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Video VocabGrammar – IELTS 1

Day 13

Video 1
Topic: Time

Q: Do you think modern technology gives us more time, or less?

A: Definitely less! If anything, modern technology has sped time up with things moving faster every
day. Because of email, now letters are able to be sent and received and answers are expected right
away sometimes. With transportation, you can get to places faster and do a lot more. Things are
actually moving incredibly fast, and that means less time for all.

Technology has sped time up → Technology has accelerated time

Accelerate = happen faster than usual or sooner than you expect

‫یعنی تسریع کردن‬

Q: Did people in the past lead a faster-paced life or a slower-paced life than today?

A: Well, I think that we consider speed valuable today; in the past things definitely went a lot
slower. You know that two hundred and some years ago the fastest means of transportation was
on the back of a horse, and now you can circle the globe in hours. There was no email or Internet,
so information moved slowly at a leisurely pace. I think that maybe things were moving so slowly
that some people felt bored with it, but now it seems that people are bored with this fast-paced
modern life that we live.

Consider speed valuable → Place a premium on speed

Place/ put a premium on = to consider one quality or type of thing as being much more important
than others
Video VocabGrammar – IELTS 1
‫یعنی اهمیت و ارزش قائل شدن برای چیزی‬

Moved slowly→ Went creeping along

Creep along = to move slowly

‫یعنی به آرامی حرکت کردن‬

Video VocabGrammar – IELTS 1

Day 13

Video 2
Topic: Time

Q: Do you think the current working hours of most people are reasonable?

A: I know that in many countries, people are working more and more hours, and even here in Iran,
people have to work overtime. It seems that your work should get done in the time that you have
during a nine to five day, but sometimes that doesn't happen. It seems to me that however long it
takes to get your work done would be a reasonable number of hours to put in. I'm sure that people
would like to work fewer hours, and that would be nice, but again it depends on what their job and
goals are.

Get done → Get accomplished

Accomplish = achieve or complete successfully

‫یعنی با موفقیت به پایان رساندن‬

Q: Is it reasonable for an employer to ask employees to work overtime?

A: Of course, an employer should ask his employees to work overtime if it is really needed. Some
people probably think that it is not needed, but if it is going to help the company, then they should
be willing to do it. Now if some employees are doing their work and others aren't, and all have to
work overtime, then I would say that no this is not really needed and the problem should be fixed
first. Actually, I think that if the employee is responsible, then he would volunteer to work overtime
if needed.

Responsible → Conscientious
‫‪Video VocabGrammar – IELTS 1‬‬
‫‪Conscientious = careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do‬‬

‫یعنی با وجدان‬

‫حاال یه بار دیگه به این جمله دقت کن‪:‬‬

‫‪Things were moving so slowly that some people felt bored with it.‬‬

‫نتیجه این آهسته حرکت کردن چی بود؟ درسته‪ ...‬این که مردم خسته و کسل شدن‪.‬‬

‫انقدر همه چیز آهسته حرکت میکرد که مردم خسته و کسل شدن‪.‬‬

‫وقتی میخوایم درباره تأ ثیر و نتیجه چیزی صحبت کنیم میتونیم از این ساختار استفاده کنیم‪:‬‬

‫‪so [adjective] that‬‬

‫دقت کنین که بین ‪ so‬و ‪ that‬فقط میتونیم صفت بیاریم‪.‬‬

‫در هر دو طرف هم باید فاعل و فعل داشته باشیم تا بتونی چنین جمله پیچیدهای بسازیم‪.‬‬

‫مثال میخوایم بگیم‪:‬‬


‫انقدر خسته بودم که نمیتونستم بیدار بشینم‪.‬‬

‫‪I was so tired that I couldn’t stay awake.‬‬

‫میشه به جای صفت‪ ،‬از ‪ many, few‬و ‪ much‬هم استفاده کرد تا «مقدار» رو نشون داد‪.‬‬

‫‪Mike has so few days off that I rarely get to see him.‬‬

‫مایک انقدر روزهای کمی مرخصی داره که به ندرت میتونم ببینمش‪.‬‬

‫‪Julie makes so much money that she can go out for dinner whenever she wants.‬‬

‫جولی انقدر پول درمیاره که هر وقت بخواد میتونه شام بره بیرون‪.‬‬

‫‪Robert had so little trouble with the assignment that he finished it the day it was assigned.‬‬

‫رابرت انقدر با تکلیف کم مشکل داشت که همون روزی که تعیین شده بود تمومش کرد‪.‬‬

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