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Concepts of Leadership and Management

Leadership- are those individuals who are out front, taking risks, attempting to achieve shared
goals. They motivate followers to act and to give their best effort to contribute to the group.

Management- is the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization through the
deployment and manipulation of resources, which means getting the work done through others.

Definition of leadership and management

Leadership- Produce changes and movements in a group, the leader establishes direction that
creates a vision that also clarifies the strategies that are being done. A leader will align people to make
this done, also leader motivates subordinates to act and give their best effort to make things done.

Management- Produces order and consistency, the management processes the planning to
establish the agenda, they will also provide structure to the group and make job placements. The
manager also controls the development and the problem-solving in the group.

Difference between Leadership VS. Management

The leadership obtained their power through influence. A leader focuses on group process, feedback
and empowering others that directs the willing followers.

The management obtained their power through authority from their position. The management
emphasizes control, decision-making, analysis, and results. They can also direct you even if you are
unwilling or willing to do the activity as planned.

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