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Departmen :

( Mata Pelajaran Umum /

Subject : Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 1
Code : MPU 2162 / 2133 ( Multi program )
Programme Level CEP =
Period of Semester Semester : Short / Long [ 27 / 6 – 30 / 09, 2022 ]
Status Compulsary
Credit Hours: 3 Jam
Year of Academic 2020
Precondition: None
Language Bahasa Melayu
Teaching & Learning Methods Presentation/ Performances/ Questions and Answer/ Dialogue & Pictures/ Videos
Assessment methods Written assignment, Presentation / Performances. Test / Events & Examination
Teaching Materials Toturial, Slide , Video
Lecturer name : Abdul Rahman
Tel / email : rahman @
Day / Time : Monday ( 12.00 am – 14.00)
Classroom R 4. 6 & @ * Change If Necessary.* Now online teaching classroom
Discussions & Activities ( Participant ) : Each sessions
i. Tests : Week 5 / Class 10
Due of dates ii. Video Presentations ( T 1 ) : Week 6 / Class 11
iii. Essay Submission ( T 2 ) : Week 6 / Class 11
Examinations Date ( January 2022 )
Lectures 42 credit hours ( 2 hours perweek )
Attendance Less than 80 % cannot seat in final exam .
1. I,Coursework = Tasks 1 & 2 [ Assessment of Attendance {**Important } 10 %
a. Task 1 = Tests / Midterm 30 %
b. Task 2 = Tasks 1, 2 and 3 : -
Structures of Assessment i). Video Presentation Individual ( TA 1 ) 10 %
iii) Short Essay Indidividual ( TA 2 ) 10 %
Total of Coursework 60 %
2. Final Examinations Total Marks 40 %
Section A 30 questions = Multiple Choice 30 marks
Section B 20 questions = True & False 20 marks
Examinations Format
( Must answer for all Questions ) Total 50 x 2 = 100 divide to 40%
A = 80 - 100 , B = 60 - 69 ,
Grading of marks
C = 50 – 59 , D = 0 – 49 .
10. Objektif Keperluan mempelajari matapelajaran Bahasa Melayu ini adalah bertujuan untuk : Kursus ini
bertujuan untuk membolehkan pelajar berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Melayu asas yang meliputi
situasi kehidupan harian pelajar antarabangsa di Malaysia.Pelajar juga boleh berinteraksi
menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dan dapat membaca serta memahami ayat Bahasa Melayu
mudah.Di samping itu pelajar juga boleh menulis karangan pendek berkaitan kehidupan
Objective The course aims to enable students to communicate in Bahasa Kebangsaan base that covers
situations of daily life in Malaysia.Pelajar international students can also interact using English
and can read and understand the text Bahasa Melayu easy way.In addition, students can also
write a short essay regarding everyday life ,
11. Hasil Pembelajaran Setelah tamat mengikut mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu, pelajar akan dapat :
a) Mengenalpasti sistem bunyi, sistem ejaan rumi, kosa kata dan tatabahasa Melayu.
b) Menyebut dan mengeja bunyi vokal, diftong dan konsonan yang didengar dan membaca
ayat mudah dengan betul.
c) Mendengar dan memahami pertuturan dalam pelbagai situasi harian.
d) Menerangkan kegiatan harian dengan jelas danboleh bertutur dalam pelbagai situasi
e) Berinteraksi menggunakan Bahasa Melayu, membaca dan memahami ayat Bahasa
Melayu mudah dan menulis karangan pendek berkaitan kehidupan seharian.
f) Menghasilkan idea dan perasaan secara lisan dan tulisan.
At the end of the course, students can:
a) Identify the sound system, the system of spelling, vocabulary and English grammar.
Learning Outcomes b) Calling and spell vowel,diphthong and consonants heard and read simple sentences
c) Listening to and understanding speech in a variety of everyday situations.
d) Describe the daily activities clearly danboleh speak different daily situations.
e) Interact using Bahasa Melayu, read and understand simple English sentences and write a
short essay regarding everyday life.
f) Generate ideas and feelings verbally and in writing.
12. Sinopsis Kandungan Mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 1 ini juga disediakan untuk membolehkan pelajar
Kursus : menguasai asas berbahasa, setaraf dengan peringkat intelek mereka untuk berkomunikasi
dengan berkesan bagi menghayati dan melahirkan fikiran tentang ilmu pengetahuan, hal-hal
persendirian dan kemasyarakatan dalam konteks rasmi, kreatif dan bukan kreatif melalui lisan
dan tulisan, serta memupuk daya pengembangan berbahasa pelajar bagi kepentingan
Sypnopsis pendidikan tinggi dan kerjaya.
Malay Language Communities 1 is also provided to enable students to master basic language,
on a par with their intellectual level to communicate effectively to appreciate and express
thoughts about science, things in the context of private and public official, creative and non-
creative through oral and writing, as well as nurturing students' language development in the
interests of higher education and careers.

This level is a foundation level aimed at enabling students to communicate in basic Bahasa
Melayu in their daily life as aforeign stundent in Malaysia. Emphasis on pronunciation is given
before appropriate vocabulary according to context is introduced. Grammar is integrated in the
language skills through various practice and interactive activities. At the end of this level,
students will be able to interact in Bahasa Melayu and read and understand simple sentences in
Bahasa Melayu. They will also be able to write short essays related to their life.

SEGi University Kota Damansara
Dept MPU 3143 /3142

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