husband in 1914, Sanger
leads, not as a demigod from another embarked on a series of affairs with several
planet, but as a king from the same race. men, including Havelock Ellis and H.G. Wells.
Thus, the idea that man was made in God’s In 1915, Sanger returned to the United
image went out the school window. Both States. The government’s case against her was
Cattell and Thorndike had fathers who were dropped, so she embarked on a nationwide

12 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

tour to drum up publicity. In 1916, she Immigration from Eastern and Southern
opened the nation’s first birth control clinic in Europe was seen as the great threat to WASP
Brooklyn, New York. After nine days of dominance and therefore had to be curtailed.
operation, the clinic was raided, and Sanger At the close of the Eugenics Congress, the
and staff were arrested. She spent 30 days in exhibits were transferred to the U.S. Capitol in
jail. However, the publicity surrounding the Washington, where Congressmen could ponder
clinic provided Sanger with a base of wealthy the terrible effects that unbridled immigration
supporters from which she began to build an was having on America’s Anglo-Saxon and
organized birth control movement. Northern European genetic pool.
In 1917, Sanger published a new monthly, the Much “research” had gone into creating
Birth Control Review, and in 1921 she em- these exhibits. In 1904, Harvard Ph.D. Charles
barked on a campaign to win mainstream sup- Benedict Davenport (1866-1944), a leading
port for birth control by founding the American eugenicist, set up his Laboratory of Experimen-
Birth Control League, the forerunner of Planned tal Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor, Long
Parenthood. She focused her efforts on gaining Island, New York, with help from the Carnegie
support from the medical profession, social Endowment. He established a Eugenics Record
workers, and the liberal wing of the eugenics Office financed by Mrs. Harriman. Davenport
movement. Havelock Ellis had converted her to promoted the idea of Aristogenics, the selection
the eugenics creed. She saw birth control as a and mating of individuals with superior blood
means of reducing genetically transmitted men- to produce a new American race of Super-
tal or physical defects, and supported steriliza- Nordics. Years later, Marxist Hermann J.
tion for the mentally incompetent. She advo- Muller would advocate collecting sperm from a
cated “more children for the fit, less from the few outstanding males to be used in artificial
unfit — that is the chief issue of birth control.” insemination, producing large numbers of
In 1922, Sanger married oil magnate James superior offspring sired by the same man.
Noah H. Slee, thus insuring her financial Davenport’s publications had a profound
independence. Slee, who died in 1943, became effect on the U.S. House of Representatives
the main funder of the birth control movement. Committee on Immigration and Naturaliza-
By connecting with the eugenics movement, tion, which finally got Congress to enact its
Sanger was able to gain the backing of some of Immigration Act of 1924. The Act severely
America’s wealthiest people. limited immigration from Southern and East-
In 1921, the Second International Congress of ern Europe. This was quite a victory for the
Eugenics was convened at New York’s American eugenics movement.
Museum of Natural History under President In 1930, Sanger opened a family planning
Henry Fairfield Osborn. While Major Leonard clinic in Harlem with the approval of the
Darwin, son of Charles Darwin, had been Negro leadership, including communist W.E.B.
president of the First Congress of Eugenics in DuBois. Beginning in 1939, DuBois also
1912, none other than Winston Churchill had served on the advisory council for Sanger’s
been its vice-president. The Second Congress “Negro Project.” The financial support of
drew an equally impressive number of attendees: Albert and Mary Lasker made the project
Herbert Hoover, soon-to-be President of the possible. In 1966, the year Sanger died, the
U.S., Gifford Pinchot, future governor of Penn- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “There is a
sylvania, Robert M. Yerkes, chief psychologist of striking kinship between our movement and
the U.S. Army, and Edward L. Thorndike, Margaret Sanger’s early efforts.”
chairman of the psychology department at In 1930, Pope Pius XI condemned eugenics
Teachers College. The principal benefactress of in his encyclical Casti connubii. In 1933,
the Congress was Mrs. E.H. Harriman, wife of Germany passed its own sterilization law. The
the railroad magnate and mother of Averell Nazis simply changed the voluntary one pro-
Harriman. The Congress was dedicated to posed by the Weimar Republic to one that
saving America by increasing the fecundity of its permitted compulsory sterilization. From 1934
best breeding stock. The complaint was that the to 1937, an estimated 400,000 sterilizations
New England stock was not holding its own. took place in Germany. In the United States,

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 13

about 30,000 had been sterilized on eugenics Meanwhile, the free love that Margaret
grounds by 1939. Sanger enjoyed as a socialist bohemian has
In October 1939, Hitler began a euthanasia become the recreational sex movement of the
program. He secretly authorized doctors to New Age. It has had a devastating effect on
grant a merciful death to patients judged to be the health of young Americans. According to
incurably ill. A key justification for this was to Planned Parenthood, at least 65 million people
be found in the book, Release and Destruction — more than one in five Americans — are
of Lives Not Worth Living (1920) by Alfred believed to be infected with a viral STI other
Hoche, a professor of medicine, and Rudolf than HIV. They include genital herpes, human
Binding, a professor of law. papilloma virus, and hepatitis B. In 1996 there
In 1935, British physicians founded a Euthana- were an estimated three million new cases of
sia Legalization Society, which submitted a bill to chlamydia making it the most prevalent bacte-
allow voluntary euthanasia. However, the British rial STI in the United States.
were not quite ready for that. Meanwhile, the
war with its racist horrors gave eugenics and The Loss of Christian Culture
racism a bad name. So the American Eugenics When one surveys the history of the eugenics
Society became the Society for the Study of Social and birth control movements, one must con-
Biology. In 1950, the American Society of Hu- clude that never has Christian civilization
man Genetics was established and, in 1954, the sustained a more relentless and devastating
American Journal of Human Genetics. assault on its principles and values. Human-
ism, socialism, communism, statism, nourished
Abortion by the theory of evolution and its atheist
From the end of World War II to the present, implications, have reduced Christianity to
Planned Parenthood has become the world’s fighting a defensive rear action campaign to
largest and most powerful enterprise promot- maintain its influence in American culture.
ing birth control and abortion. It was greatly Although a large majority of Americans claim
helped by two U.S. Supreme Court decisions: to believe in God, religion has become rel-
Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965, which legal- egated to a few hours of Sunday church service
ized birth control among married couples, and and periodic observance of traditional holi-
Roe v. Wade in 1973, which legalized abortion days, which have become more and more
nationwide. secularized over the years.
Legalized abortion became the slippery slope Andrew Sandlin has summed it up very
leading to fetal tissue experimentation. Actu- nicely. He writes: “What is termed the ‘culture
ally, fetal tissue transplantation in a patient had wars’ really constitutes religious wars fought
been tried as early as 1928. Now, it is routinely on cultural battlegrounds. It is a conflict of
done privately. Planned Parenthood states: religious visions.... Secularism could obtain
cultural hegemony only by marginalizing
A woman’s choice to donate to medical another establishment of religion, Christianity.
research a fetus she has aborted begins and Culture wars are really just the wide, public
ends with her . . . . Knowing she can do- manifestations of religious wars over what the
nate her aborted fetus to potentially lifesav- character of society should be.”
ing medical research may help a woman And so, the secular juggernaut in the form of
turn an unintended pregnancy of which she eugenics, birth control, and population control
may feel a sense of loss into a social good.
all bear on how we regard human life and
In 1998, nearly 5 million individuals, includ- human origins. If we are products of the
ing teenagers, received some kind of “repro- primordial ooze, then we have no rights other
ductive health services” at Planned Parent- than those our betters confer on us. But if we
hood. This includes 167,928 abortions per- are made in the image of God, then our rights
formed in the organization’s 850 clinics. In are unalienable, endowed by the Living God,
1998, 1,333 affiliate staff and volunteer educa- and governments are made by men to secure
tors provided 100,000 educational programs these rights. Christians have no choice but to
— from preschool to universities. resist what is contrary to God’s law as given us

14 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

in Holy Scripture. If we don’t, then we give up every day through the quality of the individuals
the security of our God-given rights. and families that become part of it.
Today, Americans live lives of extreme contra- Biblical religion is making its comeback
diction. We want both the blessings of God and because of the moral blind alley that secularism
the pleasures and conveniences of secularism. is leading us into. The unrelenting attacks on
Like open marriages, we want the security of religion, like the unrelenting attacks on the
marital fidelity and the pleasures of extramarital Second Amendment, are stirring up resistance
relations. We want the love of children and the among those thoughtful enough to recognize
right to kill them in the womb. We want to be the dangers to freedom inherent in these at-
both virtuous and sinful, obedient and disobedi- tacks. The idealism of the progressives has
ent, good and bad. And that is why so many been replaced by the cynicism of the establish-
Americans today are in some form of psycho- ment. What made the eugenics movement
therapy, or taking some kind of mood altering acceptable in the early part of the twentieth
drug. The gnawing guilt that comes from sinful century was destroyed in World War II.
behavior cannot be wished away. Many now There is more reason to be hopeful about the
come to Christ in the hope that their sins can be future than there has been in years. More people
washed away in the blood of the cross. The are studying the Bible than ever before simply
burden of guilt has become too heavy. because modern philosophy has led humanity
But that is also why so many Americans turn into an intolerable dead end. So we return to the

to atheism and humanism. They prefer to Bible because it endures, because its wisdom is
deceive themselves rather than admit of the timeless, because God’s Word will prevail above
existence of God. That is why they are perfectly the din, today, tomorrow, and forever.
willing to believe in the theory of evolution, even
though the complexity of genetic organization
Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the leader in U. S.
makes godless evolution an impossibility. Intel- home schooling and phonics, and he has lectured
lectual pride can make self-deception a very on these subjects from coast to coast and abroad.
satisfying way of life by simply distorting reality. State school authorities once called him statist
So where are we headed? The Christian education’s “public enemy number 1.” He can be
remnant, as small as it is, grows in strength reached at

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September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 15

A Case of Mistaken Identity:
Christian Identity’s False
Doctrine of Salvation
By Rev. Charles H. Roberts

S ince Christian
Identity claims
to be “Christian,”
its doctrine of salvation is of special impor-
Reformed theology. While it is true that the
two words “redemption” and “salvation” are
indeed different words with differing meanings
in some sense (as one evangelical scholar
tance. As will become evident, Christian Iden- noted, the word “redemption” although closely
tity holds to a less-than-orthodox view of the allied to “salvation” is a more specific term
doctrine of salvation. and denotes how salvation is accomplished3 ),
Identity teachers generally agree that Christ the idea that one could have the benefit of one
came for the purpose of saving people from without the other is unheard of. John Murray,
their sins. They generally agree that the nature in his acclaimed study on the doctrine of re-
of Christ’s atoning work was substitutionary demption notes:
and that salvation is received by faith alone.1 The question is: on whose behalf did
The departure from an historical Christian Christ offer himself a sacrifice? On whose
position in this matter is seen in the distinction behalf did he propitiate the wrath of God?
that is made by some Identity teachers between Whom did he reconcile to God in the
redemption and salvation. Bertrand Comparet, body of his flesh through death?4
writing in the American Institute of Theology’s Implicit in Professor Murray’s question is the
“Bible Correspondence Course,” observes: idea that all aspects of Christ’s atoning work
Of course, one of the purposes [in Christ’s are applied without distinction to all for whom
coming] was to pay the penalty of the sins they were accomplished. Christ’s sacrifice, His
of every person who believes and accepts propitiation of God’s wrath, and His reconcil-
Him as his personal Savior…But this is ing the world through His death are all of the
not all: another purpose of His first com- same piece of salvific work. Murray goes on to
ing was to redeem His people observe:
ISRAEL…which we know are not and What does redemption mean?…it does not
never were composed of Jews; but today mean that we [those who believe in Christ]
they are known as the Anglo-Saxon, are placed in a redeemable position. It
Scandinavian, and Germanic nations.2 means that Christ purchased and procured
In this statement, Comparet is saying that it redemption. This is the triumphant note of
is indeed possible that men of all races may the New Testament…5
become saved through Christ by believing in The point of Murray’s classic study on
and accepting Him, but only Israelites (“white redemption is that it was accomplished for and
people”) are redeemed by Christ. If this sounds applied to all who become saved through faith
strange, this is not surprising, because in ortho- in Christ as Lord and Savior. A re-reading of
dox theology, there is no distinction made the quote from Comparet above will show that
between these two complimentary aspects of this is in stark contrast to his view: that there is
Christ’s atoning work. Such terms as “the a major distinction between salvation on the
atoning work of Christ,” “the saving work of one hand (which is accomplished among all
Christ,” and “the redeeming work of Christ,” races) and redemption on the other (which is
are all used to mean basically the same thing in limited to “Israelites” or white people). In the

16 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

New Testament, the Greek word apolutrosis, salvation to any race .…” Note that he does
or some variant thereof, is translated “redemp- not write that there is an exclusive use of the
tion” in English. It is a word that means to Hebrew and Greek words for redemption and
loose or free something by means of paying a salvation that apply only to Israel, but rather it
ransom or a debt. Likewise, the Greek word is an “overwhelming” use of those terms. This
soteria, or some variant thereof, is translated is consistent with a view similar to that of
“salvation” in English and it means to deliver Comparet, that salvation, though rare among
or be delivered. Those two words are obviously Jews and blacks, for example, is nonetheless
very close in meaning, but the crucial issue is possible for them, even if redemption is not.
whether or not there is a distinction made in By contrast, Identity teacher and pastor Dan
Scripture or historical theology between the Gayman holds to a totally consistent view in
two. The answer to that question is “no.” this area. Comparet and Gayman both hold to
There is indeed a sense in which there is a limit the Seedline teaching (i.e., the belief that the
to the redeeming and saving work of Christ in Jews are the literal offspring of Satan), and yet
terms of its application, but that limit has Comparet departs from the full implications of
nothing to do with race. Rather, it has to do that view when he opens the door of salvation
with God’s election and predestination. The to all races. If Jews and blacks, for example,
atoning work of Christ (which includes re- are not of the seed of Adam and his kind, and
demption/salvation) is limited to all who have if, in fact, Christ came only to save and redeem
or will believe in His name and follow Him. It those of the lost sheep of the house of Israel,
does not apply to those who deny Him. then no one outside Adam’s race can be saved
There are Identity teachers who are less or redeemed. Dan Gayman is one of the few
certain about a distinction between salvation consistent and unashamed Seedliners in the
and redemption. In terms of Identity’s own Identity movement. He has written:
theology, the belief that salvation is for all but It is not possible to assert that redemption
redemption is only for true Israelites is at best is for one people and salvation for an-
an inconsistency and at worst a contradiction. other. Salvation is the appropriation of
The realization of this inconsistency is appar- what was secured in redemption. You
ent in the writings of other Identity teachers cannot have one without the other. There
such as Lawrence Blanchard.6 Concerning the could be no salvation without the redemp-
subjects of redemption and salvation, tion secured by the death of Jesus Christ.8
Blanchard writes: Gayman demonstrates in his writings a firm
Just as the subjects of the redeeming activity grasp on the fundamentals of Reformed theol-
of God are exclusively the people of Israel, ogy. He understands that both salvation and
so also are the subjects of the salvation of redemption apply only to the elect. He veers
God. Although there are some Scriptural away from orthodoxy in his teaching that the
references that seem to extend salvation to elect may only come from among the white or
any race beyond the descendants of Caucasian descendants of Adam. Both his
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the overwhelm- “Calvinism” and his racial-Identity theology
ing use of the Hebrew…and Greek…words are reflected, where he writes:
[for “redemption” and “salvation”] directly Thus we can conclude that God our
apply only to Israel.…7 Father has chosen unto Himself a special
Blanchard understands that redemption and people marked for salvation. Jesus Christ
salvation cannot be so easily separated from has redeemed these people from the curse
each other, and he further sees that a consis- of death by taking that curse and meeting
tently held Identity theology would restrict the the demands of the law in His vicarious
entirety of Christ’s atoning work to believers of sacrifice…No member of the elect will be
the Anglo-Saxon and kindred peoples (the lost…The atonement is limited to the
“people of Israel”). He seems to leave the door election of God. If there is salvation of all
slightly ajar, however, with the comments races, there is no election, and the atone-
concerning those passages of Scripture (he does ment of Jesus Christ is indefinite and
not cite them in the text) that “seem to extend incomplete.9

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 17

Identity theology is thus heterodox in its fearful blasphemy…This is the thing that
varied teachings on soteriology. It either asserts damned the Pharisees before God…10
an unwarranted (and by its own terms, incon- Identity’s mistaken and faulty presupposition
sistent) distinction between salvation and of race having priority over covenant with God

redemption, or it restricts both to elect mem- forces it to use bizarre and shallow exegesis to
bers of a particular racial and ethnic class. This reinterpret and distort the teachings of the
is precisely the distinction that Christ came to Bible in the area of soteriology.
do away with, and it is precisely the beliefs that
caused the Pharisees and leaders of the Jews to 1
There are several Identity teachers, such as Evangelist
call for the death of Christ. They had made the
Ted Weiland, who teach baptismal regeneration. His
faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob into a Church of Christ background is no doubt a source of
religion of ethnic pride and exclusivity. Christ that belief.
came to do away with those distinctions. The 2
Bertrand Comparet, “Bible Correspondence Course —
church, composed of all who believe in and Chapter 59”, “Why Did Christ Come?,” (Harrison,
follow Christ as Lord and Savior, without Arkansas: Kingdom Identity Ministries, 1970), 183.
regard to race, is the New Israel of God, and Emphasis in the original.
one’s standing before God is based on the same 3
See the entry by Everett F. Harrison, “Redemption” in
foundation in the New Covenant as it was in Baker’s Dictionary of Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker
the Old: covenantal faithfulness, and not Book House, 1960), 438-39.
ethnicity. John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied
Contrary to what Identity teaches, there is (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company, 1955), 62.
neither etymological nor historical warrant for 5
ibid., 63.
defining Adam as a “white man.” The Bible 6
Blanchard is somewhat unique among Identity
clearly shows that what set Adam apart from believers and teachers in that prior to his “conversion”
all of creation was the relationship he had with to the Identity doctrines, he earned a Master of
God. The basis of that relationship was a Divinity degree from Denver Theological Seminary, a
covenant established by God with Adam. seminary affiliated with the Conservative Baptist
When Adam became a covenant-breaker, the denomination. He also served as a missionary to the
relationship was shattered. None of this has Philippines and pastored churches in California and
anything to do with race. The clear teachings Washington.
of the New Testament concerning the mission Lawrence Blanchard, Standing on the Premises: A
to the Gentiles by the Apostle Peter, Paul’s Presentation of 38 Biblical Propositions of Christian-
writing that there is no longer a distinction to Israel Identity Theology (Eatonville, Washington:
Promise Land Ministries, 1998), 164-65.
be made between Jew and Gentile (an obvious 8
Dan Gayman, Do All Races Share in Salvation? For
racial reference), the tearing down of the wall Whom did Christ Die? (Schell City, Missouri: The
of partition that separated man from man and Church of Israel, 1995), 40.
God from man, and the coming of Christ in 9
ibid., page 75.
judgment against the Temple at Jerusalem in 10
R.J. Rushdoony, World History: A Christian Survey.
A.D. 70 (the then focus of Jewish racial pride Islam and the Frontier Age. (Vallecito, California:
and ethnic corruption of Biblical religion) — Christian Tape Productions, 1971), Tape Number 6.
all these teachings indicate that covenant, and During the question and answer session of this audio

not blood, is the priority with God. taped lecture, Dr. Rushdoony was asked a series of
Rushdoony, commenting on Christian Identity questions concerning British-Israelism and Christian-
as long ago as 1971, made this telling and still Identity.
accurate observation:
The idea that the Anglo-Saxon peoples are Dr. Charles H. Roberts is a pastor in the
descended from [the Ten Lost Tribes of Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He
Israel] is a myth. There is not one serious earned degrees in Theology and Apologetics
scholar who believes it. What this [teach- from several seminaries, including Westminster
ing] does is cause those who advocate it to and Whitefield Theological Seminaries. He
end up saying that salvation is by race, not lives near Albany, NY and can be contacted at
by grace and that becomes blasphemy, a

18 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

Full Speed Ahead to the
End of a Culture
By Craig R. Dumont, Sr.

I t appears homosexuality is now the defining

force in American culture. Almost every institu-
tion is committed to supporting and furthering this
“lifestyle choice,” from the government schools to
list of mental illnesses.
I mention famous
people who happened
to be gay. I try to help
America’s corporate elite. all my students make the transition to a view of
Institutional leaders are so blatant and confident in tolerance. I let them know I was raised homopho-
their mission that they don’t even try to conceal their bic but outgrew this faulty premise. As a result of
agenda anymore. For instance, a recent feature in NEA this outreach, a number of students have felt
Today, the official publication of the National Educa- comfortable enough to approach me . . .
tion Association, focused on how to recruit and train Mel “Skip” Didier, Jr.
children to be openly and proudly homosexual. The High school teacher/coach 1
“dilemma” under discussion was titled “Supporting
Gay Students” and teachers from middle school (grades Corporate Wooing of Homosexuals
6-8) upward contributed to the question of “How do
you support students who are struggling with their Surprisingly though, the overwhelming impetus, not
sexual orientation?” The answers: only financially but also socially, is coming not from the
government PC Machine, nor even from areas which
I support these students in the following ways: are being legally forced to support homosexuality.
1. Taking the risk of offering with other col- While it’s easy to blame the morally challenged Na-
leagues a confidential Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, tional Endowment for the Arts, the Department of
Transgendered Support Group for students, Education, OSHA, the legislative, judicial, and execu-
and posting notices at school that students may tive branches (and they do deserve blame), the problem
approach me or two other colleagues for runs much deeper and is closer to home. Sadly, it is our
information on the support group. most prestigious business corporations that are not only
tolerating homosexuality, but pursuing, embracing, and
2. Inviting all staff to wear “rainbow stickers” on financing the movement with reckless abandon.
our school ID badges to signify we are open to According to the Wall Street Journal, the Big Three
talking to students with sexual orientation automakers (Ford, GM, and DaimlerChrysler), have
issues. We have posters around the school “said they will extend their health care benefits to
explaining the stickers. same-sex partners” which they proudly declare will be
Steve Bloom “a breakthrough in a long-running national debate
Licensed school social worker over workplace fairness.”2 It’s not as if overwhelming
pressure was placed upon the American auto manufac-
I am an out gay Spanish teacher. One of the turers, because by their own count, “statistically, less
reasons I am out is so that our gay/bi-sexual/ than 1% of their employees are expected to take
transgendered youth can turn to a teacher who advantage of the new benefits program, and observers
refuses to hide the life she was meant to live, one said they don’t expect that number, which has re-
who will not judge, push, criticize, or be horri- mained constant in the past decade or so, to change
fied. A teacher whose life is open — as all whole- much.”3 Interestingly enough, the automakers chose to
some, caring lives should be — and there when exclude “unmarried heterosexual partners, because
students need me. they have the option of getting married. Gay couples
Elena Picado don’t have that option in most states.”4 Of course, the
Spanish teacher car companies have standards!
When discussing civil liberties in my civic class, I Workers will be required to attest that their
bring up the issue of homophobia. I relate experi- domestic partner relationship meets certain
ences I’ve had, including going to a Pride March. eligibility criteria, including being of the same sex
I reassure my students that the American Medical and having shared a “committed relationship”
Association has removed homosexuality from the with each other for no less than six months.

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 19

Documents an applying couple will be asked to Fargo, and Disney are just a few of the 20% of the
produce include those showing their shared Fortune 500 companies that have begun encouraging
financial responsibilities, Ford’s Mr. Murphy said.5 homosexuals to seek employment with them by offer-
That’s no typo: Ford Motor Company really wants ing health coverage to same-sex partners.
to encourage and reward those “committed [homo- While “courageously” standing up to the vast
sexual] relationships” in order to right a grievous majority (perhaps 99% deserves an even stronger term
wrong. What the states are unwilling to do fast enough then “vast”), they are, we’re told, deadly afraid of
(legitimatize homosexual marriages) the auto compa- offending a tiny, tiny homosexual minority. Our largest
nies will do now! corporations bend over backwards to comfort them,
While I wouldn’t want to make the case for benefits give money to their political causes, and tailor their
extended to unmarried heterosexual couples, the point advertising and marketing to appeal to them based
is that now the preference is clearly not just for repro- solely on their perverted lifestyle.
bates, but for the most debased and perverse After the Big Three announcement, Alan Wolfe,
reprobates, and their recruitment is a priority. To director of the Center for Religion and American
receive a benefit you must demonstrate beyond a Public Life at Boston College and author of One
shadow of a doubt that you are sharing the bed of Nation, After All wrote:
someone of the same sex. Ford and the other manufac- [I]n their pursuit of self-interest, private companies
turers want the homosexual to come out of the closet cannot disparage public sentiment. As the Para-
and proudly “strut their stuff.” mount Television Group discovered when it agreed
Indeed, so militant are these companies that they are to air a new show hosted by Dr. Laura Schlesinger,
willing to lose normal, heterosexual workers and even gay-rights activists are quick to organize demon-
profitable business contracts, as Cummins Engine strations and threaten boycotts against anyone
Company recently demonstrated: whose behavior or opinions they view as discrimi-
When Cummins Engine Co. extended health natory. Companies reluctant to offend any sizable
benefits to domestic partners of its unmarried group of consumers will read public opinion-polls
workers, it was simply following the lead of a with the same attention as politicians unwilling to
number of other major corporations. But in offend any group of voters.8
Cummins’ conservative hometown of Columbus, This is a truly laughable myth. It’s not that private
Ind., the idea of benefits for same-sex couples and companies are reluctant to offend a sizable group of
unmarried heterosexuals raised a few hackles. consumers. They routinely not only knowingly offend
While Cummins says the move will help it attract Christians and other groups concerned about the moral
workers, some of its 28,000 employees com- climate, but brag openly about doing so. They also think
plained the move endorses “antifamily” lifestyles. nothing about offending significant numbers of share-
The controversy spilled over into the company’s holders who protest corporate underwriting of disgusting
annual meeting earlier this month, when a and vile programs and “causes.” It is not self-interest
representative from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual that motivates far too many corporate leaders, but rather
Transgendered Indiana rose to praise the diesel- an almost unexplainable, unchecked, passionate drive to
engine maker’s new inclusive policy, while critics legitimatize, exalt, and ensconce homosexuality as the
lambasted the measure and the owner of a small preferred way of life in every sphere.
trucking concern vowed to cancel an engine order.
Cummins officials say they aren’t backing down.6 Corporate Schizophrenia
Cummins, while including unmarried heterosexuals, I used the words “almost unexplainable,” because in
clearly was seeking the approval of Lesbian, Gay, one sense it is mystifying. Why would any company
Bisexual Transgendered Indiana. I have an acquain- that depends upon a stable community do anything
tance who is an engineer for Cummins and who that would undermine its future? Why would any
attended the meeting in which this policy was formally company in today’s very tight labor market suggest that
announced. After speaking against the implementation a large group of faithful heterosexual employees leave
of the “domestic partners” inclusion in the health so they can attract a much smaller and far more
program, he was quietly advised by management the transient stable of homosexuals?9 There is no end of
next day that perhaps he and several other Christians the “why’s” that we could ask.
who held “intolerant views” would be happier working The mystery is taken out of this question, however,
for some other company.7 Cummins claims to be trying when the Christian thinks and interprets all things
to attract workers — that 1% homosexual population through Biblical eyes. God’s Word tells us that those
that hasn’t changed over the last decade — but despises who hate Him love death. And the degree of hatred
the highly qualified and far more numerous Christian they have for God and the extent they love death is
employees they currently employ. staggering. For instance, Allan Bloom, the conservative
Cummins is not the exception, but rather represents professor and author of The Closing of the American
the norm today. American Airlines, Boeing, IBM, Wells Mind, led a reckless life as a homosexual. When he

20 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

discovered he was dying, most probably from AIDS, of the world, and are required in many instances to
his closest friend reports that rather than repenting and endure trials and tribulations for the sake of Christ.
crying out to God for mercy, he became increasingly However, enduring trials and tribulations is different
obsessed with ever more bizarre sexual acts and was from pursuing trials and tribulations. When wicked
insatiable in his lust.10 rulers are in power (and not recognized as wicked) and
This isn’t an isolated incident. In Houston, Texas, one a culture is infatuated by sin and will not hear the
of the most popular homosexual party attractions is the Word of God, there can legitimately be times when the
conscious paring of HIV and AIDS infected men with advice given in Amos 5:13 should be heeded: “There-
healthy ones to participate in “unprotected sex.” The stated fore the prudent keep silent at that time, For it is an
goal is to increase the thrill for non-infected gays in an evil time.” We live in an evil time.
expression of sexual Russian roulette. The possibility that I don’t think this advocates a withdrawal from
they may receive an infectious death penalty is for them an society, but rather a realistic examination and diagnosis
incredibly erotic experience. God-haters will pursue that of where we stand. There are times a Christian is better
which most perverts the image of God and defies His served by staying quiet to avoid becoming a target in
creation order and revel in death. a culture where evil is called good and good is
called evil. The fact that we are Christians living
Judgment Day lives that exhibit the holiness of God and that
This we refuse to grant our approval to their
What this means is that God is not going is a truly debauchery by aligning our institutions with
to judge our nation and culture sometime laughable them is a powerful and undeniable
in the future because we have exalted ho- myth. It’s not that witness to their crimes. While we never
mosexuality. Rather He is right now in private companies are obey men when they require us to
the process of judging us, and we can reluctant to offend a sizable disobey God, in times such as these
tell that the last stages of this cul- group of consumers. They rou- it makes little sense to rush out
ture have arrived by recognizing tinely not only knowingly offend and seek martyrdom in the name
just how powerful the homo- of being a prophet. This is an
Christians and other groups concerned
sexual drive is. It is God evil time when we are seeing
Himself who has already about the moral climate, but brag openly about
doing so. They also think nothing about offending our culture crushed under
judged us and found us se- the enormous weight of
riously wanting. Romans significant numbers of shareholders who protest cor-
sin and judgment. To be
1:24-32 outlines how “God porate underwriting of disgusting and vile programs
silent now may be the
also gave them up to unclean- and “causes.” It is not self-interest that moti- prudent action. (And by
ness, in the lusts of their hearts, vates far too many corporate leaders, but silent, I don’t mean we stop
to dishonor their bodies among rather an almost unexplainable, un- declaring from our pulpits or in
themselves...For this reason God checked, passionate drive to our teaching classes that homo-
gave them up to vile passions.... God legitimatize, exalt and en- sexuality is sin. I do mean that
gave them over to a debased mind, to sconce homosexuality employees may not want to attend
do those things which are not fitting...” as the preferred meetings and protest homosexual health
We’re in a culture that, even while “know- way of life benefits since it’s increasingly likely no
ing the righteous judgment of God, that those in every good will come out of this and, in fact,
who practice such things are deserving of death, godly people will be fired.)
not only do the same but also approve of those However, prudent silence does not mean we
who practice them.” are not actively engaged against evil. If we
The Christian and the church are called to recognize that the end of our culture is at hand, we
discern the times; and we do so by observing the must have the faith to build a godly one that can
incredible, all-out rush to uphold, endorse, exalt, and emerge from the rubble. This is the great opportunity,
praise the homosexual and sanctify and hold sacred all and it requires that we now begin (re)building truly
homosexual acts. In the Big Three’s case, they have Christian institutions. The church stands against the
actually declared homosexuality to be a sacrament, culture by upholding Biblical order and law. Homo-
with open confession and participation bringing the sexuality is not condoned by or in the church and, as a
promise of health (benefits). While the end of history result, we make a more far-reaching and effective
may not be near, the end of our current culture, outside statement than protesting at city hall. The church
of an incredible miracle of God, is definitely at hand. teaches what the distinctions are between men and
This is both a dangerous time and an exciting, women and sets forth Biblical models to emulate those
opportunistic time for the Christian church. It is danger- distinctions. It acts in a positive way by pronouncing
ous because as restraints are lifted, man falls deeper and blessings upon men and women who marry and by
deeper into the cesspool of his own lusts and desires. supporting Biblical marriages in every possible way.
Christians, as well as non-Christians, have to face the Rather than protesting the ungodliness of government
Neros, Robespierres, Hitlers, Stalins, Maos, and Pol Pots schools that brag about their “diversity” and prefer-

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 21

ence for wickedness, we build Christian schools that accordingly. My great hope is that where sin abounds
uphold God’s laws. grace may much more abound and that God grants
Christian businessmen, while many times required mercy to the church in this time of great transition.
by law to employ openly homosexual workers, do not
grant them legitimacy by voluntarily extending benefits
and privileges reserved for those conforming to Biblical In other words, rather than utilizing all
models of righteousness. Employers should be ready to of our energy and resources on
reward those who honor God’s laws in whatever way preserving and saving the current culture,
they can. To the extent they can do business with other we begin building a brand new one.
Christian businesses or help establish new ones, this is
preferred. However even this should be undertaken 1
“Supporting Gay Students,” NEA Today, April 1999, Vol.
with discretion, because RICO laws have been directed 17, No. 7.
at Christians who are too high-profile in their actions. 2
Norihiko Shirouzu, “Gay Couples to Get Benefits At Big
Once again, we need to stop saying that we will be Three Auto Makers,” Wall Street Journal, June 9, 2000.
judged for our culture’s infatuation with homosexuality 3
and understand that it is the judgment itself. Once we 4
see this, we can act accordingly. Our strategy doesn’t ibid.
change, but our tactics do! In other words, rather than Wall Street Journal, April 25, 2000.
utilizing all of our energy and resources on preserving Just as a side note, an elder of my church owns the
and saving the current culture, we begin building a company that cancelled the Cummins engine order. While
brand new one. We must prepare for the time, whether the WSJ has repeatedly spurned his letters to the editors,
they didn’t hesitate to make use of actions taken to show
it be five, ten or a hundred years from now, that the
how “courageous” Cummins officials were in standing up
final expiration of this culture arrives and people are to such intolerant pressure.
open to life-giving truth once again. 8
Alan Wolfe,“Can Gay-Rights Groups Handle Success?”,
There are going to be interesting times, to say the Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2000. Interactive edition.
least, for Christians as we see what develops over the 9
Not only do homosexuals tend to be rootless and unsettled
next decade or so. May God give us wisdom and under- in their personal life; according to several studies, homo-
standing to interpret the times and know how to act sexuals have an average life expectancy of less than 50
years. It is an interesting fact that a homosexual with AIDS
AST CHRIS has a life expectancy just a few years less than a homo-
T-CO TIA sexual without AIDS.
ES 10
W Saul Bellows, a close friend of Bloom’s, has written a book

called Ravelstein, a thinly veiled biography of Bloom. As he

writes in his book, “Ravelstein was willing to lay it all out
WCWC for me. Now why did he bother to tell me such things, this
large Jewish man from Dayton, Ohio? Because it very
urgently needed to be said. He was HIV-positive, he was
WO dying of complications from it. Weakened, he became the
RLD NCE host of an endless list of infections. Still, he insisted on
telling me over and over again what love was — the
WCWC is designed to help prepare the next neediness, the awareness of incompleteness, the longing for
generation of Christians to be leaders. wholeness, and how the pains of Eros were joined to the
P. Andrew Sandlin and Monte E. Wilson will show most ecstatic pleasures.” I have just skimmed through the
students how ideas have consequences and that book but it is amazing the number of newspapers and
magazines that published lengthy reviews or commentary
actions flow out of worldviews. WCWC will help
based upon the book, including several in both the Wash-

equip students to stand firm in their Biblical ington Post and New York Times. It also seems to be a
worldview when they encounter different ideas on favorite for those at as well, judging by the
the college campus, the workplace etc. number of reviews and ratings it has received.
When: Saturday, October 28, 2000
Where: The “Old” Dover School Auditorium 1300
Sheffield Avenue, Campbell Craig R. Dumont is the pastor of both Okemos and
Grand Ledge Christian Centers near Lansing, Michigan.
Who: High School and College Students (Parents are His church sponsors a monthly Luncheon Lecture Series
for businessmen and he often gives presentations on
Cost: $15 per person & $40 for families of 3 or more. applying God's law before State Senate and House staff
Contact: For more information or to have a brochure mailed members and lobbyists. Craig and his wife, Kathy, have
to you, call Zachariah Wagner (408) 866-5607 seven children with an eighth due in September. He can
e-mail: or be reached at or you can
visit his web site at

22 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

The Revisionists’ Tooshies
by Steve M. Schlissel

I f there was one truth Dr. Cornelius Van Til

pounded home, it was this: there are no
“brute” facts, i.e., there are no uninterpreted
facts. None. Fallen man is not a pure receptor of
lief in God was never for
want of evidence. It was
for want of faith. As the
Scripture says, “The
neutral data. How man interprets the “facts” is wrath of God is being
determined by his presuppositions, the biases and revealed from heaven
inclinations he brings to the knowledge enterprise. against all the godlessness and wickedness of men
Presuppositions may be likened to various things. who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since
Presuppositions can function like preferences or what may be known about God is plain to them,
tastes, as when you approach a buffet. As you scan because God has made it plain to them. For since the
the buffet table, without even thinking, you reflex- creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — His
ively eliminate that which is distasteful to you. You eternal power and divine nature —have been clearly
don’t even register, say, the pickled carrots. You seen, being understood from what has been made, so
move on to consider with your eyes only that which that men are without excuse.”
your appetite tells you is in the running, and you Men (and here Paul is referring to Gentiles, who
choose from that. Your preferences and tastes have until this time, had largely operated without benefit
functioned as a filter, as a presupposition. of God’s special revelation — “the oracles of God,”
Presuppositions may also be compared to your entrusted to Israel) know God’s testimony concern-
teeth: potential nourishment, like potential informa- ing Himself. They know it, it is clear. They just don’t
tion, must first pass through the grinding process to like it. Therefore, they suppress it. For to acknowl-
be made suitable for consumption. edge God would cut away, at the knees, their claim
Moving along the same track, presuppositions to autonomy and lead to the acknowledgment that
may be compared to your digestive system, perform- they owe God, He doesn’t owe them.
ing nearly miraculous functions: detecting, sorting, “For although they knew God, they neither
cataloging — all sight unseen, while you just go glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but
about your business. their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts
It might even be said that a presupposition is best were darkened…They exchanged the truth of God
compared to your tuchas. Yes, your tooshie, like a for a lie, and worshipped and served created things
presupposition, is always with you; it is behind and rather than the Creator — who is forever praised.
under everything you do. Yet you do your lifelong Amen.” The NIV well expresses man’s contempt for
best to keep it hidden and protected. Moreover, God and His clear revelation, at Romans 1:28:
you’ll go so far as to make it utterly taboo to speak “…they did not think it worthwhile to retain the
about in polite company! We all know they are knowledge of God…” They suppressed God’s self-
there, but we neither expose them nor discuss them. disclosure like passing by pickled carrots — neither
Well, we have to talk about them — presuppositions, held any interest for them, being out of synch with
that is, not tooshies. For all propositions are offered in their tastes, their presuppositions.
terms of one’s governing presuppositions, and proposi- The idea taught in Romans 1 and emphasized in
tions accepted as true are accepted because they are in the writings of Dr. Van Til is that knowledge is not a
accord with the same. We will adjust heaven and earth one-dimensional, flat affair. It is inescapably an
to make something comport with that which we will ethical endeavor. Man is never “neutral” in episte-
not give up. All data will be interpreted by us in a way mology. Thus, it is proper to say of unredeemed
which serves and protects our fundamental, our core, man that he knows God, yet, because of his reflexive
beliefs, our non-negotiable faith. suppression of that knowledge (suppressed because
Naturally, Dr. Van Til explained how this dynamic it is contrary to his fundamental presupposition of
is very much operative in the sphere of religious autonomy), he at the same time does not know God.
conviction. Following God’s own testimony in The unbeliever, therefore, is not morally neutral in
Romans 1, Van Til reminded his readers that unbe- his unbelief. Rather, he is culpably self-deceived.1

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 23

An illustration, often employed by Greg Bahnsen 1994), because in England the burden of proof in
to illustrate how presuppositions govern interpreta- libel cases is on the defendant.
tion, tells of the man who insisted he was dead. The case ended in April 2000, with a crushing
When he visited a psychiatrist, the doctor tried all he defeat for Mr. Irving. The British court found for the
could to persuade him of the falsity of the man’s defendant, Dr. Lipstadt. It found that Mr. Irving
proposition, to no avail. Finally he said, “Listen, I was, in fact, a very lousy “historian.” Aside from
know how to prove this to you. Dead men don’t having no college degree at all — let alone an
bleed. Let’s prick your finger and see if you bleed.” advanced degree in history — Mr. Irving was found
The man readily agreed. As the blood trickled from by the court to have deliberately ignored facts which
the patient’s finger, the doctor triumphantly said, were contrary to what he wished to find, misrepre-
“See! You are bleeding! Now what does that tell sented facts which did not comport with his prede-
you?” “It tells me,” answered the patient, “that termined ends, and suppressed documents which
dead men do bleed, after all.” suggested that his thesis was false. One could hardly
Now this rather lengthy introduction has been ask for a starker restatement of Romans 1 applied to
included because presuppositionalism provides us Holocaust denial: deliberately ignoring what is right
with a way to explain the otherwise inexplicable, in front of you, misrepresenting what you can’t
viz., the most disturbing, modern instance of histori- ignore, suppressing what you don’t like. The mind
cal revisionism: holocaust revisionism. of fallen man is facile at self-deception!
Holocaust revisionism claims, variously, that the Well, of course, in a fallen world, what’s a fact for
Holocaust never happened, or that it has been one is a fiction for another. Holocaust revisionism is
greatly overstated, or that it wasn’t peculiarly a war but one example of the epistemological morass
against the Jews, or that their “benevolent and which is overtaking Western Civilization in its
gracious” Fuehrer knew nothing about whatever apostasy. Giving up God means being given over to
atrocities there may have been. These, if they hap- futility. As St. Paul said, “For although they knew
pened, were perpetrated by a small handful of God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave
renegade German officials who did not act out the thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and
mind of their Leader. Uh-huh. their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they
claimed to be wise, they became fools.”
The Holocaust It is not the purpose of this article to review the
It has been asserted, with good warrant, that no evidence proving the Holocaust, nor the preposter-
crime in history has been as well documented as the ous propositions of the revisionists who deny or
Holocaust. The war against the Jews, from 1933 to mitigate it. This can be done by a perusal of a few
1945, is attested by film (both moving and still), Internet sites, and by following the links contained
thousands of documents, and innumerable eyewitness therein.4 In the case of Mel Mermelstein — which
accounts, proffered by both perpetrators and victims. became well-known when Leonard Nimoy made it
This notwithstanding, the end of the war saw the into the movie, Never Forget! — California Superior
almost immediate appearance of Holocaust deniers Court Judge Thomas T. Johnson took “judicial
and revisionists, particularly in France. Only a few notice” of the Holocaust, ruling that “The Holo-
crackpots gave any ear to these. In the last 20 years caust is not reasonably subject to dispute. It is
or so, with a radical decline in the ability of Ameri- capable of immediate and accurate determination by
cans to exercise critical thinking, the pseudo-history resort to resources of reasonable indisputable
of revisionists has captured an increasing number of accuracy. It is simply a fact.”
obviously uncritical ears.2 Rather, it is our concern merely to point out that
When the Jewish scholar, Dr. Deborah Lipstadt,3 we have in this instance yet another proof of the
saw in the early 90s that Holocaust revision was Van Tilian notion that knowledge is anything but a
becoming a veritable trend, she wrote a book: neutral operation. People believe, not necessarily
Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on what is true but, what they want to believe. The fact
Truth and Memory. One of the “scholars” exposed that not a single scholar of note can be found who
by her as incompetent was David Irving, a revision- endorses or supports their absurd theories is re-
ist author who had built a reputation among some garded as indisputable proof of their theories! In an
as a historian of merit. Mr. Irving decided to sue Dr. epistemological universe governed, as ours is, by
Lipstadt for libel. The charges were filed in 1996 in presuppositions, all “facts” are incorporated to align
England (her book had been published there in with our presuppositions.

24 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

Why didn’t the defendants at Nuremberg, instead
of claiming that they were “just following orders,” 1

Dr. Greg Bahnsen devoted much effort to justifying, from a
plead that there was no Holocaust at all? Because, philosophical perspective, the Van Tilian notion of self-
the revisionists say, they knew they were being deception. In fact, it was the subject of his Ph.D. work at USC.
railroaded and were trying just to “cop a plea.” My profound thanks to Prof. John Drobnicki, librarian of
York College of the City University of New York, for his
How do we account for the numbers tattooed on the
gracious and invaluable assistance. He is familiar with the
arms of survivors? Mr. Irving says they did it them- literature of the deniers and the literature of the truth.
selves to make money off their allegations. What According to Mr. Drobnicki, among the notorious revision-
about the memories of survivors? Mere fantasies. ists are: Austin App, Ph.D. from Catholic Univ. of America
What about the footage caught on film? Rare (1929). He was active in several German-American groups.
instances of atrocities performed by underlings, App is the author of The Six Million Swindle (1973) and A
without the Fuehrer’s knowledge or approval. Straight Look at the Third Reich (1974). Aside from the
In 1988, one Fred Leuchter of Massachusetts, who revisionist writings that appeared immediately after the War
(by Paul Rassinier, Maurice Bardeche, etc.), one of the first
passed himself as an engineer, was contracted to
denier books that caused a stir was: Did Six Million Really
prepare a report supposedly proving that the ovens Die? by Richard Harwood (1974). “Harwood” was the
at Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek could not pseudonym of Richard Verrall, a prominent leader in British
have been “utilized or seriously considered to func- fascist/right-wing circles. The most famous work of denial is
tion as execution gas chambers.” It was hoped that The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, by Arthur R. Butz (cf.
Mr. Leuchter’s report would well serve the defense of title of this article), a professor of electrical engineering at
neo-Nazis on trial at the time in Canada.5 As it Northwestern. “To the untrained eye,” says Prof. Drobnicki,
turned out, Mr. Leuchter was discovered not to be an “Butz’s book gives the impression of scholarship, since it
contains footnotes and he utilized many primary documents.
engineer at all, and his methodology was labeled by
Many of the deniers who came after him base their work on
the court as “preposterous.” He was later indicted Butz and quote heavily from him.” It has been said that Mr.
by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for his Butz does not teach his revisionist theories in the classroom,
imposture in misrepresenting himself as an engineer. lest his tenure be threatened.
Leuchter was later arrested in Germany in 1993 for 3
M.A. and Ph.D. from Brandeis University, Dr. Lipstadt
“inciting racial hatred,” left Germany on bail, and taught at UCLA and is currently Professor of Modern Jewish
now has a warrant outstanding for his arrest. and Holocaust Studies at Emory University in Atlanta.
The point of all this is simple: when the facts do Start with, and http://www.holocaust- See also
not support a person’s “deeply and sincerely held holocaust.html,
presuppositions,” then facts suffer torture, not being holocst.htm and
admitted as they are found, or not being admitted at revision.htm. There is, not surprisingly, a great deal of
all. The truth is that Holocaust deniers are moti- revisionist propaganda on the web. Links from the sites
vated, not by a love of truth but by something mentioned above will lead you to some.
operating on a different, a deeper level. There are I met my first revisionist in Canada in 1989 while on a
generally one or more of three prime motives push- speaking tour of many cities in Alberta. I was puzzled when
ing deniers on: 1) A passionate desire to recover his wife had warned me of her husband’s “peculiar views,”
and that I should not take great offense. “What could she be
respectability for National Socialism (Nazism) as an

talking about?” I wondered. I soon found out. It was not
acceptable political alternative. 2) Anti-Zionism. long afterward that I discovered him to be one of many
Operating from the conviction that Israel exists only revisionists who seem to gravitate toward or grow in western
because of post-Holocaust sympathies, and deter- North America.
mined to annihilate Israel as a political entity, some
see Holocaust revision as a necessary precondition Steve Schlissel has been pastor of Messiah’s
to changing the hearts and minds of Israeli-sympa- Congregation in Brooklyn, NY since 1979. He
thizers. 3) Plain, pure, vitriolic anti-Semitism. serves as the Overseer of Urban Nations (a
These are the “tooshies” of Holocaust revisionists mission to the world in a single city) and is the
which need to be exposed. Without seeing what’s Director of Meantime Ministries (an outreach
“behind” their arguments, their efforts to revise to women who were sexually abused as chil-
history remain completely inexplicable. Once their dren). Steve lives with his wife of 26 years,
tooshies are exposed, however, their true character Jeanne, and their five children. He can be
shines like a moon. reached at

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 25

Movie Review

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death!

~ A Review of The Patriot
By Zachariah Rousas Wagner
hile maintaining some quasi-Biblical ideas were men who died for the freedoms we share, do

W (if that is not an oxymoron) The Patriot

may leave some moviegoers cold-blooded.
Although The Patriot was one of Summer 2000’s
most anticipated movies, critics now rip it up one
nothing while those freedoms are taken away.
Christians who do “fight” to preserve our free-
doms today usually just write a letter of disap-
proval to their congressmen. At the very least,
side and down the other. Critics dislike the al- Christians may learn from this pagan-made,
most-Christian values portrayed by Mel Gibson’s valueless film to hold valuable those freedoms God
character, Benjamin Martin (modeled after Francis has given through the death of our forefathers.
Marion, the “Swamp Fox”). Critics have also The Patriot boasts a correct political agenda
complained about the film’s historical inaccura- and a correct view of the treatment of slaves at
cies. As a novice American “War for Indepen-
dence” scholar, I can say that the inaccuracies that time. However, its portrayal of an American
these critics find distasteful stem from monstrously Revolution resembled the French Revolution (and
revisionist historical portrayals. Furthermore, in therefore humanistic revolution). There was not
our culture there will be some inaccuracies due to the real godly patriotism of Patrick Henry and his,
a great amount of misinformation available today. “Give me liberty, or give me death!” speech. This
The Patriot’s producers intended to bend the film gave more honor to the humanistic French,
historical lines a bit (as any fiction writer must), “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity or Death” motto.
while maintaining a broad historical accuracy. The Patriot will not set your blood-a-boilin’; in
They faithfully accomplished this task. Many fact, it will leave your blood cold when you realize
films demonize the Britons to an extreme and the carnage that occurred on our account. Yet,
untrue state. The Patriot made viewers under- meditation on this reality should lead us to an-
stand the workings of the British military system; other realization: that we too are in a war for
and while some officers were cruel, the general American independence. This war is with a full-
army did not have feelings of contempt toward fledged humanistic government, not a British
their American brothers. This is not to say that government that was beginning to become a
historical inaccuracies did not occur. humanistic state.
The Patriot had a very simple, but charming In many ways our battle will be harder than the
story line that was without sexual situations, war the Founding Fathers fought. We have delved
coarse language, or other “adult” themes. This in further into the depths of humanism than Britain or
itself is worth the $8.50 price of admission, be- its European contemporaries had at that time.
cause a film fitting that description is a rare com- What the French humanists failed to do speedily
modity today. Some women, and some men for through the French Revolution, America has per-
that matter, may find the battle scenes a bit un- fected through the slow but sure American Human-
nerving. In spite of this, it remains a family film. istic Revolution. Benjamin Martin’s example

The over-all appeal of the film is the great emotion should prove that we too will reap the conse-
that seeps from it. Yet, Christians should not find quences for inaction in good and necessary wars.
the events of the film as moving as the realization Benjamin Martin should have said, “As for me and
that those men died for freedoms that we throw my house, we shall serve the Lord.” Will you?
away with ease. This should move any godly
American. The Patriot gives insight into what Zachariah Rousas Wagner is a reformed
those men felt and what they saw in the famous Presbyterian and unreconstructed southerner,
battles of America’s War for Independence. in the heart of California. He is a student at
The Patriot is not a rallying cry to renew the Whitefield College, of Florida where he is
fight for freedom today. It may be said that the studying to be a Christian educator. He is a
Constitution was written in blood, but no blood is member of Reformed Heritage Church of San
being shed while the Constitution is being shred- Jose. He may be reached at
ded in our time. Christians today, whose ancestors

26 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

September 2000 Chalcedon Report – The Racialist Heresy 27
Annual West Coast
Reformation Conference
Saturday, October 7 – 9:15 AM-3:30 PM
Sunday, October 8 – 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM

R.J. Rushdoony, P. Andrew Sandlin, Jim West, Frank Walker, and others.

The Reality of God in Christian Education
The Covenant Demand for Education
God-Centered Education Is Necessary for Dominion
The Theological Basis for Seminary Education
Antitheses in Education
Educating Men of God
The Neo-Amish View of Education
The Joy of Learning
Messianic Character of American Education

28 The Racialist Heresy – September 2000 Chalcedon Report

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