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Course Personal details Date

Methods for Teaching Surname:

EFL: Skills Name:

Activity 3: A pedagogical proposal for teaching the

four macro skills using motivational strategies

Before starting the activity, please, watch the video in the link below:


 Apply theoretical knowledge on motivational strategies to design a pedagogical

 Connect the factors that affect teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking
to the motivational strategies that can create and maintain motivation in the
 Define the elements of a pedagogical proposal and establish timing and
sequencing accordingly.


The present activity stresses the importance of motivation when teaching the four
skills. Please choose an age group and design a pedagogical proposal that contains a
series of creative activities. The proposal should integrate the four skills in five one-
© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
hour sessions. Please choose a topic and justify your choice. Explain what
motivational strategies will be used to teach the four skills and justify your choice.

Unit 7. Activities 1
Course Personal details Date
Methods for Teaching Surname:
EFL: Skills Name:

The proposal should include the following elements: objectives, competences and
skills, contents, materials and resources, activities, assessment criteria and
assessment tools. Please describe the activities included in the proposal and specify
sequencing and timing.

Assessment Criteria

 Integrate the theoretical knowledge acquired in the course into the proposal.
 Make creative and flexible use of a variety of strategies to enhance students’
 Connect all the elements of the proposal to the motivational strategies used in
the proposal.
 Follow APA citation style.
 Follow the conventions of English grammar and style.

Length of the text: maximum 8 pages, font Calibri 12, spacing 1.5.

© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)

Unit 7. Activities 2

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