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Ideate Entry: Lesson Planning Project


Ideate Entry Artist Statement

Where does it fit in the process?

This step asked us to move past the obvious and generic forms of a lesson and challenged us to think creatively about
ways in which we could format a lesson. I brainstormed to create as many different solutions to our lesson planning
challenge as I possibly could, trying to be as imaginative as possible throughout.

Who did I collaborate with?

I collaborated with 3 fellow teacher leaders in MTH 323 to brainstorm, and observed the product of two other teacher
leader groups brainstorming sessions.

How did I do the work?

We took five minutes to each write down our ideas for questions and activities we could use for our lessons and wrote
them on sticky notes. As each of us thought of a new idea, we would verbally share it with the group and place it in close
proximity to a similar idea.

What did I learn?

I learned that lessons dont have to look like the generic math lessons of our past. We gain valuable insights and ideas
when we shift our paradigm of what we think a lesson SHOULD look like and instead think of what it CAN look like. This
can make us more effective teachers and help us to create more engaging lessons.

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