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Homeopathic medicine For Colds and Influenza

Of all the therapies available in medicine, two stand out as the most
gentle: Homeopathy and Clinical Nutrition. Although either can be used as a
preventive modality or as a treatment, homeopathic medicine’s biggest role
in general practice is as a therapy, and is extremely useful in preventing
many conditions. Clinical nutrition, on the other hand, is most effective as
a preventive modality. In this way both complement each other perfectly.
Homeopathy derives from the Greek “homoios” for similar, and ‘pathos” for
suffering. It was rediscovered and developed in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, a
German physician. Its fundamental science is based in the principle “likes
cures like” (similia similibus curantur). Homeopathy is the system of
medicine which uses medically active substances at weak or infinitesimal
doses that, when administered in health, in a more crude dose, would
produce symptoms similar to those for the relief of which they are given.
This same principle was also stated by Hippocrates 400 years before the
birth of Christ.
Homeopathy is actually the second largest system of medicine practiced in
the world, and the fastest growing. It is very popular in parts of Asia and
Europe, while in France one person out of four has used homeopathy at least
once in a lifetime. Members  of Britain’s Royal Family, including Queen
Elizabeth and Prince Charles, always travel with a  homeopathic treatment
kid, while the Queen also consults a homeopathic doctor as one of her personal
physicians. In this article I focus on some practical guidelines used by naturopathic
doctors and homeopathic practitioners for the treatment of influenza, colds,
and injuries.

This year, health authorities have warned about the possible severity of the
seasonal influenza epidemic. Therefore, I recommend the remedies that follow
to counteract this disease. In order to choose the best remedy, identify the
one that fits best the following descriptions of that remedy and their
Among all the remedies, Gelsemium is undoubtedly the most recommended, but
in order for a remedy to be more accurately indicated, the symptoms of the
flu sufferer have to be similar to those of the remedy.
Gelsemium: flu is present when the person is drowsy, fuzzy, feels down and
worse from damp weather; chills run up and down the spine; great heaviness
and tiredness; muscles ache; may have no thirst with the fever; trembling;
wants to lie down undisturbed and still.
Metal album: chilliness with great prostration; watery discharges from eyes
and nose; cannot stand the cold; thirsty for small, frequent amounts of hot
or warm liquids; may have diarrhea or vomiting; restlessness with tiredness
and anxiety; may have burning pain which feels better with warm
Eupatorium perfoliatum: this strain of flu is characterized by bone pain;
thirst for cold drinks; shivering and chills in back; bones feel broken (in
gelsemium, muscles are the ones more affected); wants to stay still; chills
preceded by great thirst; eye balls may feel sore.
Baptisia very rapid prostration; high fever; flu with gastric symptoms;
³drugged² state; sore muscles; similar to gelsemium, except that the onset
is very fast (gelsemium is slow) and the tongue is heavily coated and
In classical homeopathy, prescribing the right remedy is essential for a
cure. Nevertheless, for prevention, gelsemium 30CH, Oscilloccocinum
(Boiron), Febriplex (Unda), and Thompson¹s preparation are a natural
alternative to flu shots. Or consult your homeopathic or naturopathic doctor.

Homeopathy for Colds

Aconitum is the first remedy to think of when the onset of a cold is rapid
from exposure to dry, cold wind; may be accompanied by a sudden high fever,
frequent sneezing, shivers, restlessness, and anxiety, especially at night.
The victim feels worse in stuffy rooms. Consult your health practitioner
Allium cepa characterized by sneezing; bland discharge from eyes and acrid
discharge from the nose; hot and thirsty; better in the open air; worse in
warm room; soreness may extend to throat and chest.
Metal album: cold with change of weather; very chilly with thirst for warm
water; burning discharge from the nose which makes the lips sore; worse in
wet weather, and after midnight; better from heat.
Mercurius: corrosive greenish-yellow discharge; bad breath and taste;
worse in both extremes of temperature; may have lots of saliva; worse at
Colubrina: very irritable from exposure to dry cold or over-indulgence of
food or stimulants; lots of watery discharge but nose may be stuffed up at
night; cannot get warm enough, very chilly especially due to the sensitivity
to drafts; better after a nap.
Pulsatilla: the person may be very warm, if feverish may not have thirst;
loss of taste, appetite, and smell; profuse discharge in the open air and
stuffed up in warm rooms, this discharge may be greenish-yellow especially
in the morning and evening. If a child, she/he may be more “clingy”; better
outdoors, cold applications, slow motion; worse in hot, stuffy rooms, and
into the evening.
Euphrasia: cold in the eyes, with an acrid discharge from the eyes and
bland discharge from the nose (allium cepa is the opposite); worse in the
evening, and indoors.
Belladona: this type of cold is characterized by its sudden onset; victim
may feel very hot, congested, flushed, with throbbing headache; sore, raw
throat; very thirsty; not much discharge.

Besides the remedies mentioned above, it is recommended to have at home some
homeopathic remedies for use with small injuries. When in doubt about the
severity of the injury, see your homeopathic practitioner, or go to a hospital, but even in
this case some remedies can be of great assistance.
Arnica: is the first remedy to think of with an injury; especially in
injuries to muscles, bruises, contusions; after over-exertion, or any
accident or injury; for both shock and pain (from sprains, fractures,
concussions, dental extraction, accidents); the tincture or ointment is
excellent for topical application to the sore part, but never apply on open
wounds. Internally, the most used homeopathic potencies (strength of remedy)
are 30, 200 and IM.
Calendula: the most often used form of this remedy for injuries, is the tincture, lotion,
or succus (juice). The ointment is used more frequently for skin problems.
It is excellent for cuts, wounds, and scratches. Also as a gargle following
dental extraction; and to stop bleeding. For small injuries, clean the cut,
apply a few drops of Calendula and cover the wound with a clean, dry gauze.
In addition, Calendula 30CH can be given internally.
Hypericum: This remedy is used when there is nerve involvement with an
injury i.e. pain ‹ the kind you get when you hit your finger with a hammer.
Any pain from trauma, cuts, or other injury where the nerve endings are
affected, especially a trauma involving the tail bone, even on old injuries.
Internally, take the 30CH and 200CH. Externally, the lotion is recommended
for cuts and burns, septic toes and nails. Internally, before dental

In North America, Naturopathic Doctors (ND’s) are the doctors who use more
clinical nutrition than any other practitioner. By comparison, ND’s receive
about 60% more hours of training in clinical nutrition than a registered dietitian.
ND’s also receive about 200 classroom hours in nutrition, and more than a
1000 hours of clinical training incorporating nutrition.
During the last 200 years, we have made more changes in the environment than
during the last 2 million years. Atmospheric conditions have been
dramatically changed. Food has been modified, processed, preserved,
pasteurized, homogenized, coloured, conserved, genetically modified, and irradiated in
many ways, especially during the last 45 years. We can observe the consequences of
these changes in our Mother Earth and, as well, in our overall health.
Immune deficiencies, allergies, degenerative diseases, cancers,
cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and many other conditions are
increasing in our western culture.
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) estimates that 50 percent of women¹s
cancers and 40 percent of men’s are related to nutrition. Other authors have
projected that as much as 35 percent of all human cancer can be prevented
through effective dietary changes. There is a consensus that sufficient
circumstantial and epidemiologic data exists linking diet and nutrients to
cancer, and in the etiology (cause) of most of our degenerative diseases,
including diabetes, arthritis, coronary artery disease, strokes, and cancer,
recommending a change in diet and the corresponding use of nutrients to
reduce the risk of disease.
Optimal nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and gentle therapies are the keys to
achieve and main optimum health.

Fernando Ania, ND, has a private practice in Toronto, at the Homeopathic College of
Canada, 280 Eglinton Avenue East for more information, call 416-484-8816.

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