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Self-reflection of Groupwork

Name: Dilotsotlhe R. Group Name: Inquisitive Innovators.

Student No. 223154540 Date:02 May 2023

Title of task: Journal Article Mini-Assignment

Briefly describe your contribution to the groupwork task.

I created an action plan and I came up with the an article.

If you were doing this project again, what would you do differently
to improve your work?
Be a leader and delegate tasks to people who are suitable for the
task. Respecting members so that there is not conflict and try to be
a good leader as much as I can.

Discuss, how you think, your group could have worked together
more effectively? Missing group meeting only for a valid reason,
paying attention during group meetings, showing up on time for the
group meetings and no criticism of other people’s ideas.

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